
Kirsch, you helped me see it fresh today.

I was wondering why you and Bob didn't go over your Big Smartie lack of data rationales for ALLEGEDLY taking the shots....you know meeeebbeeeee on the Dark Satanic Horse Podcast set up to talk about those said shots....


I *think* you said that.

You gave it away, and since I was a Sweet Summer Child, I utterly missed this. Because....jabs bad.

Well done, Trevor and whoever else staged this one. Magnificent.

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May 7·edited May 7Liked by Sage Hana

Very odd intvw, eh ? Farrier Bob is losing his gift of gab, and now seems more like a punch-drunk barstool psychologist, name-caller, and self-appointed expert on all things propaganda. Oh, yeah, and Lil Stevie cannot figure out how to block the porn replies on his X acct ?

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I read that as grift of gab. 🤣

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May 7Liked by Sage Hana


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I would never take ivermectin prophylactically. That IS crazy.

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Strictly speaking, World Ivermectin Day would have to be horseshit crazy.

I think covid was supposed to be batshit crazy

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I think I meant....PANGOLIN SHIT CRAZY.

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Elephant shitting in the middle of the room crazy?

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"Nothing matters. Nothing matters." crazy.

Just roll with it.

If they push too far, they will circle back around with a "sensible" person (that also sold you the Mass Formation) with "sensible" solutoins.

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May 7Liked by Sage Hana

As an African, I've seen elephant shit. You DO NOT want that elephant shitting in your living room. Oh hang on, I think it already did that ...

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Do you know how I know I am not the audience you were writing to there.

When I had a difference of opinion on the narrative and mentioned treatments, they responded with a .gif of a horse. This was yesterday by the way.

I thought it was some sort of obscure way of calling me a horse's ass, which I have been called far worse, but halfway through it, I realized he was using the "horse dewormer" meme, thinking I was thinking that Covid treatment should have been ivermectin. I have no problem with ivermectin or hydrochloroquine. They sound like pretty safe drugs in contrast to an experimental vaccine. But let me be clear, for most of us, no treatment was needed aside from the way we usually handle colds and flu, and that is by a lot of sleep, or it is taking medications to mask or mitigate the symptoms.

If that isn't clear enough, let me add that if this was a novel pathogen, it certainly behaved like a pathogen very much aligned with the seasonal flu. What made it different was all the protocols and restrictions that arose from the hype over it.

My speculation is that a lot of people who tested positive for Covid in 2020 were at the hospital for other reasons. They certainly did not want to go there for COVID-19 because they were told that hospitals were overwhelmed roach motel of Covid in 2020.

Once you had a Covid positive test, you were put on Remdesivir or something else equally as questionable. And half the reason you were treated as you were was because the hospital staff were all dealing with fear of the disease themselves.

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They staged one helluva show.

And it keeps going, and the marks are tired.

The marks like the problem - reaction - solution.

Like a dysfunctional family, the abused kids holding on to marbles, clutching them tightly...clutching on to the "way out".

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May 7Liked by Sage Hana

This particular mark is not just tired..she is morte d'epuisement.

Quote...I just want to know what is real.

I am beginning to despair that we never will.

Heart of darkness.

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Donuts are real.

The better ones at least

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May 7Liked by Sage Hana

I have an unfortunate predilection for the honey dipped ones..I think they are better known as glazed. The other kinds I can walk by..but not those.

Just pure sugar.

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Luv the glaaaaazed

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until you go to squeeze a hot KK right off the line...1/4 cup of grease drips from it. Cured my addiction lol

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You're right, it keeps going. An MD posted this and claimed 10% mortality rate!!!! 10% MORTALITY RATE FOR PATIENTS WHO CATCH COVID WHILE AT THE HOSPITAL!!!


Isn't it convenient that people "catch" Covid at the hospital. Before they were minding their own business, wanted to drop by for a visit to the local hospital and whammo. They catch Covid. Before they were completely healthy..and suddenly for no reason at all...they decided to visit the hospital.

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I could pull the quotes, and I spent like a month doing so and cutting the videos.

Pierre Kory sold the Threat Matrix clear coat like a boss.




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May 7Liked by Sage Hana

“Pierre Kory sold the Threat Matrix clear coat like a boss.” Perfect!!

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Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

And who *NEVER* catches COVID in the hospital? The STAFF. The doctors and nurses who work there 40 hours a week or more who are locked in a building all day with hundreds or thousands of sick people who "have it".

This makes as much sense as a mega-brothel that everyone visits and everyone who has sex with the health care wor^H^H^H^H^Hprostitutes "catches syphilis" but somehow the prostitutes themselves never do.

Funny disease.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Sage Hana

It doesn't make any sense. I wonder how many staff workers who "tested positive for Covid" were placed on the same hospital protocols as us unwashed masses.

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Motel Covid: compromised elderly go in, they don’t come out

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Approximate pull quote from Dr. Pierre Kory working in the woke talking points and gosh, I wonder if the Black and Brown communities were sufficiently terrified to get the shots?

And (stil) wear the masks that he told us we all needed to wear.

Did you know that Kory was an Immunization Incentive specialist early in his career?

(Before realizing that he had a talent for being a Simulation Specialist.)

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May 7·edited May 7

Here are some more crisis (and simulation) actors. Actual professional actors and you may have seen them on teevee or on social media and cried at their stories or sent prayer and heart emojis. https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/meet-the-covid-crisis-actors-not

They go with the dancing doctors and nurses. These had to have been professional dancers or dance companies. I can't see Pierre or Hotez doing a hot number like these "doctors" and "nurses." Maybe McCullough, who was honored on Broadway not long ago, kinda Fred Astaire vibe to him.

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May 7Liked by Sage Hana

The dancing nurses vids were nuts. Did anyone question why they had so much time to rehearse and film vids when they were overwhelmed w/patients and working long hours and double/triple shifts (allegedly) ? And some civilians still wonder why there is dwindling respect for the medical profession ?

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May 7Liked by Sage Hana

Of course I questioned that as well as all the other staged propaganda of laughing dancing late night tv hosts and French fry eating mayors lol

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May 7Liked by Sage Hana

Chris Cuomo and his bro the Mayor were the worst. Remember the giant Q-tip ? Why were people so willing to make fools of themselves ? Knew it was all a joke ? Or that the joke was on us, the unwashed masses ?

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I believe the dancing. Medical staff were AI generated.

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And the non-dancing ones who denied treatment to you when you were sick and they called it “Covid.” Were they AI generated as well?

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Nope, but most were probably controlled by AI.

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A couple problems with ivm.

People taking it without proper instructions/oversight, possibly from sketchy sources, or using the vet versions. Yea, I know that's true for other drugs as well, except vet versions. But two wrongs don't make a right.

The ones calling it perfectly safe (Kory, McCullough, et al) have never once mentioned any possible side effects or warnings. They cite poorly done studies showing it harmful and say these are bogus. That doesn't show it's safe. Where are the other well-done studies showing any problems? Informed consent and all that.

BTW, I don't take aspirin or similar, so saying it's as safe as aspirin doesn't fly with me.

Also, the Nobel prize for its discovery? That doesn't sound good to me. The Dr who developed lobotomies got one. Obama got a peace prize even while he was doing war things. To name a couple.

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Who/What is proper oversight though? What are proper instructions? And this again should be your decision, shouldn't it? Do you trust a medical professional to give you proper oversight/instruction. The doctor patient relationship at one point was sacrosanct, but what has it become?

Yes. people will make bad decisions. Should they be protected from making those bad decisions? And if you think they should be, at one point should that determination be made? Many if not all substances have a caveat to them if you misuse or abuse them. I am overweight, to prevent my bad food decisions should carbs become controlled substances?

I don't play hero ball, but I think I remember McCollough at least making the argument that the studies showing the harmful effects of ivermectin were based on the large doses given in the studies. So this would speak to at least in regards to McCollough side effects and warnings. Even aspirin is dangerous in high doses, as is water.

I would never make the argument on a substance or anything based on Nobel prizes, or the amount of people who agree that it is good. Those are bandwagon and appeal to experts' logical fallacies. Also, yes, lobotomies were given a Nobel Prize and the Food pyramid was considered "good science." All I know is that people don't appear to be dying from ivermectin overdoses.

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May 7Liked by Sage Hana

Agree. My spouse and I both got “it” in 2022. Me first with body aches and headache no appetite. Rest, soup, aspirin and sun and I was done in 3 days. My spouse had similar symptoms 3 days later but with a nagging cough. Same prescription. In 3 days we were riding bikes and driving. No drugs. At the time we were sharing a house with my kid and her beau. They never “caught” it. My spouse got it again end of 2023 and was in bed for one day. No drugs. My cousins have been on prophylactic IVM since 2021 and have been sick with it twice since. They were down for about 2 weeks. They are older than us, overweight, don’t exercise, drink alcohol, and have other health issues. My conclusion is everyone is different and there is no one size fits all solution for viruses or colds. I do know my cousins get a lot of sun and take a lot of supplements as well 🤷‍♀️

My advice is to do your best to try

and stay healthy (mental physically spiritually), stay out of the hospital$ and observe don’t absorb the BS.✌️

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I agree with you, do your best to say healthy. and your individual mileage will vary on how well you recover from illnesses. In 2019 we wouldn't even be discussing these symptoms at all. The lunacy of what covid created culminated in 2023 when this one dude, a podcaster, decided to tweet audio of his Covid symptoms by recording his voice.

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Hell, anything is a safe drug compared to the experimental shots. Even fentenyl is better and my mom nearly died from that one after surgery. But then she went on to live a healthy life, unlike those who got shot with the experiment.

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Protocols. Don’t forget that in the Clear Coat land of the not-so-free and not-so-brave the hospitals were paid richly from weaponized piles of 💰💰💰💰for vents, run-death-is-near, and probably “for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death.” Incentivizing bad behavior always gets you more. Diligence became indistinguishable from malice.

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Doctors and nurses were among the "in-doctor-nated." They believed they were in imminent danger from a dangerous pathogen. I am trying to imagine going home and to work, listening to the propaganda being spewed, and then going to a job every day that you thought might be ground zero to the apocalypse.

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May 7·edited May 7Liked by Sage Hana

They apparently didn’t listen well in bio class. I think we learned then that RNA is a poor replicator making their boogeyman story impossible. Big problem is that doctors and other medical professionals have been groomed by Big Harma like pedos groom children, insuring their compliance. They took the shots themselves. No critical thinking, no questions, watch how fast I can roll up my sleeve. Do they questions it now? I doubt it. Someone in the Infectious Disease department at a local university told me the department was “riddled with covid” well after they’d all been shot up, and I’m sure they were clueless. Still are. In-doctor-nated. Perfect!

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They did take the shots themselves. The mentioned Dr. Drew took the shot, even though he knew it was not needed, in order to travel. They rolled over. The doctors should have been there on the frontlines going "Why do we need a mandatory injection for a disease we have already had?" This is akin to giving people life preservers regardless of proximity to water. This is a horrible analogy because life preservers actually work.

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They failed bigly and I’m trying to make sure they know it. Not everybody likes me but not everybody needs to. 😂

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There's an MD on Twitter I mentioned that thinks that there should be masks mandatory in healthcare settings, and wants a return to the madness, and considers any resolution of the old normal to be "madness." She would be right if the narrative aligned with reality. And so when she posted the article that was ridiculous propaganda...I felt obliged to at least address some of the many areas in which it was wrong and was asked by someone else on twitter "Why i would spend my time doing this?" They also suggested I get a hobby.

If they wanted me asleep, they shouldn't have demanded I participate in medical theater.

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May 7Liked by Sage Hana

I had it and never thought I would use it but I got so sick earlier this month, fever and coughing and it was cascading getting scary. Called my doc who moved to Florida and she said to go ahead and take my horse dewormer and told me how. Felt better in half an hour. It didn’t suppress symptoms, it turned the dial down until they were manageable. I would never take it prophylactically, I don’t believe in viruses. It must be anti-inflammatory. It probably is helpful in many situations. I always use natural remedies first, they usually work

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Is it odd that the team that "isolated" the SARS-Cov2 virus IMMEDIATELY JUMPED ON AN IVM STUDY?

And this is a team funded by Breast Cancer Researchers who also write papers on gene editing?

Is this at all ....coincidental?

Boy howdy. They sure as shit got that IVM study up and running for the new virus that they "isolated" in cell culture by adding fetal calf serum and antibiotics and growing it in monkey kidney cells....Got that study up and running and were proudly hailing the results in record time.

Before the shit even jumped off.

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They are Renaissance researchers. Can do so many things.

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I remember a few studies came out at this time. I started taking Dandelion leaf extract because of one lol. Another was about smoking.

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World Corticosteroid Day incoming.

World Prednisone Day.

Warehouse of Hammers: cheers wildly

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There is no World Pepto Bismol Day

World Alka-Selzer Day?

Not even right after Cinco De Mayo?

World Beano Day

So many missed opportunities

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Pretty much like when they opened up a new Krispy Kreme and people lined up for hours.

For a free krispy kreme doughnut.

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Yeah they give you one anyway without the lines

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We had the same experience, minus the doctor recommendation: immediate and unmistakable relief.

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When's Preparation H Day?

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Every day!

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Bend over.

Here it comes!

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* "A" = again

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May 7Liked by Sage Hana

The question that intrigues me is, why would a metabolically challenged (is she also Crooked?) researcher say, upon finding a 'virus' in a Petri dish, 'Let's try an anthelmintic!' Had they already tried the rye whiskey and cobra venom and nicotine and Coke and ...? Or perhaps they were throwing darts at a list of pharmaceutical products one Friday after-lab drinks evening and hit Ivermectin in a lucky shot? (Just for fun, look up 'anthelmintic' and the Wiki Spooks immediately reply with 'Anthelmintic resistance is ... widespread'. Shit! I think I'm ailing from virus resistance. Anybody know a good cure?)

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The staging of Ivermectin.

She is a cancer researcher.

Dr. Kylie Wagstaff’s lab is a cancer lab and she has also done studies on efficient means for gene delivery.


Histone-mediated transduction as an efficient means for gene delivery

The Breast Cancer Foundation funded the IVM studies, IIRC.

Research has already been looking at IVM for cancer.

The rapid timeline, isolating the Covid "virus" and then plunking the IVM on it is...incredibly curious.

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May 7Liked by Sage Hana

Oh, and the words 'gene delivery' could be the most frightening words I've heard.

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In the U.S. "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you" per Ron Reagan were the most frightening words. We can just add "help you with gene delivery".

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May 7Liked by Sage Hana

Maybe that's why he gave immunity to the vaccine developers of the time.

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May 7Liked by Sage Hana

Aha, missed that one; will visit it. There's been a lot of talk about IVM and cancer lately. I have my own ideas about cancer and parasites, but heck, what do I know? One thing I'm pretty sure about is, all medicines have unwanted effects. I may decide to use pharmaceuticals in a pinch, but I will know that there are consequences. Thanks for your meticulous digging, as usual.

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It's not that hard.

They have to come to you. (Me, us.)

and they do.

They do tell us in many different ways.

They split the info ecosystems many different ways and create heroes and hero drugs and they aggressively try to keep you in a stream that blocks off much information.

(For example, the full court press on Pfizer Bad by the big Tier Two names, whilst Moderna was verboten to mention.)

Behind the curtain, the work goes on.



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May 7Liked by Sage Hana

Oh Jeez, am I the only one who thinks that doc has a mighty droll name? She wagging her staff, as in are they being wagged? And yes, she does look crooked to me. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38326714-crooked

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She was a Young Scientist Award winner of something on her blurb.

The Scorpions scoop up the bright minds young and then somewhere down the road, the gates of Hell begin to shut upon them.

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If you have something on your blurb seeing a doctor is highly adviseable yes.

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As in WEF Young Scientist?

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May 7Liked by Sage Hana

What are we doing when the World Anything Day comes? We are buying stuff, a lot of stuff. The stuff that bears the name of the day. Yep, you guessed it right, books about Anything, and small packages with Anything - for yourself and for your friends and family as gifts.

The new business model. Because you don’t need your money. You need Anything. Read more about Anything in the world’s bestseller.

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We are taking the Anything as a prophylaxis for incoming Dangerous Germs.



What a fantastic Coke-New Coke-Coke is back marketing plan!

Now...Why IVM?

I'm racking my brains. The studies are Plentiful going back before Covid on this drug for cancer.

The Breast Cancer Foundation in Aussie is the funder of these IVM/Covid studies and they jumped on this shit like white on rice.

The *virus*.

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May 7Liked by Sage Hana

The cascade was originally from destroying HCQ to RMV to IVM. The first one turned out to be a failed project, so they wanted to recover time and effort spent. And here we are. Despite fantasy safety, RMV is widely used on the market. It took a fall to make way for IVM - with promotion and a monograph bestseller it must be a financial goldmine.

I bet there is a long line of further candidates to take over after IVM. Journals will publish whatever is needed for product placement.

In a sense, it is amazing how health care (better or worse, still) has been converted into a fully profit-driven business completely disregarding patients, all within about half a year (end 2019 - mid 202). To understand what is happening now, we simply need to view this as a stock exchange listed business (which it is) reinforced with prepaid transfers of funds from taxpayers to selected families. From this perspective, the name of the product is almost irrelevant. They will promote whatever is promising great future.

As you imply, no virus is needed at this stage.

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May 7Liked by Sage Hana

Hey, get your Ivermectin, IVM special, 50% off, today only! Or get an emergency kit 50% off.

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May 8·edited May 8Liked by Sage Hana

For three years now Health Freedom ‘experts’ have been advocating the use of chemical anti-parasitics on a regular -even daily- basis as a prophylactic against an imaginary virus.

Think about that.

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Ivermectin works. A mutual friend took it, bought from the CoOp, and felt better within 24 hours. He dosed it on recommendations from another Pharmacist friend. Our mutual ER doctor told him it was ‘snake oil.’ But lo and behold it worked great for him, and many others.

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So it works on ???

Whatever ails you.


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Zinc works, as does Vitamin C and Vitamin D.

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A lot of things work on a lot of things.

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True. That is why they are call 'repurposed.' Viagra. Minoxidil. ASA. Weed™

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Pretty much, except ugliness. Some folks just have to live with that.

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Noticed in the Kirsch intvw that Farrier Bob has lost some of his smooth speaking style; very hesitant and halting. Then, there are his latest X posts. Note to self: Apparently, he's now also Author Bob.



Life on the farm: Goose Stories

A crazy emu meets wild goose - A children's story.

Follow the link.


And, perhaps the explanation is in this previous post ?


May 5

Systematic Review Reveals Many COVID-19 Vaccine Recipients Experienced New-Onset Psychosis


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May 7·edited May 7

I never participate in world anything day. I despise clocks, calendars and brainless traditions that have little meaning. Some mornings when waking up I have to think for a minute to decide what day it might be. I have about a 14% chance of guessing right.

And please no more batshit as some crazy China guy might step into it and we get another fake pandemic with CoV-3.

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May 7·edited May 7

I won't celebrate World Ivermectin Day. They don't use pronouns. Discriminatory.

I only celebrate World CoVax Day. They use pronouns. Come to the CoVax party!

Maybeee World Famotidine Day, too.

My pronouns izzz: leave/me/alone

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This is wrong minded!

We need a WORLD DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus) DAY!!

***Evidence of Increase in Mortality After the Introduction of Diphtheria–Tetanus–Pertussis Vaccine to Children Aged 6–35 Months in Guinea-Bissau: A Time for Reflection? NIH PubMed

“Sheriff (USA) John Brown always hated me

For what, I don't know

Every time I plant a seed

He said kill it before it grow

He said kill them before they grow, and so-and-so …”

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When they took away the old Coke and gave the marks the Pepsi flavored New Coke, the marks were outraged.



They are laughing at us.

They are laughing at their own Middle Managers who the Scorpions seem to enjoy ritually humiliating.

Like the scene in Coming to America where Eddie Murphy tells the Bathing Girl to bark like a dog.



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North Carolina birthplace of:

Pepsi (New Bern, NC)

Covid/ Remdesivir (UNC-CH Ralf BARIC)

Georgia birthplace of:

Coca-Cola (Atlanta, GA)

CDC (Atlanta, GA)

Once again, your gut is out in front.

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They also told us to take YourGut for probiotics. Available at your local healthfood store. I kid you not, FLCCC had that for a while.

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"global market for probiotics reached a value of about 58 billion U.S. dollars in 2022" -- loose change, really.


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Probiotics are now in EVERYTHING, incl dried apricots and fizzy water.

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They were also for masks lol

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May 7Liked by Sage Hana

Yep, right on his FLCCC website. On the protocol side bar it said to wear your mask. I had been following them in the beginning of 2020 and then they kept changing their protocols lol ;)

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Time for another march from Atlanta...to the sea?

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"When they took away the old Coke and gave the marks the Pepsi flavored New Coke"

That's the moment the world became lost to me....

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Thoughts and prayers. 💥

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Love it!

Leon Caly First Wuhan case in Australia


Pfizer used Ivermectin to rescue patients in its Covid19 jab clinical trial.


Both Robert Malone and Peter McCullough recommended deadly Famotidine


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Pro-Tip: Keep your pie-hole closed when the bullshit is fly'n.

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