Had a convo with a Boomer Normie recently.
Normie still uses Facebook and reports that everybody is sick.
All the time.
I explained that this was the precise intent of the Staged Kovid *Pandemic* and the Emergency Medical Countermeasures.
To kill the people softly.
I don’t think the shots were supposed to be immediate killers, although they were.
When the Owners realized that the marks were dropping dead rapidly, they called an audible and the the next thing you know you had Robert Malone on Evergreen Sayanim with DARPA Depop Steve doing a “how to save the world” podcast preaching caution.
One week after Mrs. Robert Malone had busted out a LinkedIn clamoring for credit for the mRNA shots.
One week.
One week in June, 2021.
A Dissident movement was fake created with guard rails protecting the master agendas of Dangerous Germs Spreading Mistakes Were Made.
“This is very scripted state by state. My guess is that different states and different countries have quota systems.”
My guess is that your guess is not a guess.
But I see phantoms everywhere, so meeebbeeee I’m a motivated reasoner.
The Day Tapes explained that the role of doctors would include execution by lethal injections.
Guess what?
Richard Day was not speaking in specific capital murder cases.
He was speaking…broadly.
Jay is here for a reason.
Jay is here for a reason.
Bobby is here for a reason.
Donald is here for a reason.
This is tough, yeah?
Tough to deal with.
Daddy loves you.
It hurts inside, doesn’t it?
I can’t unread this.
I didn’t even take the fing jab. I knew it was a psyop from the start. Same with the wife. But we went to visit my dad in hospice in Nov 2021. Every patient was forced to take a booster. Every staff member had a booster. The day before we visited. We didn’t find that out until we looked at his medical records after he died. It was ‘booster day’. 24 hours before we walked into the building. We spent 3 days with him. Two weeks later he was dead and my wife was in the hospital with respiratory failure. Thankfully we were in a small southern town, community hospital. No vents. No Remdesivir. She got great care.
But, both of us have never been the same after that. No need to describe the symptoms, I’m sure many will know them.
We are both 70. And we see the target on our backs.
You cannot hate those people enough.