Say no to drugs kids. Say no to everything actually … until they come for you. And your parents arrive to help you with your mental illness and the state locks you up inside a poorly funded, somewhat filthy I might add, medical facility because you don’t think the same as everyone else … umm just as an example I mean.

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People really really like their drugs.

Like them so much.

They want more drugs. They want "prophylactic antivirals" which "act like a vaccine", signed Bob Malone, 2017

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“Not all drugs are good, some are great!” - Bill Hicks.

We’re all looking for that ego high I guess? Drugs, sport, art, writing a Substack that dissects the current bio-medico-pharmaceutical-DOD-media apparatus and its multifaceted layers of limited hangouts/controlled opposition/counter insurgent ops … 🤗

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Dosage is key...RIP Mitch: www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqHA5CIL0fg

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Sadly, that is the truth.

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Say NO to everyone. Children are quite intelligent when very young, AND NOTICE-- they always say the quiet part OUT LOUD. No one is “shushing” them. Unfiltered and raw. Keep them that way!

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When a person accepts medical coercion and gets injured, she is no more responsible for her own injuries than a victim of rape who accepts to not scream or fight.

The rapist believes it's good for him to have a short time pleasure at the risk of long term punishment, and he could not care less for his victim. The doctor believes it's good for her to win more points in the Neurotic Game of Rockefeller medicine that will kill her too, and she is not worried about legal prosecution, and she could not care less about her patient.

This is obvious to me. Why is this not obvious for the people who must enforce laws like the law that says that people cannot coerce other people with violence? There is no difficulty in the fact that denying medical treatment to coerce another procedure has to have almost the same legal consideration as rape, regardless the safety or efficacy of to procedure. Only and evil Law Professor from Harvard would ever argue in favor of raping people for the benefit of the State. One has to be an non-ironic misanthropist to not understand this issue.

The doctor is a pawn in a game to reduce the population, and their specialty is poisoning people discreet, so that no one can tell for sure what killed the person ten days after the procedure, or ten months or ten years.

They want to end doctors to put robots. Easier to control. They want access to the bodies. Why wouldn't they want that? "Oh you want to keep your driver's license? come here, now we must perform a routine gastroscopy and colonoscopy, at the same time, and a routine brain biopsy to make sure you don't have any cancer that would put other drivers at risk. Safety first! Now sign here these documents that waive all responsibility for the mandatory but optional procedures."

They want to end older vaccines and make everything mRNA. Makes sense, it's the greatest stock market racket in history, all things considered. It's what the consumer wants, right? Everything is hapi: consumers, investors, Satan. It's a win-win-win situation.

Why wouldn't they use a real scandal for that? Of course they would. Who's gonna notice?

It's not easy to fake a case of Stevens-Johnson syndrome, or anything like that. It's real life Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

And yet, it's difficult to not feel outraged.

Before placation, people need to be agitated. We've seen the trick many times. The only opposition to this seems to be underground diffusion of information, like, find another way to treat your chronic condition. Strap yourself to a lawyer before going to see a doctor. Or forget official medicine and focus on naturopathy or homeopathy or whatever may work. But the reality is the pawns will continue to coerce people for the sake of eugenicists and the demolition of the system, with people inside the building.

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This comment reminds me of a government post on social media the other day, about Consent Awareness Week! The comments were a great way to take the pulse—often pointing out how the idea of consent was completely thrown out the window during our vaccine passport phase. Went back in there today and the comments had been cut left right and centre.

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WTF!!!!!!! 🐳🐋

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Faces Investigation Over Decades-Old Beheaded Whale Incident - Yes, Whale Fluids Dripping Into Car While Driving Away With His Daughter Resurface After Over A Decade

The beheaded whale incident is not the only controversy involving Kennedy and dead animals. He previously admitted to disposing of a dead bear’s body in Central Park, New York, over a decade ago. https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/robert-f-kennedy-jr-faces-investigation

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Dude is a real animal lover!

Likes falconing too!

That's how he met Charles Eisenvector...OR SO THE ORIGIN STORY GOES.

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🦅🦁🐴....they are all animal lovers, seems like......

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Sure is a shame they don't consider us peeps animals though.

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Clearly they have so much on Kennedy that he can be blackmailed into doing anything they want.

I'd love to see the tapes!

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Oh and don’t forget that joy ride with Bob Jacobian

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Dude is Haoli!!!

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Now, that's impossible. Whales cannot be beheaded. They are only a head with fins and a pseuodtail. If there is no neck, there is no body. Only head. How 'bout that?

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Oh come on — you’re telling me you don’t know what they mean when they say “That Bobby’s so crazy! He behead’s the whale every Saturday night!”

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Get Roseanne Barr ready for another head clucking grinning clean up video!

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That's Aunty Meryl at 1.40 in the dunes there!

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Dr. Flurm, my brother, that's absolutely South Park material before South Park ever existed.

It's mind boggling.

Thank you for that video.

For thousands of years, probably this thing has happened and there was no human around to make it rain whales. Simply the microbes liquefied and decomposed the whale, and at some point the whole thing became rotten enough for the birds to eat. After a few weeks or months only the skeleton remains. Then the Sun and the changing seasons completely destroy the bones. I've noticed there are no whales cemeteries on the surface. Maybe there are at the bottom of the ocean. Maybe, the whales that end up in a beach are convicted and executed by other whales for some bizarre sexual crime involving herrings, turtles and sharks. Okay, the full Moon has my imagination on overdrive. It's not my fault, it's the planets fault. And the houses. I hate the twelfth house. Worst house ever. Gotta stop imagining stuff. I've given away enough ideas for the next 20 years of crappy TV crime shows. I need to start charging money for these things.

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Look into whalefalls.

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I thought South Park was verboten in World of Sage?

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Look, kids! It’s “Beach Blanket Beheading Dissecting Bingo Night with Uncle Bobby!!!!” .... “Okay, WHO has ‘Left Front Fin’?” ... Child raises hand...“Meeeee!!! I do! BINGO!”

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They're always projecting.

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Para los cetaceanofilos: www.youtube.com/watch?v=odmgJAiUCHE

Voudon-on-a-diet: www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGNmFrhK7E0

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Camille is amazing, thanks.

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First met her in 2009 when moving into a new house in Costa Rica with Sky TV, who had a 90 minute special of hers running w/o commercials...I watched it twice straight through...only lyricist I can imagine who would pen 'my hamster in law' (OK, maybe Tom Waits). www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxxV05p11lc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nAq6r-MJcs

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Thanks for this Stella.

You always have links I can't help but look at......JJCouey for one, who I found in 2021 but haven't had time to watch lately.

Unless you post something.

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Aww, thanks!

JJ Couey is my go to still...Sage introduced me to him a few years ago.... :)

JJ has been on fire lately....hope you can start watching again. 😘

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Good to know!

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Recent JJ episodes where he is being interviewed....

Further Analysis w/ Denis Rancourt & Dr. Jonathan Couey https://rumble.com/v5f69hx-further-analysist-w-denis-rancourt-and-dr.-jonathan-couey.html

Episode 196, "The Red Pill Expo Speaker Chats with Biologist Jonathan Couey"


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Thanks so much for these - I wanted to hear his whole red pill expo and have forgotten to get back to it - I listened to the beginning as soon as he had it up. So again, thanks, Stella.

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"Where there is RISK, there must be CHOICE"


And Peggy strikes again !

Binary warfare. We are getting better at MKUltra.

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They have an Op and NLP for all hammers in the warehouse.

They have tiers, teams of Narrative Clear Coat Sales reps.

But they all must co-sign: Dangerous Germs are coming back THREAT MATRIX was real and now we just want to fight about what to do next time with treatments and with carefully worded laws because Power must deceive.



"In 2012, the Sberbank CEO moderated a panel discussion at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum called “Way Out from the Management Dead-End: Wisdom of the Crowd or the Authoritarian Genius?”

The panelists showed a certain squeamishness for “authoritarian” managerial practices, prompting Gref to liven up the conversation.

“You are saying terrible things,” the Sberbank CEO playfully scolded them. “You are proposing an actual transfer of power into the hands of the population… If each person can participate directly in management, then what are we managing?”

Citing Confucius and Kabbalah mysticism, he reminded his audience of the millennia-old tradition of shielding the truth from the easily excitable masses.

“People don’t want to be manipulated when they have knowledge. What does it mean to remove the veil from the eyes of millions of people and make them self-sufficient? How do you manage them? Any mass management implies an element of manipulation,” Gref concluded.

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Wow, thanks for showing me Herr Gref... "You are saying terrible things" - first I've read of him. He says some stuff, doesn't he!

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We need to get to where we write the game rules.

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Damn. Hard not to have outrage against these sick sociopathic people. I truely believe they hate the human race because we did not .............(fill in your favorite not like. Examples here. "go willingly to the slaughterhouse" "tie the tubes after one child" "live in 15 minute cities" " refuse to eat shit, soylent green, ze bugs or fake gates meat")

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They view the human race as a pest problem to be managed.

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I believe the term is "Full Spectrum Dominance." All your bases are belong to us...

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..."Vaccines are bad and we need better ones."...LMAO. This is big pharma propaganda since no vaccine works as they says it does. NONE! No, we don't need any vaccines and I am proof of that since I haven't had any in over 50 years. I am still alive in my mid 70's and doing well without ANY big pharma drugs of any kind. The body rules, never big pharma.

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Kovid Gump!!!!! Hahahaha. I needed a good laugh today! Thank you for that. This will be my new insult for people moving forward! :)

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Sage, I have a serious question. Skimming through this post, I began to visualize locusts ravaging vast fields, then they all due when the food runs out. Then and I began to consider the premis of the question Dr. Day and his ilk were considering. Then I recalled a recent video I watched in which clips and images of present day conditions in Haiti were shown. Trees have been stripped bare in the entire country like fields are stripped bare by locusts. This that aren't starving to death are fleeing. Sage, it seems to me that, ultimately, resources will dictate the population size, and we are seeing in real time that very scenario playing out in Haiti.

Just to be clear, I'm not in any way, shape, or form, suggesting our planet is nearing over population. I don't know what number of people our planet can comfortably support. But to ignore the reality that there are finite resources and space would be a disastrous mistake resulting in great suffering and death.

Is it unreasonable to be thinking about resource and population management?

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It is not unreasonable to thinking about it.

If you go back to the dire warnings of Paul Ehrilch in The Population Bomb, they did not come to pass.

Much like with climate science modeling, Kovid Disease modeling, etc. it seems like The Science is falsified. As explicitly stated in the Day Tapes that it would be to pursue the agendas of One World Government.

Science would be falsified.

In other words, threats and lies would be propagated to install countermeasures and fascism. We just went through this.

I really really suggest going through the Day Tapes.

We've looked into Peak Oil a bit here as well.

"We own the Science", says the WEF.

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Kirsch just published 20 min ago the update.

Someone is paying 50K for an ambulance to take Alexis Lorenze to a Hospital. Nurse Angela is there with Alexis and her sister.


As predicted, people in the comments are very agitated.

Kirsch has published the name of the Doctor who coerced Alexis. This is going to blow up. I can hear the winged monkeys coming.

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Whatever happened with that Jordon Walker bombshell?

Whatever happened with that NZ Whistleblower?


Why doesn't Rodeo Clown Kirsch (apologize FDA) parse this discrepancy?


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I confess I'm afraid to say what I'm thinking.

I don't want I'm thinking to be true.

Sage, why are you so sure?

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Sure about what?

I'm asking basic questions.

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The pics of the young woman are bad...little Stevie Give Send Go (to where is the Q)

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The pics of Maddie were bad too.

Now Steve's SuperPac dude stands their dumbly next to the Father of the Vaccine.


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Call me naive, but this cannot be faked. I think.

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Why does Steve's SuperPAC funded candidate Bobby stand next to the Father of the Vaccine and not say THE FUCKING KOVID SHOTS KILLED MILLIONS?


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I'm testing this model: Kirsch thinks he is the Batman.

::imagination all the way to 11::

It was a life changing moment for him when he realized in 2021 that the medical system had been killing people and getting away with it for many decades. His whole worldview shattered in many pieces. Mind broken. Politically lost.

So he decides to use his talents as an executive/entrepreneur and his money to do something about this. He becomes an activist.

He gathers many experts around him. Tasks are a assigned. He's told there are places he better not go (DOD.) He can clown himself in his MIT auditorium all he wants. With Jay. Sherpa. And others. But he better stop looking where he cannot look, and he better counter other researchers. Misdirect, and he will still be allowed to play with the mainframe, like in the 1960s.

He picks up stories to agitate. Master of twitter and tiktok. He covers all the emotional bases of fragile people, his political base.

He presents information that drives people crazy.

The campaign for Kennedy doesn't go well. The Gaza genocide did them in for good. Who supports genocide and asks the vote of angry people against genocides?

But these weeks are the last stretch.

What will happen?

Against this model, I have already much evidence that it cannot be like that. Most likely, he knew from way back. And perhaps he was drafted for the mindwar sometime between 2009 and 2017. Very happy draftee.

How far is he willing to go? How much he wants to risk?

I know, I'm sure of it, that the people in his base are completely on board with Coronel Kurt... I mean... Kirsch. A graphene oxide bullet of clarity went through someone's skull. Unorthodox methods of information warfare. Haters gonna hate, shake it off, etc.

They are his people, Captain! He forgets himself with his people! He forgets himself! ::said with a War Photographer accent::

The end. The horror. Yeah. What is gonna take to wake up people who don't want to wake up?

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Can you send me like $1,000 Kofi for enduring this Psy Op.

I deserve better Psy Ops from you. You owe me better.

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The official motto of the Israeli Mossad, "By way of deception thou shalt do war," is derived from a biblical verse, specifically from the book of Proverbs (Proverbs 24:6). The phrase emphasizes the importance of cunning, strategy, and deception in warfare and intelligence operations.

In the context of the Mossad, this motto reflects the agency's focus on intelligence gathering, covert operations, and the use of subterfuge to achieve national security objectives. The emphasis on deception highlights the reality that in the world of espionage, information and its manipulation can be just as crucial as military might. It underscores a philosophy that values strategic thinking and the element of surprise in both defensive and offensive operations.

Overall, the motto encapsulates the operational ethos of the Mossad, which has been involved in various high-stakes missions, including counterterrorism, intelligence collection, and diplomatic efforts, often requiring a level of secrecy and tactical deception.

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Agree just not sure what Steve is up to, hope she gets better is the bottom line

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I know what Steve Kirsch is up to.

He's a Rodeo Clown.

In a Depopulation Kill Box.

He must run Ops just like Trump must get near-assassinated once a week now.

It ain't complicated.

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I think definitely one of the alternative plans being worked on is the set up for the "assassination" of the King of Israel. Much like the "suicide" of Jeffrey, the King will disappear to God knows where to frolic with his whores. The "assassination" will be used to justify the nuking of Teheran. That, in turn, will be used to justify the One World Government. One really doesn't need the Day Tapes to figure out that possibility. One could even consider the idea that the Day Tapes are just another form of predictive programming, I'm just an illiterate peasant so I wouldn't know. But someone Big Smart probably knows.

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Oh absolutely.


And all the aggrieved of the hospital murdered and the parents with stillborn babies and the people with Turbo Cancer from the mRNA shots which were Warp Sped into existence for a fake pandemic.

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But all the people with cancer won't get better. Stares out the window...

My neighbor down the street, 65 years old, trust baby, never worked a real job, always drove the newest Mercedes or equivalent, heir to a Midwest fortune, together with his harebrained wife had a Biden sign in the yard in 2020 and definitely suffered from TDS. In November 2021 after multiple jabs came down with acute myeloid leukemia that just "came out of nowhere" in his own words. Subsequently was miraculously treated with multiple chemo rounds, bone marrow transplants, etc. Died five days ago. From Covid, his harebrained wife said. Thanks God he had those "great 2 1/2 years"! You just can't make this up! The rulers don't care who they kill, just as long as it's a lot of us.

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Yes to all of the above.

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“DA roof is on 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥”

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After what happened today, with what I’m guessing was a stuxnet software program designed to ‘glitch’ the temperature regulation in the pagers, causing the lithium ion battery to overheat and explode, it’s pretty clear they can take you out at any time and any place of their choosing. Vaccines as bioweapons seems pretty lame now.

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Do you know what the Kill Box is 😑. Check out nonvaxer420 on Rumble & Sabrina Wallace … it’s way worse than exploding 💥 beepers

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What are you referring to? I don’t watch “the news”:

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Lebanon attack in which pagers blew up ..

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I think someone sold ‘em a box of plastic explosive pagers. Not sure the battery trick would be so simultaneous

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BBC reassured yesterday that it couldn't have been done with towers, so that's ok, eh?

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I've received news from Paul for many years. He sent this a few days ago.

"Lebanon, which is my second home through my wife, has the greatest free speech in the world, simply because there is no one to enforce censorship. Yet most Lebanese are justifiably proud of this fact. Divided into factions, Lebanon survives by consensus, which it often does not get. It is why Lebanon has had no president for almost two years now. But it is also why there is no consensus on censorship, resulting in the greatest free speech in the world. I suppose that if someone tried to publish blatant public pornography, the factions might get enough public pressure to stop it, in the form of committees of "concerned citizens", but that's about the only thing you could call censorship."

Paul Larudee

Sharmine Narwani, editor of The Cradle, which Meta banned last month, discusses this and other forms of Western repression in the following interview with Dimitri Lascaris on his YouTube channel. I know many of you follow the issue and the increasing restrictions on free speech in the West, but I send this because you might not receive it from other sources.


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First speculation as to attack mechanism I have seen; apparently something close to 10K exploding pagers happened nearly simultaneously. Is that consistent with "battery overheat" ?

The transition from cell phones to pagers seems to have happened recently and rapidly. Does that suggest a compromised source or vendor? With explosives hard wired.

It has got to have an impact on Hez combat readiness; expect this to go more conventionally kinetic in the next 96 hours.

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Informed consent: "We inform you that your consent is tacit". Peggy rocks.

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To your most recent posts about the last 2-3 years...I used to listen to The Highwire,Darkhorse,VSRF, Shapiro (wtf?). Have stuck with Delingpole, Jerm Warfare and the Sheepfarm guys, that’s about it. You’ve helped me discern a little better. I just want good info

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There are long-planned depopulation agendas and digital surveillance agendas.

There are long plans to create a Central Command of World Gov't.

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The rim didn't move.

Still 10-feet. Still bright orange.

There was a faked/staged pandemic of a never isolated "novel" koronavirus.

Everybody went along. Shots were made and aggressively sent TO THE WORLD. THEY WERE MADE THROUGH THE DOD WITH NSA RUNNING POINT.

People died.

That's the rim.

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I see it clearly, but I aint no George Gervin

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Dice through that lane, avoid contact because you are 6'7" 185 and flip that wrist.

Your guv'nor wants you to buy Israeli products. They were nice to him over there.

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Hey, blowing up people’s pagers is not terrorism...get with the program!

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One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

"By way of deception, thou shalt do war."

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Yes, I’ll probably get a state certified pager or cell phone any day now...might have to do regular temp checks on it

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Make sure it comes with the Israeli Pegasus app as fear- promoted by Gavin de Becker on Joe Rogan. 👍

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Oh hey — I know! How about some really fancy vitamins instead!

And lets give people medicines for other stuff. Do they have one for the vapours maybe? Bet that’d work ‘cause aerosols and stuff.

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Chamfort "Nearly all men are slaves for the same reason that the Spartans assigned for the servitude of the Persians—lack of power to pronounce the syllable, No. To be able to utter that word and live alone, are the only two means to preserve one's freedom and one's character."

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So much dancing! Fck. I've been dizzy for years! Dancing around everything but the target (IMHO). "The target," you say? Yes. The obvious fcking target that anyone would ask FIRST: "What is the genesis of this man-made sequence of this SarsCov2? Who engineered it? Why haven't we sought the answer? Oh my. That's my song they're playing. Let's dance.

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