I feel like I’ve lost my mind.

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Yeah...hang in there.

We into Advanced Psy Op Class Hunger Games now.

I'm weathering the storm and trying to avoid the relentlessness of the inexorable grind to Day Tapes conclusions.

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They keep saying why Trump would do this when he is ahead?

Increased Security State ✔️

Humiliate government so we demand NWO ✔️

Eliminate second amendment ✔️

Create hero worship to eliminate freedom ✔️

Distract from Israeli Gaza genocide and Syria bombing ✔️

Promote Domestic Terrorism narrative ✔️

👀 👀 👀

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

Yeah, the way the MAGA/conservative crowd is rallying around him reminds me of the conservatives post 9/11 rallying around Bush. Makes me think they orchestrated this to create even more hero worship around him, so people will obey when he gets us into WW3.

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Very sharp comparison.

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

These politicians are all frauds--I think they scripted Vance to be fake anti-war (saying things like war on Iraq was mistake), but now that he's got the nomination, psycho is out there pushing for war w/Iran:


JD Vance already pushing for war with Iran after being announced as Trump’s VP: "A lot of people recognize that we need to do something with Iran—but not these weak little bombing runs. If you're going to punch the Iranians, you punch them hard.”

Someone on twitter said Newt Gingrich is out there comparing Trump to Churchill and de Gaulle, so looks like they are going for WW3.

Also, saw video of Eric Trump at RNC flashing masonic hand signals.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Author

Obama ran on ending the wars before running out of bombs murdering the world.

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

Well stated. It seems like the trmp supporters have lost the ability to see anything other than their hero can do NO wrong. There is always an excuse for his errors.

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

All just innocent “errors”. Good grief, amazing those who will never open their eyes to this creature.

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No doubt

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Sage Hana

I need to learn from you because it’s everywhere: Niko House, Jimmy Dore, Richard Grove, Due Dissidance etc. Time to shut it all down.

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Jul 15Liked by Sage Hana

Here's a song for you. Aptly from the end of "Fight Club."


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Thanks, I needed that!

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I love the Pixies.

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Only now?

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

Netanyahu already has plans to make Gaza great again. “City of the future” Gaza 2035. Maybe Trump will want credit for it.

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DJT is probably already an investor in the Gaza city of the future.

Along with the Ben Gurion canal and Gaza Pipeline projects there.

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

Funny how Gaza was selected as a smart city several years ago.

Seems like Gaza is a “build back better” place.


(PDF) The Reality of Gaza Strip Cities towards the Smart City’s Concept. A Case Study: Khan Younis City


05 Oct 2021

Gaza reconstruction to start by October after $1bn pledged | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera


17 Apr 2023

Emerging technological innovation in Gaza Strip municipalities: an entrepreneurial approach | Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship | Full Text


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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

That's very interesting, is it not?

It sounds a lot like Lahaina Hawaii, does it not?

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

Yep and there was something funny odd about some possibles for the East Palistine, OH area where there was that bad train derailment.

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No doubt.

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Funny how Gaza was selected as a smart city several years ago.

Seems like Gaza is a “build back better” place.


(PDF) The Reality of Gaza Strip Cities towards the Smart City’s Concept. A Case Study: Khan Younis City


05 Oct 2021

Gaza reconstruction to start by October after $1bn pledged | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera


17 Apr 2023

Emerging technological innovation in Gaza Strip municipalities: an entrepreneurial approach | Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship | Full Text


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I've always had my misgivings about Trump because of his full throated Zionism. WW3 needs a salesman.

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You’re on to something here.

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Pay attention to your Freedom Not a Movement especially The Wellness Company Media and see if the narrative is:

"Trump was hung out by the Deep State to get whacked! Because he is dangerous to power!"

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That’s exactly the narrative they’ve set up.

“So now we really need to elect him so he can defeat the Deep State!”

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So, so screwed.

JDVance. Good grief, same Yale club as papa and baby bush?

I know shut up go with the narrative Donnie is on our side.

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JD Vance is solidly pro Israel.

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Yep, Izrael first America second or somewhere lower on the list. I would not be surprised if djt was “urged” who to select. Trying to say without ending in goy jail🙄

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Whitney Webb says Vance is connected to Peter Thiel, who is connected to Palentir (wants to track all of us) and Bilderberg

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Sadly. And all the trmp worshippers will say Vance a great choice🙄

Nothing seems to open their eyes even when show them in black and white.

They are worse than the obama worshippers.

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

Dr. Jane Ruby on Vance



JD Vance’s company Narya Capital is an investor in Amplify Bio. Amplify Bio is in partnership RNAV8 Bio with creating more mRna vaccine

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Agree 100%

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He was supposed the drain the swamp last time, not become part of it.

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15

Yes, there were a couple of guys on tick tock who had been trained as military snipers. They are dead sure that it was a conspiracy amongst those supposedly guarding him. Very believable narratives if you don't ask the right questions.

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

At some point during the ongoing Zionist slaughter of Palestinians, Trump called into FOX and literally said (along these lines) "Years ago, Israel controlled Congress, and RIGHTLY controlled Congress, but now they don't have as much control (BS)--So former US President Trump said on live TV that it was RIGHT for a foreign nation to control the US Congress.

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

I have seen that clip a few times. Have not had TV in yrs and got kicked off twttr b4 Musk who never granted amnesty like he talked about. So don’t see as much as I use too.

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Find me that clip!

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana


I think this is the audio, but the visual is different. When I saw it, it was a video clip from him calling into FOX (Fox had something on the screen, maybe the raid at Columbia U over the protesters and Trump was talking)

"They Israel has such power, and rightfully over Congress"

Yet the sheep think he's "America First" -LOL

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Okay, ripping the audio.

You are sure that you saw this on TV?

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

Yes, he called into Fox. I asked that twitter account for the date of the audio, but no response yet.

I'll keep looking.

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It's okay...Put up a brief post. Thank you.

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

this is also not the clip I'm talking about, but looks like he does something here along the same lines:


Trump says that Israel needs to “finish the job” in Gaza and expresses concern that people have forgotten about October 7th, equating them to Holocaust deniers. Trump then complains that Israel has lost its influence in Congress, and pledges to restore it if elected.

(So we have a former President, soon to be President again, promising to restore the influence of a foreign power over US Congress. But apparently, that's not treasonous, and it's also a lie b/c Israel owns the treasonous whores in the US Congress, except for Massie, whose wife coincidentally died suddenly a couple of weeks after Massie went on Tucker and told the world that everyone in US Congress has AIPAC babysitter.

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Going up, do you want promo code?

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

not necessary

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

I'll try to find it--definitely happened since the slaughter was going on.

just did a search and looks like he basically said the same thing back in 2021:


"Trump says, 'Israel literally owns congress'. He says they 'have so much power, rightfully so'."

(said it was years ago, rightfully part comes toward the end)

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Sage, I like this explanation of the Jews:

"The reason for the confusion about the "real Jews" is because they are ALL real Jews, if they were the illegitimate children of the Bloodlines (the 13 bloodlines that run this planet).

As you know, mating and breeding among the Bloodlines is very calculated and orchestrated. However, rampant sex with the locals was not.

So wherever the Bloodlines migrated when they left Egypt (they were the Pharaohs in that civilization) they left behind partial-Bloodline offspring they called Jews, Sons of Jezuits, and set up communities to rear them.

Being partial Bloodline, Jews were regarded as the Chosen Ones, so they were educated, specifically focusing on mathematics and finance. That way, wherever the Jews, the illegitimate offspring of the Bloodlines went, they would ultimately control the money, hence the population. And the Bloodlines' web of control spreads.

Each different sect of Jews were given a version of the secret religion of The One True God, and there were STRICT laws for Jews about mating. Jews could only marry other Jews. In certain sects male Jews were permanently marked in a SECRET ritual to identify them as Jews, circumcision.

So technically the Chosen Ones, the original Jews, were the illegitimate offspring of the Bloodlines WHEREVER the Bloodlines migrated and impregnated the locals.

That makes Jews, Jews. And the Bloodlines would be the 'Master Jews', or Jezuits. The Secret Society religion of religions.

PS 55% of Swiss males today still carry the Pharaonic Gene!

(Switzerland is The Hive, Israel is the Nursery)."

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From the genealogy studies I have read, the Palestinians are the real remaining semites.

The only chosen ones are the ones that were chosen by them selves to be the chosen ones.

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Sean Hross I think his name is - great resource on "Swissies" and Pharonic bloodline genetics

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and if you are ready to go full mindwarp look for Sean Hross's video he did a few years back on Donnie's genetic lineage and ties to Swiss nobility= Pharaonic bloodline= criminal alien despots haha

extensively researched, very unsettling in it's implications. This is ALL a show, an outrageous dangerous insane farce. And they are very good at playing their parts.

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Oh...there's a lot more art project where that came from! 😹

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Remember DJT's signature is on the back of the Abraham Accords commemorative coin, along with a SYRINGE (amongst other things).


There would be no better candidate to grease the wheels for the Noahide Laws, digital IDs, 5G/6G, new qua666ines (and detention camps for those who refuse), military draft (men and women), border walls (to keep people in), etc.

His daughter Ivanka and husband Kushner are Chabad-Lubavitch, purveyors of the Noahide Laws.

Better to take up the cross and follow Jesus out of this evil, matrix world. Because all is coming to pass. As it is written.

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generally you are on to some profound insights here but next level is going to require a look under the hood at that biblical canon and some sky fairy reconsideration that may get extremely unsettling and disorienting when you come face to face with who created the narrative of the Jesus (a beautiful story with profound timeless insights and ideas) and how there was a preceding wondrous story that had all the plot points thousands of years before the Jewish carpenter from Galilee amd other awkward questions like who is the Elohim and who is the El and is that indeed the murderous insane and jealously vindictive Yahweh or is it the child eating Baal or human sacrificial Marduk, or planet saving ET- or Osiris or maybe Isis or maybe a rock opera Shakesperean fusion of all of them (?) and when and how was all of that narrative spun up and put out there and then subsequently substantially edited and rewritten it all points right back to the same little gang of thieves. Greatest story ever told. They tell you. Then they do it. That's their M.O. Been that way for thousands of years.

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All important info that is acceptable by the trmp worshipers yet have a problem with Biden.

A giant crap show.

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Jul 16Liked by Sage Hana

Times of Israel: Trump Assassination Attempt Was Good For Israel


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Posted this elsewhere, but same themes re: fauxssassination.

Good questions. I’m not a believer, tho, in “would they really do this” (stage an assassination attempt) thinking.

The answer is a clear “yes.”

A failed assassination attempt is simply too perfect for Trump. As perfect as 10/7 is for Israel.

The security, the fact the SS sniper had the “perp” lined up before “shots” were fired, etc.

Two people killed is nothing to push a story for narrative.

I sense the incredulity many have re: this being staged is that it would indicate Trump and the shadow government cannot possibly work together.

I think this is a wildly false assumption at this point.

That being said, I’m certainly not 100% on what the total truth is, yet I am 100% certain the truth will not be proffered by msm, nor by most of the alternative news sites.

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It's exactly this.

People don't like where this may lead with either their Hero OR their limited view of how Power works.

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That second half of the first tweet at the start. Puke.

Love him like the second coming of God!

What a pile of horse shit.

I really hate him and Israel more than ever. This shit is a big part of what’s killing this country. AIPAC anyone?? Bueller??

I don’t care if any are offended. As a Christian, I am fed up with all this love for all things Israhell. Do some homework. They aren’t even OT Hebrews.

And I hate to break it to the world Jonathan Kahn is a snake oil salesman and 6 million weren’t killed. Try about a quarter of that. Also why do we need memorials everywhere in this country? Russia love it or hate it bled far more than the AshkeNazis in WWII!!

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And this is the guy who questioned the narrative of 911. Well he supports the terrorists who took down his great view from Trump tower. Money and politics .not truth.

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Oh well here it is then

Was replying to the other one.

This factor appears to be a strong constraint for all 3 options no?

How does MBS and Las Vegas play here, since I think there is another relationship to factor in. Maybe its secondary.

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More on that silver crown they have him here--apparently some of these orthodox rabbis think Trump is their Messiah (you can also find these insane rabbis on bitchute saying that according to the Torah, 6 billion idol worshippers must die- he's talking about us)

At 41 min- https://www.bitchute.com/video/cxzDYW5z6d6U/

On Operation Warp Speed, Jewish guy says "this is a genocide by the Israelis, getting rid of all of you Americans, you're are part of the land of Edom, they consider Donald Trump their Messiah, they gave Donald Trump the silver crown of the Torah which is to be put on the head of the messiah, they are 163 Orthodox Jewish Rabbis gave Trump the silver crown of the Torah, came together at Trump's golf course and gave him the silver crown, 2 weeks ago, they have him a menorah with the inscription "Prince of peace." In Israel, the Knesset and Sanhedrin have proclaimed Donald Trump the messiah, he worked 4 years on Trump's campaign team, Trump is considered the messiah by these 163 Rabbis who run your country, the whole covid agenda was done by Zionist Jews, and they want all of you dead here in the land of Edom, they consider Donald Trump the head of Edom, they are going to kill you people off with this injection, you are considered Amelek.

This Jewish guy is motivated to speak out apparently because his son is dying from the kill shot: https://www.instagram.com/trump_played_you/

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Can’t hold back the trmp vomit.

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"Trumpstein" "Zion Don"

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