I can’t live in a world where Del Bigtree is controlled. (Or something like that)

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The world and its denizens are complex.

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Enraging how they foster and exploit our ignorance. Any doctor worth his stuff would have told you in the old days these 'unrelated' conditions are magnesium deficiency aka tight muscles. They taught their patients so they could doctor themselves and their families by soaking in the right amount of Epsom Salts (active ingredient: magnesium sulphate). Relaxes muscles, regulates heart beat, turns your food into energy, breaks down calcium where it doesn't belong (carpal tunnel, hardening of heart, arteries, spine, 80% of breast lumps are calcifications) I could go on... Linking w/ covid, etc. should not even be part of this discussion. It's so basic, but none of us were taught...MTs, PTs, Chiros, Naturopaths, Doctors.

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2019, pre-madness, my allopathic MD recommended taking 5,000 units of vitamin-D daily...I had only been getting whatever was in my basic multivitamin tablet, so I started and after a couple of days got noticeably constipated. Before I could ask the MD about it, I met a helpful woman as we were standing in front of the massive wall of vits & supps at Walmart (hey, it's a small town here) and she suggested getting a bottle of 500mg tablets of Magnesium and upping it by one 500mg tablet per day until things got back to normal system traffic. Around day 2 or 3, gridlock was over and I was back to normal regularity, Mg is great stuff. I take about 4 grams of Mg powder with a bunch of other powdered stuff before swimming every day and the Mg is part of why I can swim 1/2 mile with two bone-on-bone shoulders. Hyaluronic acid helps with the shoulders too. OK, only the first five letters match up...best I can do... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtX5iwpjmIk

P.S. If you need Epsom Salts in a Spanish-speaking country, they don't know from Epsom, but if you ask for Sal Inglaterra, you'll get Epsom Salts.

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Dynamite! on all counts! Thanks for the Spanish term! (I've had my doubts about Vit D as these vitamins are all synthetics now. I'd go for sunshine every time. Minerals can't be faked thankfully.) I learned about magnesium from body builders who competed around the world. After an intense day in the gym, they'd go straight home, hop into a tub loaded w/ Epsom Salts-15-20 lbs!-soak for 1/2 hr, go straight to bed, sleep like babies and wake up fully recovered in the morning. It gave them scary amounts of energy, too! It was kind of a trade secret in their world. Is prolotherapy an option for rebuilding your shoulder cartilage?

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Prolotherapy is a new word for me, but I'm about to do a bit of digging into it in a few minutes. If it looks promising, I'll come back here and let you know what I learn.

I take a combination of hawthorn berry extract, l-citrulline and beet root powder for upping nitric oxide. Picked that up from a body building site, although I'm not one. With a fairly bad spine, swimming is what I can do for cardio/aerobic exercise and nitric oxide is supposed to be good for that. OK, enough chichat...I'm off to see the wizard of prolotherapy. TBC maybe.

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won't lead the witness here...or get your hopes up if your joint doesn't qualify, but happy to share patient experiences if you like what you see. It has become a covered treatment in recent years, as well.

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It may be covered up in your health care system, but other than paying for an office visit to 'ask my doctor if prolotherapy is worth a try for me' Medicare doesn't cover the injections themselves. From what I gathered on a quick study, it's common to get 6 injections at 2-4 week intervals, and the current price range is 150 -300 USD, which I assume is per joint, not for the pair. On the low end, that would cost me 1800 USD and the high side would be 3600 USD. I'm OK these days swimming at a brisk enough pace to do a little over half a mile (900 yards) in 30-32 minutes and during and after that my shoulders don't give me much discomfort, not remotely, yet, enough to warrant that kind of outlay.

Also, almost everything I saw was about knees, and although I have two vintage 2020 hips, my knees don't give me any trouble to speak of, yet. Maybe something to do with the 4 gms of magnesium every day?

I'm guessing that you have had injections in one or both knees and have benefited from the prolotherapy...let me know if I'm 'in the wrong joint'.

Someone I met online and correspond with by email from time to time is also a swimmer and works with horses. She mentioned collagen recently, but mostly to tell me that contrary to what I might have heard or read, the body can replace some collagen into some joints, but had to leave it at that because she was headed into a barn to work with a horse. I bought a bag of what is probably considered food grade collagen a few months ago but haven't used any yet. Do you have any experience with collagen as part of a therapeutic regimen? If so, I'm all ears and would be interested in any info you have before starting with it here.

This is going to get slightly longer due to my hovering over your name and reading the info on the mini popup (almost certainly a noun, but what's it called?) that has the words Cape Breton and Lightning Rod and (the term?) Inat-infused.

So, working in reverse, what is Inat? I checked the Meyers-Briggs chart and couldn't find anything with an 'a' in it, so that leaves me with just asking, "What does Inat-infused mean?"

I had to look up Cape Breton, which was interesting because between 1965 and 1967 my Dad was the Legal Officer on the USAF side of the joint air base in Goose Bay, Labrador, a long drive plus a ferry away from Cape Breton.

When I searched for 'Cape Breton Lightning Rod' I saw:

1) some hits regarding lightning rods for sale,

2) a tiktok clip of what looks to be the CapeBretonPrincess ferry with mostly images of interior lighting and then, right at the end, a bit of thunder and something that might have been lightning visible through a small window that was mostly obscured by drops of rain on its exterior https://www.tiktok.com/@capebretonprincess/video/7372412168475659526

3) the most instructive item, a post on X informing the viewer/reader that Mother Canada (which looks like a statue flanked by two larger wall-like structures) is in Vimy and is not the 'lightning rod' in Cape Breton.

Did you work in the past as one of those statuary mimes like this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtkIgG8XTC4

Or was it something else entirely that got you the Lightning Rod moniker?

Not meaning to pry past what you wrote on the mini page, but please let me know about the Inat-infused and the nickname and the knees. You're on Maritime Time, so maybe I'll find out sometime tomorrow unless you're a night owl in the summer...I remember going to bed well after 11PM in the summertime in Goose Bay and it was just getting dusk-like. Cheers...

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Ok, so I'm stateside....same system. The naturopaths were handling it in the beginning, but eventually it was taken up by pain clinics where it IS covered. The deceptively elegant injecting of sugar water via tiny needles into the joint, irritates the tissues which respond by rebuilding cartilage! Smaller joints such as knees, shoulders-not hips-are treated. What I've seen is a single visit-5-7 needles and within 36-48 hrs the joint is almost normal size after being 3-4x swollen and in lots of pain. Shocking to witness!! Results would last for 3-4 yrs , then treatment repeated, which saved several people I knew joint replacements for life and wheelchairs. They all went back to work!

So for the rest of the story...

Cape Breton, where I first thought to become a writer (but spent all my energy trying to survive-'chop wood, carry water' phase)..was for me a potent place of intense metaphysical activity, UFO experiences, etc. amidst the absolute charm of the place and its people. I ran a hostel, helped some young locals, accidentally busting up the stranglehold of their priests The exploits, curious interventions and the resulting infamy earned me the moniker. (I write by warmer shores in Florida now.) Where you and your father were was not so different...

Inat describes a trait- a rare word bestowed on the Serbs by the finally-beaten Turks. A kind of fierce, clever and unyielding tenacity in the face of injustice. Unvaxxed, oddly-hated Novak Djokovic embodies Inat.

Once a pre med student eager to help, I was quickly disenchanted by the machinery of medicine. I left-with no plan B. Life became my teacher. On Cape Breton, I developed severe arthritis at 22. Treated in the CDN system for 4 yrs. At 26, they had exhausted all their arsenal. I now had 4 kinds of arthritis, was in maddening pain and deformity. I was written up in the CDN journal of medicine as having the 'most rapid, violent onset' they had ever witnessed. They offered a wheelchair and fairly generous disability to tide me over till new treatments became available. As I went to sign the paperwork reluctantly, I heard a voice inside that said "This is not the best choice for you." The implication was 'you've got what it takes...YOU need to figure this out. They're not curious about how you got this way.' I put the pen down, told the docs I needed a couple of wks to think it over and left (never returned) So I did what any product of our society does....'research' and taking everything under the sun for it. Of course, if anything were to help, I wouldn't know what it was. (did I mention I had a pharmacy scholarship? lol). The illogic of my approach was forced on me. So I stopped the presses, took some time and figured it out...diet and stress management was what worked. A year later I was completely back to life. Decades later, there is no sign of deformity, I don't even own aspirin. Eventually I found Thai massage which embodies the ethic I looked for at the outset. I got tricked out of retirement at 50 by a young woman in a wheelchair whose body was terribly twisted. I had a piece of that kid's puzzle. Given a few months, I could straighten her frame and get her out of the chair. Word spread and I stuck around. When I saw how doctors, chiros, etc. treated patients in pain, especially the elderly, my Inat came into play. Inat doesn't let go...After giving the docs the best Thai massage for their ills, (which they would not recommend for their patients) I would tell them that I was going to put them to shame every day of the week. I would take time, heart, wit and wisdom and figure out how to make the people better and I would expose them for what they were. Inat. Now...am I against good doctoring? Not at all, but for myself and my people, learn to think, use common sense and exercise your will.

As an Inat-infused writer, I could have made the big bucks cranking out sweet inoffensive metaphysical or inspirational goo. Instead, I write things like "Psycho Taxi Boy on a Terribly Hot Sunday Night with the Southern Baptist Convention."

"Inat lies at the very quick of our being" says Momo Kapor (who I crush on as I do Sage)

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First the virus caused cardiac issues, then it didn't, then the vax did...


P.S. GVB commented once that he didn't think the spike could be toxic, fwiw.

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Thank goodness we have The Science to clear all this confusion up.

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Meth Posting Saturday

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Per Dr. Donovan: First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is.

Short, duo: www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uGnEc0DhY4

Extra Long, band, jam, toast & hash brown(ie)s: www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdwR_W5BnHk

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It could be the Graphene imbued gold nano rods. The covid19 nano particles 164nm or what ever they are can be broken down by the toroidal vortex of the heart ventricles and valves. Say they get down to 15nm, then absorbed into the cardiac tissues... They have longer half life due to the PEG encapsulation.

So chelation specifically of the cardiac tissue of PEG encapsulated Graphene imbued gold nano rods, might be a good idea to live longer. Particularly for zeeee jabbed.

A gold foil is used to wrap the Graphene nanotubuals, making it a Graphene imbued gold nano rod.

Interesting to, the gold nano rods of 2nm use oxalic acid to make a molecular tail. Makes them more versatile into penetrating the tissues.

Any how here is the chelation molecule and vitamin, dimercaprol (Akorn Inc, USA) (British antiLewisite) and vitamin E.

It's a little more complicated then that. My motto has always been when it comes to dosages "less is more!". Same for when you grow plants, 'Less is more!". Treat your body like you would your garden.


On top of all that colloidal gold or monoatomic gold taken in correct dosages still works. It pulls the nano gold rods and PEG out due to its different nano shape and sizes, specifically spherical 40nm. So larger sized micro metals is easier for the body to get rid of if that makes sense, as they coagulate together.

Now I know why nano gold imbued weed is so protective.

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Thank you for the info!

Do you have a basic non-specific chelation protocol source to get started on this journey?

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My idea it's like osmosis. That's how micronised powdered zeolite, bentonite and diatemaceous earth work, by pulling metals from the blood into the gut. Its why our ancestors use to eat the powdered rock. Oral heavy metal detox.

Colloidal gold relieved the symptoms for the long covid of the jabbed. Dr Nixon proved it disassembles the plasmons and fibres, under microscopy. It's like osmosis, the larger colloidal and nano gold sphere cores attract the nano gold rod cylinders to them. The body chelates larger molecules of metals far easier, via natural processes.

Supporting the bodies natural chelation pathways, increasing certain healing factors, particularly of the cardiovascular system. Promoting the correct microbiome of the gut, increasing the excretion of heavy metals and polymers and ultimately enhance the gulathione pathways.

Switching the technology into disassembly and off. Using light therapy, a topical 532nm vortex laser or sublingual 532nm modulated 528Hz laser.

So oral chelation, light therapy for people.

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