
Just checking in...are Donald Trump and Bobby going to let *Pfizer get away with the 'greatest crime in human history'?

Sure hope not.

What about Moderna and the DOD?

What happened to all that tough talk?

What about that "premeditated domestic terrorism" stuff from David Martin?

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Nobody's even mentioning the Nuremberg Law!!!

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Nuremberg was also a fake "punishment" Op.

We are ruled by the same scumbags now as then with new Middle Managers selling the Scumbag Pacify and Control Clear coat.

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Yeah it was cover for Paperclip. Still, I think it could be used now, st least Tried to be used. Now that we can see how it was Dis-Used, we can Right it to work this time. People would stand behind it to make it work. Riots in the streets maybe? Just get the word out and Try! It covers all the bases and everyone knows of it.

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Sep 7Liked by Sage Hana

I have no hope that people will ever riot about anything. They will just keep allowing the scorpions to destroy them. They will continue their willful blindness. SH is so right about people just wanting to be amused, entertained and pacified. I am so depressed now knowing how rotten this world is. I hate doctors so much. They are idiots and liars but believe they are geniuses.

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I'm not the best at cheering people up, but I'll try.

We lived believing a false promise of justice. Justice from human beings, who not only are all flawed, but also very mean and greedy. The promise of justice was a fraud, we have to conclude, rationally.

We were warned about this. Many religions in the past have emphasized the impossibility of human justice, and the many errors, flaws and evil intentions of mortals.

But we tend to ignore things of the past. New stuff is more shiny and smells like new. When we are young, we seek out nice things, and we put all our soul in making appearances real. We collaborate with the fraud.

In a way, our sadness is caused by our own folly.

When we realize this, we can be less sad.

It is possible to learn to control to a large extent how our inner world reacts to the information that comes from other people.

It's always good to remember that only you have access to your thoughts and emotions. No one else has. They can only know of you only what you tell them.

Heraclitus is the enemy of mental health. The idea that everything changes is a poetic deformation of reality. Some things are permanent. There are times when change is illusory. For example, your true nature as a human being is immutable. Both the universal nature and your particular nature. What does change is personality (very little, though) and opinion. But your goodness is part of your nature and it won't change.

It's hard to admit that many humans have no goodness in them. They are the greatest pretenders.

In Christianity it is possible to say that God can perform a miracle of changing the particular nature of evil people.

In Stoic philosophy, this miracle is impossible. In Christianity, it is possible. But it doesn't depend on you.

For example, Saint Augustine. He was a mean bastard neoplatonic philosopher in his youth. But in his 30s his mom Monica and his friends prayed for his conversion. And God changed his heart. Had it been only by his will, he would have not converted. There is no change of the natural man without divine grace.

I can find consolation in both ideas: people cannot change, and people can be changed. Neither depends on me.

Optimism and hope are good, but can be overdone. Pessimism is toxic most of the time, in any dose, but there are times when it can be curative, in homeopathic concentrations.

But all this is too brainy, isn't it? We need something more praxeological and less intellectual. I recommend doing 3D puzzles, like the Ravensburger 3d Planets. Or playing with paper cut-out toys. And flammable substances. I like to ignite my cardboard voodoo dolls from time to time. Feels good. No, I don't really lit up voodoo dolls, I stopped my career as arsonist at age five and switched to snarky comedian and stand-up philosopher: everyone agrees it was the best decision.

If you have a cat you can make an oversized cardboard cat, and paint it gray metallic like medieval armor. Then, you can try to persuade the cat to become an assault armored cat. Film it with a smartphone and upload it on rumble to become rich. Don't forget to sponsor fishmectin and soyvoxamine in your video like the Alt-Media Wizards or you won't get any money.

See? There is hope, dear Consuelo! There's always hope!

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"It's always good to remember that only you have access to your thoughts and emotions. No one else has. They can only know of you only what you tell them."

Not sure this is as generally true as it used to be. Info from Sabrina and others on nonvaxer420's Rumble channel make it plausible to me that emotions can be accessed wirelessly to a large degree now and that discrete thoughts may not be far behind. They can't read your internal dialog 'over your shoulder' yet, but it's an ongoing project with day jobs involved. Our sentences and pages may be our own for now, but they can wirelessly 'see' the front covers of the books some of us are reading and can probably read the emotional blurbs written on the back covers. But I read a ton of scifi growing up, so maybe I'm biased toward taking the IEEE & ITU at their word.

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Sep 8Liked by Sage Hana

Also the Speech by the Malaysian Prime Minister, Marathi Mohamad should be spread far and wide! Use this and Vera's Speech together to make people see what's really going on. I think both speeches will be very useful. It's up to Us to get these Speeches out there!

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Sep 8Liked by Sage Hana

I understand. And I just think once everyone sees her Speech and how she's comparing the Nazi atrocities to what our gov has and Is doing during these covid years, it will light a Spark in people who would otherwise just continue on ignoring the gravity of our situation. Plus all the athletes dropping dead has surely got some attention. Lots of people know, in their personal lives of friends and relatives who passed away from the hospital protocols. So Let's build on all these various "proofs" that everyday people have experienced, and to Spread her Speech far and wide Will do a lot to get the momentum going for everyone's protection and knowledge about what to Not Consent to in their's and their loved one's lives! Her Speech is Very Clear about it all. Use that.

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16 US kids dropped dead in the last 25 days. If anything will get people upset enough to rebel, it is what they have done to the kids.

There is a lot of anger, and as you say, it only takes a spark and the world goes nuclear on their asses.

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You just did

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Gonna post them both everywhere I can think of:) yall do the same. Thank you Sage for bringing both Speeches to our attention!!!

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Sage, Alan David here ! The real problem is the Global Corporate structure they have set up, merging Corporations and Governments together into the Global Fascist Beast we have today ! It is a mass murder machine, Murder incorporated, it is the Beast of Apocalypse in the book of Revelation ! Ronald Wilson Reagan 666, the number of his name, was the first President to grant total immunity for the Pharmaceutical Industry, apparently, and National Security Memorandum 200, 1972-1973 Issued by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger after a 6 month Sudo Study of Global Over population by a Commission Kissinger headed, which was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation with $ 100,000 dollars, is why this Pfizer etc., slaughter has taken place ! It is the Malthusian Philosophers carrying out their long sought global genocide of the masses, under the bogus premise that the world can not provide enough food to feed all the people, it is the war of "the Few" against "the many" and it has been going on for many milennia, I can explain it all, after 49 years of research ! The bottom line is the masses do not know enough after the great dumbing down of the masses began via Tavistock Institute of social Relations, the Crown of Britain, British Intelligence, the CIA, which ultimately means the NSA, Department of Homeland Security, etc., the Creation of the United Nations in 1942, creation of the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund in 1944, signing of the UN Charter in 1945, the UN Participation Act in 1956, Curriculum Change in 1954-56 ! People generally do not know what the hell has happened to this whole planet since the Erection of the Symbols of the Fascia on the wall at the time of the raising of the new Capitol Building in Washington D.C. for the US Congress in 1848, more than 70 years before Mussolini created Italian Fascism ! Yes, modern day Fascism was born right here in the good old USA ! The Original 13 colonies were Incorporated under the Crown of England and their purpose was to bring in revenue to the Crown of England ! Totally Commercial ! this Commercialism is a curse on mankind ! We are all slaves to it , and will all be genocided for its sake if the chosen ones decide that is necessary for them to keep their power structure in place ! People in mass need the knowledge of how to over throw this tyranny !

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How might we get out from this mess, Alan David?

Won't Donald Trump and Bobby Kennedy lead us out? (🙌)


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Well Trump & Bobby will be better than Kamala and Walz that is a no brainer, but there is nothing that can replace or substitute the truth or essential knowledge which is necessary for a critical mass awareness of a majority of the people, which is the opposite of what they get in Public Schools, we need a total over haul of the Public School system, the right curriculum so our people are no longer brainwashed with the propaganda they are feed in Public schools which the Lord Bertrand Russel admitted in his book: "Impact of Science on Society" are only Propaganda centers ! We really need Divine Intervention ! That is what is about to happen from what I have heard in the Prophecies that have been coming out in the last 3 years ! The shit is about to hit the fan ! Somebody is going to kick the can, it's the ways of God and Man !

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Translation: "I'm read in to the Satanic Operations and I like Satan Pepsi better than Satan Coke. I probably also want Tribe to have Magic Strip of Land."

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then again, they say something is always lost in a translation:

'there is nothing that can replace or substitute the truth or essential knowledge which is necessary for a critical mass awareness of a majority of the people, which is the opposite of what they get in Public Schools, we need a total over haul of the Public School system, the right curriculum so our people are no longer brainwashed with the propaganda they are feed in Public schools which the Lord Bertrand Russel admitted in his book: "Impact of Science on Society" are only Propaganda centers" there is no Satan Coke or Satan Pepsi in this statement whatsoever ! When the shit hits the fan, I will be holding the fan sending it back to where it came from ! LoL ! Cheer up listen to the music !


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So there is always another option, everyone rush DC and take the government back..............Declaration of Independence the people have the right and the duty to overthrow a Tyrannical Government.......... So Sage, question: Are you ready to bumb rush them with your automatic weapon and bio-chemical warfare kit ? Also don't forget you directed energy beam weapon, when you run out of bullets, and that anti gravitics craft would help a little bit since it approaches the speed of light ! Well I say, the time for talk is over, and of course, like always, it's time to "Rock N Roll" !

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Aah, Sage. I agree it’s hard not to be cynical, but please don’t pile logs on the fire!

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Piling logs on the fire actually looks like Bobby Kennedy and Ed Dowd claiming Hawaii fires were 'bad land management'.

I understand that this is going to alienate many.

I wish it would. I wish a lot of people would stop attending the prayer services. The Hammers want this. The Hammers like Satanic rituals.

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the hard reality is a lot of people are hard wired programed with a lot of BS Mind Control psychological warfare programing and they don't even know it,

it happens over the course of decades and generations of being bombarded with New world Order Globalist propaganda and programing, when you were never told about the New world Order, mind Control, psychological warfare, etc., this is why the whole "Public" system has to be over hauled and re-designed with total disclosure to the public of the real hard core truth about everything that matters, that has been with-held form 99.8 percent of the masses ! If not we will only be repeating the past in variations self destructing in cycles of time as it has always been, when we are now in position to break free if we can only make effective use of the greatest information age in the known history of this world !

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The scouts are not here because you are saying the Hammers like Satanic rituals.

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By all means explain to me the scouts on my Stack.

To me.

Who has weathered the scouts since approximately 2-3 50-view posts some 2 and one half years ago right up to right now, a Saturday afternoon in 2024 as the Operation planned since ???? aggressively moves on.

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I have no argument with any of that. Your insights have meant a lot to a lot of people, and they continue to do so. Myself definitely included. Unfortunately there isn’t a lot of truth out there. That’s why this place is popular with those looking for it, if only boutique as you like to say.

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I’m definitely not trying to say that I know more about the scouts than you. I appreciate what you are doing here and recognize the risks involved, which I don’t consider small. But I think the definition of Hammers is sleeping Normies, and some of them unfortunately probably do like Satanic rituals. But I have to hope that most don’t. That’s all I was trying to say.

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This year....2024.

Anecdotally and on Stack which as we both see is infiltrated over and over and over, but even within people who have been around for a long long time....

The powerful tribal instincts of hoooooooommmanity, primates...presents.

People want Normal and if Normal is cult or SATAN....WELP...SO BE IT.

But I'm going to stay here and try to get off this rock with a modicum of integrity. Which is not to be confused with "holinesss" let's don't get it twisted.

My first post here had 50-views. I had zero zip nada social media followers or accounts. I'm bewildered sometimes too.

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Pray pray pray pray and keep doing what you are doing

Resist resist resist

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Totally agree and behind the scenes it is happening

As proof we are talking about these issues now that we didn't know three years or so

In wars the first thing the enemy invading a country is to take control of media and education centres so they can brainwash the population this has been happening since ww1 and before

In ww2 they destroyed 9000 bells

The ringing of the bells healed people so just shows you how far back 'they' have been working to get rid of us

Our church bell is rung muffled

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James Delingpole just put this out about the global warming psy op: https://delingpole.substack.com/p/global-warming-is-a-gigantic-conspiracy?utm_campaign=posts-open-in-app&triedRedirect=true

Scorpions alllllllll the way dowwwwwn. 😬

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Do you accept what is written in Revelation as the truth? Are you a Bible believer? Or where do you think ultimate truth is found?

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the truth is found within................coincidentally the bible tells you God is in your heart......

God is in everything and everyone in every form,, planet and star, because God is the Great "I am that I am", "before everything was I am, I am that I am" ! The Holy Bible also says that God is truth, love and spirit !

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This is getting so stressful, I fear that symbolic erections is all I'll be enjoying from now on. I hope my girlfriend is understanding.....

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Buy your girlfriend a Land Rover or something, and she´ll get really understanding ...

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Sep 8Liked by Sage Hana

Thank you DOD!!! 🤣🤣🤣😩

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Sep 7Liked by Sage Hana

The list of the greatest crimes in history is quite a long one and so few have ever been brought to book over their sins. That is why they will keeping doing crime after crime without a care in the world.

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Sep 7Liked by Sage Hana

Yes, it's amusing: because all those historic crimes are in the history books, people think that the perpetrators have in some way been condemned, mankind wiser, and all is well with the world.

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Crazy thought but at some point aren't the various legal or law enforcement Organs meant to initiate action based on blatantly obvious criminality? Almost like...protective Organs...for the society?

It seems every cull-de-sac of hope has ended the same way. Nowhere.

No matter how obvious the crime.

Or how long the white rubbery clots.

No shaping is that perfect, down to the precinct level. Instead it points to the compounded illusions many of us have probably internalised most of our lives.

The guard dogs aren't barking. Instead they are locking up tweeters and facebook protestors. And even just people holding the national flag on the street (as opposed to say...burning it).

If that doesn't tell us who they really work for then nothing will. Literally freeing up violent criminals to lock up non-criminals. Years in jail for a tweet, compared to tens of hours community service for rape. By the same 'judge'.

Thought Exercise:

- Imagine a world where the Organs are healthy. Mostly.

- Contrast it with this reality/spectacle.

- Bask in the inversionism of it all.

The Monster has literally created a killhouse where everything is upside down. Everything. Always.

We're going to wait for a saviour all the way into the ground, strapped in and waiting, rather than pulling the ejector handle^ even though we know the dive is terminal.


^-Not suicide. Not ever that. But Vengeance. The Monster has taken from all of us. It is past time to start taking back.

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We are ruled by Criminals and you don't investigate your Criminal Scorpion Bosses.

That is how we got here.

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The biggest mistake of all is expecting the Scorpions to save us. “Give us a king to rule over us” said the ancient Israelites.

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Scorpions still need oxygen, therefore nooses will still work on them.

They are also cowards, and will turn on each other in a heartbeat, if they think it'll save their own worthless scales.

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All the parts of governments are compromised

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The chief of the London police has refused to investigate the 100k + dead in the UK, not even going through the motions. Every exit from the rats' nest has been blocked....

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The Maddie story is really sad. The mom should have never let her daughter be in the study. What parent in their right mind would let their child be a lab rat? Who would do that to themselves as an adult with a few gyri and sulci? What kind of smooth brained world do we live in? What is even sadder is this company selling big pharma meds and supplements that have no actual scientific evidence of doing anything that are equally as dangerous but rebranding it like it is something good and using these people who went and took the chemical jabbies to sell their wares. (Foster laughing in donkey). I guess when you buy your own "reputable" source of news you can make the narrative whatever you want. Here's to rich people doing rich people stuff and getting away with it.

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At least the mother has stood up, countless times, to tell the world what happened.

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Yes. That she allowed her daughter to be injected with an experimental vaccine.

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I just read today's post from Agent131711. Others may want to read it also.

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The greatest crimes are only committed by those who know they can get away with them, and have everything nicely sewn up.

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We cannot look at history, to predict what will happen next. The magnitude of the crimes is exponentially larger than anything previously known.

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Pfizer, CDC, and FDA are not criminals and will never be. These are mere artifices; the plausible deniability blanket that cover the criminals. These entities are 'bodies' in the imaginary sense and 'no-bodies' in the physical sense. The only pay that one can expect from these entities is compensatory damages. That is it. You can't get an admission of guilt or even an apology.

The persons responsible for the crimes all have names. If after nearly 5 years you have no names I think your chances of making anyone pay are slim.

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The greatest crime in history happened in Cherry Hill, New Jersey in December of 1978 when the local shopping mall Santa was arrested for not having any underwear on. The second greatest crime is the grammar of that last sentence.

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The Beatings will continue until we the people unite and shut the Genocide down. Too many State heads are in on it and will not stand against their overlords. It must be we the people! turn the TV's off. LFG!

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Has the Stack been Hacked?

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I’m not sure what you mean by “hacked,” but I think it is coming under more scrutiny and a few scouts are being sent to look around.

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He may have to get elected first.

There are many brainwashed puppy voters out there.

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If the vote is not cancelled, he will win by a cheat-proof margin. Kamala and her jabbed-up staff of morons are no match for DT + RFK Jr.

I was going to say jabbed-up Kamala, but there are videos showing her jab may have been a fake. Though, why would they use a fake needle, instead of just injecting saline?

On the other hand, DT says he also took the jab - not sure how many. None of this makes any sense.

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What the fuck are you saying here man?


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I don't like you and I don't want your money. Refund incoming.

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well, damn if I knew you absolutely had no sense of humor whatsoever, I wouldn’t have paid to come here the first place. Good luck with that.

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Good luck to you, too.

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One last thing and I promise to leave you be.

When I said earlier that I enjoy your Substack, regardless what I should have said was that I very strongly connect with you and the people in your comment section, which is a rare thing for me personally.

So I very kindly ask you to reconsider.

Thats my final answer.

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and no kidding I just recommended your Substack to two close friends who would totally get it. I’ll let know to be careful not make the same mistake/assumption I confessed to.

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I see a lot of cursing here so I just followed in kind…no harm intended and I apologizee but if you feel that strongly about it….

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well, I still enjoy

your Substack for what it’s worth. Take care then.

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Care to share what it was that so offended your sensibilities?

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Sure. You came in the first day cussing me out because you didn't understand the post.

Which I did try to answer you and make the post more clear.

I never really intended to open up the floodgates here. This place was better when it was smaller.

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Who ARE these imbecilic trolls with limited IQ’s who have suddenly raised their hand to offer -- WHAT? Nefarious useless fools who presume to know the TRUTH? Please tell me that this is a Monty Python Stack! 🙏🏻

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He wants feet held to the fire

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"This is the greatest crime in human history"

Said Vigilant Fox and Daily Clout.

Surely our Heroes Bobby Kennedy and Donald Trump will not let Bad Pfizer get away with a crime of this scope.

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Sep 7Liked by Sage Hana

Absolutely not! Bad Pfizer will be punished appropriately if DonnyBob wins. BUT, proven SAFE Moderna will be mandated, at gunpoint, if need be, because it’s for the good of everybody!

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Moderna contains 3x the dose compared to Pfizer.

Every day more and more scientists/doctors are speaking up. The whole genetic platform will be taken down, or humanity will be.

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torn between aiding and abetting...

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Surely NOT! 😎😂😂😂

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