Jul 18·edited Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Truth is an obstacle for the fanatics and a life-saver for the skeptics.

'Why would they lie to you?' I want to write about the other "they," the internet commentators and professional independent journalists.

I've seen many people who are good logicians, well informed, curious, compendious researchers, who accept the theory that the shot was real because it fits perfectly with their political agenda or some belief the have and push on their followers. They did the same uncritical belief with Covid and with J6 and with Ukraine and the 10/7 and the subsequent Gaza Genocide, and the almost 23 year old 9/11.

I have also seen the same behavior in the other direction: it's all faked BECAUSE it being real goes against my agenda or the bullshit I peddle to my followers. This type of commenter is more often than not very bad at logic, biased, extremely uncritical of their own team, extremely pro-lockdowns and pro-vaccines and every other biosecurity fascist-communist state measure. They get a piece of propaganda in their heads full of scum and they go to war with it, to never revise it, because that would be civilized and they do not do civilized self-examination. That's what the middle-class do, uggghhh!

I'm not entirely convinced it's all fake. Many things about it look real AND are well supported. There are many good critiques of the thing, but they are often wrapped in contemptuous assumptions that don't hold. It's pure ideology and the obstinate behavior of very stupid leftists who refuse to acknowledge they have helped to establish a crypto-dictatorsip with their evil COVID totalitarianism. There are few things worse than being a stooge of fascio-communism.

I seldom see leftists who allow themselves out of their ideological birdcage. I hardly ever see conservatives who are willing to explore contrary information. The worst of all are the libertarians and former libertarians who are now big-government types, who avoid controversy because they are strategizing inside a black hole of irrelevance.

Whatever. The Covid psyop broke many brains which won't self-repair.

Why do the lefties yell all day against the Gaza genocide and they sinfully deny the covid genocide?

To all those people who fail at the critical step of leaving aside their angle, I would like to remember that many disabled people, old people and children were murdered by villains posing as doctors and nurses, following orders from their beloved politicians. And I have yet to hear any complaint from them. You reapeth what you soweth.

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fabulous post!! many thanks!!

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"..strategizing inside a black hole of irrelevance." Lovely. May I borrow?

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Watch the outcome and then yow will know the intention. - David Icke

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana


I think that July 10, 2023 column is one of your best columns...cause it does sort of Sum things up with a sparkly bow.

Thank you for doing what you do!

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Thank you.

That is the type of post that absolutely melts the "Problem-Reaction-Solution" addicted Blessing to the Warriors Crew.


Very very similar to when I told a Blue Pill Covidian in real life that no...we are not going to vaccinate our way out of the pandemic.

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Jul 19Liked by Sage Hana

Got to write “Ditto!” To what Joey Dee said. The presidential candidate’s “truth speech” would be great dubbed into a Trump and Biden speech and then run one after another.

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random moment alert... I wondered what this song was doing drumming in my brain in the wee hours. “A Spoonful of Sugar.” Did not expect to run into this from the writer's son..."When I was a kid we got the polio vaccine. My dad, working on Mary Poppins, asked how my day was. I told him about the vaccine. “Didn’t it hurt?". I said they put it on a sugar cube and you ate it. He called my uncle Dick and the next day they wrote “A Spoonful of Sugar.” 1964 (lauded as covid 19 incitement) Op alive and well, if you can call that well... Thanks Sage for another slap upside the head for the half-awake...

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Oh my goodness. What an anecdote!

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

I somehow maintain that, despite all the nonsense, we live in an 'intelligent soup.'

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Intelligence Community Soup?


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NO...Not that one! Unless you mean this joint...

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Ooh good share, thx. This was a favorite movie of mine from sweet childhood daze…. Fast forward to a few years ago I rewatched it on a head full of some very fine cannabis, only to have a sinking realization that every single person in this film had blue eyes, and you can tell that some of this was done in post production. So of course one must ask what narrative/op/agenda does this serve?

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aahhh yes! so interesting how this happens... back at you... small wonder the white backlash...

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Are you serious? Your father was working at Disney and this is where that song came from?

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Apparently, political dissent is a public health issue.

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Unwinnable wars on Terror and Unwinnable wars on Germs rely on giving up your freeeeeedoms so we can fight them over there and not fight them over here.

bleep blooopppbooppp

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The noble lies.

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

"We have to come out here and do this stupid song and dance and emote and we hire PR douchebags from Yale to tell you stories, but the real story is Fuck you."

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The sky fairy! Hahahaha. That is so friggin amazing. I am going to nominate you for the IAOTP writer of the millenia award! Maybe you can rub elbows with Foster and Peter McCullough now. Squeeeee!

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Award will be posthumous.

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No worries dead people guest post here all the time

How is Eisensage anyway?

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How dare you botch Eisenhana?

I'll elide this.

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To me she will always be the Eisenvector

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CIA Eisenvector is..alive on a boat in the Outer Banks...and Sage Eisenhana is my dead cousin.

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Oh my.

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People with community influence are traveling to Washington DC Oct 2-4 for the Bird Flu Summit, to be indoctrinated on how to facilitate globalist propaganda upon everyone in their sphere of influence. My point is, the lies are about to get much more intense, actually, as they recycle, and build upon, what worked during the Plandemic, and plan how to control us better than they did the last time.

The link to the summit brochure:


Some of you might prefer a three-minute tik tok video that drew my attention to it. It’s a pretty accurate synopsis, and I think worth the time to watch, especially if scanning the brochure is not a good use of your time:


BTW: there’s a solar eclipse Oct 2. It won’t affect North America in obvious ways; I think most Americans won’t even be aware of it. But the occultists know about it and don’t let such things go to waste—at least, without some form of acknowledgment to their gods and powers. The next solar eclipse after that is Mar 29, 2025.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Honest question. Is that trump clip real? How old?

If so…people are cheering this? Do they not hear the words? Papers please?

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Does anyone know when this was from...I assume 2015 or 2016....

I guess we all did not realize the ramifications of what he was saying way back then...

Now that we have lived thru the Plandemic.....We ALL KNOW BETTER.

Also... We are very lucky that he did NOT keep that campaign promise!!

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Go to nonvaxer420 Rumble and see if it is still there, a 3-hour dive on Trump

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Jul 18Liked by Sage Hana

Thanks Sage...I see it! It is right there...the first clip of the 3hour reel.

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Don't i remember The Don promoting something similar to 15-minute cities by another name just a couple of years ago?

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freedom cities

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When it comes to "having their number", Sage, nobody expresses it better than you:

Not a huge Carly Simon fan, but this fits: https://youtu.be/wHNoj2k3Ufc?si=_D3Ky7eZi2HH4Nvo

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I love that track!

Thanks, Joanie.

I bet if you flipped this entire video and superimposed Joe Biden and a MAGA Rittehnouse kid as the patsy, this would all flip on a dime.

And standing there and pointing it out gets one clobbered. Twice!

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They lie to you because you are too stupid to notice. If you do notice you will be called a terrorist!

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Or engaging in "groupthink" OR "BLACK PILL" 🤨 by the totally not small child inside an adult.



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Our saviour, our hero, God votes for Trump didn’t you know…

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No .. trump is a god

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Yeah, let’s just forget about the fraud, abortions and sleeping with porn stars. He’s the chosen one despite his sins.

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I can't believe the freaks they have speaking at the convention and the looks on the faces of the listeners. They are enraptured. Amber Rose, Hulk Hogan? Just what do the Evangelicals think about that? And Trump is now ever so slowly snaking along changing his ways in their faces. I've come to think that poem about the snake that he was reciting during his first run is really, really about him HE IS the snake. The conservatives and evangelicals have taken him home and now he's going to bite them and kill them and say "You knew I was a snake before you brought me home."

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Ode to the heroes?

Not my song, but verses taken from the song "Hero" by David Crosby & Phil Collins...

"It was one of those great stories

That you can't put down at night

The hero knew what he had to do

And he wasn't afraid to fight

The villain goes to jail

While the hero goes free

I wish it were that simple for me

And the reason that she loved him

Was the reason I loved him too

And he never wondered

What was right or wrong

He just knew, he just knew

And we wonder, yes, we wonder

How do you make sense of this

When the hero kills the maiden

With his kiss, with his kiss"

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OK, maybe not the News of the Week, but Shih Tzu Inc.'s local Sleuths-R-Us branch has been digging into old, saved email notifications...the possible bot, Linda, has "liked my comment" on the following stacks besides here at Chez Sage:

Visceral Adventure,

Diva Drops

Bliss and Blisters

Conspiracy Sarah

Third Paradigm

Surfing the New Normal

The Truth Barrier

The Naked Emperor's Newsletter

The Mariachi Years

Curious to know if anyone has been tagged by Linda on other stacks than these.

Maybe not the Substack analog of Roy Kent, but... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYHqL-Wb8i4

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Thanks for looking into Linda. I don’t know if she has “liked” me on any other stacks, but how were you able to find those “likes”, or even here on Sage other than going through emails one by one? Is there any way to find it on a simple search?

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Top of Gmail has a search bar. I put in "Linda liked your comment" (but not with those quotation marks...not originally) and hit "Enter".

First time, though, I only put "Linda liked" and I got what looked like it was going to be a large quantity of hits, so I expanded it to "Linda liked your comment".

This brought up around 450-500 saved emails.

Maybe I'm afflicted with an extreme level of archivist tendencies, and wouldn't have had so many hits if I hadn't saved all of those email notifications and saved them into separate folders set up for each Substack? But I am and I did, so I got a big bunch of hits.

I did it with the quotation marks, again just a few minutes ago, and got the list down to 204 hits, eliminating cases where the only match was to the word "Linda" or the word "liked". It's early and pre-coffee, so I may not be explaining this as clearly as I might after the 2nd cip o' Joe kicks in.

But, due to having saved all those emails into separate folders named for those individual Substacks, I have a returned list that makes it easy to see where Linda was operational.

Vast majority were from Sage Hana's Substack, and the number of hits from other Substacks were roughly proportional to the amount of time I spend reading and occasionally commenting on them.

(E.g. there's only one hit from The Mariachi Years. It was based on probably the only comment I made on that infrequently published Substack back on 7/25/22. But Gmail found it for me and documented Linda's tagging the comment with a "Like". Makes me realize that if Substack is a corral built as a honey pot into which dissident/subversive types are funneled [Dr. Livingston, I presume?...sorry, can't resist an ancient Shibboleth reference in case Sage reads this, and this far], and if I can search and sort using Gmail's relatively primitive Search functions, then the associational maps that might be created in Utah are so granular and interconnected that they'd look like Mathew Crawford's labyrinthine {not meant derogatorily} displays, in which case those disposed to paranoia should probably either quit Substack entirely, or, since y'all's maps are already buildable at the press of a couple wisely selected keys, just embrace the situation and as Sage puts it...let it rip.)

This may be more than you were asking for. If the pre-coffee status made it ramble and not responsive to something you *did* want to know, feel encouraged to let me know, and I'll take another (shorter, I promise) stab at it.

P.S. If you're the, or one of the folks worried about IVM as a fertility reduction agent, feel encouraged to post a link to source material that deals with this. I'm favorably disposed to IVM based on its anti-parasitic capabilities, which saved me from being terribly indisposed after getting a "bugs in the water" intestinal disturbance back in 2009 in Costa Rica, but I'm not such a fan that I discount its potential for being a negative factor if people take it prophylactically for a problem (C-19) that might not be real or is due to electrical pollution (the EMF/radiation thing). Open-minded skeptic here, so if there's something to look at that might be evidence, I'd love to see it. It's not like I trust something just because it won a Nobel Prize...they gave one to those pseudouridine molecule tweakers and I'm still unjabbed. :-)

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IT, thanks for taking the time to explain how you were able to figure that out. You are much more thorough than I and I am far too lazy/busy than to do such a job of archival. I suppose I am just willing to depend on people like yourself who do do it. My own email throws all my liked comments into the Spam folder where they are erased after 30 days, and I’ve never bothered to change that, so I wouldn’t be able to find them as you have. I don’t comment all that much on other sites/Stacks so I doubt there are many, perhaps any, Linda likes there. I suppose I just look at in a sort of nihilist way, that if we all shut up to avoid a bot letting us know it has an eye on us then we’ve declared defeat without shooting a shot. Just not my nature nor many others for which I’m thankful.

On the issue of IVM and fertility I don’t have any good data. There was that early study from Nigeria highlighted by Tim Truth that I discounted completely. I treated about 45 “Covid” cases (a few pretty sick, even close to valid hospitalization, most relatively mild). Treatment with IVM was max 5 days and seemed to have a positive effect, but honestly I can’t be sure in retrospect. At higher doses (0.6mg/kg/d) some patients developed vision disturbances. I doubt 5 days treatment would affect fertility, but I have no data to support that. I used IVM prophylactically for a while during the ‘21-‘22 period but didn’t recommend it to others as I don’t advocate using untested therapies other than in dire circumstances, which I didn’t consider prophylactic use to be.

Hope this helps.

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OK, thanks (Dr.?) (Major?) Tom...I may have got you mixed up with Tim Truth based on the Double-T initials match. We match up fairly close wrt personal IVM use and overall estimation of efficacy.

If the C-19 syndrome back then was, apart from a few strategically chosen areas where JJ Couey's infectious clones or some other tech were distributed as actual poisons, do you figure that many of the folks affected with physical symptoms may have been suffering from a combination ambient EM radiation and the zone-flooding of fear propaganda? If so, did some of the people who got better with IVM improve via the good-old placebo effect, in which belief in the tablets allowed them to improve their conditions? I'm wide open to that.

I've remarked here a number of times that I had a wonderful reaction to IVM after getting a bad case of what was almost certainly a parasite infestation in Costa Rica during the annual transition period from the dry season, during which the little critters tend to be at the bottom of water reservoirs, and the rainy season, when the reservoirs get a massive churning effect due to the rapid influx of water. IVM was recommended by a fellow expat, and the shopkeeper at the local (P)farmacia knew exactly what we needed and was able to find it on the shelves in about 10 seconds. So, only had to have that happen once to know that IVM has good effects against bad stuff. Curiously, but not surprisingly, in 2020 the Ministry of Health made it unavailable based on a cover story the details of which I don't recall, but unavailability was confirmed by a good friend expat who is still there, who got his IVM in a tube from a veterinary supply outlet...Health for livestock, not for citizens, suckas?

Since I have a stock on hand that I bought from India, when I lost 14 pounds in about 4 weeks this time last year, I looked online and found out about a number of studies about using IVM in conjunction with Fenbendazole against cancer...started using the IVM tabs with Panacur from Tractor Supply, stopped the weight loss and got the pounds back over the course of a couple of months. I had prompt Cat scans of chest & abdominal area come back clean, as did a CAT colonoscopy a couple months later (delayed only because of a backlog at the local hospital's imaging center). Maybe there was a tumor in the pipeline that got thwarted by the IVM + Fenben? Who knows? But early this year, when a Substacker I follow reported a breast tumor diagnosis, I sent her a box of IVM and a box of Mebendazole that I had sourced from India. She took those and started the Tippens protocol and some other non-AMA-approved treatments and just got back home after having the tumor (which had shrunk about 50%) surgically removed in Mexico. Pretty small sample size (N-2), and I'm not channeling Charleton Heston's Cold Head Hands NRA riff, but...my personal team's box score for the Twilight-of-the-Gods-Doubleheader is 2-0 with no bad effects yet, so...

P.S. My 14 pound drop was during a period of absolutely no change in my diet, vitamin/supplement regimen, or exercise routine of swimming a half mile/day (I have lumbar pain that prevents me from walking/running for cardio).

Cheers & let me know if you need any legwork done research-wise. ;-)


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Hi Sage ... and is that George Carlin whispering in the background?


It appears to be an uncomfortable part of collective human nature. But as time is short, I won't even touch the moral continuum with this comment. Just some observations about some general limitations of the thought process.

Just looking from a personal level, through most other people's eyes, I am quickly, and unconsciously assigned to a 'tribe' concocted in their heads, and because of sheer numbers of people and limited time and neural capacity, necessarily so.

Depending on the background and temperament of those judging me, my identity from 'their' eyes may be as nuanced, complex, and organized as the Dewey Decimal system, or (as a long-time foreign resident in Japan) as simple as one of "us" or "them".

For those who spend a lot of time communicating beyond immediate and personal visual or verbal cues ... Ideologies, values, and beliefs tend to be the filter through which I am judged. But here in the local community on the outskirts of Tokyo, my classification for dismissal, treatment, or being potentially useful, may be as simple as apparent age or ethnicity alone.

After writing this, I will soon go through such a process for my yearly health check. The doctors and nurses have their forms, but in the waiting room, if noticed at all, my identity may boil down to a split second glance based on my choice of clothes or haircut, or the aforementioned age and ethnicity. I presume I am guilty of the same, but if not tired, observe and play a game of Bayesian logic; probabilities in my head, creating stories and scenarios that will probably never be written, much less shared.

The larger the community, the more I am judged by connections or possessions. Only my very small circle of friends (can count them on one hand) do not calculate where I sit in their mental bookshelf, trash bin, or cog in a machine. Maybe that is why the nuclear family and closest friends, at best (under Dunbar's number?), are the most stable and sustainable levels of organizing we social primates.

Just some thoughts before being judged by the local sawbones.


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Remarkable and, in my view, accurate assessment of human nature.

Humans are ever social beings, yet out of convenience/necessity, it is expressed in “shorthand.”

Too few people understand the profound implications of the Dunbar Number. Yet I sense those who pull the strings know it all too well, especially the ways to create the illusion of its (false) enlargement.

Think Peter Thiel, Rene Girard, and the infernal creation of the “like”button itself.

That said, perhaps if I was remotely near you, we would find enough in common to be friends, or at least within our respective Dunbar worlds.

Yet here we are, and isn’t that the root of the global problem: the very tools that superficially connect us are the very same that render humans as little more than digital subjects to our keepers.

Best to you good sir, and thank you again for posting

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Much thanks for the message MB. I really needed that.

Feeling up and down ... now stupidly naive ... especially after reading Tereza Coraggio's latest post about Sasha Latypova (both of whom I follow).

And then there is Meryl Nass's sometimes arrogant disagreements with others such as James Roduski and Tess Lawrie's take on proceedings over the WHO over reach, again, three I admire and follow.

There are so many great writers and thinkers here, but so much drama ... enough warts and wrinkles to detect signs of Cluster B 'dark-triad' types. Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. So I can appreciate a lot of Sage's (and Conspiracy Sarah's) twist on things.

Been following Mathew Crawford, and though his latest post is behind a paywall, glad to see another mind pointing out the 'kulangeta' among us. It's been a long time since I climbed Wittgenstein's ladder, but since then, I've experienced and thought a lot about those snakes in suits, and the moral implications of exceeding Dunbar's number. I suspect they will be the death of our species yet.

Despite the irony of how we are connecting, I am glad to have found a like-minded soul here. Looking forward to reading you Marcus.

A frosty beer and cool cheers from a damn-hot Tokyo night,


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Totally voting for this guy

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I ran a post once with a poll on whether readers trusted the voting process.

I should do that again.

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Watch it they’ll shoot your ear off

I’m eating nachos now

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It’s seems they already have one world government, yet, bizarrely, are asking for “permission” to solidify it.

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They have to get some volunteers to depopulate it.

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I am just getting to this and my brain is so addled that I walked away for an hour or two...just while running Peggy Hall clip......came back and wondered why Peggy Hall was writing DOD fee fees before I twigged ...sorry Sage thank God you are unmistakable . I think it's the humidity but I'm afraid my brain might be broken....three weeks of 24/7 company might take three weeks of lovely solitude to recover from.

This one is another keeper.


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Yes, I’m there ! The only allowable path is a corrupted one. Atomized, dejected and pining for the "US grade A" phantoms that must alseem real for the slave/lemming/shades.

❦ After fourteen years and an extraordinary number of friends ( for a mere mélomane, someone not selling anything or preaching nonsense ), facebook purged me … I’m certainly not going to do their outrageous mugshot video as a prerequisite for an appeal.

❧ What an abominable world they seek. Strangely relieved and at peace, I realize that there really is a war now : no remittance, no avoidance.

I expect schlemiel "Mephistopheles" Harari will get me detained at airports now for the "still human" crime of resilience.


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