Pediatrician Lawrence Dunegan recalls Planned Parenthood head and Rockefeller insider Richard Day's presentation in 1969:
"Cancer. He said. "We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it's ever decided that it should be released. But consider - if people stop dying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well die of cancer as something else."
Efforts at cancer treatment would be geared more toward comfort than toward cure. There was some statement that ultimately the cancer cures which were being hidden in the Rockefeller Institute would come to light because independent researchers might bring them out, despite these efforts to suppress them. But at least for the time being, letting people die of cancer was a good thing to do because it would slow down the problem of overpopulation."
So this doctor that Tucker was interviewing said "we can extend lifespan to 120 years." If only we didn't have a medical/industrial/big ag complex blocking us. Simple. Just cut out the Froot Loops. Trump/Bobby might be the answer. [Pretty sure the scorpions are not on board with this idea].
Or we could give people MRNA shots and decrease the average lifespan considerably. We don't know how low it's going to go at this time. Trump brought these shots in, elegant things that they are. Bobby would mandate them if proven safe*. (Pretty sure the scorpions love this idea).
*Science would be falsified.
I'm a big proponent of a healthy diet and have always tried to follow one. So have others I know. Unfortunately, the science was falsified long ago, so try as one might, it didn't work out that well.
Yeah, those oncogenes. That maliney was 'studing'. . I was thinking in my last comment what you just now posted lol. And the diet, I've been hearing that the combination of sugar, processed, pesticided flour and bad fats are very addictive. And causes cancer. Most processed foods have this. But it's not the shotz.
Imagine the stories that the scientists must tell themselves to make it all fit what they thought (or knew better) what they were doing with their time on this rock.
Yeah, hey pushin it to da back of their brains, too occupied wit de 'life' and de wife als all dere kids college educations. And, you know, the ladder.
While it's true that sugar, processed, pesticided flour and bad fats are addictive and cause cancer, that can't explain the explosion in cancers since people have been eating these for a very long time. All my life and I'm not young. In fact, I think people are eating less of these than before.
So what happens in research if you "control for" those elements. Do you still get a very recent rise in cancer
Will they soon start mandating MRNA shots for cancer? Will they find it's contagious, or even not if that, will they declare a pandemic of cancer?
Yep, it's mostly the shots. Like CANCER CELLS IN THE SHOTS! EVER SINCE POLIO VAXXINES. Should be front page news. Every day. The Only vax I had was the sugar cube polio when I was very young. To think that it had cancer included just blows my mind. My mom didn't allow the smallpox vax. But it just killed me to have my children exposed to all the vaxxes required for school, not even knowing if I had the option to 'opt out'. Especially the 3 in 1 Shots. THEN the fucking covid shots! Three of the 4 of them succumbed to 2 shots before finally listening to me. I'm hoping that my genetics and nursing them gives them added protection and that of their children. But my sister got 3 shots and she's had cancer and a near stroke.. of course more cancer has shown up, more surgery..
Its all been slow kill. Food, shots, meds, pesticides & 100,000 plus chemicals added to everything over the last 100 years. (They have now sped things up to achieve their revised deadlines with their kill shots & they have become emboldened as a result of all of the easy marks).
They are covered as sickness / cancer cannot be attributed to the combination of all of these toxins & if any substance can be singled out then they lie & hide / confuse the facts.
Avoid above as best as possible, live with food as medicine as your motto eat organic food, use organic herbs & EO’s. Plenty of exercise, good does of sun daily & grounding for starters.
They're creating cancer and withholding the cure. Their reasoning, "you might as well die of cancer as anything". Only you won't die in 'galore and fame' as you would as our puppets in the war games. Uh, no.
A nephew of mine developed Type 1 diabetes when he was 12. Like a lot of teenagers, who just want to enjoy their lives, he didn't deal well with the management of it and often ended up in hospital because he'd been eating stuff he shouldn't and taking double insulin to compensate. He became really difficult to live with and caused his parents endless heartache and worry. He also became manipulative. In his mid-20s he started drinking because he realised he'd ruined his health and thought everyone would be better off if he died. When he was 30, he had a lovely little boy of 3 years, but had split with his partner and was back home with my brother and his wife. His mother found him dead in bed one morning. Eleven days later my brother died of a heart attack as the family prepared to take the dog for a walk. They were buried together, during lockdown (my nephew had finally agreed to get help in early 2020 and it was cancelled because of lockdown).
When I think that that whole chain of events was quite possibly (probably?) caused by a vaccine injury, I'm lost for words to describe the evil of these ghouls.
Thanks, Jewell. It's been a few years now and it's been a long while since I got upset about it, but writing that did make me a bit upset. It's not that long since I was enabled to join the dots between childhood vaccination and diabetes.
A harrowing tale, Sheila. In a way, I'm grateful that I only developed the malign trio of asthma, eczema and nut and fish allergies post-vaxx as an infant. A change to an anti-inflammatory diet has worked wonders. Occasionally being suffocated and having one's throat close up is nothing really compared to the daily stress of D1.
The Covid vaxxes suddenly crippled a D1 friend, 27, beautiful and kind, with a young daughter born in lockdown. I warned her, but they'd got the first 2 shots in her before I could, and after that she followed the advice of the Diabetes charity and her GP thinking they couldn't be wrong: how it will turn out for her I hardly dare imagine. The medical charities must all know hat is happening: what about the 20k + blinded after injection in the UK?
They are causing and worsening Lupus too, the consultants all know this and say nothing, the cowards. I am concentrating on making the life of a lovely friend with Lupus as happy as possible, having given up on warning people who are too stupid to deserve the effort.
That's awful, Xabier. It's been mega-evil how they've picked people with any co-morbidity and told them they especially need to get vaxxed as they're vulnerable. And, as per the Scottish Covid Inquiry and elsewhere, they euthanised disabled people, in addition to the old, in hospitals, full T4 style.
Glad your allergies are being managed better. My husband (Normie-Doc!) used to have middling-bad psoriasis (not at all bad these days and never like Dennis Potter!), developed a prawn allergy in mid-life and, more recently (post covid jab), lactose intolerance. He also goes on about FODMAPS, which is a list of allergies to all manner of things, including fermented foodstuffs, onions, garlic and goodness knows what else (I lose count). I should mention he's also allergic to my 'conspiracy theories'. 🤣
An anti-inflammatory diet might work well for your husband. My tomato allergy vanished completely, but nuts eaten inadvertently almost did me in twice and I am sure would still be lethal.
I recall your domestic disagreements from Kunstler - I can't imagine living with someone not on the same page on this.....
As for my poor D1 friend, the words of Frances Cornford are not inappropriate:
'As certain as Winter to the wood,
Comes sorrow to the beautiful and the good'.
We are now living in Nazi Germany in the UK. At least Scotland and us of course - has Neil Oliver.
I like listening to Neil O., although I know some people think he's controlled op., especially after his interview with Tucker. I think a lot of genuine and awake people aren't aware that Tucker's dodgy. I was late to the party with Tucker as he was never really a thing over here until the Putin interview (CIA interviews KGB 🙄). I listened to him a few times after he left Fox and thought he was kosher!
Thanks for the heads-up re anti-inflammatory diet.
If I understand correctly you've sussed me out from the old Kunstler website, where I wasn't SheilaB. Don't be giving them my old avatar - I don't think anyone has figured out that it's me and I quite like that. Means I don't get pestered by everyone's favourite Nazi!!
Mark Hyman is triple jabbed, promoted the shots on podcasts and his IG stories as well as having a mask jab mandate at his clinic, during the scam 2020-2023.
Followed Hyman for years - he pushes a 50% wool mix of troof and floof in terms of nutrition. Wakes you up to one part of the medical complex but keeps you in with functional medicine wazoo, which is 1001 blood tests where a machine goes bleep bloop blop you’re deficient in X. You need to do Y and we have a line of it on our website. Bit like the Wizard of Oz, if the wizard gave you a heart medal that not only didnt work but was radioactive and slowly killed you.
I've gone to a functional medicine doctor for decades and what you say is true about the tests. The idea is to figure out the mechanism, not just a laundry list of symptoms like conventional MDs. I think they genuinely try to do this, but they are also following protocols, but different ones. My functional medicine MD does that, I'm sure. He has been very helpful at times and made a difference, but also has wandered down some paths that weren't helpful.
Perhaps the best thing about these docs is that they keep you off the "hard drugs" like statins, bisphosphonates, SSRIs, PPIs, Ozempic, etc. That allows your body to recover from whatever. They recommend too many supplements, in my experience.
But to agree with your point, I'm especially thinking that medical tests are likely very tainted. However, to treat using insurance, they have to show something to come up with a diagnosis. I don't trust many of the tests.
I had a persistent, painful and worrying problem with my left knee until I increased the amount of animal fat I eat (never touch seed oils, veg oils): it vanished in a month. It had been troubling me for years.
Occasional twinges, which I deal with by rubbing with nettles - gone in less than an hour! If my hands ache from too much cutting with an axe, or sawing, nettles deal with that too.
That is interesting. Do the nettles numb it? I know it's a stinging plant when growing live. Is it the plant or a dried herb?
I never gave up butter except briefly when my functional medicine doc recommended Smart Balance. (yuck). Years since I touched seed/veg oils. But olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil yes. But I think butter, ghee are healthier and have started to use them instead of those. Tallow is supposed to be great, but too pricey for me.
It appears that the low fat diet was designed to kill us slowly. I'm still heartbroken that people I love think it's good. If I mention butter, they go on about how they just eat a bit on their veggies, like it was poison. They are in poor health due to following questionable guidelines like the food pyramid, FDA psyop advice. And don't get me started on the self-righteous vegetarians, vegans, etc.
Craven indeed. Hooking people in to get "your blood'tested'' by any promise of a cure, or longevity or whatever. Not to say results can be useful, it's just knowing there's nefarious elements involved. And Tucker playin along. Not the shot, no
Have you done anything on this group? A lot of the "freedom fighting" ivermectin pushers are big into this group. Haven't done much digging yet...but the name alone. Hahah. Former feds...mmmmk.
Hurts to admit that Zero Hedge is compt’d to the core.
They are now slipping in supplement posts and trying to pass them off as legit ZH news posts and not sponsored content. This has happened within the last 3 weeks or so.
The sponsored TWC is still there and marked as such.
Maybe ZH is "Mossad Media," IDK. If so, I salute their light touch when it comes to censoring comments; the most common word you'll find in the starts with "tha JOOOOOOO..."
I used to follow Mark… but having come across the work of Dr. Ray Peat and Georgi Dinkov, I’m not so sure about the sugar causes cancer thing. It’s thought from my understanding that development of cancer has more to do with cellular metabolism/energy production issues and if those can be fixed (Georgi is doing experiments with Vitamin Bs and aspirin and having good success!) the cancerous cells correct themselves.
Causal stuff is always suspect. If high sugar intake is associated with a higher incidence of cancer, that doesn't mean it's causal. Obesity is also associated with a higher incidence of cancer, and eating too much sugar/carbs could "cause" obesity. An easier causal link to establish.
Trouble is higher calories don't directly cause obesity, either. It appears to be a complicated mechanism that includes hormones, etc. Hyperthyroid people, for instance, can eat many more calories and stay slim, whereas hypothyroid people just eat a few and gain weight. And the many hormones that control hunger/drive for food are much more complicated.
The trouble with guys like the doctor in this video is that they oversimplify. He sounds very sure of himself, making these declarations. A real scientist is not necessarily that sure of him/herself. The hucksters that sell snake oil are VERY confident, that's why they are called con artists.
Most doctors are not very smart. Why? They have not yet figured out that science is mostly falsified. They just parrot what they were taught and what the journals tell them, or the "evidence based" therapies, that are mainly drug company funded studies. Structure peoples jobs in a particular way to get a particular result. I'm starting to see the "destination" and this is predictable from that.
there's always a push pull isn't there? if you want to push back against cancer cells, remember iodine can help. more info at my substack iodine for horses, info for people too!
The kinds of calories, how you combine them, when and how frequently you eat them has a huge impact on all your hormones. The low carb fad is causing hypothyroidism.
Mark Adam Hyman (born November 22, 1959)[1] is an American physician and author.[2][3][4] He is the founder and medical director of The UltraWellness Center.[5] Hyman was a regular contributor to the Katie Couric Show until the show's cancellation in 2013.[6] He writes a blog called The Doctor’s Farmacy,[7] which examines many topics related to human health and welfare, and also offers a podcast by the same name.[8] He is the author of several books on nutrition and longevity, including Food Fix, Eat Fat, Get Thin, and Young Forever.
Another Mockinbird Expert like Drew Pinsky or...Dr. Phil. 😅
AN ALL-POINTS BULLETIN: "As a species, we need to address sugar-sweetened beverage consumption."
Yep, it's those "sugary drinks" that gotta go. You know, the ones that have been around for decades -- that's what's caused the ever growing diabetes epidemic & heart disease.
As if the med/scientific/gov. haven't known for eons now that refined sugar is not good ... or that alcohol is a toxin. No ones is going to argue re. those facts. But why the sudden concern? We all know the answer. This is such pathetic scapegoating. A 4 y.o. caught w/his hand in the cookie jar could do better.
I live in the woods & haven't seen a bunny in years, come to think of it. Again, just pathetic propaganda -- "... newer detection methods, such as PCR testing, are likely a major contributor to the increase in reported cases." Newer -- huh? PCR has been around for decades.
I have not read the entire paper, but am familiar with the concepts of bacteria being viewed and used for biocomputing purposes. I also have a basic understanding of the pros and cons of the Terahertz range.
Reading the introduction of the paper above seems to suggest to me that current research is focused on a means to facilitate the connection of a Terahertz system (perhaps already deployed?!) so that it can integrate with 5G/6G to enhance data collection, processing and computing. And clearly the goal is to enhance and facilitate the development of AI through these means.
I noted the first reference/footnote in the paper is to the work of Ian Akylidiz’s work/research. He is the father of the internet of bio-nano things.
So my question is, in part, what is your impression or reaction to their description of what they are hoping to accomplish?
Does it make you wonder more about the supposed accidental DNA contamination? Sure seems like all the loud voices in the MFM artfully avoid discussing the possibility that the Covid jab was the deployment of a computing operation system based in synthetic biology. They focus on everything but that possibility….they speak of government incompetence, overreach, greedy scientists with conflicts of interests, brainwashed and coerced medical professionals, depopulation, cabal that wants to do WEF bidding, etc.
But very few —-and not the loudest or most prominent—-want to even entertain or ask questions about the possibility that the Covid jabs were not about a fake or real virus….nor a bioweapon (even though there was plenty of killing), but is a computing system for gathering intel. Who do you suppose has access to that intel? Who are the tech bros “contracted with” and servicing the US government—-regardless of who is the POTUS?
And here is the thing….it may be that the jabs (different lots) have different configurations and formulas….and the vaccine cards/data collection is just part of their efforts to analyze the most effective way to integrate man and machine or to hook our beings up to the cloud….all to help humanity by then being able to use AI for problem solving. 🙄
Of course, the narcissistic philanthropaths we are dealing with figure it is ok to break some eggs while making their fluffy omelet.
You’d think they thought they were God or something?!
My personal feeling….or intuition….still more layers to this onion. Hard to keep peeling them back through the tears, but getting stuck in the manufactured cul de sacs will have consequences.
I have wondered just who the dark lords of chaos and destruction follow and who is behind all this… perhaps it isn’t for me to know but I think they’re all just doing follow up to verify their science experiment hypothesis and perfect their integration Psy ence.
Have you checked out my substack….I’m from Maine. And diving down the rabbit whole has led me to believe my state’s tech overlord and Gates have deep ties to whatever the ultimate agenda is….and Northeastern University and Jornet’s arrival there in 2019 are suspect in my opinion.
The thing about my state….no one is going to suspect a thing. Think about how the 9/11 terrorists supposedly entered through the Maine/Canada border and slipped into the security zone of the airports in Portland, Maine. We are trusting independent folk who lay behind in technology as our population is one of the oldest in the nation. Perfect place to advance the agenda without anyone being the wiser.
Some days I wonder if the vaccines were about seeding society with engineered bacteria or biofilm that is detectable by Terahertz and that they will use that to create the infrastructure for creating a “worldwide web” within which to capture and surveil our beings and environment for their precious data collection.
From the start, I have found it interesting/curious that the supposed “spike protein” attaches or goes to receptors on most of the vital organs….heart, lungs, liver, ovaries, testes, spleen. And of course, it is said to cross the blood brain barrier.
If this is the case, how could they not have known the result of the produced spike proteins flooding the body? Why would they have expected the spike proteins to remain only in the injected arm?
After all, the coronavirus itself does not just stay in the nasal passages thanks to its spike proteins flooding one’s system upon infection (according to NIH/CDC representations and propaganda).
Almost feels like by design they wanted to deploy a system by which to collect data from key elements of our human biology.
And the idea that constant boosters are needed on its face is an admission that the sought after “immunity” was not achieved. Yet, the safe and effective narrative continues…..
Is it possible that the need for boosters is because our immune systems are reacting to and or shutting down the tech they have attempted to deploy? Seems surreal, I know. But also seems like the suggestion that our immune system becomes trained to react to the shots with the IgG 4, that is….tolerate the “pathogen” might be a sought after outcome if this experiment is about trying to find a means through synthetic biology to fuse man and machine.
Just some random thoughts that surface time and time again. That and I don’t trust what Robert Langer and Charles Lieber were working on together leading up to the pandemic.
Pediatrician Lawrence Dunegan recalls Planned Parenthood head and Rockefeller insider Richard Day's presentation in 1969:
"Cancer. He said. "We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it's ever decided that it should be released. But consider - if people stop dying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well die of cancer as something else."
Efforts at cancer treatment would be geared more toward comfort than toward cure. There was some statement that ultimately the cancer cures which were being hidden in the Rockefeller Institute would come to light because independent researchers might bring them out, despite these efforts to suppress them. But at least for the time being, letting people die of cancer was a good thing to do because it would slow down the problem of overpopulation."
So this doctor that Tucker was interviewing said "we can extend lifespan to 120 years." If only we didn't have a medical/industrial/big ag complex blocking us. Simple. Just cut out the Froot Loops. Trump/Bobby might be the answer. [Pretty sure the scorpions are not on board with this idea].
Or we could give people MRNA shots and decrease the average lifespan considerably. We don't know how low it's going to go at this time. Trump brought these shots in, elegant things that they are. Bobby would mandate them if proven safe*. (Pretty sure the scorpions love this idea).
*Science would be falsified.
I'm a big proponent of a healthy diet and have always tried to follow one. So have others I know. Unfortunately, the science was falsified long ago, so try as one might, it didn't work out that well.
Zero Octane Speculation:
In 1969, they will not cure it. They were almost certainly studying how to cause it and cure it along the way. (dual use)
They knew that cancer was the best way to kill people slowly with multi-factorial causes: Sugar! Toxins! Parasites!
And if we just tweak some genes, oncogenes...boom,
Yeah, those oncogenes. That maliney was 'studing'. . I was thinking in my last comment what you just now posted lol. And the diet, I've been hearing that the combination of sugar, processed, pesticided flour and bad fats are very addictive. And causes cancer. Most processed foods have this. But it's not the shotz.
Imagine the stories that the scientists must tell themselves to make it all fit what they thought (or knew better) what they were doing with their time on this rock.
Bit a lot of them are sold on the depop
Yeah, hey pushin it to da back of their brains, too occupied wit de 'life' and de wife als all dere kids college educations. And, you know, the ladder.
While it's true that sugar, processed, pesticided flour and bad fats are addictive and cause cancer, that can't explain the explosion in cancers since people have been eating these for a very long time. All my life and I'm not young. In fact, I think people are eating less of these than before.
So what happens in research if you "control for" those elements. Do you still get a very recent rise in cancer
Will they soon start mandating MRNA shots for cancer? Will they find it's contagious, or even not if that, will they declare a pandemic of cancer?
Yep, it's mostly the shots. Like CANCER CELLS IN THE SHOTS! EVER SINCE POLIO VAXXINES. Should be front page news. Every day. The Only vax I had was the sugar cube polio when I was very young. To think that it had cancer included just blows my mind. My mom didn't allow the smallpox vax. But it just killed me to have my children exposed to all the vaxxes required for school, not even knowing if I had the option to 'opt out'. Especially the 3 in 1 Shots. THEN the fucking covid shots! Three of the 4 of them succumbed to 2 shots before finally listening to me. I'm hoping that my genetics and nursing them gives them added protection and that of their children. But my sister got 3 shots and she's had cancer and a near stroke.. of course more cancer has shown up, more surgery..
Its all been slow kill. Food, shots, meds, pesticides & 100,000 plus chemicals added to everything over the last 100 years. (They have now sped things up to achieve their revised deadlines with their kill shots & they have become emboldened as a result of all of the easy marks).
They are covered as sickness / cancer cannot be attributed to the combination of all of these toxins & if any substance can be singled out then they lie & hide / confuse the facts.
Avoid above as best as possible, live with food as medicine as your motto eat organic food, use organic herbs & EO’s. Plenty of exercise, good does of sun daily & grounding for starters.
Research, research & research.
And DON’T get shots
They're creating cancer and withholding the cure. Their reasoning, "you might as well die of cancer as anything". Only you won't die in 'galore and fame' as you would as our puppets in the war games. Uh, no.
And you might as well feel guilty for giving yourself cancer because you ate too much sugar...because it's not the SHOTS!
Turbo Blessings on all dem sob's. Back in '69?!!! Sayin they have the cure!
A nephew of mine developed Type 1 diabetes when he was 12. Like a lot of teenagers, who just want to enjoy their lives, he didn't deal well with the management of it and often ended up in hospital because he'd been eating stuff he shouldn't and taking double insulin to compensate. He became really difficult to live with and caused his parents endless heartache and worry. He also became manipulative. In his mid-20s he started drinking because he realised he'd ruined his health and thought everyone would be better off if he died. When he was 30, he had a lovely little boy of 3 years, but had split with his partner and was back home with my brother and his wife. His mother found him dead in bed one morning. Eleven days later my brother died of a heart attack as the family prepared to take the dog for a walk. They were buried together, during lockdown (my nephew had finally agreed to get help in early 2020 and it was cancelled because of lockdown).
When I think that that whole chain of events was quite possibly (probably?) caused by a vaccine injury, I'm lost for words to describe the evil of these ghouls.
Sheila, that is an incredible compound family tragedy, I am so sorry.
Sorry to hear that, Sheila. Brutal story.
So sorry:(
Thanks, Jewell. It's been a few years now and it's been a long while since I got upset about it, but writing that did make me a bit upset. It's not that long since I was enabled to join the dots between childhood vaccination and diabetes.
Yeah the young should Not have chronic diseases! It all started with them using syringes to access your body, bypassing the body's natural defences.
A harrowing tale, Sheila. In a way, I'm grateful that I only developed the malign trio of asthma, eczema and nut and fish allergies post-vaxx as an infant. A change to an anti-inflammatory diet has worked wonders. Occasionally being suffocated and having one's throat close up is nothing really compared to the daily stress of D1.
The Covid vaxxes suddenly crippled a D1 friend, 27, beautiful and kind, with a young daughter born in lockdown. I warned her, but they'd got the first 2 shots in her before I could, and after that she followed the advice of the Diabetes charity and her GP thinking they couldn't be wrong: how it will turn out for her I hardly dare imagine. The medical charities must all know hat is happening: what about the 20k + blinded after injection in the UK?
They are causing and worsening Lupus too, the consultants all know this and say nothing, the cowards. I am concentrating on making the life of a lovely friend with Lupus as happy as possible, having given up on warning people who are too stupid to deserve the effort.
That's awful, Xabier. It's been mega-evil how they've picked people with any co-morbidity and told them they especially need to get vaxxed as they're vulnerable. And, as per the Scottish Covid Inquiry and elsewhere, they euthanised disabled people, in addition to the old, in hospitals, full T4 style.
Glad your allergies are being managed better. My husband (Normie-Doc!) used to have middling-bad psoriasis (not at all bad these days and never like Dennis Potter!), developed a prawn allergy in mid-life and, more recently (post covid jab), lactose intolerance. He also goes on about FODMAPS, which is a list of allergies to all manner of things, including fermented foodstuffs, onions, garlic and goodness knows what else (I lose count). I should mention he's also allergic to my 'conspiracy theories'. 🤣
An anti-inflammatory diet might work well for your husband. My tomato allergy vanished completely, but nuts eaten inadvertently almost did me in twice and I am sure would still be lethal.
I recall your domestic disagreements from Kunstler - I can't imagine living with someone not on the same page on this.....
As for my poor D1 friend, the words of Frances Cornford are not inappropriate:
'As certain as Winter to the wood,
Comes sorrow to the beautiful and the good'.
We are now living in Nazi Germany in the UK. At least Scotland and us of course - has Neil Oliver.
I like listening to Neil O., although I know some people think he's controlled op., especially after his interview with Tucker. I think a lot of genuine and awake people aren't aware that Tucker's dodgy. I was late to the party with Tucker as he was never really a thing over here until the Putin interview (CIA interviews KGB 🙄). I listened to him a few times after he left Fox and thought he was kosher!
Thanks for the heads-up re anti-inflammatory diet.
If I understand correctly you've sussed me out from the old Kunstler website, where I wasn't SheilaB. Don't be giving them my old avatar - I don't think anyone has figured out that it's me and I quite like that. Means I don't get pestered by everyone's favourite Nazi!!
I am wary of any medical testing and stopped 5 years ago.
Maybe they would say I had the same disease as a child.
If you look for something, they will find it. I never heard of a child with diabetes growing up.
Now they come up with "pre diabetes". Is that like pre pregnant?
Only five minutes into the furrowed-brow interview and I'm diagnosing yer man with a bad case of Duper's Delight, bordering on the hysterical.
The sheer gaslighting is so pronounced it's off the charts.
Imagine crashing that interview and shouting:
I wonder if they take method acting classes at spy school.
No question. Undergraduate courses for all, graduate for the ones chosen to be anchors.
😂 🤣 🤣 🤣 😂 😂
I missed the duper's delight in that doc and looked again, yep! I should start looking for that more often, I'll bet it's there more than I realized.
Thanks for "Duper's Delight." Had to look it up, in retrospect it's painfully obvious, but now I will use it gleefully. The term, not the duping.
It's Sage's term - I'm just using local in-vocab!
You might like this Oscar-winning example:
Mark Hyman is triple jabbed, promoted the shots on podcasts and his IG stories as well as having a mask jab mandate at his clinic, during the scam 2020-2023.
Yes, he looks like he has aged 10 years . Color is horrible. And he is all about longevity. My advice is no jabs!!
Followed Hyman for years - he pushes a 50% wool mix of troof and floof in terms of nutrition. Wakes you up to one part of the medical complex but keeps you in with functional medicine wazoo, which is 1001 blood tests where a machine goes bleep bloop blop you’re deficient in X. You need to do Y and we have a line of it on our website. Bit like the Wizard of Oz, if the wizard gave you a heart medal that not only didnt work but was radioactive and slowly killed you.
I've gone to a functional medicine doctor for decades and what you say is true about the tests. The idea is to figure out the mechanism, not just a laundry list of symptoms like conventional MDs. I think they genuinely try to do this, but they are also following protocols, but different ones. My functional medicine MD does that, I'm sure. He has been very helpful at times and made a difference, but also has wandered down some paths that weren't helpful.
Perhaps the best thing about these docs is that they keep you off the "hard drugs" like statins, bisphosphonates, SSRIs, PPIs, Ozempic, etc. That allows your body to recover from whatever. They recommend too many supplements, in my experience.
But to agree with your point, I'm especially thinking that medical tests are likely very tainted. However, to treat using insurance, they have to show something to come up with a diagnosis. I don't trust many of the tests.
I can say this.. I cut out the sugar. I cut out the artificial sugar. I cut out ultra processed food, seed oils. My Heath is 80 percent better.
I’m not jabbed.
I had a persistent, painful and worrying problem with my left knee until I increased the amount of animal fat I eat (never touch seed oils, veg oils): it vanished in a month. It had been troubling me for years.
Occasional twinges, which I deal with by rubbing with nettles - gone in less than an hour! If my hands ache from too much cutting with an axe, or sawing, nettles deal with that too.
That is interesting. Do the nettles numb it? I know it's a stinging plant when growing live. Is it the plant or a dried herb?
I never gave up butter except briefly when my functional medicine doc recommended Smart Balance. (yuck). Years since I touched seed/veg oils. But olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil yes. But I think butter, ghee are healthier and have started to use them instead of those. Tallow is supposed to be great, but too pricey for me.
It appears that the low fat diet was designed to kill us slowly. I'm still heartbroken that people I love think it's good. If I mention butter, they go on about how they just eat a bit on their veggies, like it was poison. They are in poor health due to following questionable guidelines like the food pyramid, FDA psyop advice. And don't get me started on the self-righteous vegetarians, vegans, etc.
Craven indeed. Hooking people in to get "your blood'tested'' by any promise of a cure, or longevity or whatever. Not to say results can be useful, it's just knowing there's nefarious elements involved. And Tucker playin along. Not the shot, no
It's the wetiko.
Have you done anything on this group? A lot of the "freedom fighting" ivermectin pushers are big into this group. Haven't done much digging yet...but the name alone. Hahah. Former feds...mmmmk.
More fear from TWC.
TWC promoting masks
Looks like they are bemoaning mask mandates while co-signing scary germs and the need for (their) countermeasures.
Hurts to admit that Zero Hedge is compt’d to the core.
They are now slipping in supplement posts and trying to pass them off as legit ZH news posts and not sponsored content. This has happened within the last 3 weeks or so.
The sponsored TWC is still there and marked as such.
Pretty sure it's Mossad Media.
Or if you prefer: Red Heifer Media.
Pretty sure Wellness Company is itself CIA/Red Heifer Media.
Domestic end times Zionist dreams give me the willies.
I was raised in that. It took VERY VERY little literature to shake my goyyim ass out of it.
Maybe ZH is "Mossad Media," IDK. If so, I salute their light touch when it comes to censoring comments; the most common word you'll find in the starts with "tha JOOOOOOO..."
Pretty much all media ends up being funded or influenced by folks sympathetic to Chosen Tribe and murder the Amalek tiny beeeebbbiiieessssss
Esp. the bigger stuff.
It has a def. vibe.
It states "sponsored content" at the top of the article... it is an ad, not an article. And them recommending Tamiflu is hilarious and disturbing.
I didn’t have a good example of the ones ZH is running and not tagging as sponsored. But it’s habbenin’
I used to follow Mark… but having come across the work of Dr. Ray Peat and Georgi Dinkov, I’m not so sure about the sugar causes cancer thing. It’s thought from my understanding that development of cancer has more to do with cellular metabolism/energy production issues and if those can be fixed (Georgi is doing experiments with Vitamin Bs and aspirin and having good success!) the cancerous cells correct themselves.
‘Course that’s bad news for Pharma and oncology.
Causal stuff is always suspect. If high sugar intake is associated with a higher incidence of cancer, that doesn't mean it's causal. Obesity is also associated with a higher incidence of cancer, and eating too much sugar/carbs could "cause" obesity. An easier causal link to establish.
Trouble is higher calories don't directly cause obesity, either. It appears to be a complicated mechanism that includes hormones, etc. Hyperthyroid people, for instance, can eat many more calories and stay slim, whereas hypothyroid people just eat a few and gain weight. And the many hormones that control hunger/drive for food are much more complicated.
The trouble with guys like the doctor in this video is that they oversimplify. He sounds very sure of himself, making these declarations. A real scientist is not necessarily that sure of him/herself. The hucksters that sell snake oil are VERY confident, that's why they are called con artists.
Most doctors are not very smart. Why? They have not yet figured out that science is mostly falsified. They just parrot what they were taught and what the journals tell them, or the "evidence based" therapies, that are mainly drug company funded studies. Structure peoples jobs in a particular way to get a particular result. I'm starting to see the "destination" and this is predictable from that.
there's always a push pull isn't there? if you want to push back against cancer cells, remember iodine can help. more info at my substack iodine for horses, info for people too!
The kinds of calories, how you combine them, when and how frequently you eat them has a huge impact on all your hormones. The low carb fad is causing hypothyroidism.
Who's the Dude with The Tuck, given away the data harvesting tests ?
Mark Hyman
Hyman in 2021
Born Mark Adam Hyman
November 22, 1959 (age 65)
Occupation(s) Physician, author
Known for Functional medicine advocacy, pegan diet
Mark Adam Hyman (born November 22, 1959)[1] is an American physician and author.[2][3][4] He is the founder and medical director of The UltraWellness Center.[5] Hyman was a regular contributor to the Katie Couric Show until the show's cancellation in 2013.[6] He writes a blog called The Doctor’s Farmacy,[7] which examines many topics related to human health and welfare, and also offers a podcast by the same name.[8] He is the author of several books on nutrition and longevity, including Food Fix, Eat Fat, Get Thin, and Young Forever.
Another Mockinbird Expert like Drew Pinsky or...Dr. Phil. 😅
And dr "Oz". Lord help us
Aaaannnnnd he's jewish:
KKKANCER! Yes zee shots vill kill you with ze kkkancah!
They promote hard like SV40
Evil mad greedy naughty
Sell snake oil like a Saudi. Gory-
Cattle culled like inventory
Marks in the Kill Box
AN ALL-POINTS BULLETIN: "As a species, we need to address sugar-sweetened beverage consumption."
Yep, it's those "sugary drinks" that gotta go. You know, the ones that have been around for decades -- that's what's caused the ever growing diabetes epidemic & heart disease.
As if the med/scientific/gov. haven't known for eons now that refined sugar is not good ... or that alcohol is a toxin. No ones is going to argue re. those facts. But why the sudden concern? We all know the answer. This is such pathetic scapegoating. A 4 y.o. caught w/his hand in the cookie jar could do better.
And now bunnies are the next scary pandemic vector.
I live in the woods & haven't seen a bunny in years, come to think of it. Again, just pathetic propaganda -- "... newer detection methods, such as PCR testing, are likely a major contributor to the increase in reported cases." Newer -- huh? PCR has been around for decades.
Leave the bunnies alone.
Perhaps related….maybe not. Hard to say these days.
That being said….gonna leave this November 2024 research paper here….interested in the thoughts of others related to it.
And the link that led me to the above is here:
I have not read the entire paper, but am familiar with the concepts of bacteria being viewed and used for biocomputing purposes. I also have a basic understanding of the pros and cons of the Terahertz range.
Reading the introduction of the paper above seems to suggest to me that current research is focused on a means to facilitate the connection of a Terahertz system (perhaps already deployed?!) so that it can integrate with 5G/6G to enhance data collection, processing and computing. And clearly the goal is to enhance and facilitate the development of AI through these means.
I noted the first reference/footnote in the paper is to the work of Ian Akylidiz’s work/research. He is the father of the internet of bio-nano things.
So my question is, in part, what is your impression or reaction to their description of what they are hoping to accomplish?
Does it make you wonder more about the supposed accidental DNA contamination? Sure seems like all the loud voices in the MFM artfully avoid discussing the possibility that the Covid jab was the deployment of a computing operation system based in synthetic biology. They focus on everything but that possibility….they speak of government incompetence, overreach, greedy scientists with conflicts of interests, brainwashed and coerced medical professionals, depopulation, cabal that wants to do WEF bidding, etc.
But very few —-and not the loudest or most prominent—-want to even entertain or ask questions about the possibility that the Covid jabs were not about a fake or real virus….nor a bioweapon (even though there was plenty of killing), but is a computing system for gathering intel. Who do you suppose has access to that intel? Who are the tech bros “contracted with” and servicing the US government—-regardless of who is the POTUS?
And here is the thing….it may be that the jabs (different lots) have different configurations and formulas….and the vaccine cards/data collection is just part of their efforts to analyze the most effective way to integrate man and machine or to hook our beings up to the cloud….all to help humanity by then being able to use AI for problem solving. 🙄
Of course, the narcissistic philanthropaths we are dealing with figure it is ok to break some eggs while making their fluffy omelet.
You’d think they thought they were God or something?!
My personal feeling….or intuition….still more layers to this onion. Hard to keep peeling them back through the tears, but getting stuck in the manufactured cul de sacs will have consequences.
Listened to Akylidiz numerous times. My impression of what they are hoping to accomplish is better bio surveillance and perhaps a symptomology set
With which to scare the public to fit the age of bioterr or paradigm. Your links eventually led me to search BLAIDS:
Durn pathogens getting purdy tough these days.
I have wondered just who the dark lords of chaos and destruction follow and who is behind all this… perhaps it isn’t for me to know but I think they’re all just doing follow up to verify their science experiment hypothesis and perfect their integration Psy ence.
Who knows🤷🏻♂️
Have you checked out my substack….I’m from Maine. And diving down the rabbit whole has led me to believe my state’s tech overlord and Gates have deep ties to whatever the ultimate agenda is….and Northeastern University and Jornet’s arrival there in 2019 are suspect in my opinion.
The thing about my state….no one is going to suspect a thing. Think about how the 9/11 terrorists supposedly entered through the Maine/Canada border and slipped into the security zone of the airports in Portland, Maine. We are trusting independent folk who lay behind in technology as our population is one of the oldest in the nation. Perfect place to advance the agenda without anyone being the wiser.
Some days I wonder if the vaccines were about seeding society with engineered bacteria or biofilm that is detectable by Terahertz and that they will use that to create the infrastructure for creating a “worldwide web” within which to capture and surveil our beings and environment for their precious data collection.
From the start, I have found it interesting/curious that the supposed “spike protein” attaches or goes to receptors on most of the vital organs….heart, lungs, liver, ovaries, testes, spleen. And of course, it is said to cross the blood brain barrier.
If this is the case, how could they not have known the result of the produced spike proteins flooding the body? Why would they have expected the spike proteins to remain only in the injected arm?
After all, the coronavirus itself does not just stay in the nasal passages thanks to its spike proteins flooding one’s system upon infection (according to NIH/CDC representations and propaganda).
Almost feels like by design they wanted to deploy a system by which to collect data from key elements of our human biology.
And the idea that constant boosters are needed on its face is an admission that the sought after “immunity” was not achieved. Yet, the safe and effective narrative continues…..
Is it possible that the need for boosters is because our immune systems are reacting to and or shutting down the tech they have attempted to deploy? Seems surreal, I know. But also seems like the suggestion that our immune system becomes trained to react to the shots with the IgG 4, that is….tolerate the “pathogen” might be a sought after outcome if this experiment is about trying to find a means through synthetic biology to fuse man and machine.
Just some random thoughts that surface time and time again. That and I don’t trust what Robert Langer and Charles Lieber were working on together leading up to the pandemic.