Oh they scrubbed it because of the New Hotness https://jointheresistance.org/lineup/

I mean all new rebellious people who never did this sort of thing right?

I’m sure most of them are there for the music probably

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That is just a weird lineup. Skillet?

I saw Skillet in 2018 (or 2019) in Reno. One of my friends was dying to go see them, so we drove up and I endured their set and Sevendust's show. The number of tatted up, gothed out little Christian girls was weird, and the whole event had an odd vibe and really odd mishmash of styles. I can only imagine what it will be like when Skillet hits the stage in DC and a bunch of Grandmas are there ready to rock for God, Freedom and Vitamin C!!

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You sharp tonight!

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It's all the Ivermectin...

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Skillet is easy listening. Try Red, P.O.D. and Four Years Strong. Even better, try The Hu. Mongolian rock.

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I've seen POD, I just really don't like Skillet.

Maybe it is all of the God stuff with them.

I want things that make sense to me--pilots with a Texas twang accent, my football coach with an Alabama drawl, my banker with a crisp Etonian lisp. I don't really like a chick in a tight skirt rocking out to God, I find it disconcerting.

What's next Trannies for Bud Light???

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Huuuu are you. Hu hu.....hu hu. Awe hu the fuck are Hu. You brought a needed laugh 🤣

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Where´s Hanna Montana?

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Probably chained to a wall in John Tester's root cellar

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Thanks for this. Personally, I'm particularly disappointed at Jimmy Dore's endorsement. Taibbi doesn't surprise me. Douglas MacGregor? Hmmm...

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He did a SecDef job interview with RFKjr on his podcast quite a while ago.

I’m starting to think we’re seeing the MAGA swap out administration coming together here

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Well MAGA or BAGA - it's the same Company.

And "voters" get to select from the 2 preselected choices who will be the Ringmaster of the New Administration of US Company LLC

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Which I think would be BOGO

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Buy One Get One free?

Bring Out Gittmo Officers?

Big Old Goiters Outside?

I give up.

And as for BAGA..... well, it sounds like presidential candidates in pantsuits to me.

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Yes. And Jimmy? Naive? Or something more?

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Jimmy has always said (as a bit...😐) that he would sell out if you paid him enough money.

He would talk about how much Rachel Maddow made and "joke" that if you paid him enough, that he too would sell out.

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Hoping it's maybe a crazy streak "joke" that he signed up, just for the hell of it. May not be likely, but not inconceivable. But George Carlin he isn't.

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I watched him on a stream say that his Google "liasion" was cool. Minder was there to tell him what he HAD to say..."reduces infection, blah blah blah..."

I watched him with my own two naive eyes tell a komedy audience not to get the shots, they were EXPERIMENTING ON YOU.

Never said this on his show, and I quit watching him.

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I mean the letters are right next to each other. Just as easy to type even if capslocks are stuck

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My caps lock get stuck when I see the flurry of maha stuff now, jamming up the feeds. But this is mostly because I smash the keyboard repeatedly on the desk. Maha is the most cynical and mendacious crap I’ve seen in a while, and I’ve seen some stuff.

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Yeah, he seems to be everywhere these dais too

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Struggle Jennings?! The Defiant? 🤣The names made me laugh as much as the headshots! They really do think we’re all idiots. And they’re mostly right.

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The @s crack me up - @humangarage , @4Tiffanyjustice,


Keep thinking I'm reading humangarbage.

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Poor Taibbi, hair abandoned him, and in that crew, he really stands out.

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“The problem is that we’re heading into our third decade of Western leaders embracing not thinking ahead as a core national security concept. It’s like these people went to anti-governing school.”

Matt Taibbi, The Great International Convoy Fiasco

“As America puts the Canadian Prime Minister's unmentionables in a vise over a truck protest, it's clearer than ever: the world's leaders have forgotten how to govern.”

Yeah. Sure. Guess they just “forgot”.

Welp. That solves that!

What forgetful bunglers, huh, Matt?

Guess that explains it. Nothing else to see here, fam. Think we’re done.

Pack it up. We cracked the case.

Book ‘em, Danno. Cheeseburgers on me!

TK News by Matt Taibbi

The Great International Convoy Fiasco

The White House issued a statement Friday, after Joe Biden chatted with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: The two leaders agreed that the actions of the individuals who are obstructing travel and commerce between our two countries are having significant direct impacts on citizens’ lives and livelihoods… The Prime Minister promised quick action in enforcing the law, and the President thanked him for the steps he and other Canadian authorities are taking to restore the open passage of bridges to the United States…

Read more

3 years ago · 1426 likes · 1574 comments · Matt Taibbi

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Anybody remember this?

"On this day 3 years ago Rudy Giuliani held a press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping"


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LOL, I sure do remember it. Unforgettable, promoted as being at the "Four Seasons."

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It does make me wonder Just how long has this thing been going off the rails.

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My hero, brave, unmasked Captain 9-1-1 supporting my Messiah. Heaven on Earth.

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The governments obstructed travel and commerce! What double-speak.

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Why didn’t he keep the ball cap for the head shot and BE Defiant too?!!

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The new cul-de-sac looks a lot like the old one...at least "get the damn shot" Peterson is present. Should be illuminating. I'll mark my calendar for this one.

Love the revolutionary imagery with Lady Liberty next to Drumph! I'll dust off my ACUs and get my war paint ready!

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I wonder if Peterson will cry this time.

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Interesting lineup. Evergreen Boy is first in that. RFKjr is second. Then Evergreen's wife, Heather is way down. Did E.B. set the whole thing up? He was always on about "Western Civilization" being at risk, but never America.

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Mebbe Sage’s right with his placement on the org chart…

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None of these anointed pro wrestling announcers treat Bobby with respect.

They treat him like a film director treats an extra in their movie.

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There is evidently enough compromising material to keep him out of a full character role

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They always slip up and show some ego or inability to contain their derision.

Saw this with Evergreen and even O'Keefe.

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BTW not sure what to make of this yet beyond the op being rather lively tonight: https://rumble.com/v5ggjv6-trump-plane-threatened-dr.-pete-chambers-and-bazzel-baz-tpc-1582.html Shalom

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Hmm. Derision…beyond the year and a half darkhorse… Haven’t thought along those lines necessarily… Been thinking more of him sorta like the flag in a weird capture the flag game and the football in a different game we probably can’t say the name of anymore.

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I don't remember that stopping people from treating Epstein with some sort of something...... Guess that Jr. doesn't have anything on anyone. It's interesting that all his dirty laundry has been waving gaily in the breeze for years - the sex and drug addiction and dead wife.....

That is a very interesting observation Sage, about Jr.'s treatment from the dimmest, dumbest, dumb ass thought leaders the world has ever seen.

At least Jr. is interesting, and appears to be humbled by his own dumb- assery.

But I still can't stand the stench around the death of the mother of his children. The only time I've seen his ugly side is when he's been asked about it.

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Wow wow wow. WTF?! I couldn’t script that

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Ahhh, Bret has the scariest f-in eyes. Gives me the heebie-jeebies every time I see him.

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His mom needs to take him in for his first haircut.

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I’ve been training on womprats with my t16. Where do I sign up for an xwing?

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Talk to the Haitian dude roasting womprats over the dumpster two blocks down

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What is the play this time around...other than music?

Malone is 'rallying the troops' again but McCullough couldn't join him this time around as he is too busy raking it in with TWC...


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Possibly regrouping. Looks like the attendance was not as planned (note lots of low camera angles, and there’s a row of porta-potties far off in the distance behind where the crowd ends). Can’t imagine the sheets of bulletproof glass helped connect with their audience. No matter how well funded, don’t think this was the Woodstock Evergreen was looking for.

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Regrouping for what? What's the next move and how does the "self replicating mRNA" courtesy of the land of the rising sun tie into this?

My thoughts are that this replicon thing may actually be a PsyOp and it is used as a distraction from something else about to get underway or already underway right now.

It's clear that there is a new OP underway. Every OP has an OBJECTIVE. What is this one's?

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Certainly using the replicon thing as a next pandemic is a possibility. It’ll be interesting if they can ramp the hype up/kill people fast enough for it to cancel elections or inaugurations. Maybe its a race between the bio guys vs the war guys trying to stage up the assassination. The war guys won 9/11, maybe the’re ahead this time too. They did both 100-odd years ago though, maybe its not an either/or…

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Yes, I just put that in a comment:) thank you for posting about it too::) should be a gang banger on the American public.

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Everything's being scrubbed......clean.

October surprise month will certainly be brand new!


All the millions of public comments on 30 years of Mercola's website are gone as of this week, as far as I can tell. Years of comments were still attached to articles as of Sunday...... the website says this today,

"Exciting news! We're thrilled to announce the development of a cutting-edge forum that will revolutionize how you engage with health information online. This major upgrade to our content management system will provide you with one of the best-in-class forums on the internet, designed to exceed all current offerings and transform your experience.

Our new forum will feature a dedicated health community section, allowing for more meaningful interactions and ensuring your questions are properly addressed—a significant improvement over our previous model. While we understand that the temporary removal of comments may be disappointing, we assure you that this change paves the way for a far superior platform."

Is that saying there will be no more reader contributions and talking with one another?

Meanwhile, at least one Alaska hospital has lost it's rehab facility, and dermatology and eye care. Gone. Nada. Zip.

This hospital has had traveling, interim CEOs for over a year.

"Hospitalists" vs doctors.


What could possibly go wrong..............

Brave. New. You know the rest.

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Mercola is an interesting one. There were some rumors not long ago that he was in some weird psychological state, had gone off the rails, etc. It had to do with cultlike influence from a psychic. https://www.supplysidesj.com/branding-marketing/cult-or-con-experts-say-dr-mercola-and-his-supplements-brand-resembles-both.

I noticed it because I'd mentioned one of his supplements to my MD (functional medicine doc) and he said they weren't good. Now my doc recommends all kinds of regular mainstream brands like NOW and a few high priced ones, so I took his advice. It's not like he has his own brand competing with Mercola or anything.

Something veerrrry strange was going on. He had a lot of followers, so who knows.

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Beyond strange, he's been extremely emotional - he says with joy - and crying in interviews ever since he's been with the Bahlon entity. Got rid of his own sister who'd help run his huge operation for decades.

He was terrorized by govt and media for his work in 2020 and 2021, but he was always Joe. The bio hacking clip I posted here the other day was nothing short of ominous, I thought.

I didn't ever like his formulations, but did buy some of the Solspring food, which is great. Also, the people working for him were always happy, sharp and real people.

Which I almost never find anywhere anymore.

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Yes his sister went public I remember ie online and was very worried that Dr Mercola was being heavily influenced by a male who was possibly a guru type figure taking a keadinfmg role in the company in a short time. Clearly Mercola sharing valuable health tips, health research for many years to help the public etc. I think he was anti vax but cannot remember.Of course such a hugely influential figure, working independently from the depopulation agenda of the state, Pharma etc would be targeted by them...they want people ill and or dead for orofit and Mercola was keeping them alive for free. He lost access,he said 2 yrs ago or so, to lots of his online articles. I hope he got them back. He was targeted for censorship by Social Media etc. If he started having mental health issues he might have been poisoned, or a 'targeted individual' or other attacks to stop his valuable work. I still find his regular researchbhe puts on his site useful om general health and hope

that he escapes from any evil.

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That was a very interesting email in the article, Katie.

Helped me figure out, tentatively, who his new partners and CEO are.

I think they're all women.

And I would guess he was raised Catholic, but I dunno.

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Came here to say this. Worry not about which bit is being scrubbed today. It will ALL be gone before long!

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I was always telling the teenagers this......and now I'm gonna be the one butt hurt, having finally indulged in cyber communication.

I like a few things on ss.

Never did comment on Mercola or any other site, but there was years of wisdom there from old timers.

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You're sure right about years of wisdom from those commenting on Mercola, plus his content as well.

So sad....I wonder why I wasn't seeing much from him. His wife still posts on X:


ABOUT (in her words):

"According to headline news, Biden bullied social platforms to ban me specifically with millions of followers each. My account was resurrected by Elon Musk after old Twitter banned me after pressure from the White House. The US Supreme Court just discussed my case by name this spring 2024."

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He was never married, moando. I know he and Erin Elizabeth were together for awhile, but I think she said they split up as partners some time ago - but were still great friends.

I wonder about now.

Has she mentioned anything about him since February on her x that you know of?

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'They' must be shuffling all the medical staff around now. I bet it's happening everywhere. We just got 2 new Peds docs in clinic. One is WA state ex military peds doc. Prob here to get the children 'caught up.' 2 other docs have left. Must be enticing to have just had your cognitively dissonant psychy blown and then to probably get paid big bucks to relocate as an anonymous.

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Many doctors retired around here. I speculated on these possibilities: 1. They saw the bad stuff going on and didn't want to be part of it. 2. They were vaccinated and now have serious health problems. One of my doctors was looking pretty ragged around the edges before he retired. Maybe also related to #1. 3. The system set it up to force these folks out. One who had a private practice said all the additional hoops/paperwork was overwhelming, so she sold to a small practice group. Only one of these docs seemed real old, but some people like to retire early. None have relocated that I know.

I'm guessing all of the above. It's not just one thing, but a whole plan, involving health regulations, insurance bureaucracies, etc.

The new docs replacing them are likely very formulaic and toe the line when it comes to protocols (evidence based medicine). I've run into a couple like that so far. They are crossed off my list of anyone I'd see when I needed medical help.

I think they see themselves as part of a collective enterprise where they trust those who interpret research, pharma companies, hospital admins, county/state/national public health officials, and on and on. . .

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Ultimately, they would like to replace the new robot young docs with AI Robot docs, me thinks.

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They've been trying for a long time, at least the 1960's with psychiatry. "Eliza" was the first computer therapist.


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He is def. using "slave class" over and over NLP command style hammering

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Bizarre. I was noticing the content of his message rather than the process of it. Learning to be aware of both is relatively new for me. Thanks for the heads-up!

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"To relocate as an anonymous".

Chilling words.

And to think I thought it would start with out of state/non local police and "security" forces - NOT PEDIATRICIANS.

Good God.

Do you have any info on what Peace Health is up to? They're what we have here.

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No, just wondering if that's what's going on. Kinda like the replacement of officials after the plandemic was downgraded.

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May I ask? I sis on board with all of this? Chatham?

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I only know what other family members have told me - she and her journalist husband were thrilled with their astros 3 years ago.

They'd parted ways with his brother, a main attache of Putin, and had broken with other brothers of my brother in law as well, since they are Orthodox Russian priests. My brother in law was a devout Russian Orthodox his entire life - his father being head of the Russian orthodox church in exile.

The aforementioned attache brother became close to Putin after writing Putin's biography and Putin restored the whole family's Russian citizenship - lost since 1917.

Sis had two weddings - one where Nixon was wed in socal, I was maid of honor (!) and one in a Russia Orthodox Church in Germany? Or Russia. Can't remember.

Long answer which could have been, "I don't know, probably".

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Confession: in 2021, my wife and I went to one in Houston. We went full white glove. Front seats, luncheon and “executive dinner”. I won’t disclose how badly we were wallet raped due to embarrassment.

This is the part that galled me. We were not given the location of the “executive dinner” until the end of the conference and it was waaaay the fuck away from the conference. We had to drive to some shitty industrial area 40 minutes away a random company headquarters.

We got there and saw the scene and said fuck this. Let’s go back into town and get a seat at the bar at Rainbow Lodge.

Best idea I’ve had in a while.

Fuck those scammers. Said the duped guy…

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LOL. It was a little nicer than that. Think sterile ‘80s modern industrial. Houston is filled with it.

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No, I got what you meant - "sterile ‘80s modern industrial".

That's the exact description that I'm familiar with, and that gives me the heebie jeebies.

I actually prefer dirt lots, I think!

But the above photo was the actual location of what people thought was going to be THIS Four Seasons -


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You are asking a good question Sage. I have a feeling we're not gonna like the answer...

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I cannot state too much here publicly, but someone I know quite well is the main organizor for the ICS. Has been since the start and is very much under the spell themselves. From what they told me about everything there is some funny business happening for sure.

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Funny business all right.

It appears anyone of "influence" in the "health" sector is in a satanic trance.

Under the spell of pharmakia.......maybe?

That's not particularly new - but what is new, is the lockstep, drugged like, zombie like,

AI and group shit.

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‘Trance’ meaning a visit from guido who tells you to shut da fook up, or dey’ll send Joey and knuckles over for a visit?

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Yeah. But there's something else there now too - besides the fear thing.

Almost a religious zeal for being part of ..........something.........

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you are over the target.

roundtable was behind the first summit, and every summit since, but they’ve scrubbed any reference to roundtable and rechristened as international covid summit. next one is in japan. much of the same cast of characters, but roundtable does not want to be linked. search ICS and some hilarious hits show up.

the website itself is a joke. https://www.internationalcovidsummit.com/

shady AF, like a put-up job. no one seems to want to take ownership of it, but brock pierce and his crew is funding it. and some of the gullible keep throwing donations at it.

mario nawfal of roundtable hosted a big twitter space thing featuring the likes of tulsi and jordan p and other intellectual dark web standards, all stumping for trump and the rfk jr thing. roundtable is in pocket and so is the ICS.

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"Why was the United States “Freedom Team” always in fucking Europe?"

Are you using the word "fuck" as a verb? Because I didn't find the continent of Europe that sexually active and I have no idea who would want to hump Kory.

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😅 California Lost will be here all week!

Tip your waitresses and valet!

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Try the veal!

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Here's a video link from the FLCCC. It shows a bunch of people who've had microclots. Why?

IT WAS THE SPIKE PROTEIN, either from being sick with KOVID or getting the shots. They used to emphasize the damage from the shots, but now it seems it's to prop up the mythology of a virus and spike protein. Kory was interviewed. https://youtu.be/KVGf-XZ3Y_s?feature=shared

Kory plays a doctor with a practice here. That man must be superman! He handles all these patients, and finds info on Ivermectin, and goes globe hopping all the time. Heroes all the way down.

Oh, and he thinks there needs to be a new specialty in medicine called SPIKOPATHY.

SPIKEY, SPIKEY, SPIKEY. Just like the medieval weapon called the flail.

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Well there's lots of some kind of Pathy going on.

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True, Sage - the Thought Leaders point us in one direction and then do a U-turn. This is a recent tweet from RFK. He's being called out in the comments because he neglected to state THE OBVIOUS:

"Neither Donald Trump nor myself are against IVF. Of course, we want couples to get the help they need to have a baby.

At the same time, we are going to investigate the alarming decline in fertility. We will evaluate research implicating chemicals like glyphosate, BPA, heavy metals, xenoestrogens, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, and so on. We will look into nutritional factors too. Why are sperm counts declining year after year? Why are girls reaching puberty so early? Why are so many couples infertile? The American people deserve answers, and we will provide them. So yes, IVF — but this issue is so much bigger than IVF."


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You have succeeded in derailing some of my supposositions.

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Thank you for all of the research that you obviously put into this. I admit that I was taken in by these characters up until recently. I used to enjoy listening to Edward Dowd, but I guess he is one of the coolers too, being a good pal with Robert "Deep State" Malone. I guess Dowd's link to Black Rock wasn't enough of a giveaway for me.

I really hope people are waking up. Seeing Satanists still promoting the COVID clot shots on TV is surreal, but I guess they have to maintain this fiction that the jabs are perfectly safe, four years into the jab genocide.

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So I get y’all think the medical freedom folks are controlled opposition. You know, I’m a little people, retired but not anymore herbalist and natural medicine practitioner. An old lady who fought the vaccines back when and did my part to provide alternative, real ways to heal people. And managed the virus or not-virus or whatever without shots or pharm drugs and helped others do that. And now I’m working with folks who have been injured from the shots and we are making some progress. Cobbling together some protocols on these peoples’ websites with our own known ways to do things and helping people. NOT on tv. NOT on any substack with paid followers. NOT being paid or promoting new lines of supplements. Finding IVM does help in many cases which has been anathema to my repertoire it being a pharma drug. These people have been harmed. From healthy to not shortly after the jabs. I’m in a loose connection with many practitioners all quietly doing what we can. I don’t find all of this helpful to our efforts. If anything I see more controlled option trolls trying to confuse and bewilder everyone so that no one knows what to do. I knew Mercola when he was young and new. Didn’t follow him but lord of my patients did over the years. He HAS gotten sucked up into something and that concerns me. But it doesn’t stop me or others down here in the dirt doing what we know to do. And you folks ARE NOT HELPING. From what I’m seeing you are just causing more chaos while real people suffer and are dying from real bio weapons. What all these bad guys you seem to think are bad guys. And maybe are. But they helped to wake up and unite a lot of real people. Whether we’ve been conned or not you, Safe Hannah et al are employing similar psy op tactics and causing more confusion. How much money are y’all making off of your zombies?

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Wolves work in packs

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I remember the trucker protest.

I'm going to call that a win, it was the straw that broke the mandates.

Your body, your choice!

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Oh man...this sounds suspiciously like the "Defeat the Mandates" (Kirsch) ad copy on their page.

Oh wow.

Oh wow.

Thank you bikes. Because I just had a vision of how this *MAY have played out to placate the desperate masses.

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Fairly certain ALL of these various rallies were a means to suck up identifying data to verify who the trouble makers are.

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a bit like ss...

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Looking at the bigger picture, there are plenty of "weapons of mass destruction"

Who needs gun control when you have mind control?

I reckon the good old automobile has been a rather effective murder machine, even if you don't die in a crash, many end up in the E.R. (execution room)

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(And I loved those truckers.)

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ABSOLUTELY....guns don't cut it now. What about the 20 taken ill/injured on the podium before a Trump rally?

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Anyone else sick of them all?

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