Sorry to spam my own board, but I think about stuff after I post.

They knew they were going to kill the olds. All along.

Jay Bhattacharya explains why in his Rand Corporation study.


CAF laid this out as well.

Fauci and Pierre Kory (separate videos which I've run) both used this "African American brothers and sisters" type talking point.

This is scripted in SPARS to overcome vaccine hesitancy from distrustful people of color due to the USG experimenting upon them in the past.

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That Great Barrington Declaration did mention wanting to jab the elderly - and that was a big red flag for me, so I never did support it. My gosh. Why Bhattacharya et al. quickly became anathema to me - deceitful and evil in intent shown in that GBD! Yet, so many missed that little detail. It was actually the intrepid Peggy Hall who called attention to that sneaky bit in there.

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Alison Wrench in Gears Had it right away. This is before the Vaccine fascism of 2021 which came on like a thunderbolt and busted up the world.


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Thank you for reminding us this. I missed this part myself. Scary, as one gets older (I’m 57), to see the targeting of the elderly. I did recoil in disgust every time I heard someone like Dr. Bhattacharya talk about the jab being good for elderly & high risk people, but everyone else shouldn’t get it. Wait what??? High risk people with comorbidities & the elderly will be among the first to have adverse reactions or die from a new novel experimental never before tested clot shot! Even my low level of knowledge knows this! One doesn’t need to be a doctor or scientist to reach logical conclusions here. The gaslighting is off the charts & that ain’t no lie!!!!

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No need to be scared of getting old. I’m 73. Just remember to eat well and stay active. Most importantly, stay away from Healthcare Industrial Complex!

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The olds get a free copy of "Dr Jay Bhattacharya Sings Your Favorite Bedtime Lullabies" when they get the shot.

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Further evidence of genocide: special olds get special treatment (e.g. Kissinger, Pope, Carter, etc ) they somehow live to 100. Healthy poors dropping dead "inexplicably"

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Only the “elite’s” are “exempt”.

Every time I use ‘elite’ describing these rats I am being facetious.

They all are so evil I imagine them with a odious of decay.

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My relative that is in the UK said right away in 2021 when the shots rolled out, "they are killing the elderly". Shortly thereafter she got covid shots herself.

That is the part that continues to be so scary for me.

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✔️Yup, yup, yup, I know some here too. I just chewed on it the other day… the explicit suicide jabbers… and narrowed it into an alley of avid coupon collectors. The daily gaming of special deals pamphlets, satisfying the bargain addiction, more than necessity warrants. Because the ones in my view - well off, but the potential of missing out is a major issue.

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They were trained that obedience is goodness. Vaccination is a mindless mimetic ritual. A mass suicide.

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Perfect description of the one I met in the post office yesterday, sporting a crocheted lacy face diaper made of colourful cotton threads and holes a hornet could pass through. Stunning ! Where do you even start?!

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Today she'll have ashes besmirching her forehead with all the other virtue signallers.

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I wonder if Dr. Jay is part of the JASON Advisory Group too? Malone? How many others????

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"We can see dead people"...... 😨

Yes, that is what JJ Couey says...it's the population pyramid that they have talked about for over 20 yrs in western nations, especially..... it's murder and lies.... 😓


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Good catch

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Some scenes from The Real AF that Bobby Kennedy, Jr. reminded me of the cast:

Bob Malone.

Celia Farber.

Mark Crispin Miller.

Pierre Kory.

Harvey Risch.

Peter McCullough.

Vera Sharav.

Mike Yeadon. (very limited)

Naomi may have been in there too.


The plotlines of the film is that AIDS was faked to test meds and that Fauci is an absolute monster.

And that Trump sold out to Bill Gates.

There is a heavy duty emphasis on the VIRUS IS SCARY...(KORY IN HIS ROLE) unless you sprinkle some HCQ and Mectin on it.

These all feel like pre-scripted talking points and these characters showed up on Rogan and Global Covid Summit and Highwire and Kirsch's shows.


I do not think Trump was necessarily tasked with coming back, I think it was supposed to be President Bobby Kennedy, Jr.

I just don't think he could get traction and Trump was called back in, but they did want Bobby and Tulsi it would seem in the mix.

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I for one feel very embarrassed & foolish to have got tangled up with the propaganda. Particularly in relation to RFK Jr and his idiotic book, the purpose of which wasn’t to condemn Fauci, Ralph Baric or the BatLady, but to reinforce in people’s mind that there was a pandemic and these crooks made it happen through this irresponsible lab work.

I suppose I must have believed at least some of it earlier on.

The worst moment was to concede, in an interview, that it was possible that the olds would be taking a lesser risk with the jab than the contagion. I slapped myself pretty hard about that and said it only once.

Re the Fauci book, I don’t recall being asked if I was ok being cited in it, and would prefer not to have been, but I don’t care enough about to protest now. What’s done is done.

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Well we used to be pretty proud of the masks we were making for ourselves a few years ago.

If nobody did dumb things nobody’d ever learn

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Thanks for your graciousness.

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Well technically I think I called you dumb but thanks back😁

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Even before the Satanic poison injections remember that Govenor of NY and Govenor of .. Wisconsin? The woman the mass media protected while attacking NY gov? (Vag-cards work almost everywhere.)

They shipped covid spewing snot monsters into elderly homes to kill off the expensive Pensioners and Medicare dependents, with each death extra money to all institutions?

Watching gov do that, what else you need to understand that we are all Palestinians now, except every one of us they kill is more cash and bonuses all around.

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Mike have you done the masonic matrimonial ceremony with a pre-pubescent boy? Your little sanctioned psychopathy club is gayyyyy lol...

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That's a high octane claim: Bobby was selected to be President.

I think Trump cut a deal to come back in 24 around the same time as the Floyd bullshit happened. The democrats would execute the steamrolling of the injectable platforms on the populus, and Trump would play Jewish Messiah for a bit.

I have nothing but circumstantial evidence, like the low profile of Trump during the election of 2020. He had enough information to annihilate Biden and Harris 20 times over. He didn't, therefore, he accepted "defeat" and a come back deal, like in pro wrestling.

And the fact that all the press was deputized by the spying agencies to crush the population. And they were so happy of waging war against the people.

And yes, Fauci is a monster. And AIDS Inc. was a preparation for the big show.

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I don't think it's that high octane, because Real AF was a major major Operation.

NYT Bestseller and all that.

Bobby was making the rounds with Megyn Kelly before Rogan and all that. (The whole exodus of MK and Tucker....another OP.)

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They had both in the race, in tandem. Even though they control the narrative (and ‘fatalities’) they are aggravating the population beyond belief and losing one of their players due to someone blowing a fuse must be a concern. That this hasn’t happened in the span of 5 years with hundreds of millions relentlessly taunted is actually very hard to believe. Keeping an eye on the many covid discharged military and police personnel must take some surveillance ? So I think they built both up to run out the op if needed but obviously had the merger long planned if all went well. My bets are that Trump was the main lead. He is the magnetic showman and magician spelling the crowd - I have no idea how.

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Bobby said "all the references in that book arecorrect. I challenge anyone to find a mistake."

Large parts of that book are ghostwritten by the great Celia Farber. All good people like Celia, all bad actors hate her. Also the losers and the narcissists hate her. She's just too good. She's truly a hero, Sage. She took a lot of risk in exchange of nothing but justice.

Are you aware of the ordeals she's gone through?

And Vera Sharav is also a hero. She and her husband were already denouncing medical murdero before John John was scheming to run over you with the rollerblades.

Vera said "Israel is commiting a genocide against the Palestinians." She takes zero shit from any Zionist on medical genocide or any other mass murder.

When one is committed to justice, many things become clear.

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Celia has Bobby stars in her eyes.

And John John had no ill intent. Just buzzing down the sidewalk too fast.

Rog, I'm not going to have Hero Discussions any more.

I realize that you like this paradigm. 👍

Good on Vera. I think she and Nass are homies.

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I guess I'm not yet as jaded as you are. I still think that animals as dangerous and suspicious as human beings can do heroic acts sometimes.

It's kind of sad to refuse to see the best parts of humanity.

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So don't read the shit.

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‘Jaded’ fails the marks between an exploring philosopher and a proficient head hunter 😆. Both have their merits, the question is which best serves to map and navigate the deliberate shifting and redefinition of their MK-psywar ? Setting strong markers and flags to eliminate already explored cul-de-sacs and ladders leading overboard appears to be a winning strategy while the chop is shifting and the mind is intentionally spun. While I lean to pondering the world it now has me backtracking into traps instead of entangled reality, sabotaging my progress. When anchors are pulled and lighthouses vanish, astronavigation becomes essential.

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I agree: men, women and children can act heroically. Absolutely. Is it your opinion that the System, largely, funnels people towards harming themselves and those around them? That is my opinion. I don’t think that outcome is inherently due to the nature of men and women, but this is where we are. The people who implemented, sustain and control that system with truly unbelievable focus, determination, and effort, I wonder how much wiggle room there is for heroes who legitimately threaten that system. Wiggle room as in, get to continue to effect what we might call positive change without being stopped, what the System might call a threat.

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On Celia's board yesterday, I commented that perhaps Bobby is a Zionist shill, and she liked my comment. I said Trump, Putin, Zelensky, and Bibi have all prayed at the Eastern Wall with their Kiphas on. What about Bobby? He admits he has been there: https://www.jns.org/us-news/robert-f-kennedy-jr/23/7/17/303383/ Loving Israel is part of his DNA...

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They have to have options. Trump, Bobby were your options. DeSantis was probably in the mix.

They def. ran kamala to lose to somebody.

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I remember how desperately some substack users were promoting Jill Stein. LOL!

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Why make AF into a monster? To what end? (Not that anything happened to him, anyway. Just retired, no accountability, no nothing. Yeah - none of that toxic quagmire of retribution for him.)

Celia F was not a duplicitous actor here, though. I think she was tapped for her long history reporting on the AIDS fiasco, and would give credibility to the anti-AF campaign.

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To run an Op of this scope, people are going to be furious.

You need Heroes. You need Villains.

Fauci, Gates, Pfizer, FDA were your villains.

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At some point soon, Sage, these people shall be saying just what you wrote about being gaslit.

While visiting my sweetheart’s daughter, a prominent scientist running a university department, refused to allow me in her home for opting out of the jab. She and her daughter sustained severe vax injuries. They too were gaslit by the agencies and the manufacturers.

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So I used to think that people would awaken, but the Op is still live.

The Op is live.

It's 2025. Most of this was solved mid 2023.

That the shots were dangerous was clear immediately in 2021. I started researching in Summer, 2021 and have not stopped.

People are not going to be able to deal with this. They just...can't get there.

They will get placated. Many of the Konservatives have just lost their minds distracted by Trump and the shitlibs just pretend it didn't happen.

and it's icy cold over here on Frozen Jabs Bad island #3

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Yes, I now fret over the big push for H5N1 +++ mRNA technology, but not as much as I do for the insidious push to monitor and mandate said contaminates in our livestock and produce. We will soon be consuming self replicating patents. Awareness cannot protect us from this unless you have a piece of land and a butter churner, a barn and a tractor. Feed is gmo as well. Sobering.

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So this is where I by contract must point out that the Day Tapes reveal (1969 presentation) that they had already anticipated "go local" solutions.

The best that I can tell is that they don't have the tech yet to mind us (AI)

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Maybe not the Ai grid. But masses of zombies whom they pitch with ease and great skill into conformity policing and collectivism.

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They I think tried that with the Social Policing.

"This time we'll get it right" said Day, as recalled by Dunegan in tape 3

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“People would just disappear and you would not ask because it might endanger yourself or your family. But you would know where they went. If you ask questions, you draw attention to yourself and then you might follow them to where they went. So you mind your own business and step over the starving man on the street who didn’t go along.”

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If doesn’t do what’s claimed or implied for it.

I don’t think it ever will.

Not many examples of breakthrough technology which was sniffed at and had its tyres kicked for years before suddenly taking the world by storm.

Microsoft’s customers are mostly getting LLM AI bundled into their corporate software packages. Smaller enterprises are experimenting only at heavily discounted rates. It’s not enabling them to increase revenue.

Maybe it’ll stall at writing essays, which contain undetected lies from the systems hallucinations.

A key issue is that it doesn’t have to do everything it’s hyped to do. If enough people believe it can run pre-crime tests on them, they’ll stop thinking.

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My brother is a project manager for tech... I am also in tech on the business side..

I was speaking to him about what they call AI the other day... a parent of one of his kid's friends was at the hospital and saw nurses on their phones... asked what they were doing -- they said they often do searches related to medical issues...

This guy is a computer engineer -- got the idea to create an 'AI' powered medical platform and has funded it... he was explaining that they are at this point filling the dbases... that's the straightforward part... then they have to program in the 'AI'.... basically telling it how to respond to questions ...

End of the day he said AI is not intelligent... it's basically a large dbase with calls for info.... it's a tool... a very useful tool...

He finished with 'It's not Terminator and it will never be'.

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"Open the podbay doors Hal."

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The antagonist of Terminator was an AI which with its limited training data and no constraints found an optimized solution that included the elimination of humans. Its early yet.

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The "peer review process" already amplified an AI error across a couple dozen new studies, which indicates it wasn't reviewed and/or the studies weren't done by humans. I'm not sure if you can see Instagram posts or not.


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It filters and controls speech amazingly well, because it only produces from the curated dataset it was trained in. And its now being bundled with the tools which produce our documents to filter and mold your speech for you.

Our childrens brains are being further softened by immediate and fully assembled and calculated answers to every google search on their school chromebooks.

You are correct it does not provide, may never provide, the superhuman intellect promised. But its all good. Human intellect will be reduced to meet it.

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This is what Sasha's hubby does, apparently.

Works on AI large language models.

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"Human intellect will be reduced to meet it."

Good point. A long-running project.

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You don't have to have a tractor. Rotating your livestock can replenish the soil. It won't be easy, but what else is there to do in this life? Take the suicide jab? I'm not optimistic about the chances of survival for the remnant, but I'm since I'm already in this game/simulation, I might as well play hard.

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"People are not going to be able to deal with this. They just...can't get there." That I'm afraid, is the bottom line.

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Late 2021, 22 people at work were showing each other their vax history on their phones. By some time in 2023, not.a.word about vax was heard; company vax mandate was silently dropped, I don;t know when. And so it has been. DId active 40,50-somethings used to get sick so often? Was the office calendar always so liberally sprinkled with "MD apt"s?

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I've resorted to ridicule with the vaxx cattle now. "Oh would you look at that Bob down the street is having a safe and effective moment..."

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Oh wow - that's gotta be a massive SCHAD moment! Good for them :)

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I had forgotten about the Hank Aaron death and that he vaxxed on camera. So sick to watch one hand wash the other.

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Trump administration plans to drop lawsuit over Louisiana petrochemical plant


RFK Jr. ran a non-profit that is responsible for cleaning up rivers and suing polluters. The EPA is under his pervue, and it appears the whole thing was a smoke screen.

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US Supreme Court ruling weakens EPA’s power over water pollution rules


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Trump's EPA appointments raise questions about chemical safety policies


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As an elderly crumpleton, I guess my death preceded me.

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More like they see having to pay a huge wave of social security checks to aging boomers and they didn't want to so....VACCCCCCINES. This is all malarky.

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My husband's parents are 92, 94. They both took the quackcines and boosters. They had to remind their son to get his in the bday card they gave him in 22. We weren't invited to Christmas dinner since everyone there had their juice but we didn't. I was elated not to have to spend time with these fukin idiots. How the heck do some oldies keep taking the poison plus flu quacks and keep ticking? Are some just saline since it's all a giant experimental lab?

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Doesn't it seem like dividing people is a great strategy to keep us fighting with each other instead of looking at the entities doing all of this? It's sad that this has divided families so much. All by design. Fear and a side of propaganda is being utilized to gain compliance in the elderly. They have been fed germ theory narratives their whole lives...from polio to COVID...they have been pumped full of propaganda. It's all psychology. I often wondered why they were conducting so many compliance studies on the population. I think the COVID pandemic was their great magnum opus and all these psychological studies helped lead up to this. From the Asch study to the Milgram and Zimbardo study...all about understanding how to get people to do things against their better judgement...add in a little Overton Window and poof...you have family members hating each other instead of sticking together and fighting against this tyrannical nonsense. I am not a lab scientist by any means and don't know for certainty what is in the jabbies. But Dr. Poornima Wagh and others have independently looked at what is in them and she has stated there are no shots with just saline. Her team found different levels of heavy metals, graphene oxide, and other toxic stuff. No spike proteins. No mRNA. Legislators need to have independent and non-biased studies done on what is really in them just like they did in Italy with vaccines. What was reported in just the regular vaccines there (not mRNA) has stuff in it that was not on the ingredients list. https://www.downtoearth.org.in/health/the-vaccinegate-of-italy-63235

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This is extraordinarily painful to see.

RFK Jr has many of the right instincts, but there is no excuse for stopping at Fauci's fraud, and ignoring Louis Pasteur's fraud, especially in light of the latter's later confession that "Le microbe n'est rien, le terrain est tout." (The microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything.) RFK's treatment of Jonathan J Couey demonstrated his divided mind.

This whole germ theory thing was a deviation which results largely from medicine's embrace of Newtonian physics, in the age of quantum physics. It is so attractive to be able to point out a single cause, which you can then attack.

However, the medical profession has gotten used to being paid for effort, not results, and it has to stop.

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Once everyone realises this is about money changing hands… the DoD has such a lot of black rock options … and most of the political elite have dividend returns..money makes the world spin round.. war and death are for those with nothing in the bank.

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They want less people.

They esp. want less Boomers who they see as clogging up "entitlements"

They want to test gene editing so they can try to live forever.

The money facilitates this of course.

They want people surveilled, preferably digitally, under any pretext, including dangerous germs paradigms.

Framing this as just a profit deal is not the whole story. The people who own the world do not care about money as much as control. They print money out of thin air and loan it to governments at an interest.

They want people dead and survivors as slaves.

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They also want fewer olds because those generations remember how things really were. Without them, it’s easier to rewrite history for better control over the young.

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I believe they might just get their way by fall. Lots of war drum beating now on the surface and lots of meetings underground. As George Carlin said, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKUaqFzZLxU&t=1s

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"Template for gold standard science and evidence-based medicine."

'We own the science', and everything else for that matter.

There you have it.

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"Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science" (Fauci; June 9, 2021).

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Kennedy has broken my heart.

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my 'et tu, Brute' (ht Shakespeare: betrayal) -moment was when his buddy NY rabbi Shmuley Boteach came to the foreground ~'21 - https://vinnews.com/2023/08/16/vin-exclusive-r-shmuley-boteach-spends-several-days-with-rfk-jr-video-pictures/

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“It’s to keep up the warm base” “They’ve lived their lives”

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Ah, yes ; i remember the bull a shit ah very ah well ah. probably vaxed them all with mRNA flu injec tions a a pre-intro of pandemic terror and w\ohah my daughter liveing in NY fell completely for the lined up bodies and got an injection as soon as they were ready. no no dad i will not a talk to you about it,,,, my niece shunned me andd made fun on FB uncle you always get your vaccines you always took them...... an injection fr your soon to be infection wt fudge mMaddie dear daughter

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Redfield pirouettes:

“I don’t think the vaccine industry should have immunity. I’m particularly concerned about this now because … among my ‘Long Covid’ patients are people that don’t have ‘Long Covid.’

“They have mRNA vaccine injury.”

“There’s not a clear path for them to have their injury recognized and compensated.”

“And I think that’s wrong.”

“Hopefully, Kennedy will have a critical review,” Redfield said.

“Let’s just have an objective review by the FDA,” he added.

“I want the safety data out there.”


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