Mar 21·edited Mar 22Liked by Sage Hana

Excellent history lesson. Another figure who was influenced by these ideas was Rudolph Steiner. The Steiner group tries to downplay this, obv, but they had specific echelons/grades of children and the idea was that only the right groups could emerge spiritually and that was the purpose of their education. I once read a report by a mother who spilled the beans on this. Their teacher training included how to be tactful about the subject.

There are Steiner people in my community who are very influential politically. All into carbon net zero. It's not just the schools but Steiner (Anthrosophy) doctors, etc. For a while one of these people took advantage of me in mild but rather obnoxious ways. I always drove but she never even offered to drive or even paid for gas. I stopped driving when I saw that she was doing this grifting in the name of environmentalism. Clearly she thought she was a superior being and doing me a favor! :o. Once I knew about the Steiner stuff (often hush-hush) it all fit together. She was a progressive forever, too. Still influential, everyone who's anyone knows her or knows who she is. I know who she is, but in a different way. I used to be an environmentalist, but stopped a while ago due to the insane climate stuff and all the abuses by pols. I guess I was a useful idiot for a while because I loved nature, trees, animals, etc.

Anyhow, Steiner seemed hooked up with this movement, not clear how. Not all Steiner teachers have a clue, I suspect. Idealistic young people.

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Mar 21Liked by Sage Hana

Love, love, love to you SH, again for your tenacity. Knowing how it's nearly impossible to get most people to look at the painful truth, but you persevere. I do also, in my way, with my family, though they do their best to ignore most of what I inform them of. Love to my hero/ine, SH.

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I was in Toronto yesterday watching news with friend for first time in years. Every segment about new diseases emerging MPox, Measles, RSV, Shibgles. 3 genicides happening and MSMM reports 27 cases of Moox which is a disease that never killed anyone.

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Fortunately they got to my sister first,

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Mar 21Liked by Sage Hana

Pepcid tastes good on hot dogs

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Run-on sentences... my day is complete!

I've been thinking to start floating the story that Sage Hana is actually the Sage of Hana, Hana being an imaginary island in the Atlantic Ocean inhabited by armadillos who only communicate using run-on sentences and they want truths but the island ran out of truths because it is imaginary and so they sent the Sage to this reality to research the truths and he will send a message in a bottle with many run-on sentences so that the armadillos of Hana can understand well the truths and how to grow them themselves on the island.

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Dangerous curves. I refuse to be flattened!

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It's all there - for anyone who dares to look...

An historical doomsday feast should ALWAYS come with flaming side of snark...you might be the master chef. Ugh...now I'm hungry...but I'm always hungry...a poisoned food supply triggers me, but it sure makes portion control a breeze...

We should never let up...and continue to mock them, mercilessly...

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22Liked by Sage Hana

Funny they want to flatten the curves while the plastic surgeons want to increase them =)))

Now seriously:

Depopulation or EXTERMINATION? (finest quotes):


Confessions of illuminati, David Rockefeller (finest quotes):


Ex illuminati Ronald Bernard: how the world REALLY works


The REAL Robert Malone, son of a Deep State:


X L ent post Sage !

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Mar 24Liked by Sage Hana


This seems to belong here, something I just ran across randomly on TwiX. It's from 1998, but is consistent with some of the things here and about the mechanisms for mind control and geneology that goes way, way back. It's an unpolished presentation but parts made sense knowing what we are seeing now.

One thing struck me and that was about electroshock treatments. A colleague had these for serious life-threatening depression and it was bizarre. The project we'd been working on really was wiped from her mind completely. Otherwise she seemed like herself. I thought, wow, I've seen this.

Also all the satanic rituals make sense in the context he's talking about. Seeing that it was over 25 years ago, I was incredulous. Not the Day tapes, but something that goes with them as mechanisms.

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The same people flattened the twin towers too (well the entire WTC complex)

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Mar 22Liked by Sage Hana

Another power post Sage. So much information compressed into a pound of priceless poetic prose.

You rock!

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Mar 21Liked by Sage Hana

You know what else they have done? It is really a stroke of genius. They have changed all the ucc/ and securities laws...so they can wipe out all your stock and bond investments ...so don't count on the stock market...the great thing is just that...you are third in line after the hedge funds and the brokerage houses...

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No matter how many times you will repeat these factual reports, people won’t believe. Most probably they will dismiss them before the message reaches the brain.

The reason is that we are trained to act post factum. Things happen, and then we wake up. This is our natural state of being.

Under healthy and sane lifestyle, this is the only way. However, since the time when false flags and similar tricks were invented (the Trojan horse?), some individuals and groups of interest have been using “pre-emptive” measures. “We believe that bacteria will make water unusable, therefore we will contaminate all waters with chemicals, the bacteria won’t develop and you can drink as much water as you want.” Or “Our experts have concluded that the population of the Arctic base “TuKoldTuSink” could attack our mainland in the year 2745, therefore we will melt the Arctic by redirecting wind paths with wind parks, and thus we will save you all. [small print: “The budget cost will be $xxx bn”].

“Pre-emptive” sounds exactly like “guilty before charged”, but this is a minute detail forgotten right along with “first do not harm” or “show cause to have your proposal approved”. Mass media campaign will help a lot, especially when most of the population can not tell Austria from Australia.

In my talks with friends about “have you read the leaflet to this drug”, I’ve noticed that their brains immediately go blank. Switched off. You can talk as much as you want, show these leaflets, show printouts of factual articles with highlighted key points, explain, provide meanings of weird terms, and the best response you can hope for is “So what do you want, tea or coffee?”

After four years of this, my guess is that we need to change the form of presentation (I don’t know how). The message is ok, but the envelope is wrong. All mail goes to trash cans.

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Old enough to recall the threat of 'overpopulation,' which is now flipped to be 'underpopulation.'

"Terrifying threat of 'underpopulation' laid bare in startling graphs"

https://mol.im/a/13219175 via


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