great find Sage! wish I had seen it back in March 2020!

Winter colds and flu season = lower vitamin D levels due to lack of sun + general public's poor dietary/lifestyle habits + excessive stress

Doesn't take a "virologist" to figure that one out... but then dang, you wouldn't get the big bucks and the admiration of the TV watchers

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Yes. That's why 'flu' season differs about 6 months Down-under and occurs in our summer, their winter. The Convid plandemic was declared worldwide, even if countries had no cases. I read an Australians' experience on the substack by Sasha Latypova who described hair loss after a so-called Convid outbreak. Poisoning. There were/are poisoning outbreaks to create the illusion of a worldwide virus that is not the 'flu'.

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Wodarg was right of course. So was Michael Yeadon. Their bona fides and logic were (and are) unimpeachable. Even with hindsight of 4 yrs passing, their 2020 observations are still pretty much exactly correct. Was there any institution that did not ignore and attempt to diminish these guys?

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Yeadon is certainly being sidelined by the so-called Medical Freedom Movement.

A man of patent integrity, and yes, accurate in his assessments since the beginning (although he was taken in at first as he admits).

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Because he keeps figuring things out and admitting where he was wrong, whereas the "gain of fiction" virus pushers are useful to the agenda. Anyone pushing lab leaks and GoF is either controlled, being used, or just isn't very smart.

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Jun 6Liked by Sage Hana

Of course, we can read and listen to and watch a lot of new stuff. Every day. The New Order doctors (formerly fighters) make up thousands of these. And journalists enjoy it, too - that’s how cash is created out of nothing, only through varianted repetition of prepackaged information.

But… if you value your time and your life higher than fiction stories… You only need to ask two questions:

1. Is electron microscopy reproducible?

Because the ability to reproduce the original findings is the foundation of all science. If you write new laws of physics (or virology), but no-one can reproduce your results, you will have to find a better job.

2. Is voting a scientific method?

Because we are told that science is objective and we have to submit our free will to scientific objectivity. If this is the “settled” fact… Why is the composition of annual updates to flu vaccines determined by voting?

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science is not a consensus

people keep forgetting that

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It sorta is until somebody comes along and breaks it. We all want to get to be the one that breaks stuff.

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My conclusion to live by: all pandemics are faked and everything the FDA, CDC or WHO says is to be ignored. This has served me well as with no vaccines in over 50 years, I am still quite alive and thriving.

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Fair enough!

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Me t00.

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W.W. got one interview on German television, Frontal/ZDF; 2020, and was then silenced, he features in the clip:

Profiteure der Angst, 2009, together with Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, t'was all known and then perfected

to a T as thee was made to not see and be hypnotized by the not wise in disguise 24/7 , 365, it's all magic, cheers sage, an oldie, it'll go down in history as his story, I wish you a lovely day.

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Jun 6Liked by Sage Hana

The PCR test is a fraud and so is every doctor who believes in the results despite overwhelming evidence of other causes of illness and death, including deaths by doctors administering protocols in hospitals:

This case in Mexico City, the city with some of the worst air pollution in the world, and a patient with multiple serious health issues, for example:

From Zerohedge, in part:

"On 23 May 2024, the Mexico IHR NFP reported to PAHO/WHO a confirmed case of human infection with avian influenza A(H5N2) virus detected in a 59-year-old resident of the State of Mexico who was hospitalized in Mexico City and had no history of exposure to poultry or other animals. The case had multiple underlying medical conditions. The case’s relatives reported that the case had already been bedridden for three weeks, for other reasons, prior to the onset of acute symptoms.

On 17 April, the case developed fever, shortness of breath, diarrhoea, nausea and general malaise. On 24 April, the case sought medical attention, was hospitalized at the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases “Ismael Cosio Villegas” (INER per its acronym in Spanish) and died the same day due to complications of his condition.

Results from Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) of a respiratory sample collected and tested at INER on 24 April indicated a non-subtypeable influenza A virus. On 8 May, the sample was sent for sequencing to the Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Emerging Diseases Center for Research in Infectious Diseases (CIENI per its acronym in Spanish) of INER, which indicated that the sample was positive for influenza A(H5N2). On 20 May, the sample was received at the Institute of Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference (InDRE per its acronym in Spanish) of the Mexico National Influenza Centre, for analysis by RT-PCR, obtaining a positive result for influenza A. On 22 May, sequencing of the sample confirmed the influenza subtype was A(H5N2).

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Jun 6Liked by Sage Hana

PCR tests not dead yet:

"Multipolar World Order converges on St. Petersburg to take PCR tests & chat about sustainable development"




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Without pcr tests, I would not believe today that virology is false and I would no be 99.9% sure that the Germ Theory of disease is also false and most likely one of the first psyops of the modern era of warfare.

They knew that by repeating the trick of pcr, they were opening the door for a new generation of Germ theory critics to speak to the heavily brainwashed public.

By the way, I realize that part of the world war we are in may include misleading some people to believe that the Germ Theory is false. Therefore, I'm open to believe it is true again, when enough evidence is provided. So far, I have only found fallacies and bullying whenever I ask for evidence.

Seriously: besides the fear of looking bad in public, is there any other reason to keep believing that bacterial pneumonia is a communicable disease caused by a single bacterium?

And if it is the case that bacteria do not ever cause disease, what is the real cause or causes of bacterial pneumonia? I want to live and I want people to live, and if medical science is wrong about the cause of a major killer, then it's possible the doctors are not treating that disease correctly, and that's why so many people die from that. Which is awful.

Almost as bad as the horrible erosion of freedom and general impoverishment caused by medical fascism, which is founded in probably falsified concepts like "communicable disease" or "infectious disease."

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Rog. I am in a terrible place right now.

I find no solace on any front.

I do not think "viruses" are "isolated".

Does this mean I must trample into the binary that was loaded for us?

Let's do rapid fire: Is the stuff that is in poop, "germs"?

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bacteria are visible under a microscope and some produce toxins while alive,

others release endotoxin when they die

Viruses? Who the fuck knows.

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Right, so when people say "Germ Theory", I guess I'm not sure what they mean.

Is there a Steel Man Germ Theory? Does it mean "Infectious theory?"

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Germ is short for "germination."

Think in the magic and mystery of our material world before the smugness and nihilism of science took over our conscience.

Life sprouts everywhere all the time, not only in Spring. Germs. Life buds from other life. Sometimes from non-life, like rocks or the barks of trees.

Why life germinates?

The death of some living form is the life of another living form. It causes real awe.

No one knows why this happens. I think it's God's will. In the other extreme there are some people who say it just happens for no reason and basic chemistry explains everything, you stupid peasant.

Most people seem to have some belief between those two extremes.

What if infection is simply life in motion?

The germs that grow over my diseased lung tissue, are they hurting me or are they deconstructing and liquefying dead tissue that needs to be removed?

Are germs like micro surgeons that save our lives all the time?

We don't deserve so much care. And for free.

Why do so many **good** things happen to so many **bad** people?

I don't know.

Disease is real, somewhat. Most "diseases" are flawed concepts, mostly fuel for the flames of the managerial state. But some diseases are real. And we heal sometimes.

If there is any disease caused only by wrong thinking, that's surely cured by right thinking. Pride stands alone in the way.

The other stuff, the real damage caused by toxins or whatever, probably needs rest, patience, some movement, and maybe correct nutrition, which I don't know what it looks like, but I'm researching it.

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What a wonderful and insightful comment Rog. Somewhere in my journey of learning, I do remember hearing that life on this here blue planet started from/with bacteria(microorganisms). The more Man/Woman try to play scientific chess with "mother nature", the worse off we all will be. 😎

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Whoa. You have a new subscriber.

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Can I interrupt here? At some point we are arguing how many angels can fit on the head of a pin. At some point we are right where these “fracks” (Malik boy’s word again) want us to be…. Arguing within the gray areas of the “irreducible complexity” (JJ Couey’s rightly pushing this insight) of life and the current limits of scientific understanding. As with AI, these eye-glazing gray areas are where our overlords operate and frolic unmolested.

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I want to know what is real about viruses and The Science.

This is not a Not a Movement site. That ship sailed almost two years ago.

This is not an Advocacy site because people don't want advocacy they want heroes.

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What difference does it make what we discuss?

Vote harder.


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Jun 6Liked by Sage Hana

C’mon Sage, you’re doing your part.

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Its 3 angels. All named Herbie.

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I think we have to completely stop with binary ideas about causes of disease. Definitely toxins/bacteria can cause illness… infected wound anyone? But the whole idea of illness should be viewed more like it is in Classical Chinese Medicine. Imbalance between pathogenic factors (external like too much dampness, or internal like too much anger, or poor lifestyle) and the body’s defences. You can’t say it’s one thing or another and that’s it.

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About solace.

Think that the TWC debacle has affected everyone, as DESIGNED!

You have received a hit.

The blackhand.

Or a jinx.

Some friendly recommendations to unjinxing, detox and general mojo recovery:

1. Love (concrete or abstract)

2. Imagine more love (imagine a dog being rescued by a person who has just buried her last pet)

3. A Shih tzu trying to roll / a taco with a Spring kitten inside / is almost a haiku

4. Simplify comedy, make it childish, put the snark and the resentment in the drawer for a couple of jokes

5. Remember there is the election season, everyone is crazier than usual, and so it's a great time for instrumental music of any sort

6. Read the fucking classics. Start with Plutarch or Juvenal

7. I take the stupid turpentine and I did some serious water fasting. It felt worse at first for me, but 30 hours in I cheered up. I endured almost three days. Now I'm eating again. I plan to repeat and try to go for longer next time.

8. I don't do regular exercise, but I have heard from weight lifters and calisthenics guys that a radical change in the routine can be useful for people who do regular exercise. Some people start lifting giant tires or try to do planks in the Al Kavadlo style (the human flag plank or the superman movement https://pccblog.dragondoor.com/how-to-be-the-complete-package-the-martial-and-athletic-heritage-of-explosive-calisthenics/)

9. Do not watch Hollywood movies or tv shows, because they are meant to restart the cycle

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Jun 6Liked by Sage Hana

Number 9 fo sho!! 😎

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There is no freedom like the recognition of absolute failure.

Nobody has ever demonstrated a Ford Pinto can eat a hamburger, therefore there are no Ford Pintos.

I’ve heard they can get spectacular indigestion however.

I’ve also observed corn in poop.

And if you drink a grape milkshake at a good burger joint your poop turns green.

This has been Today In Science…

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7Liked by Sage Hana

"There is no freedom like the recognition of absolute failure." L0ve This! (This c0mpte can n0t tipe 0s 0r R's and m0 ) Sigh f0 Help.

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I came home from vacation to my mum who had a fall and found it was because she was suffering malnutrition and it started when her fingers started hurting due to the malnutrition so she stopped cooking for herself. Mum was 90 so when I told my sister who was in charge that mum and her fridge were suffering malnutrition there was an uproar but it got everyone into action and mum lived till 98 .

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If we think and feel and believe that there are germs or viruses then the conclusion must

be that we are all ghosts right? We'd all be gone long time gone, however that is not the case so I guess the question of Qui bono? and the advise of Follow the money are still THE most relevant in finding gold nuggets of truth, you are right in not wanting to step into the divide as the Divide et Impera is the show must go on b.s. we get fed, with b.s. I mean Belief System, Grüß Gott.

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Singing about dancing.

We are talking about things unseen, so yeah in a broad sense.

Same as radiation and ...jesus.

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Yes, you are right, I do know from a real science perspective that my wireless mouse made my hands tingle, so just observation about the unseen with real eyes to see real lies and real ears to hear the ring and real feel to feel the eel, who knows hey? Je Suis, I am, Ich bin, make of it what you will, we are a drop in the ocean, so let's go swimming, dancing, singing, vibrating at the highest frequency possible, pay it forward, Grüß Gott!

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My people!

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Jun 6Liked by Sage Hana

"My people"!

Totally LIKE Desiree's science.

Everything vibrates, the chair, the table, you, the cat, the window......, so sound/frequency/vibration is powerful and I think it's the frontier of a lot of whys and hows.

Like Agent-many-numbers-1-4-9 says, none of the current explanations answer all the questions.

Some rocks want to be together when you're building a rock wall.

Some people want to be together banging their heads against that wall.

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So many things unseen. And who claims to see them. such a kaleidoscope of unseens

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Do you believe in Rock and Roll?

Can music save your mortal sole?

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Now I just try to spot the Psy Oppery of music.

::looks out window::

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Jun 7Liked by Sage Hana

Not a bad song and group to pick up heavy shit to!

Miss you, breeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....💥

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Jun 6Liked by Sage Hana

::looks out window across the street. Stares back::

I miss enjoying music 🤣

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You still can:)

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Jun 6Liked by Sage Hana

Ah yes, the Grand Ole Pys Oppery!!! 🎵🎵🎵

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They banned Hank

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Forget songs, forget words.

Listen to this, I think it's detoxifying:


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Thanks for the music, the sound of silence is music as well,

kind regards!

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A gift from the Divine.

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Sheer Beauty:) thank you

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But it's so wonderful to spot the "good stuff"

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Dang Rog. Y'all beat me to it!!! 🎵🎵

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Yes, they are germs as far as I know.

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Okay, so far so good.

And when people say, Sanitation or hygiene cured disease, that's because it does kill...the poop germs.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Liked by Sage Hana

I say yes. Drink some water loaded with Giardia, as I once did, and enjoy the fun. Drink water without Giardia and you'll be fine. Terrain theory would say that Giardia was attracted to my diseased tissue. But if I never drink water with Giardia, I'm just fine. Where then is this diseased tissue that Giardia is attracted to? I don't think either theory is satisfactory on its own.

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I'm not sure.

Take the case of "puerperal fever" of Semmelweiss. Doctors should wash thoroughly after touching a corpse in an anatomy lesson, for instance, because five minutes later they may have to deliver a baby.

But, there are thousands of little pieces of crap of all sorts in the hands of an 1800s doctor who touches pregnant women. Why only one of them, one single type of germ, was responsible for the disease?

What if the decomposing cadaver was an old man who worked at the mines for thirty years, and his tissues were contaminated with incredible stuff that is hard to find on the surface?

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Okay, well I appreciate the "I'm not sure". Humility.

The purported non-virus explanation for curing polio was improved sanitation which means....killing germs that I can tell.

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Eliminating one possible cause is logically sufficient for the effect of eradicating the disease.

But they eliminated many other confounders.

Sanitation is good, obviously. But it's not sufficient to say this germ caused this disease.

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Not to open another can of worms, but allegedly all of the americas were depopulated by nasty European viruses. Which the birds were so kind to not fly over for millennia on end. If these people didn’t, in fact, die from blanket warfare, were they perhaps just murdered with bullets and stabbing and forced labor? Is the history of the Americas even more violent and brutish than told?

Also, re: “What is “flu season”? Do viruses have a season?”

Obviously viruses summer in the Hamptons and Monaco, and then get back to it in the fall.

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I've read quite a lot of early medical literature. The first comparative international charts of mortality appeared in the early 18th c.

Doctors in the early 1800's congratulated themselves on having brought post-natal deaths of mothers down from c 33%+ in 1700 to 20-25% - before handwashing became habitual.

They also noticed that TB incidence went up when common people started wearing fancier, thinner clothing - as opposed to crude heavy woollens - as they became richer and fancy cloth cheaper in the 18thc.

Make of it what you will.

What we do know is that the boot is about to descend on our faces once more, and our priority is to prepare for that.

Truth doesn't matter one bit in such a struggle, which will be determined by the power of the respective sides.

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Years ago on a chess kibitzing site, of all things, I argued that bacterial pneumonia is caused by diaphragm/breathing dysfunction and lack of movement. It’s rife in hospitals, the elderly, and the bedridden because their body cannot pump its own lungs without movement. The body needs to move and breathe and flex and stretch to help move junk out (toxins, etc.). If it doesn’t, than the body creates some mechanisms (including, potentially, bacteria) specific to trying to get rid of the toxins (creating a healing crisis, fever to raise metabolism, etc.). Not sure of all the potential details of how these mechanisms work, yet the fact that pneumonia has always been the major thing wiping people out when bedridden in hospitals is telling.

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Good comment.

We are made to walk, a lot. Once we can't walk we decline in every way. Which may suggest why were were put into 'lockdown.'.........

It's perfectly natural for the incapacitated elderly to die that way - in fact, merciful compared to other options. Pneumonia once almost did for me, and it was not to bad an experience.

'Pneumonia, the old man's friend'.

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Great comment, Marcus.

Perhaps there should be no hospitals, but giant hamster balls where people could enter to move the whole body and never develop pneumonia.

It would also be funny. Kids would adapt right away to playing inside a ball. New sports would appear.

Perhaps someone would say it cures cancer. There is always one of those for any invention.

The flat-earthers' heads would explode. Oh no, the kids are balling! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Sometimes I have great business ideas and I just give them away for free...

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People get sick from the inside because of lack of sun lack of vitamin d poor diet

Elderly do not get outside are not active and in nursing home are malnourished the morphine then helped into peacefully dying with family

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Jun 6Liked by Sage Hana

Easy Questions, Sage.

Another one is: Do these spikes in virtually all metrics of illness have any possible linkage to the bioweapon injected into ~5B humans? The Forrest Gump bioweapon, where you never quite know what you'll get. Because it reads to me that they have guaranteed themselves perpetual pandemics, by dropping the bioweapon cluster bombs everywhere.

"What is “flu season”?"

One of the books I listened to called it instead 'Low Vitamin D season'. And if we take Vitamin D to be the naturally produced 'kind' not the industrial product, then I feel that is on target. To live in an area which lacks enough sun, to hide away indoors, and to not compensate for it with a suitable diet? Did we think there would be no consequences for our arrogance? That ideology could trump biological reality?

Arthur Firstenberg with The Invisible Rainbow was quite compelling about EMF causing wholesale dis-ease. Listened to it a while ago but the pattern he mapped out was compelling, from the first high powered radios and radars to the newest untested iterations. And what is the one thing that seemed to sprout up everywhere while we were roleplaying prisoners under house arrest in 2020?

Alas, no real answers.

Feels like the Phony War stage of this macabre spectacle. We know they want to kill us. They know we know they want to kill us. But...nothing. Like they are waiting for something. Because they can. We sure as hell have not got any runs on the board, yet.

Personally I think it is WWIII. Above the table not this proxy kabuki BS. Triggered when they wish to be, like they triggered the Ukraine conflict by deliberately crossing the known redlines.

A chance/pretext for them to reset the over-extended financial system, and to further constrain us while whipping up the masses and getting themselves moar of those sweet sweet emergency powers.

Once again, those 400M guns won't achieve a darn thing.

Until we sack the DC Sewer and evict The Monster's minions 1814-style.


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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Liked by Sage Hana

Thank you for the Wodarg content and links. Have heard JJ talk @ WW several times, but have yet to read his POV.

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OK, if you want more...

We are told that viruses are bad. Some very much so. But their variants, this is the real horror. They say so. They = the guardians of viruses.

Incidentally, before covid, variants were the good guys, because according to then settled science variants basically progress towards becoming endemic - everpresent, omnipresent, almost friendly, because they want to live more than people do. This narration was an explanation why cold and flu are not really dangerous.

With covid, variants were redefined and are now being presented as the ugliest stuff there is. Beware of variants. A certain then authority on viruses is now repeatedly proclaiming the horrors of variants (those which have not been born yet) and wants you to preorder more jabs to prevent those unborn variants from attacking you. Preferably, the measles vax, which clearly must be high in stock…

Ask about variants. Demand details.

We are told that variants are unpredictable. Which means that anyone from the 8 billion walking variant manufacturers can produce the quantity of unique variants for which physics does not even have names. Like millions of millions of millions…

If this is the settled science, ask the unsettled scientists why these infinite numbers of variants are so easily classified into a very limited number of named subspecies? Across many countries, populations, weathers and continents.

How do these variants communicate with each other across time and space and grow into biologically identical “organisms” with identical “genetic” “code”?

Ask about variants over time.

If variants mutate literally 24/7, and - according to the settled science - new variants have different MO - why are unsettled scientists clinging to manufacturing 100% outdated vaccines?

Ask about non-mutating viruses.

Why most of “known” viruses refuse to mutate? Is it because the scientists keep manufacturing new vaccine lots according to the same recipes as 50 years ago?

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So this is Geert. You are talking about one Geert Vanden Bossche!

But Geert is now discussing mandating IVM or HCQ, with a firm JABS BAD FOR PANDEMIC CUZ...MAKES SCARY VARIANTS.


And I would add that this why I *think* the word is trickling down into Tier Two about PARASITES. They need a new baddy and new cancer cure cuz...it's other critters, not viruses now!

Like there seem to be all these tendrils to preserve the access and the need for COUNTERMEASURES.

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Jun 6Liked by Sage Hana

Guilty as substacking :-) Isn't he more conspicuous than the granddaddy Bill now? A new face of the Geert Reset?

Unfortunate as it is, virus guardians seem to faster adapt to changing conditions than viruses themselves.

I bet they will spin many more breakthrough theories packed with sophisticated words and cute charts soon. It’s the knowledge escape aimed at repelling inquisitive medical professionals who still may have some spine left.

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The Medical Profession has been thoroughly captured and will do their jobs.

As predicted. As foretold.


Dan, this provides me with no solace. I cannot unsee.

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Jun 6Liked by Sage Hana

We should enjoy and celebrate what is happening. What we are seeing now has always been here, only with huge make-up.

The collapse of the medical profession now is better than in 2050 - when 99% of the population will only have finger muscles active and their brains will be permanently unable to perceive, interpret and make conclusions. Courtesy of fakebooks et al.

To me, it looks like our generations (say, born before 1980) are the last thinking people in the world. Optimistically speaking. Exceptions allowed.

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Jun 6Liked by Sage Hana

I think on this angle frequently. They are still using psychology to maintain access to ze bodies. Which is interesting. It implies things. They aren’t rounding people up and shooting them to depopulate. They are using fear still. That’s a big deal. It implies things about the system. Why not just use outright force and be done with it all? Why scheme and connive? Why all the extra effort?

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You have taken the pebble from your masters hand young one, I sense power in your analisys .. 😉

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Jun 6Liked by Sage Hana

Why are people still pushing the “lab leak” narrative when there is no standardized test for “Covid”???

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The Threat Matrix must survive.

It simply must survive one way or another.

To keep..."building back better"

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These people are absolutely insufferable. Of course, I was actually referring the Jimmy Dore show. You wonder if these people haven’t gotten a talking to or something.

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Jimmy openly admitted on a live stream that I watched that he has a Google Minder who told him what he can say.

He liked the guy.

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Jun 7Liked by Sage Hana

Insane. Truly insane. “Circus” is what comes to mind.

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PCR test was never standardized to a known infection. There was never any QC data validating its accuracy and precision. The NY Times in May of 2020 reported the PCR test was producing about 90% false positives.

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Jun 6Liked by Sage Hana

The reason there's been no QC data validating the PCR tests is because it was never intended as a test for anything. It was designed as lab "tool" to amplify samples to a level that they could be analyzed by multiple laboratory researchers. Prime the machine with a particular molecular substance and set the duty cycle to the desired level and you get an increased level of the sample that can be shared with multiple "Lab Rats." 😎😎

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PCR test was never standardized to a known infection. There was never any QC data validating its accuracy and precision. The NY Times in May of 2020 reported the PCR test was producing about 90% false positives.

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