Aug 6Liked by Sage Hana

I guess this was bound to happen with a religion that teaches that non-Jews have Satanic souls which come from the evil "other side", that non-Jews are born hating Jews, that antisemitism is a "law of nature", that only Jewish souls have the divine holy spark, and that their divine mission is to rectify the world through "Tikkun Olam" by cleansing it of Amalek.

"Remember what Amalek did to you."


Netanyahu declaring invasion: "You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible"


Biblical Holy War on 'Amalek' and the 'Sons of Darkness' | Know More News w/ Adam Green, Oct 30th 2023

"Blot out the memory of Amalek."

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6

But I do have a sneaking suspicion that Every religion has been infiltrated..by what are called khazarians, black nobility..etc etc etc.ive left some out. Whatever we call them, one thing I know.. they are the psychopaths, sociopaths or narcissists. And they are survivors..because they have no empathy and guilt. The rest of us have been sitting ducks. They shall inherit the earth and they are almost done.

By their fruits ye shall know them. There are 2 species of humans..the aliens have been here and are here ...they are the Cluster bs..and our time is up.

Survival of the fittest..no?

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A while back, especially having the knowledge from Lawrence, and knowing books will be changed.

Well what about the bible?

I mean you have Revelation 13:16-17 KJV.

What if the same people murdering the world put this shit in there.

Hell they leaked back in 69 what was possible. Maybe they've known for much longer.

"God wins" could and would possibly be the biggest op ever played on mankind with literally billions of believers.

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It’s possible, yet they’ve been so successful through coordination as a group. Seems they at least care about each other

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Martin Luther - “Jew” who infiltrated Christianity


John Calvin - “Jew” who infiltrated Christianity


John Knox - “Jew” who infiltrated Christianity


George Fox - “Jew” who infiltrated Christianity


“Jew” is in quotes because these people are not actually religious. They are all related because of millennia of inbreeding to maintain the bloodlines. They historically have been known as Phoenicians and the people of Baal.

These are a subset of families that maintain their hegemony by hiding behind their status as history’s victims.

“An ancient pun

Here’s what I found: The entire Bible seems to consist of secret messages, very simply encoded through puns, i.e. words that are similar when spoken or written. The first pun I analyzed was Samson’s riddle, and its solution is “hidden leaders”. The Bible is about secret rulership!

Finally, I found that the root of the word “Jew” also has hidden meanings: In Hebrew it is similar to “majesty”. In Aramaic, it is similar to “leader”. In Greek, it is similar to “noble”. By calling themselves “Jews”, the aristocrats are secretly saying they’re “majesties” & “nobles”. It’s one of many “hidden ruler” puns!”


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Duchess, it's not that complicated.

The whole thing with the Khazarians is another psyop which runs cover for the Judaism religion itself. ("It's not the bad stuff written in the Torah, it's the people who infiltrated the religion who make it bad!") Even the religion itself was plagiarized from earlier myths and religions.

Christianity and Islam are both controlled-opposition religions for the Gentiles (non-Jews) to wean them off paganism and "idol worship" / idolatry and get them to worship the God of Israel, aka Judaism-Lite. These are then aligned to fight against and destroy each other, with the survivors becoming Noahide slaves in the Messianic Age.

Did you know Jews say a special prayer to Simon Peter, who became the first Pope, because he was acting as a "secret agent"? The last part of that statement is not even known to most Jews.


'Day of Hate' Hoax & the Secret Agent Founders of Christianity | Know More News w/ Adam Green

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I think Islam is equally uncompromising and teaches that infidels are less than human too. Not trying to defend the Jewish standpoint but just want to be balanced when looking at this. As far as Israel is concerned, it was artificially created by zionists and would not otherwise exist. Zionism and Judaism are two completely different things that have no relationship to one another. If the Zionist state had never been created, I think Jews and Arabs would be living together more or less peacefully.

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Religion does seem to lead people into wanting to murder the world.

And is easily exploited by clever people who do not give a fuck about thees and thous.

Right now it's the *Zionists* and of course the good Jewish people would never ever EVER murder the world, just like the God-Fearing Patriot Christians would never sanction murder and torture.

Only those baddies over THERE. THOSE DUDES.

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☝️ What this type of discussion usually defaults to.

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Perhaps we can aspire to become a tribe that lives by natural law. Let us influence rather than dominate and live by example. Right now we are along way from that but it’s not the end goal that matters but the general direction we are heading in.

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Indeed religion has a lot to answer for and has always been used by men to manipulate and control others. Even different factions of the same basic religion can’t agree and are quite happy to murder one another in the right circumstances. Just look at what happened in Northern Ireland between Catholics and Protestants. Why can’t we just accept that we are all spiritual beings and follow natural law - basically do what the fuck you like but do no harm to others. In fact you don’t need to even be spiritual to follow such a law.

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We cannot accept these things for long I *think because in addition to being spiritual beings, we are at root not that different than any other animal with tribal instincts.

We seem to wish to control and dominate one another. Instinct driven.

And beyond instinct, I do believe there are lines that are crossed into what would be called "evil".

To my eyes, "evil" must hide out to flourish under ostensible "good."

I've considered this for much of my life. And do not claim to have sorted out the mystery of humanity and good and evil.

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The “Jews” are controlling their own opposition.

Iran is and has been ruled by veiled Jews for a millennia:


Hamas is a Jewish creation:


The Israel Hamas war is fake:


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Yeah, it's another cult basically, preaches violence and intolerance to others and their customs and traditions. Islam and Christianity and Judaism all have a common mission to theologically conquer the world and convert everyone to their religion (Judaism wants to convert everyone to Noahides).

However, Zionism is often justified by verses straight from the Torah / Old Testament. Here, enjoy some Bible verses about Zionism:


Amos 9:14-15 ESV

I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel, and they shall rebuild the ruined cities and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and drink their wine, and they shall make gardens and eat their fruit. I will plant them on their land, and they shall never again be uprooted out of the land that I have given them,” says the Lord your God.

Ezekiel 36:24 ESV

I will take you from the nations and gather you from all the countries and bring you into your own land.

Ezekiel 37:21-22 ESV

Then say to them, Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will take the people of Israel from the nations among which they have gone, and will gather them from all around, and bring them to their own land. And I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel. And one king shall be king over them all, and they shall be no longer two nations, and no longer divided into two kingdoms.

Etc etc etc..

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Like they did in Salonica (with Christians, too) under the Ottoman Empire.

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Aug 6Liked by Sage Hana


Everything I have seen indicates it is a nation 100% filled with psychopaths.

No brainwashing is THAT effective.

There is something terribly wrong there.

And the rest of the world is paying the price for it.

See just how well-balanced this minister is: https://x.com/PalestineQuotes/status/1820531732795499001

Spoiler: Israel's Finance Minister claims it might be justified and moral to cause 2 million Gazans to die of hunger before bemoaning that the world won't allow it.

He is not alone.

Not one more drop of blood, lost or spilled, for their Evil cause.

It is past time to cut the puppet strings they have used to control our governments, to cut the billions of dollars in weapons 'aid' that is sent to them every year, and as an aside, charge them as the state sponsor of terrorism they are.

The brainwashing has been aimed at us. Every vector from HollyWeird on down. To convince us that our enemy is actually our friend.

And in that they have been wildly successful.


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I've said an approximation of this multiple times over the last few months.

If you truly believe that "God" chose your people, then you are effectively no different than a sociopath.

Both will do literally anything but one group will simply not care and the other will justify it as God's Will.

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Aug 6Liked by Sage Hana

My sky fairy is better than your sky fairy, Sage. It was written, you see.

It is all so futile. A recursive step to nowhere. Forever.

And a betrayal of our human potential.

To make it we're going to need that potential to be realised.

And that is the ultimate cost of this BS.

Our species not making it.


Arguably, every organised religion is about power and control. Or has been used as such.

Have good things happened under their aegis? Yes. Many bad things also.

These questions of course lead to an entire rabbit labyrinth. Just how far back does the deception go? When dealing with ageless Evil, 'all the way back' is probably the only safe assumption. Can you trust anything 'that is written' at that point? Be it paper or stone?

However, I will say I found growing up with the basic Christian precepts to be a pretty solid foundation. Or it might have been the circumstances of life that augmented those lessons.

Not to say it is the only way. Or even the best way. But I haven't been compelled to jam that faith down anyone else's throat. And best as I can tell, I didn't become a psychopath. Somehow I threaded a needle that shouldn't be difficult but globally seems to be.


Endgame is here.

The Monster is not stopping.

If it wins, everyone loses.

Eyes open, everyone.


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☝️Which is why I started trying to get ahead of the logical outcomes of all the thought terminating Sky Fairy Concept cliches.

About a year ago. I saw where this was going.

Batman vs. Superman SFC's.

It's going well! 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Aug 6Liked by Sage Hana

Well I salute you. I can't remember when i first started wondering...or when I realized zionism was pathological...as are other religious beliefs who have the we are the only ones belifs..usually tacked on afte.......and theh through all the rabbit hole myths..black nobility, khazarians etc....until I realized they are in every religion..the chosen. ,and they are a different species of human..call them psycopaths sociopaths Cluster Bs....without empathy.....and the rest of us who have these traits..empathy et ...are going extinct.

What was that guy..Jacob's..who wrote about the aliens secret breeding program with humans?

What if that was really a metaphor?

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"Aliens" is a distancing mechanism to not give up that humans are monstrous as well as beautiful and "good".


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Aug 6Liked by Sage Hana

I increasingly think most religions are spiked ground, where someone has buried a little gold to sell you a dud mine. I also wonder if the writers of this little tv show we are all living didn’t write the various sky fairy books many seasons ago, with the very very long game in mind. These guys are smart, and unbelievably patient, for a group who is so vicious and into self-gratification. (That’s a paradox I’ll never understand)

The challenge is that, to the extent possible in an absurd universe, I know the woo is true. I’ve experienced it. So…that spiked ground has a strong pull.

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When I studied religion , back to the beginnings , they are all repeats of one another as far as things like the 10 commandments, 10 steps to enlightenment , etc.

Basically rules of how to be a better human rather than an instinct driven ape like creatures

It seems to not be working.

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Thou shalt not *kill.

*Terms and Conditions may apply

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Actually it might not be the God chose your people part necessarily. I think the sociopath part comes in with the belief the rules of society exterior to your people, or even those of your people no longer apply in questions of benefit to your people.

I could be among The People Crapped On By Seagulls. God smiles upon us through such Holy Crapping. And the mess is fine and we are content because through it manifests the Knowledge that God is Smiling upon us. Things get sociopathic though once we decide to haul off and kill and steal the beach blankets of all those bastards putting up umbrellas.

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Yeah, but...Any body hauling an umbrella? ...

Has IT coming!

Tio Mitchito Jest Sayin'

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We need to remember that everything we see in almost any media in regards to Israel is designed to vector our opinion of Israel in a particular fashion. And it is always to laser point away from the fact that Israel itself is governed by a ruling class consisting of billionaire Zionists and those who serve them. John Spritzler has done great work on this in this article: https://www.pdrboston.org/zionism-s-achilles-heel

in the many articles of his own referenced in the above article, and in many other articles on his website pdrboston.org. It is unbelievable how this simple fact of billionaire Zionist control of Israel and how it manipulates the thinking of the entire world is so carefully controlled and hidden. I don't doubt that many, if not most, Israeli's and American Jews who support the Israeli government, are severely propagandized to the point of brainwashing, but the fact remains that it is actually not in their interest to be so.

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Great article

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Aug 6Liked by Sage Hana

See my comment. They are in every religion..hiding among the people for whom religion is just a religion. There are 2 species...

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Aug 6Liked by Sage Hana

Sage, are you a mind-reader? I was just saying this on my walk the other night... "Children are not born bad. I refuse to believe this. Children are molded, through indoctrination and circumstance.

Here is how you persuade the children." 💥

I work in the education system and I see this everyday....

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Cloud Brain.

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Aug 6Liked by Sage Hana


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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Liked by Sage Hana

Here's one creepy "chosen people" advocate: https://youtu.be/EqogVMh8nas?si=vNhNMouZEwq-2-B1

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*REQUIRED* to convert.

The dude at the 6:52 mark makes a gnashing teeth face a lot.


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Aug 7Liked by Sage Hana

Fun fact. Our daughter married a Jew. He is not a "practicing Jew. She was never asked to join his club ,as it were. They have no children together. He is a lot older and had children with his first wife. Also not a Jew. You would not know he was a Jew, except for a couple of "traits". I think the relationship worked because neither of them are religious in a practical sense. 🤔🤔

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Fascinating...299 subscribers...zero thumbs up? Can't click the Like button on Saturdays?

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"Byrning" down the house - what a gift, David Byrne.

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His song "Heaven" is one of my favorite. "Heaven is a place where Nothing happens". There will be a lot of disappointed folks if he's right. 🤢

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After the last few years, nothing might be a blessed relief until the novelty wore off. Heaven with angels... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTD98cAi57g

Just one great big angel... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nqhjp1nHA6U

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

First exposure for me to the song, fantastic creation and cover. Thank you!

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YVW here's the original... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjWej8fOdR8

And another sound... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygjm2cX2klY

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Tanks for the sounds man. 👍🎵👍

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The original is like something Philip K. Dick could have written were he a musician. Kidjo's version is great. Listening Wind sure gets around!

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As a big fan, I get the PKD idea. If you're a Wm. Gibson fan, what about it as something from the soundtrack of the film (that never got made) version of Spook Country?

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I've only read Neuromancer, will get Spook Country now.

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Excerpt of Callicles speech from Plato's Gorgias,

We mold the best and strongest among ourselves, catching them young like lion cubs, and by spells and incantations we make slaves of them, saying that they must be content with equality and that this is what is right and fair. But if a man arises endowed with a nature sufficiently strong, he will, I believe, shake off all these controls, burst his fetters, and break loose. And trampling upon our scraps of paper, our spells and incantations, and all our unnatural conventions, he rises up and reveals himself our master who was once our slave, and there shines forth nature’s true justice. (Gorgias 483e-484a)

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a slightly hopeful take https://bliss-writes.ghost.io/closing-time-brooklyn-ny/

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"He had been serving in the Israeli army through several conflicts. At first he was idealistic and loyal to his nation’s cause but as time went on and he experienced the horrors of war, he began to realize what he was caught up in.

He saw and participated in things that no one should ever experience...things that threatened to destroy his soul.

He poured out his heart and emptied his mind finally of many of those horrific scenes. The one I remember most clearly was the one where he had been ordered to bulldoze the bodies of wounded and dying Palestinians into mass graves. When he tried to resist, his own life was threatened. His face twisted in pain as he confessed his actions... He could not believe that his own army would engage in such inhuman acts. It was more than he could bear. There was no escaping the guilt."


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Aug 6Liked by Sage Hana


The author of the White Trash Manifesto is not a fan.

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Aug 6Liked by Sage Hana

Oops, Redneck Manifesto. Been a while since I read that one. Classic. Worth it for thr chapter on Bigfoot romance literature alone.

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Aug 6Liked by Sage Hana

Holy shit. That last video.

Y'all ready to rumble?!

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The Holocaust started with the T4 program; or the killing of disabled children and adults. They later added the chronically ill and anyone who was considered a 'burden' or 'useless eater' or simply a threat to the state. Today we would use the term 'non-essential'. Unlike the killing of Jews, the intentional killing of disabled people never stopped but became a routine practice around the world. In fact eugenics became a woman's right. The death care system urges all women to screen and selectively abort babies who are diagnosed with a disability. In some countries (Iceland, Denmark) up to 100% of babies with Down syndrome are aborted. The US has an average of around 70%. In the Netherlands you can legally 'abort' a baby up to 1 year AFTER BIRTH. It's called the "Groningen protocol". Fear and dehumanization is all you need to get people to stoop to this level and behave like animals. Dehumanization being the crucial step.

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Kids are not bad.

But they are mad scientists.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6

rage against the machine language.

Correction, rage 2.0:

rage against the machine learning.

"Software wants...to eat everything".

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Every OP they’ve run on us can now be summarized thus: SNOOP DOG AT THE OLYMPICS

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Gaga,ΙΝ Ραris, too::: This one is a particularly interesting case of an ΜΚυΙtrα-Ρ$γΚ0, Bisheees...

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I am so glad some are where i am now

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Already onna list.

"Master Race".

God will forgive me.

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Trying to see how religion figures into all this. I think about cults when I think about brainwashing. And it does seem that most religions are cults. Of course, cults were often run by initiated by influenced by MK ultra. It’s right there in the name, KULT. I’m not sure where I stand on whether it’s true that belief in God is always a negative thing. It could be neutral. It could be good. But churches often seem to go awry. Is that because they have all been infiltrated? As the day tapes revealed. Of course there have always been clergy. Who wanted power history is rife with them. Psychopaths are attracted to roles where they can get away with it. And the church certainly can provide those rules.medicine is another field like that.

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"I’m not sure where I stand on whether it’s true that belief in God is always a negative thing."




Always. Never. Everything. Nothing. All. Nothing.

Note how often this (complex phenomena) gets reduced to simple binaries.

Default and reflexive.

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So spot on! I noted the look in bebe's eyes when he said We were once 'defenseless!' God, the nerve, saying that when he Knows how the holicost went down. Abusing the people practically from birth with that ungodly brainwashing and the maps! And vince's history with theil is so appalling. It's hebbenning again.

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