“We began to see a wave of deaths, particularly in senior citizens and elderly who were the first people to get the vaccine.” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
October, 2022, The Real Anthony Fauci, The Movie
(2:33 video)
“We began to see a wave of deaths, particularly in senior citizens and elderly who were the first people to get the vaccine.”
(:09 video)
“The deadliest vaccine ever made.”
Here is Dr. Jay Bhattacharya saying that the elderly in particular needed to get the shots (“for someone who is older, especially…the vaccine is incredibly important”) in October, 2021.
(:27 video)
Here is Bobby praising the selection of Jay Bhattacharya for Trump’s NIH.
Here is Bobby Kennedy, Jr. saying that Operation Warp Speed was an extraordinary accomplishment.
(:18 video)
Bobby Kennedy, Jr. is dancing on the graves of the dead.
I have covered this particular subset of the universe perhaps too closely.
It is difficult for me to see what has happened.
And what is going on right now.
To be gaslit.
Sorry to spam my own board, but I think about stuff after I post.
They knew they were going to kill the olds. All along.
Jay Bhattacharya explains why in his Rand Corporation study.
CAF laid this out as well.
Fauci and Pierre Kory (separate videos which I've run) both used this "African American brothers and sisters" type talking point.
This is scripted in SPARS to overcome vaccine hesitancy from distrustful people of color due to the USG experimenting upon them in the past.
Some scenes from The Real AF that Bobby Kennedy, Jr. reminded me of the cast:
Bob Malone.
Celia Farber.
Mark Crispin Miller.
Pierre Kory.
Harvey Risch.
Peter McCullough.
Vera Sharav.
Mike Yeadon. (very limited)
Naomi may have been in there too.
The plotlines of the film is that AIDS was faked to test meds and that Fauci is an absolute monster.
And that Trump sold out to Bill Gates.
There is a heavy duty emphasis on the VIRUS IS SCARY...(KORY IN HIS ROLE) unless you sprinkle some HCQ and Mectin on it.
These all feel like pre-scripted talking points and these characters showed up on Rogan and Global Covid Summit and Highwire and Kirsch's shows.
I do not think Trump was necessarily tasked with coming back, I think it was supposed to be President Bobby Kennedy, Jr.
I just don't think he could get traction and Trump was called back in, but they did want Bobby and Tulsi it would seem in the mix.