The overall conclusion is generally correct- Israel did 911. And they are essentially the leading gang of puppeteers and grifters out to murder us all. But - not to quibble, but there are a few more layers of delicious treachery baked into the cake than this researcher is telling us. For one- Stephen Jones is 911s Bob Malone. He is a made man, bought and paid for by the same syndicate, because as they always do, they run multiple narratives. Every. Single. Time. The main weapon that the "deep state" (international cabal of judaic supremacists) used to drop the towers was the same type used on Lahaina and Paradise, and so many others recently. They write these narratives with multiple layers, to keep everyone chasing different theories, as well as to delay their more advanced weapons from being exposed. When you are a cowardly little gang you need as many aces up your sleeve as you can hold. Just like Bob Malone's job as an actor in the current drama is to convince us bioweapons are real, spike proteins and mrna is real science, and not mass poisoning done by aerosol and selective 5g manipulation/ or some other brute force method, Stephen Jones is there to point to nano thermite as the cause, when the real tech that dropped the towers has been successfully left in the shadows, to be used again and again, to murder us and terrorize everyone into submission to the great and powerful Oz (written by Frank L Baum, a member of the chosenites btw)

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9/11 is very similar to Kovid, I find, in trying to sort out what is real. Easier in some ways, like a practice exercise, as the evidence has already been mined.

Each researcher brings something and then some seem to have fallen into a narrative that may be true but is not necessarily evident.

I genuinely try to avoid the messengers and look at the data. I did not understand that starting out here.

I got enough in front of this to cover Eargate with a cold eye and knew that the most important footage was the first few hours and knew that I had to sort out who was running the Narrative.

It was dead fucking easy from there. That the event did not play as "real" was apparent, but how would it be spun? And spun it was.

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good point re learning to focus on the data - its very useful like you were doing with 'eargate'; pulling in the early reports bc they can often be pretty rich -and tend to get scrubbed, of course

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Very good pickup!

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That Iwo Jima pastiche was beyond parody.

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Indeed, but motivated reasoning is a helluva drug.

And Good Got-damn is there a holdout crew of motivated reasoners that are just....not going to be able to keep trudging if they even started.

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“Conformity is a helluva drug”

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It is also "security" or "normality"

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Well now this looks like movie nite material

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Man...you recall that few daze, yeah?

How wild it was up in here?

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Not as wild as I’m afraid its gonna be.

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I need you to stay sharp and hang in there with me.

Got damn but does this get rough sometimes.

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No worries. Keeping this barstool warm

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Down at the Sunset Grill, perhaps?

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Where did this come from originally? It ends suddenly in a kinda weird way.

Interestingly the oldest kid watching along caught the hesitation in grass in the zapruder clip in this and brought up the invisible gorilla movie. Maybe raised one right then.

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Do I sound mad if I say that this video feels a nice and relaxing change of pace compared to the horror stories from Palestine and the Hurricanes?

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Hey I started researching 9/11 a very long time ago here to "take a break" from kovid, so...😅

A little light topic like 9/11, you know....to unwind!

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🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 Thank you, Sage, for the Disney Movie-esque lighthearted Story Hour break! Who wants a Pumpkin 🎃 Spice Latte???? 😂😂😂😂😂

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How in the hell am I going to mail this to you? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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Just put it on my tab 😎

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This video sent me into my video vault.

The Cory Mills guy featured I think was with Dave Lopez, former Foster Coulson colleague. IIRC, he was a special ops soldier and so was Lopez.

Dave Lopez I am pretty sure was front row and he did in fact DUCK when the shooting began which may indicate he knew that someone was getting whacked.

He was also looking the other way for a long time when Trump was laser pointing to the screen.

The woman right behind him was perhaps outed as FBI on some X site ,but that may have been well poisoning.

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this is huge. But few people would understand, because the covid-dissidents world is so small.

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I know!

I know!

I'm sitting on it and like...N O B O D Y CARES. 😹

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We care!!!! I care, that’s for sure!!! I say keep throwing the topic in their face until they start begging you to “STAHP IT!!!!!!!! Waaaaaahhhhh!!!!”

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Good Lord Sage, this is very good thanks

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Very very very next level clever Psy Op site.

They have raised their game of manipulation in ways that I sense with my gut and cannot lay out cleanly or effectively.

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I think part of the reason for that sense, the tell, is that the limited hangout keeps getting less and less limited. It has to because a lot of people are catching on to the scam and dishonesty in every move by the operatives.

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This is some fine shisnit. Only got half way. Gotta sleep now. Finish it in the AM. 🤭🤭🤭

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I don't think Trump will survive until election day.

Probably has his clones already in place.

After what Biden said yesterday about Iran assonating Trump would be seen as an act of war, how can anyone not see the prediction come true?

The US desperately needs the public to agree with this war between Israel and Iran and taking out Trump will have most of America that is too naïve to understand why it happened, to want blood from Iran because the Zionist Jew media told them it was Iran.

Let's roll!

I have had enough of the Zionist Jews and their cuks like Harris and Trump.

I don't believe it's all about implementing a one world order.

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Fake assassination floated here by moi.

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Hard to tell. Probably many goals to reach and fallback positions as needed. They always play the long game.

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"Strangely being hung out". I think, and have heard before, that everything these dais is to get peiple to lose faith in Everything, no matter what, so that they're so dissillusionrd and lost that they'll gladly take anything that "looks" real, like, idk, Jesus coming from the sky, or alien spacecraft, as a way to get people to "unite!" as one, then led to accept a one world order organization. Finally, uniting, all for the wrong reasons. All under the rule of the one Ring that rules them all. I know I, for one, have lost faith in gov, medicsl institutions, programmed religion and most people's ability to give a fuck. But still I know there are a Lot of people who do see beyond the lies and see it for what it is. Thank you Sage for enlightening us so we can make a difference in our world! Knowledge is key. Action in whatever capacity we have is to our benefit. Every little bit helps and adds up. Never give up. This is the Way:)

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Is there a TL/DR version? I'm watching Murdoch Mysteries with the old lady. She's already like, "You gonna watch this or keep typing on your phone to that Hana chick?" 🤣

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I can't decide which is worse. Getting harassed by a real woman or a fake CIA troll bot woman? 😁

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Double 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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This Godzilla effect is next level

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"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.

This dude was on to something way back in the day. Swap out "stage" for "OP" and weee doggies, we in bidness!


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OK, maybeee swap out "one man" for Trump!! 😎😎

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I am pretty sure we are headed for digital id/ digital currency no matter who is selected by the central banks to rule the us. 9/11 gave them the power to survey us without a warrant, and Covid was to save the treasury and thus the central bank from going broke...not enough died I think. What the next move is..I don't know..probably a combination of culling and digital ID.

It's incredibly depressing.

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MF Tucker! LOL. You know what I see when watching those videos of jfk kills hot? It's Jackie, leaning over him, delivering the shot!!! Amazing, right at that moment she's leaning in and her hand would be in the perfect position. Why did she move like that? Wierd. Then she scrambled up on the back of the car, distraction indeed. Wow.

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And been thinking about those "handler wives" thing. Who better to do it? Bred and raised for that purpose. Except for drumfph, it was his daughter, ugh. She really seems like a brainwashed doll. Her reactions to questions with him shows no soul is there, just smiles innocently, agreeable. Those pictures. I detest him for what he's said about her.

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It is a persuasive video. Why would any undecided voter vote for Trump? It isn’t a case of “the lesser of two weevils.” The case for a new regime led by Trump is stated clearly and simply by Peter and Ginger Breggin and their guest Diana West. Four more years of the present regime will complete the long-planned and methodical destruction of the American Dream. They explain the communist infiltration over the past decades, that Dr. Ben Carson has also warned us about, that has produced the current “Destroy America First!” operation unfolding in front of our eyes. We must ask ourselves which side are we on.


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Are you related to Roger Lloyd-Pack, Douglas?

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no... who's he?

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Thanks, Douglas! He was a British actor - but I misread your name, didn't I? I obviously need my glasses ALL the time now...

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This is what I commented on Youtube: "I don't agree with this analysis. The argument that Trump was an Israeli asset and the assassination was faked doesn't fly because Trump survived doesn't work for me. Trumps reaction to a shot grazing his ear looked real to me. And according to reports from the Stock Market, Trump was supposed to be dead, and a huge amount was bet on the fact that he would be. No Crooks was not the shooter, we get that. Why did you not pick up on the fact that Crooks was an FBI plant, who was allowed on the roof. No the real shooter, would have blown the back of Trump's head off if he had not turned. Was security botched ? Of course, but it was also an inside job. Other analysis has pointed this out. If you had followed the sound analysis, you would have noted that the first three shots were different than those that followed, and the last shot killed Crooks. The red machine was blocking the line of sight to the podium ? That's an assumption that I haven't heard before, and thus could be just made up. That the CIA wants Trump dead does not seem implausible at all since Trump also says he will end the war in the Ukraine. That's the reason used to say Kennedy was assassinated, since he wanted to end the war in Viet Nam before it got going. But the Truth is that both Kennedy and Trump have stated openly that they want to break up the CIA. Yes, George H.W. Bush became the Director of the CIA and President after Ronald Reagan, and that Bush was also an open Globalist. Face it. The assassination attempt was botched, Trump was nipped by a bullet, and people were killed. That's what I have gleaned from all the information presented."

The author presented a clever but distorted picture from the facts he wanted to use to paint his picture. Trump survived and here's why, but it's just that, another deception.


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Not only was he chosen by God, errr.., G-d to help Chosen Tribe commit genocide, err...get Holy Land, but he also TURNED SETBACK INTO COMEBACK unlike that bastard Sleepy Joe who would have taken 12-YEARS!



Donald J. Trump


“The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer – Turning setback into comeback!” YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!





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Obviously, Trump survived in a miracle because God chose him to give Strip of Land to the Chosen People.

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