Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

I remember a couple of decades ago, (maybe longer, I’m old), there was a push on to get parents to microchip their children. Of course, was for the benefit if the parents and child in case the kid(s) ever went missing. This ain’t their first run on the topic.

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

I was finger printed as a kid as protection from kidnappers. At least I think that was the reason they gave. It was done at school. I remember thinking "how cool" getting finger printed and shit.

Breaking free from all the indoctrination is hard work.

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Had to be finger printed to get my (commercial) cab driving license.

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And before that our pets - and the elderly with dementia (to help find them if they got lost)

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Yes. Diabolical, isn't it?

People do love their "safety".

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Sage, sometimes I like to believe you link in videos with Yuval Harari just to make me laugh at the ridiculousness of being killed by that effeminate, bald twerp. It would be like being tracked down and killed and eaten by a miniature poodle!!! 🤣🤣🤣

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I mean...look how many people Kissinger was able to murder and he was not exactly..."Alpha"

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{...and he was not exactly..."Alpha"...} BINGO !!

Any Chosen One IS an alpha by default, whatever his cognitive abilities and character-traits may be ... 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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I'm not say Yuval won't kill me, I'm just saying he'll probably do it in the basement of the Ministry of Truth while wearing black pumps and a leather corset.

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BINGO !!! ... and bring along with him a queer squirrel that wags its tail to fan his dick ... 🤣🤣🤣

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

Aaron Russo gave the warning in his movie Freedom to Fascism and also an interview. Aaron took a dirt nap there after. Oh yea, it was cancer 🙄

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I saw that video. It was excellent.

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Good.info in an entertaining way.

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

The enemy is gambling that we are too stupid to catch on to the long game before it is too late. They have never had a very high opinion of us. They call us stupid cattle. And generally speaking it certainly appears like they are winning.


Even the most conservative estimate from the enemy themselves admit that 20% of the US population refused even one injection. US population is 330 + million= that's 66 million people who were capable enough in their own abilities to think critically that even under all the pressure, refused to comply. That's some resolute courageous character right there - nearly 70 MILLION people who are wise to the con, who see through the game, who are willing to take a stand. The most generous estimates for the Gods chosen select few is maybe 15 million - all in. The 60 + million Americans who refused the jab, as well as the tens of millions of other humans all around the world are quickly closing on the one or 2 steps left before connecting the dots on who is really trying to kill us all. Once those last few pieces of the puzzle click into place, the enemy will not be able to escape their self induced karmic recompense. Buckle up, interesting times ahead.

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I hope you’re right, Buckie. Thanks for the optimism. It’s important for resistance.

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

They started with putting the “under the skin” chips in pets and marketed it the “so you won’t lose them” and you could “conveniently and easily find them on your phone” BS.

Watch veterinary medical technology because it’s usually the precursor. If you allow it, your pets are being used as test subjects for how they’ll track you down in the future via embedded chips. 😙

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

I suppose the IDs could be randomly shot at and into people? If the following is true.

As described starting at minute 5:20


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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

Well, flechette does rhyme with diskette, so it's just a question of encoding the fleshettes, no? Quantum dots embedded in Newtonian Dots could work too...make us pay for the privilege. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXRxE98XKQA

Paying for privilege embedded in this routine toward the end... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Lb-2VaJYPw

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

flechette* =) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flechette

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Good catch...noted and corrected above. Still rhymes though, no?

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So its interesting. Thanks to this whole crowdstrike thing, all these hand chip kids now uncontrollably flip everyone off.

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Sometimes I ponder what if everybody just stop paying their cell phone and internet bills and see what hebbbens.

It would be very difficult to function in society.

Remember the Kanadian Fascists were fining people for not having the Vaccine Passport App.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

Ha, ha. I like the idea of stopping paying for my phone, internet, etc. My cell mostly doesn't work unless it's on wifi. So when I'm out of my house, I can't find maps, make calls, get calls, etc. Not sure why. I don't like the phone and rarely need it anyway. For a long time I had a flip phone and may go back to that.

Today, I saw something that indicated someone might be in trouble (stroke, etc) in a car in the parking lot. I went into the (big box) store to see if they had a security person, spoke to several people,, but they just acted stupid and suggested I call 911. I told the guy they finally sent (manager) my phone probably wouldn't work and asked them to call. No. He was INCREDULOUS about the phone! What if I needed help, he said. He couldn't believe I'd be walking and driving around (for probably a year or two) without this "lifeline." I said I'd just take my chances and he acted like I was some idiot.

The ironic thing is that I tried to get actual human help from the people in the store, and they cited bureaucratic rules as to why they couldn't help. But DON'T GO AROUND WITHOUT A WORKING PHONE!!! THAT'S DANGEROUS!!! People not being willing to help because "rules" is obviously NOT A PROBLEM. GEEZ!

I WAS able to call 911 after all, and they said they'd come and check on the guy. It was in a remote place with no one around behind the store, or I'd have just tapped on his window, but it seemed unwise. Plus not much I could do in a medical emergency so wanted someone trained. It's possible he was on drugs or something, but that actually didn't occur to me at the time.

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

Of course without the internet I'd miss the brilliant SH substack, so probably won't stop paying right now.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

Looks like fucking with the internet is in "the plans."

It's what I would do if I was one of these evil fucks.

Last week's Crowd Strike hiccup conditioning us for the chaos ahead.

If we are to have any chance, communication will be vital.

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Remember the Solar Winds hack occurred just before the 2020 election…,ever wonder how they might have got access to voter rolls via the back door/dominion voting machines. Know the players….just saying…

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Apparently the system from CrowdStrike is a part of the voting machines software, not sure how many.

Interesting names: Solar Winds, but especially CrowdStrike.

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Yes….part of Solar Winds was the fact that it was used by state governments. Hmmmm….

If you go back….it was a huge splash in the media and then disappeared in like two weeks. Meanwhile, the press just dismissed it’s likely a Russian hack, etc.

The thing that Ivfind most interesting is the government uses the same tech “experts” and companies to investigate the alleged hacking a as the ones (companies and experts) who would potentially benefit from messing with our systems and ‘managing’ the populace through crisis or elections. Go figure.

To think that our government (and TPTB) is not in bed with big tech is naive.

Their biggest challenge at this point is that they have give. The public enough tech that some are beginning to see through the charade and their manipulations. Our struggle though is they have us wholly dependent on the tech. Without it, we can’t communicate our growing awareness of their script for our reality. That and they have dumbed down the masses, stunting critical thinking and curiosity.

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The only "system" affected by the CS upgrade failure is Microsoft Windows--and ALL election software runs on it. Linux and Macs were not affected. Quite interesting timing for a such a FUBAR-type "glitch," considering the story/PSYOP it was distracting attention from...

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Would hope that taught a few people the wisdom of installing a surveillance app you don’t fully control as an integral part of a critical system

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Which ones are surveillance apps?

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Well yes, more easy to specify which aren’t, but this one was special in that they pushed updates to the apps.

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Wasn't criwd strike but DOD STRIKE

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Thought it was well known that CrowdStrike is THE main Israeli/US cyber surveillance system.

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So everyone simultaneously agrees to just stop sending in checks or whatever?

Or somehow just stop using their phones?

I guess the former would eventually lead to the latter albeit more confusingly

I would expect only people above a certain age would still able to figure out how to find where anything is.

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

I greatly prefer real life maps to using the "guidance systems" of GPS on a phone. For one thing, you can get off route and easily find your way back. The phone thing just says "turn left at the light" etc etc. You have no picture of the terrain. I've had taxi drivers use these and they aren't taking the best route, from my knowledge of the area.

Once I tried to go to a store in a new location. The phone took me to the general vicinity, which was near a bunch of freeway loops. They kept directing me around these loops, some kind of hellhole mobius strip, it was. I would still be driving there today if I hadn't taken it into my own hands and figured it out without that "help."

I'm a latter-day Luddite.

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Dedicated legacy info systems enthusiast?

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Back in the late 70s to 80s or so, I might have made a quip involving 'Lude-ite', but I'm not sure there's even any of those left around to gobble under the disco balls.

A few years back, I did download an episode from a TV documentary series that dealt with psychoactive chemicals (entheogens?) and it showed someone in a very 3rd worldish country fabricating the Quaalude formula in (as I recall) something a lot like 55-gallon oil drums. Not quite up to Sasha's cGMP standards, but apparently good enough to distribute to local enthusiasts without killing off too many of the clientele. Oh, here's a link...my bad memory...SA isn't a 3rd world country, at least not all of it is...


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Ha, ha. Lude-ite.

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Hope you understand that Lude-ite wasn't meant as a slam against you or Джил, who also self-identified as a Luddite of sorts. My fave author made a case in favor of Luddism (at least in opposition to the then creeping, now rampaging, technocracy) in 1984, and it's not meant to be disparaging except in the most extreme cases of anti-tech, for which I still have some degree of sympathy.

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

I know I keep saying this. thank you. You are a warrior.

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If by warrior, you mean monumentally curious and stubborn, then okay.

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana


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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

btw I shared this to FB and they removed it. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Still on DARPABook huh?


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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

I have a responsibility to my four followers.

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😅 I can respect that!

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Russell Brand seemed quite off putting when I first saw him. He's twitchy. I once saw a randome youtube analysis of him and how he controls people by ignoring them (looking away from them) when they say something he doesn't like. It was a great analysis and explained part of the "twitchiness". I think it's NLP-like. And he cultivates himself as a Jesus figure that hits people at an unconscious level. Manipulator. For a while I watched him because he was against the things I was against. But still the gut level was turned off by him. The "under the skin" thing explains a lot.

Most of the "freedom" fighters I didn't like on a gut level initially, but then because they said things I was eager to hear, I overlooked my gut. Lots of them seem like flimflam guys. Think "Music Man" con guy. Del Bigtree is one., Donald Trump also reminds me of that musical when I watch him. (We've got trouble, right here in River City, etc). Sell the trouble and sell the solution. Then we have the stuffed shirts like Weinstein. I just saw a random thing that put his net worth between one and five million.

On the other hand, I did like Neil Oliver, similar genre to Brand. Probably he's in on it, too. I liked Dr. Marik and was sad to figure out he was complicit. Those were the only two who had me fooled, assuming they are both "in on it." The others were off-putting but I overlooked it.

In every case, trusting my gut/first impression would have saved me time, energy, being flimflammed, etc. Seeing Russell Brand reminded me of this. Why is that guy so twitchy? He's a manipulator trying to get under your skin, that's why. Don't let him.

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No wonder I fell for Russell, I always had a crush on The Music Man too.

Anyway, I’ve come out of the Russell spell. It’s freeing. Him pushing the RNC was the last straw!

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OMG Katie. I actually had a crush on Robert Preston - The Music Man - when I was 5.

Saw it again 20 years ago and could see the pancake orange makeup on him!

I've had that same thought many times about all the Salesmen coming in on the train the last 4 1/2 years. " What d'ya talk, what d'ya talk, we got Trouble! Right here in River City!"

(I still hope Marik is a good doc because of his C protocol for sepsis, but don't know.)

Couldn't listen to Brand or Del for long because they shout.

Anyone gonna do the shouting around here, it's me.

Bought Neil Oliver's one work of fiction, and I'm sad to report it's pretty much shite. He's a very good archeologist/historian but yeah. Anyone on the air...........

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Marik may be the best actor of them all. Founder of FLCCC along with Kory is a tell.

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Tom dig into whether Marik and Tess Lawrie were on staff in S. Africa together at a university.

What are the odds that two non-USA IVM pushers who vaulted into the Brain Vector hail back to long ago overlap in South Africa.

Also from S. Africa: Elon Musk.

Steven Hatfill, Rhodesia.

Meryl Nass...studied the Rhodesian conflict as a country doctor from Maine would. Anthrax vaccine whistleblower.

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Putting it on my To Do list. Warning, research has never been a strong suit for me. I had problems understanding the Dewey Decimal system and how to use it in the school library!

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Tom, honestly, I only give you thought bubbles and links if you are interested in digging in.

Sometimes you ask people for links and stuff.

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

I appreciate the assignment. I’ll do my best!

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Yes, that was the damning piece of evidence. No matter how caring he appears to be. Another actor. To appeal to a certain segment.

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Fooled me with his crocodile tears about “not being allowed to take care of his patients.” Gotta’ laugh at my own naivety!

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

I liked this guy's simple explanation of why we like some of those put in front of our brain vectors and not others, in fact we may actively dislike them. Also the good-bad dichotomy figures in. My goodies are someone else's baddies and vice versa. He also describes about what it's like when we give it up. I haven't followed his substack, but will read more.


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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

Buckminister once commented here that Mathis is a CIA construct. He wrote an article claiming that the Lahaina fire was a hoax. I called BS on that and demanded he retract it because I had contacts on the ground that saw the carnage. Mathis just laugh at me. FWIW.

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Granted, some people are evil with an evil agenda, and want us dead or enslaved. The other people(on the slavery path, even the middle managers) are somewhere in between. Not all bad nor all good; various stages woke, awakening, beliefs, indoctrination, self aware, self centered, afraid, brave, broke, needing income, kind, liar, flawed, and more. People disappoint (I am one, and indeed have disappointed others and myself on occasion.) Heroes are myth. Wikipedia is harsh and critical of Marik. Is it ALL a set up?

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Anyone who is put in front of your brain vector is in on it. . . is my conclusion. Because the scorps control it all. SH implies this, says this. The Day Tapes, etc.

That doesn't mean some of the things the doctors recommended aren't ok. But which ones? There's the rub.

Some may deserve sympathy more than others. Some child raised in a cult, MKUltra'd, now an adult who ends up "in on it". I'm sad for them. But they are still dangerous and may be responsible for the deaths of many, like in Hawaii fires. Or adults who are compromised by being set up.

Some aren't in on it, but are inevitably influenced by those who are. Like my "good doctor." He's an alternative medicine guy. He uses vit C in an IV for flu, cold if you ask. It seems to work. He's helped me at times. But where does he get his info? Someone put in front of his brain vector. Especially the doctors have been compromised. They want access to your body, through your doctor is a major way.

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Very good analysis.

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"They shout." Yes, that's something I don't like either. If they shout, they're out!

Does the shouting cause people to shut down critical thinking, a kind of hypnosis? Or they shout and when they then talk normally or even intimately, it seems like they are tender. Good cop bad cop trick. . .

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I prefer the original "You and I Should Be One." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRUeMgzOCCo

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I love the Bee Gees, don't care what anyone says!


And we LOVE your sweatshirts Heather B! Husband's rocking one right now, it's an overcast 60 degrees here. This is not Texas......

I need to do a review about how much we like them.

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Thank you so much! I love the Gee Gees too. So we have 2 bands we love in common now. (Bread too!) ❤️💕❤️

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Bob Seger? Journey? Tower of Power? Seldom Scene.... a lot of others......

I'd have to say, off the top of my head, the above, are bands I actually paid money to hear, either in person or recorded. (Though I may have bought a Bee Gees CD.)

How about you?

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LOVE Journey. Once when I was traveling from Tx to Memphis,Tn their bus passed me on the freeway. Had seen the name in my rear view mirror so honked big time to them as they passed and some band members or roadies waved from the back window. Big fan of Bob Seger too. My best friend loved him and had all his albums...

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Also, was heavy into Fleetwood Mac since around 1977...

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Like button working but some sort of software block against the Bee Gees is overriding it... Wonder if Prof. Evergreen would go for this as a theme song for that UN-ity Party thing? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyOWpWIWfyo

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

You will own nothing. Except this brain chip

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

And this brain chip will make you happy.

And will make you love eating zee bugz. . .

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Oh my, me and AI, AI and me as one.

Free loot, no strings.

"What if everyone in the world were given free money, regularly, with no strings attached?"

~Sammi O.

Hahahahahahaha no strings hahahahahahaha


Chains Bishes, chains.

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“Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream.” ~ Malcolm Muggeridge

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Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana

Speaking of under the skin, if you haven't seen this TV show Sage... It was DISTURBING... I saw this before I even was aware that anything was going on in the world... it was full on WEF agenda, and softening you up for open borders etc... but also AI under the skin (transhumanism) and (spoiler alert) being uploaded to the web...

A roadmap for the sh!t future planned for us, I was disturbed by the way it was so normalised.

Unfortunately I can't find full episodes on YouTube, but if it's on a streaming service somewhere, worth a watch, as disturbing as it may be ... the more you watch, the worse the agenda gets...


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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Liked by Sage Hana


I remember when I first saw this episode, I thought there was something really odd about what Del Bigtree said. 🤔🙄

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Igor is how I freaking found Substack.

Also appeared on Highwire.

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Thanks Sage!

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