Sorry Boomers. You gotta go. You gotta get off this rock as your medical bills are a problem for the Scorpions. More on Trump's pick for NIH, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
The shots were very clearly not "pretty safe" as Dr. Jay Bhattacharya said at Hoover Institute in October, 2021.
IIRC, the UK charts were showing that even with the bullshit two week window of being categorized "unvaccinated" after one shot and then two, the elderly were dropping like flies after getting injected. (TLAV was covering this very well, before I ever emerged like bat to pangolin fake virus onto Substack.)
This is before we get to the hospital death protocols of Midazolam/Vents or Remdesivir/Vents and the separating patients from their families to be culled.
As you know when the UK govt. moved to impose mandated vaxxes on all workers in the care' sector, planing to move on to the hospital workers next, they resigned en masse: they knew what the shots do, they'd seen it time an time again....
Just read from JJ Couey that MAYBE hospital workers in some places were given placebos... then again , one hospital here in Canada has 5 docs die within a couple of weeks of each other during what was known as the Safe and Effective wonderful time of our lives ....
Agreed. But, there was a strong, strategic plan to ‘refurbish’ key organizations (healthcare, military at the tip) with lessor qualified, ethically and nationality severed replacements (targeted immigrant nations) who would $kill and maim$ without questioning. BC Canada beat the world by a year in mandating medical personnel to line up. I venture there rather are silent heroes in some of these hospitals who may have done a great service to their colleagues.
also: "...The head nurse of the University Medical Center in Ljubljana, which takes care of receiving the vaccines and manages everything, has resigned. [...] in front of the cameras [she] showed the vials [and] the codes on the labels, each containing 1, 2, or 3 digits... [She] explained Number 1 is a placebo, saline. Number 2 is classical RNA. Number 3 is an RNA stick that contains the oncogene associated with the adenovirus, which contributes to the development of cancer. For these vials, number 3 says that people who receive it within 2 years will have soft tissue cancer..." -
“How Bad is My Batch?” is a website that provides data on vaccine deaths and disabilities associated with each batch or lot number. The site allows users to enter their vaccine batch code to see the number of deaths, disabilities, and adverse reactions linked to that specific batch. This information can help individuals assess the relative toxicity of one batch compared to others. The data is sourced from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the United States, which includes over 700,000 adverse reaction reports for Moderna, Pfizer, and Janssen COVID-19 vaccines.
The website highlights that some batches of vaccines have been associated with significantly higher numbers of adverse events, including deaths and disabilities, compared to others. For example, it has been noted that 5% of Moderna vaccine batches may be responsible for 90% of adverse reactions, indicating a wide variation in batch toxicity."
I'm unclear on how regularly the data is updated on that site, but my bigger concern is that MOST OF THE JABBED and MULTI-JABBED and *BOOSTED*....DON'T E V EN KNOW THE SITE EXISTS.
What we do know, clearly, is that neither the DoD nor ANY of the Pharma companies will be providing ANY of that data as a public service.
Thank you Mary-lou - just wish a head nurse here in Canada would spit those nails of " possible truth" . I follow the Drs here in Canada ( and else where) who have lost everything by speaking up and now are out. I also think JJ Couey makes more sense as does Dr Yeadon .
As was I re Dr Hodkinson . There were so many wonderful people overall who wanted the masses to wake up to what was coming . I thought the organizers were brilliant - Daniel Bulford who did a spectacular job and I see where Trish Woods is off with Tamara doing a documentary about the convoy - with many still believing the MSM and all the lies that were told. In my mind , these people were the heroes of these times of lies and deceit .
At the beginning of this debacle Dr. William Makis kept a running total of Canadian docs dying suddenly. I just looked it up on duck duck go and found myself in a sea of fact checkers. It's really hard to believe this is where we are now.
I focused a lot on the magical Thought Terminating Cliche/Proxy Logic of this brand of elixir which can be defined and redefined at will, always meaning GOOD.
I'm still trampling up the back stretch.
Pondering RFK's "I'm pro-vaccine....I believe vaccines should be TESTED."
And that was rounding the turn up the back stretch.
Now I see something even more clear. They can't be tested.
They cannot be tested over time and control for all variables including THAT YOU CAN'T ISOLATE THE ALLEGED PATHOGEN and you can't use proxy logics of ABS as evidence that they "work".
The Scorpions have multiple proxy logics in play, a house of cards.
it's too bad that Jay comes across as "Such A Nice Guy". The only slack I'm willing to give him is that he is oblivious to what's going on and is being Played like a baby grand... but I think this is an extremely naive point of view. Maybe it was the case at the start... but now? You'd have to be pretty fucking delusional... Although we have that precedent here in Canada where #TrudeauTheTyrant still believes he is Canada's only hope despite his "intention" to resign...🤦🏻♀️
Peter Navarro of warroom fame had the same messaging as battacharya, very odd to watch someone explain how dangerous the vaccine might be and then insist elderly take it. Almost like they want them dead.
Navarro and Malone wrote an op-ed in WA Times reiterating this. August, 2021.
Dr. Robert Malone also said on Jimmy Dore and wrote a Washington Times op-ed stating that the novel medical countermeasures Covid *Vaccines rushed through in nine months should be SAVED and used GLOBALLY to “PROTECT” THE ELDERLY and the “very high risk individuals”.
It's funny because from where I'm looking at the world, I see the boomers running the businesses and economy. Sure as hell ain't the young'uns. They call in sick or start to cry when the employer asks them to work.
Here is what I think and I'm over my skis a leeeetttllleee bit here:
The goal is to replace business-runners with AI.
For those who make it through the first few rounds of Hunger Games, you will be given a digitial ID, cradle to grave surveillance and social credit score which will include your willingness to defer to the State Medical Care.
I would say that the kind of independent SME, in whatever sector, run by an active elderly person with decades of experience does not really figure in their projected new economic order.
More AI , blockchain, etc, certainly; and no real value attached to the knowledge or labour of anyone over 45 yrs. They'll want people to opt for suicide by doctor in their 50's and early 60's as a way out of their shining Tech Dystopia.
In addition, most discretionary sector businesses are going to be eliminated by them, and this will happen anyway with deepening poverty and diminishing discretionary consumption capacity.
If they cut the world population down to a bare minimum and a large percentage of those are slaves, they don't need businesses of the kind we have today. Leaving out grocery stores, all the service businesses won't be needed so no one left to serve. Or things like motorcycle sales or home improvement store won't be, since people won't have homes to improve. Not many medical services, since slaves won't get those and the top scorpion echelons will have their own medicine that doesn't feed them poisons. Already Amazon has taken over many businesses and it will be easy to control consumption of those goods. Stop shipping, it's already gotten worse. Or stop supplying, again the supply chain is broken.
If skills are lost, that's all the better for them. AI will be for the slave class. They will have a system not run by AI is my guess.
Food is a whole other issue. It's increasingly harder to grow your own food. My grandparents generation, only the husband worked and only for 8 hours. He took care of the outdoor stuff, perhaps building things in a shop, car repair, etc. The wife stayed home and grew a garden, even in the city, cooked from scratch, canned food, took care of the house and the children.
Both took pride in doing these jobs well. Next generation, including boomers, both worked (often seen as necessary). Child care, house cleaning all outsourced, convenience foods, eating out, etc. This was supposed to be an improvement. But unhealthy foods foisted on us from corporations instead.
Older people still remember this system, another reason to get rid of them. Younger people expect it to function without this, and now it's Door Dash and latest are fresh food meals in "TV dinner" type packaging since the food delivery option is so expensive.
Having everything outsourced and provided will lead to gov't-business providing it. In 15 minute cities. Where you will own nothing and you will be happy (on provided addictive activities and substances). The younger generations won't bat an eye if the plans work. I hope they figure it out in large numbers.
Thank you! I've watched most of it, excellent video to find out what is going on in Russia! Just as the Day Tapes laid out. The countries aren't adversaries as we've been led to believe all our lives. The situation is being manipulated by the scorpions.
That horrible war was a way to cull more young people. It is heartbreaking to see this being done to the young people, bringing in global currency, etc.
The Russians are not as naive as Americans, which makes sense given their history. Their uptake on the Kovid shots was pretty small, they are not so trusting of government mandates. Plus they are used to finding ways to get around the things the govt does. They are used to a surreal government and assume it's mostly based on lies. We have the same here, but people are more hypnotized so don't see it. I think Americans value conformity while thinking they are individualists. The Canadians are even worse off because they are even more trusting of their government.
All have minus birth rates and have for longer than we knew. Russia as well as most first world countries are "stocking the shelves" with immigrants to make people think there's overpopulation. Just like stores that are low on stock put empty boxes in back of the stock they have with shortages to make it look full, etc.
I hope we are not the last free range people. It does look grim.
Speaking of Free Range, our local Whole Foods stores have signs that there are only one brand of eggs, since they can't find eggs that meet their standards for how the chickens are raised. Mostly empty coolers. Another trick, probably a psyop, from the "health food" store run by Amazon.
Yes, this interview depressed me! I knew enough about Putin from family members of family members who actually work for him, to know he's not free of global politics, and I listened to Waggaman back in 2022 as he described the Russian government push for injections and compliance. He said then, that people would scan their appliance IDs and pass them off as their vaccination codes to get into restaurants etc. Clever! And very believable from knowing my Russian teachers and friends who, years ago, had a totally different way of thinking and dealing with most things because they'd been completely conditioned to lying for day to day survival their entire lives in the USSR. They thought my youthful escapades (being out after midnight, singing loudly and picking flowers while bar hopping) would land me in the gulag for life. Their new lives in the US constantly frightened and amazed them.
We have become much more like the country they left in the 1980s.
I love your comparison of fake people "stocking" like the bizarre NON stocking going on in grocery stores here for 5 years.
We've been lucky to get some organic local duck eggs for the last 2 months.
I've ordered from Nourish a few times in the past - very good stuff.
The soviets collectivized the farms to control consumption capacity.
To have nihilistic gen-x suckers begging on their knees to the State to buy a license to commit suicide is, surprisingly, the first profitable social program devised by communists.
Riley lives 19 miles from the nearest village of 2000 people - and they come unannounced to vaccinate his animals. The Digital Ruble is active and the National currency this year...and NO ONE is having babies.
I think food supply = consumption capacity for the type of people who did the farming in the 1920s.
As for other types of people, industrial works, administrators, police, military, functionaries etc. everything they consumed (piano music, expensive clothes, paintings, vodka, or whatever) they can only consume other goods if they are alive, which is strongly correlated with having food. So, the consumption capacity is greatly influenced by food supply, for non-farmers.
In my world a massive number of senior workforce have gone into early retirement, either small business forced out of the market, eked out by up-and-coming floating airheads who are propelled into positions far beyond their skills and who make networking a living hell, or by incoming rules, regulations, bank & insurance hurdles defying all logic, supply lines and profitability, beating them down the stairs with a baton. Many of those have left to the southern hemisphere without looking over their shoulder.
Yeah! - unvaxed boomer here - working 50 hour weeks running IT at a 85 seat company (my drain on medical care "resources" stands a 0$ yearly since 2020). It's been a little quiet of late - lots of the 40s-50s year olds are out sick.
I’m in one of the targeted groups. But really, we all are. Grace’s dad is suing Ascension Health for his daughter’s murder. In multiple stacks he has outlined how the CMS standards of care are death protocols. It’s our beastly “healthcare” system.
Here's another father of a child in Canada they refused to treat saying he was untreatable, and wanted to euthanize to harvest his organs. He left Canada and took the child to a pediatric hospital in Louisiana and within 30 days the child was out of intensive care and will most likely go home after being in the regular hospital for a short time. The dad is going after the gov't, too.
How sinister is that Peter Robinson question on retrospect, three years later?
“Honestly, there may be viewers who won’t take it (the Kovid Death Shot) from *Anthony Fauci but might take it from Jay Bhattacharya…”
*Whom you will be tapped to replace and re-sell the Threat Matrix again and again of submitting to the shots, the new shots, the new PROTECT THEM?
"Covid jab scientists develop Black Death vaccine amid fears of next pandemic."
(I thought a combo of bird flu, triple-demics, quad-demics, Mpox, Covid 1375th scariant, weird deadly fungal diseases, antibiotic-resistant scary-bugs and sudden multiple recalled food items was already stretching credibility for normies, but no ... a plague be upon you.)
"Scientists behind the Oxford Covid jab are developing a bubonic plague vaccine amid fears a superbug strain of the Black Death could emerge.
The plague has killed around 200 million people worldwide throughout history."
But the team behind the Oxford/AstraZeneca coronavirus jab has now reported progress in its work on an inoculation."
Astra Zeneca, production of whose 'covid product' has been withdrawn worldwide because of *cough* 'lack of demand'.
Thanks, Oxford, indeed. The gleaming spires have become the gleaming spikes.
Dame Sarah Gilbert got her dame-hood for leading the Oxford/AZ 'vaxx' team. It bizarrely hasn't been taken back from her now that their particular death shot has been removed from the market.
Cambridge is located in what is somewhat facetiously referred to as the Silicon Fens (a play on Silicon Glen, the Scottish equivalent of the original Silicon Valley). They're more into the tech side of things, so they'll make the microchips and other brain-computer interface stuff to enslave you! I'm simplifying here, obviously - I'm sure they do virology/vaccinology too, but the fame went to Oxford for the covid product.
Incidentally, Whitney Webb did an investigation years ago into the Oxford/Astra Zeneca background and who was who. A couple of them, including Professor Dame Sarah (was the other one Adrian Hill?) have connections to the Wellcome Trust, Henry Wellcome having been one of the ubiquitous eugenicists around in his day. I believe Gilbert and Hill had a private company that was also intended to benefit from the AZ vaxx. I presume that's not going so well - maybe why we need the Black Death to do something for sales?!
I stayed at Cambridge while my sister was a fellow there. I loved it - the meadows and the River Cam. I believe we slept above Cromwell's severed head.
Yes, thank you, now I remember, that Cambridge does tech stuff.
Back to the Black Death ... just listening at the moment to Sasha L talking to the Iron Will Report (don't know him - sounds Canadian). At around 30 minutes she talks about the Black Death and how some people have Y. Pestis naturally in their gut without it doing any harm. I wonder if the plan is that people would be injected with a 'vaccine' against Y. Pestis and this would activate the existing bacteria in their gut? It wouldn't take many cases of vaxx-induced Black Death to terrify vast numbers of people into taking the vaxx.
Than God, Sheila we have those clever Oxford chaps on our side! Cooking up new foods, too, in order to feed us when they shut farming down in the West.
'200 million throughout history' doesn't amount to very much, does it?
At this stage if they declare the return of The Black Death, only scarier, I think I may very well die of laughing.
Black Death, only scarier? Ok, ok, Black Death brought by Aliens ... and just in time for a polar inversion that's apparently on the cards too. And maybe some seeeerious solar flares. All at once. 🤣 The only thing that will save you is digital ID. You have my word on that (signed, Tony Blair).
And Nigel Farage, he thought Tony's idea of vaxx passports - digital ID in poor disguise - an excellent one: something everyone seems to have forgotten. He made two YT videos earnestly pushing the idea.
I think maybe Miri's notion that the cabal now want Farage may be well judged - it would be the UK version of MAGA. He just needs to say digital ID will help with the migrant problem and Bob's yer uncle. I don't read the Guardian but there was a G. article by Gaby Hinslilff on MSN the other day about Farage and I emailed her (and copied in the usual small bunch that I harrass from time to time) and told her Miri was way ahead of her, with link. I also mentioned Miri would be delighted with a legacy-media hit piece, please, as she's said so in an earlier blog, but she's not Tier 2 so hasn't had one yet!
And btw, concerning Medicaid (your state) being able to take your house for recompense on any medical bills, I was only able to keep my mom's house because I was her caretaker for at least 2 years in her home before her death. We had home health servos from Medicaid. So we would have lost the house if I hadn't been here to take care of her for at least 2 years! It's some kind of saving grace loophole, thank goodness. Just wanted to let everyone know about this!
Could we be so lucky ? Our favourite Brands never go off the shelves. The same psyche flavours squeezed through our mind channels ad nauseam. 🎛️ 🔨 With (maybe) a dash of nutmeg. Perfect Nesheiwat-expo Granny-branding the whole USA goodie shop. Eeeeewwrybodyyy needs safekeeping from the unwashed ‘no shots in arms outside’. 🫵 Immune imperfection putting US lives at risk. Bahaha….
New NZ Gene Tech Bill: MANDATORY MEDICAL ACTIVITY AUTHORIZATIONS - for a human medicine that is or contains gene technology that has been 👉 approved by at least two recognized overseas gene technology regulators.
EMERGENCY AUTHORIZATIONS - when there is an actual or imminent threat to the health and safety of….The Minister responsible for the Gene Technology Act (the Minister) will have the power to grant an emergency authorization.
The 👁 national chain links are getting stronger, the cattle pens are getting smaller. Repeat & Recycle the Fabian Rand-Rhodes trash-bags > I picked the Cancer Section because it is illustrative of what I think is the dominant mechanism of culling the herd being deployed< Good call, same doughnut shop as the cookie-cutter Kanada Eugenics Cost Analysis: “Using published data from the Netherlands and Belgium, where medically assisted death is legal, we estimated that medical assistance in dying will account for 1%–4% of all deaths; 80% of patients will have cancer; 50% of patients will be aged 60–80 years;…”
Induce cancer and auto-immune conditions which cannot be cured by means of the mandatory vaxxes, make suicide by doctor socially acceptable and responsible, and seen as a Good Death, and you have perfect synergy.
Oh I’ve seen this. FWIW the subtitles are accurate
Japan has been targetted for a long time.
That long string of islands are somewhat of a PITA to those to the west, and that whole business of shutting things off to outsiders for a few centuries was a PITA to those to the east.
Been pounding down those nails that stick up for a long time.
Why you can even nuke the buggers and they still cause economic trouble.
So well hell. Lets get the youngs unable to make families through ass backwards domestic policies and then lets put a guilt trip on the olds so they off themselves. Win win かなぁ。。
Is there a way to copy the video clips out so we can share them individually?
The reason I ask is, most people I encounter are not information nerds like us and would be overwhelmed by your great but lengthy substacks! Their eyes would glaze over and they wouldn't bother to read and learn. Some might say this is Darwin's theory of evolution at work. Perhaps that's true and I / we shouldn't bother but I simply can not live with myself knowing I didn't do everything within my power to educate as many as I could.
I once thought like that: how could I die knowing that I hadn't done everything possible?
But when people ignored even the explicit warning message I passed on from a very senior medical friend, I realised that one can in effect have no duty to idiots. who are apparently the majority. Their stupidity cancels out the obligation.
'A word spoken to a fol is silence'.
I have to add, I approached one of the top people at DeepMind, a world famous authority in robotics and AI (and definitely not in on any plot, vaxxed up like everyone else) and the warning was brushed off with no desire to learn more. Are they any different to a child hiding under the bed covers so that they won't see the monster and if they can't see it then it doesn't exist?
I started almost to hate and despise these fools, but that wasn't very healthy so I gave up.
And then there's so Many ways to profit from killing the Olds. Real estate profits from killing them quickly, before they can plan (7 years in advance!) for deeding their family home to a descendant in case they require Medicaid from sudden illness (vax), which the "State" can then take said home to cover the medical expenses incurred. How convenient.
Yes in my state, it used to be 5 years before you incurred any Medicaid expenses. Now it's 7 years. So basically it means living in your own home, while having deeded your house to someone else!
Yeah, fun lol. I can't even afford a lawyer to tell me what I have to do to deed my house. First heard that it was a simple no dollar transfer of house ownership by signing the deed over. Then I saw a you tube (in passing) about how they're are all sorts of requirements, like a transfer of funds of the value of said property! Now I'm back at square one, without the fortitude to read thru the mindfuck shit. I know my mom paid a lawyer quite a sum to deed a house over to my sister. Seems like a scam for lawyers to be the only ones to know its done. Appreciate any information you can give me on that transfer of property:)
Deal - I'll let you know what I find, but it may not be soon. I keep putting this sh** off, because I was born tired of the systems of this world.
But, yeah, got to do it for my sons. I am grateful to God for them, especially for all of them still being alive after these years of insanity.
I just read a comment of yours on the last post, I think, that 3 of your 4 took the injections - 2 of mine did, one at least 3 times. As did all my nieces and nephews.
But my sons have lost so many friends to suicides and overdoses their entire adult lives.
So Dr. charya was a student at Stanford for his whole student career and then was a professional at Stanford for his whole professional career? That is highly unusual.
You’ve peaked my curiosity on the Japan connection. My oligarch overlord has worked to connect JAX Laboratory to Japan….which I noted with interest but have not explored the connection. Things that make you go hmmmm.
Japan reseach panel's findings (Jan.'24): "... press conference to reveal the critical and worrisome findings of their initial six-month investigations into the side effects of vaccines. The results, as presented by a panel of esteemed medical experts, have been nothing short of alarming, drawing particular attention to a wide range of medical concerns, from cancer to neurological disorders..." -
So Sage, while you and I disagree at times, this time, fundamentally, I think you are spot on target! The shots & the virus itself are "Boomer Removers." (Slowly & rapidly, both.)
The Governments blew all the funds they owe us on wars, graft, debt & stupidities & need us gone.
As to all the players on the field, some are in on the game completely, others are, perhaps, tip-toeing around the "Beast of Revelations," trying not to get it's Basilisk gaze upon them, but pointing it out for those "with eyes to see," while also trying to point out a couple of possible escape routes from the dungeon & while staying alive themselves.
For one, I'm grateful. You can keep ripping them all you like but I'll just keep my ears up; I may just learn something interesting. ; )) Catherine Austin Fitts said, "They are working to upload an operating system in the human being & don't care how many they kill to get it done!"
I believe that is likely true too & found her saying it VERY interesting.
She was at the CHD Conferences & has brought more truth to the table than anyone else, imo. And she has said all along that the shots were to "balance the books," financially.
For your, or anyone else who's interested, further exploration of our reality & who is up to what in it, I recommend a weekend with- "Ancient Civilizations" Series on Gaia, "The Ra Material, the Law of One," books, published both online & in paperback form, & the ideas of the Cathars of Southern France who the Church decided "had to go!" Also Ethical Skeptic on X & Substack. It's his comments after his Earth Changes theories papers that get very interesting indeed.
The various Cosmologies that make sense, imo, show we have "an Adversary," or frankly many adversaries here on Earth, & while we look back & think the horrors of WW2, or the Spanish Inquisition or Ghengis Khan are far from us today, that is not truth. The same forces & energies exist, they just have better tech to play with.
For us, those who have made a different choice than the one to get in bed with the "Boss," Lucifer, Satan, Mammon, or whatever, whoever, you want to name it/them for worldly power & authority, we must be wise. And loving, in my Cosmology & C.A.F.'s too. It does seem, in the end, that "help is given at Hogwarts to those that ask."
The number of “olds” removed from their homes/families, panicked and drugged and ventilated to death, surrounded by strangers in masks, is fucking monstrous
The shots were very clearly not "pretty safe" as Dr. Jay Bhattacharya said at Hoover Institute in October, 2021.
IIRC, the UK charts were showing that even with the bullshit two week window of being categorized "unvaccinated" after one shot and then two, the elderly were dropping like flies after getting injected. (TLAV was covering this very well, before I ever emerged like bat to pangolin fake virus onto Substack.)
This is before we get to the hospital death protocols of Midazolam/Vents or Remdesivir/Vents and the separating patients from their families to be culled.
As you know when the UK govt. moved to impose mandated vaxxes on all workers in the care' sector, planing to move on to the hospital workers next, they resigned en masse: they knew what the shots do, they'd seen it time an time again....
Just read from JJ Couey that MAYBE hospital workers in some places were given placebos... then again , one hospital here in Canada has 5 docs die within a couple of weeks of each other during what was known as the Safe and Effective wonderful time of our lives ....
Agreed. But, there was a strong, strategic plan to ‘refurbish’ key organizations (healthcare, military at the tip) with lessor qualified, ethically and nationality severed replacements (targeted immigrant nations) who would $kill and maim$ without questioning. BC Canada beat the world by a year in mandating medical personnel to line up. I venture there rather are silent heroes in some of these hospitals who may have done a great service to their colleagues.
@Linelle various vaxx batches had different vaxx load, some more adverse than others -
also: "...The head nurse of the University Medical Center in Ljubljana, which takes care of receiving the vaccines and manages everything, has resigned. [...] in front of the cameras [she] showed the vials [and] the codes on the labels, each containing 1, 2, or 3 digits... [She] explained Number 1 is a placebo, saline. Number 2 is classical RNA. Number 3 is an RNA stick that contains the oncogene associated with the adenovirus, which contributes to the development of cancer. For these vials, number 3 says that people who receive it within 2 years will have soft tissue cancer..." -
If you saved your vaxx batch can look up some stats here:
"How Bad is My Batch?
Is My Batch Bad...
“How Bad is My Batch?” is a website that provides data on vaccine deaths and disabilities associated with each batch or lot number. The site allows users to enter their vaccine batch code to see the number of deaths, disabilities, and adverse reactions linked to that specific batch. This information can help individuals assess the relative toxicity of one batch compared to others. The data is sourced from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the United States, which includes over 700,000 adverse reaction reports for Moderna, Pfizer, and Janssen COVID-19 vaccines.
The website highlights that some batches of vaccines have been associated with significantly higher numbers of adverse events, including deaths and disabilities, compared to others. For example, it has been noted that 5% of Moderna vaccine batches may be responsible for 90% of adverse reactions, indicating a wide variation in batch toxicity."
my C19 archive has become so extensive that often I can't remember where I've stashed my sources :-(( so Big TQ for posting this one - saved!
You're welcome, mary-lou.
I'm unclear on how regularly the data is updated on that site, but my bigger concern is that MOST OF THE JABBED and MULTI-JABBED and *BOOSTED*....DON'T E V EN KNOW THE SITE EXISTS.
What we do know, clearly, is that neither the DoD nor ANY of the Pharma companies will be providing ANY of that data as a public service.
Thank you Mary-lou - just wish a head nurse here in Canada would spit those nails of " possible truth" . I follow the Drs here in Canada ( and else where) who have lost everything by speaking up and now are out. I also think JJ Couey makes more sense as does Dr Yeadon .
at the time I was very impressed w/outspoken anti-cov-everything Canadian pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson (here: rallying speech in Ottawa/truckers convoy) -
As was I re Dr Hodkinson . There were so many wonderful people overall who wanted the masses to wake up to what was coming . I thought the organizers were brilliant - Daniel Bulford who did a spectacular job and I see where Trish Woods is off with Tamara doing a documentary about the convoy - with many still believing the MSM and all the lies that were told. In my mind , these people were the heroes of these times of lies and deceit .
Goddamned Stanford! That university is like a deep state goldmine. Spooky shit about Jay. Thanks.
At the beginning of this debacle Dr. William Makis kept a running total of Canadian docs dying suddenly. I just looked it up on duck duck go and found myself in a sea of fact checkers. It's really hard to believe this is where we are now.
“Infectious Clones”…
With an extremely limited shelf life.
complete military take over of public health expertise and protocols within a week (between march 11-17th'20) and Boris Johnson declaring the UK government was to "...act like any wartime Government..." -
Bernadine Healy, cardiologist and former head of NIH on immunological issues that makes people MORE susceptible (elderly people anyone?) to vaccines:
I focused a lot on the magical Thought Terminating Cliche/Proxy Logic of this brand of elixir which can be defined and redefined at will, always meaning GOOD.
I'm still trampling up the back stretch.
Pondering RFK's "I'm pro-vaccine....I believe vaccines should be TESTED."
And that was rounding the turn up the back stretch.
Now I see something even more clear. They can't be tested.
They cannot be tested over time and control for all variables including THAT YOU CAN'T ISOLATE THE ALLEGED PATHOGEN and you can't use proxy logics of ABS as evidence that they "work".
The Scorpions have multiple proxy logics in play, a house of cards.
Did you get a chance to see Dr. Jonas Salk's influenza recipe? 🤣 In case you missed it ~
Tower of lies don’t play Jenga ✔️
it's too bad that Jay comes across as "Such A Nice Guy". The only slack I'm willing to give him is that he is oblivious to what's going on and is being Played like a baby grand... but I think this is an extremely naive point of view. Maybe it was the case at the start... but now? You'd have to be pretty fucking delusional... Although we have that precedent here in Canada where #TrudeauTheTyrant still believes he is Canada's only hope despite his "intention" to resign...🤦🏻♀️
Peter Navarro of warroom fame had the same messaging as battacharya, very odd to watch someone explain how dangerous the vaccine might be and then insist elderly take it. Almost like they want them dead.
Navarro and Malone wrote an op-ed in WA Times reiterating this. August, 2021.
Dr. Robert Malone also said on Jimmy Dore and wrote a Washington Times op-ed stating that the novel medical countermeasures Covid *Vaccines rushed through in nine months should be SAVED and used GLOBALLY to “PROTECT” THE ELDERLY and the “very high risk individuals”.
It sounds like noise but there is definitely a rhythm: the beat reminds me of that eugenics song
And we know what a BIG FUCKING LIE that was!
Start with Malone then.
Both groups an expensive nuisance
of course Malone would say that, as he'll need customers for his RelCoVax®
Yeah, ya gotta wonder if they hear themselves.
It's funny because from where I'm looking at the world, I see the boomers running the businesses and economy. Sure as hell ain't the young'uns. They call in sick or start to cry when the employer asks them to work.
Here is what I think and I'm over my skis a leeeetttllleee bit here:
The goal is to replace business-runners with AI.
For those who make it through the first few rounds of Hunger Games, you will be given a digitial ID, cradle to grave surveillance and social credit score which will include your willingness to defer to the State Medical Care.
Me think the abilities of their AI is fantastically exaggerated. Here's a nice essay written by my own 15-yo 'Kid who sees the emperor is naked'.
nice read, TQ for posting :-))
I absolutely loved reading that. Smart kid. I hope his intellect and ability to see the truth, becomes contagious to his peers!!
Thank you Olavmeijer for writing my thoughts exactly!
But researched and fleshed out much better than I could have.
Thanks for this reference. Thought provoking indeed.
I would say that the kind of independent SME, in whatever sector, run by an active elderly person with decades of experience does not really figure in their projected new economic order.
More AI , blockchain, etc, certainly; and no real value attached to the knowledge or labour of anyone over 45 yrs. They'll want people to opt for suicide by doctor in their 50's and early 60's as a way out of their shining Tech Dystopia.
In addition, most discretionary sector businesses are going to be eliminated by them, and this will happen anyway with deepening poverty and diminishing discretionary consumption capacity.
Their plan, perhaps:
If they cut the world population down to a bare minimum and a large percentage of those are slaves, they don't need businesses of the kind we have today. Leaving out grocery stores, all the service businesses won't be needed so no one left to serve. Or things like motorcycle sales or home improvement store won't be, since people won't have homes to improve. Not many medical services, since slaves won't get those and the top scorpion echelons will have their own medicine that doesn't feed them poisons. Already Amazon has taken over many businesses and it will be easy to control consumption of those goods. Stop shipping, it's already gotten worse. Or stop supplying, again the supply chain is broken.
If skills are lost, that's all the better for them. AI will be for the slave class. They will have a system not run by AI is my guess.
Food is a whole other issue. It's increasingly harder to grow your own food. My grandparents generation, only the husband worked and only for 8 hours. He took care of the outdoor stuff, perhaps building things in a shop, car repair, etc. The wife stayed home and grew a garden, even in the city, cooked from scratch, canned food, took care of the house and the children.
Both took pride in doing these jobs well. Next generation, including boomers, both worked (often seen as necessary). Child care, house cleaning all outsourced, convenience foods, eating out, etc. This was supposed to be an improvement. But unhealthy foods foisted on us from corporations instead.
Older people still remember this system, another reason to get rid of them. Younger people expect it to function without this, and now it's Door Dash and latest are fresh food meals in "TV dinner" type packaging since the food delivery option is so expensive.
Having everything outsourced and provided will lead to gov't-business providing it. In 15 minute cities. Where you will own nothing and you will be happy (on provided addictive activities and substances). The younger generations won't bat an eye if the plans work. I hope they figure it out in large numbers.
This is horrible for the young in Russia.......
Are those of us alive now, the last free range people?
Thank you! I've watched most of it, excellent video to find out what is going on in Russia! Just as the Day Tapes laid out. The countries aren't adversaries as we've been led to believe all our lives. The situation is being manipulated by the scorpions.
That horrible war was a way to cull more young people. It is heartbreaking to see this being done to the young people, bringing in global currency, etc.
The Russians are not as naive as Americans, which makes sense given their history. Their uptake on the Kovid shots was pretty small, they are not so trusting of government mandates. Plus they are used to finding ways to get around the things the govt does. They are used to a surreal government and assume it's mostly based on lies. We have the same here, but people are more hypnotized so don't see it. I think Americans value conformity while thinking they are individualists. The Canadians are even worse off because they are even more trusting of their government.
All have minus birth rates and have for longer than we knew. Russia as well as most first world countries are "stocking the shelves" with immigrants to make people think there's overpopulation. Just like stores that are low on stock put empty boxes in back of the stock they have with shortages to make it look full, etc.
I hope we are not the last free range people. It does look grim.
Speaking of Free Range, our local Whole Foods stores have signs that there are only one brand of eggs, since they can't find eggs that meet their standards for how the chickens are raised. Mostly empty coolers. Another trick, probably a psyop, from the "health food" store run by Amazon.
Yes, this interview depressed me! I knew enough about Putin from family members of family members who actually work for him, to know he's not free of global politics, and I listened to Waggaman back in 2022 as he described the Russian government push for injections and compliance. He said then, that people would scan their appliance IDs and pass them off as their vaccination codes to get into restaurants etc. Clever! And very believable from knowing my Russian teachers and friends who, years ago, had a totally different way of thinking and dealing with most things because they'd been completely conditioned to lying for day to day survival their entire lives in the USSR. They thought my youthful escapades (being out after midnight, singing loudly and picking flowers while bar hopping) would land me in the gulag for life. Their new lives in the US constantly frightened and amazed them.
We have become much more like the country they left in the 1980s.
I love your comparison of fake people "stocking" like the bizarre NON stocking going on in grocery stores here for 5 years.
We've been lucky to get some organic local duck eggs for the last 2 months.
I've ordered from Nourish a few times in the past - very good stuff.
Thanks for this vid - I'm glad to see it.
well said.
The soviets collectivized the farms to control consumption capacity.
To have nihilistic gen-x suckers begging on their knees to the State to buy a license to commit suicide is, surprisingly, the first profitable social program devised by communists.
Russia is farther ahead than I knew. Holy shit.
Riley lives 19 miles from the nearest village of 2000 people - and they come unannounced to vaccinate his animals. The Digital Ruble is active and the National currency this year...and NO ONE is having babies.
In Russia.
yeah, that's a bit hard to swallow. How do they know who/where he is?
I don't know......good question, though.
"The Soviets collectivized the farms to ruin the food supply."
ie, To Starve(very large numbers of) people."
FIFY, agent roger.
what's FIFY?
I think food supply = consumption capacity for the type of people who did the farming in the 1920s.
As for other types of people, industrial works, administrators, police, military, functionaries etc. everything they consumed (piano music, expensive clothes, paintings, vodka, or whatever) they can only consume other goods if they are alive, which is strongly correlated with having food. So, the consumption capacity is greatly influenced by food supply, for non-farmers.
FIFY = Internet acronym for
"Fixed It For You".
File In Fuck You?
I’ve had computers do this to me often enough that I now have pretty good data backup habits.
Which reminds me Sage — when was the last time you backed up the stack to your etch-a-sketch?
Youngster expertly think-tanks with AI laptops and grant lattes on their desks. I think it’s already hebbening.
In my world a massive number of senior workforce have gone into early retirement, either small business forced out of the market, eked out by up-and-coming floating airheads who are propelled into positions far beyond their skills and who make networking a living hell, or by incoming rules, regulations, bank & insurance hurdles defying all logic, supply lines and profitability, beating them down the stairs with a baton. Many of those have left to the southern hemisphere without looking over their shoulder.
Yeah! - unvaxed boomer here - working 50 hour weeks running IT at a 85 seat company (my drain on medical care "resources" stands a 0$ yearly since 2020). It's been a little quiet of late - lots of the 40s-50s year olds are out sick.
I’m in one of the targeted groups. But really, we all are. Grace’s dad is suing Ascension Health for his daughter’s murder. In multiple stacks he has outlined how the CMS standards of care are death protocols. It’s our beastly “healthcare” system.
Here's another father of a child in Canada they refused to treat saying he was untreatable, and wanted to euthanize to harvest his organs. He left Canada and took the child to a pediatric hospital in Louisiana and within 30 days the child was out of intensive care and will most likely go home after being in the regular hospital for a short time. The dad is going after the gov't, too.
It's all very gruesome.
A friend is a transplant surgeon: most organs come these days from the clapped-out elderly, as the number of car crash deaths, etc, has declined.
Old crappy organs, often too defective to use: but with assisted/coerced dying, they can get their hands on much younger ones!
horrifying story, very brave family.
‘Jay Bhattacharya is a medical bean counter’ ……love it , and probably more professional than my description of him which is ‘a complete wanker’
How sinister is that Peter Robinson question on retrospect, three years later?
“Honestly, there may be viewers who won’t take it (the Kovid Death Shot) from *Anthony Fauci but might take it from Jay Bhattacharya…”
*Whom you will be tapped to replace and re-sell the Threat Matrix again and again of submitting to the shots, the new shots, the new PROTECT THEM?
Great post Sage. 💞
I just don't know what to say anymore. 😔
Thanks Flurm!
Bob McGrath is just fine, though I'd rather hear Karen Carpenter's version of "Sing a Song" ... or anything else. She's got such a great voice.
In keeping with the "Dr. Japanacharya" theme of Sage's post, here's the Carpenters version in Japan at Budokan:
"The Carpenters - Sing「シング」(Live at Budokan 1974)"
Nostalgia is most appealing when times are bad:
"Carpenters - Top of the World & We've Only Just Begun"
Stanford Spook-Scorpion University sounds a lot like Imperial Rhodes-Milner-Gates College London, in terms of its ethos.
In other news, but relevant to countermeasures generally (because obviously), I saw this yesterday:
"Covid jab scientists develop Black Death vaccine amid fears of next pandemic."
(I thought a combo of bird flu, triple-demics, quad-demics, Mpox, Covid 1375th scariant, weird deadly fungal diseases, antibiotic-resistant scary-bugs and sudden multiple recalled food items was already stretching credibility for normies, but no ... a plague be upon you.)
"Scientists behind the Oxford Covid jab are developing a bubonic plague vaccine amid fears a superbug strain of the Black Death could emerge.
The plague has killed around 200 million people worldwide throughout history."
But the team behind the Oxford/AstraZeneca coronavirus jab has now reported progress in its work on an inoculation."
Astra Zeneca, production of whose 'covid product' has been withdrawn worldwide because of *cough* 'lack of demand'.
This stuff is beyond parody.
Astro Bubonica Black Zeneca Death Vax?
Maybe, what, every 6 months? Thanks Oxford!
Thanks, Oxford, indeed. The gleaming spires have become the gleaming spikes.
Dame Sarah Gilbert got her dame-hood for leading the Oxford/AZ 'vaxx' team. It bizarrely hasn't been taken back from her now that their particular death shot has been removed from the market.
So, I'm wondering, what have the hollowed halls of Cambridge been up to during these unprecedented times?
I hope they are not begrudging Oxford it's deathly glory - or attempting to compete, in this race to destroy the natural world............
Cambridge is located in what is somewhat facetiously referred to as the Silicon Fens (a play on Silicon Glen, the Scottish equivalent of the original Silicon Valley). They're more into the tech side of things, so they'll make the microchips and other brain-computer interface stuff to enslave you! I'm simplifying here, obviously - I'm sure they do virology/vaccinology too, but the fame went to Oxford for the covid product.
Incidentally, Whitney Webb did an investigation years ago into the Oxford/Astra Zeneca background and who was who. A couple of them, including Professor Dame Sarah (was the other one Adrian Hill?) have connections to the Wellcome Trust, Henry Wellcome having been one of the ubiquitous eugenicists around in his day. I believe Gilbert and Hill had a private company that was also intended to benefit from the AZ vaxx. I presume that's not going so well - maybe why we need the Black Death to do something for sales?!
I stayed at Cambridge while my sister was a fellow there. I loved it - the meadows and the River Cam. I believe we slept above Cromwell's severed head.
Yes, thank you, now I remember, that Cambridge does tech stuff.
Back to the Black Death ... just listening at the moment to Sasha L talking to the Iron Will Report (don't know him - sounds Canadian). At around 30 minutes she talks about the Black Death and how some people have Y. Pestis naturally in their gut without it doing any harm. I wonder if the plan is that people would be injected with a 'vaccine' against Y. Pestis and this would activate the existing bacteria in their gut? It wouldn't take many cases of vaxx-induced Black Death to terrify vast numbers of people into taking the vaxx.
Than God, Sheila we have those clever Oxford chaps on our side! Cooking up new foods, too, in order to feed us when they shut farming down in the West.
'200 million throughout history' doesn't amount to very much, does it?
At this stage if they declare the return of The Black Death, only scarier, I think I may very well die of laughing.
Black Death, only scarier? Ok, ok, Black Death brought by Aliens ... and just in time for a polar inversion that's apparently on the cards too. And maybe some seeeerious solar flares. All at once. 🤣 The only thing that will save you is digital ID. You have my word on that (signed, Tony Blair).
And Nigel Farage, he thought Tony's idea of vaxx passports - digital ID in poor disguise - an excellent one: something everyone seems to have forgotten. He made two YT videos earnestly pushing the idea.
I think maybe Miri's notion that the cabal now want Farage may be well judged - it would be the UK version of MAGA. He just needs to say digital ID will help with the migrant problem and Bob's yer uncle. I don't read the Guardian but there was a G. article by Gaby Hinslilff on MSN the other day about Farage and I emailed her (and copied in the usual small bunch that I harrass from time to time) and told her Miri was way ahead of her, with link. I also mentioned Miri would be delighted with a legacy-media hit piece, please, as she's said so in an earlier blog, but she's not Tier 2 so hasn't had one yet!
And btw, concerning Medicaid (your state) being able to take your house for recompense on any medical bills, I was only able to keep my mom's house because I was her caretaker for at least 2 years in her home before her death. We had home health servos from Medicaid. So we would have lost the house if I hadn't been here to take care of her for at least 2 years! It's some kind of saving grace loophole, thank goodness. Just wanted to let everyone know about this!
Could we be so lucky ? Our favourite Brands never go off the shelves. The same psyche flavours squeezed through our mind channels ad nauseam. 🎛️ 🔨 With (maybe) a dash of nutmeg. Perfect Nesheiwat-expo Granny-branding the whole USA goodie shop. Eeeeewwrybodyyy needs safekeeping from the unwashed ‘no shots in arms outside’. 🫵 Immune imperfection putting US lives at risk. Bahaha….
New NZ Gene Tech Bill: MANDATORY MEDICAL ACTIVITY AUTHORIZATIONS - for a human medicine that is or contains gene technology that has been 👉 approved by at least two recognized overseas gene technology regulators.
EMERGENCY AUTHORIZATIONS - when there is an actual or imminent threat to the health and safety of….The Minister responsible for the Gene Technology Act (the Minister) will have the power to grant an emergency authorization.
The 👁 national chain links are getting stronger, the cattle pens are getting smaller. Repeat & Recycle the Fabian Rand-Rhodes trash-bags > I picked the Cancer Section because it is illustrative of what I think is the dominant mechanism of culling the herd being deployed< Good call, same doughnut shop as the cookie-cutter Kanada Eugenics Cost Analysis: “Using published data from the Netherlands and Belgium, where medically assisted death is legal, we estimated that medical assistance in dying will account for 1%–4% of all deaths; 80% of patients will have cancer; 50% of patients will be aged 60–80 years;…”
Sharp arrows, Sage.
Induce cancer and auto-immune conditions which cannot be cured by means of the mandatory vaxxes, make suicide by doctor socially acceptable and responsible, and seen as a Good Death, and you have perfect synergy.
= MKNaomi.
Oh I’ve seen this. FWIW the subtitles are accurate
Japan has been targetted for a long time.
That long string of islands are somewhat of a PITA to those to the west, and that whole business of shutting things off to outsiders for a few centuries was a PITA to those to the east.
Been pounding down those nails that stick up for a long time.
Why you can even nuke the buggers and they still cause economic trouble.
So well hell. Lets get the youngs unable to make families through ass backwards domestic policies and then lets put a guilt trip on the olds so they off themselves. Win win かなぁ。。
Is there a way to copy the video clips out so we can share them individually?
The reason I ask is, most people I encounter are not information nerds like us and would be overwhelmed by your great but lengthy substacks! Their eyes would glaze over and they wouldn't bother to read and learn. Some might say this is Darwin's theory of evolution at work. Perhaps that's true and I / we shouldn't bother but I simply can not live with myself knowing I didn't do everything within my power to educate as many as I could.
I once thought like that: how could I die knowing that I hadn't done everything possible?
But when people ignored even the explicit warning message I passed on from a very senior medical friend, I realised that one can in effect have no duty to idiots. who are apparently the majority. Their stupidity cancels out the obligation.
'A word spoken to a fol is silence'.
I have to add, I approached one of the top people at DeepMind, a world famous authority in robotics and AI (and definitely not in on any plot, vaxxed up like everyone else) and the warning was brushed off with no desire to learn more. Are they any different to a child hiding under the bed covers so that they won't see the monster and if they can't see it then it doesn't exist?
I started almost to hate and despise these fools, but that wasn't very healthy so I gave up.
And then there's so Many ways to profit from killing the Olds. Real estate profits from killing them quickly, before they can plan (7 years in advance!) for deeding their family home to a descendant in case they require Medicaid from sudden illness (vax), which the "State" can then take said home to cover the medical expenses incurred. How convenient.
Wait, what? What's this 7 year thing having to do with deeding property?
There's a specified time?
Yes in my state, it used to be 5 years before you incurred any Medicaid expenses. Now it's 7 years. So basically it means living in your own home, while having deeded your house to someone else!
Thanks Jewell.
Your thoughtful response has started me on my overdue homework...... now researching Probate Only States vs Expanded Definition of Estate States.
Such fun.
Yeah, fun lol. I can't even afford a lawyer to tell me what I have to do to deed my house. First heard that it was a simple no dollar transfer of house ownership by signing the deed over. Then I saw a you tube (in passing) about how they're are all sorts of requirements, like a transfer of funds of the value of said property! Now I'm back at square one, without the fortitude to read thru the mindfuck shit. I know my mom paid a lawyer quite a sum to deed a house over to my sister. Seems like a scam for lawyers to be the only ones to know its done. Appreciate any information you can give me on that transfer of property:)
Deal - I'll let you know what I find, but it may not be soon. I keep putting this sh** off, because I was born tired of the systems of this world.
But, yeah, got to do it for my sons. I am grateful to God for them, especially for all of them still being alive after these years of insanity.
I just read a comment of yours on the last post, I think, that 3 of your 4 took the injections - 2 of mine did, one at least 3 times. As did all my nieces and nephews.
But my sons have lost so many friends to suicides and overdoses their entire adult lives.
F***ing pharmakia.
(Excuse my french.)
So Dr. charya was a student at Stanford for his whole student career and then was a professional at Stanford for his whole professional career? That is highly unusual.
It's not uncommon in the UK: for instance, a friend is Prof of Medicine at Cambridge University and has been here since the age of 18.
I agree of course that Jabbacharya ha a very fishy smell about him, a carefully curated career acquiring all the credentials to oversee democide.
You’ve peaked my curiosity on the Japan connection. My oligarch overlord has worked to connect JAX Laboratory to Japan….which I noted with interest but have not explored the connection. Things that make you go hmmmm.
Japan reseach panel's findings (Jan.'24): "... press conference to reveal the critical and worrisome findings of their initial six-month investigations into the side effects of vaccines. The results, as presented by a panel of esteemed medical experts, have been nothing short of alarming, drawing particular attention to a wide range of medical concerns, from cancer to neurological disorders..." -
So Sage, while you and I disagree at times, this time, fundamentally, I think you are spot on target! The shots & the virus itself are "Boomer Removers." (Slowly & rapidly, both.)
The Governments blew all the funds they owe us on wars, graft, debt & stupidities & need us gone.
As to all the players on the field, some are in on the game completely, others are, perhaps, tip-toeing around the "Beast of Revelations," trying not to get it's Basilisk gaze upon them, but pointing it out for those "with eyes to see," while also trying to point out a couple of possible escape routes from the dungeon & while staying alive themselves.
For one, I'm grateful. You can keep ripping them all you like but I'll just keep my ears up; I may just learn something interesting. ; )) Catherine Austin Fitts said, "They are working to upload an operating system in the human being & don't care how many they kill to get it done!"
I believe that is likely true too & found her saying it VERY interesting.
She was at the CHD Conferences & has brought more truth to the table than anyone else, imo. And she has said all along that the shots were to "balance the books," financially.
For your, or anyone else who's interested, further exploration of our reality & who is up to what in it, I recommend a weekend with- "Ancient Civilizations" Series on Gaia, "The Ra Material, the Law of One," books, published both online & in paperback form, & the ideas of the Cathars of Southern France who the Church decided "had to go!" Also Ethical Skeptic on X & Substack. It's his comments after his Earth Changes theories papers that get very interesting indeed.
The various Cosmologies that make sense, imo, show we have "an Adversary," or frankly many adversaries here on Earth, & while we look back & think the horrors of WW2, or the Spanish Inquisition or Ghengis Khan are far from us today, that is not truth. The same forces & energies exist, they just have better tech to play with.
For us, those who have made a different choice than the one to get in bed with the "Boss," Lucifer, Satan, Mammon, or whatever, whoever, you want to name it/them for worldly power & authority, we must be wise. And loving, in my Cosmology & C.A.F.'s too. It does seem, in the end, that "help is given at Hogwarts to those that ask."
Blessings Sage.
The number of “olds” removed from their homes/families, panicked and drugged and ventilated to death, surrounded by strangers in masks, is fucking monstrous
Happy New Year, SH acolytes!
I just made the mistake of watching that bit of CIA snuff porn known as “Zero Dark Thirty”.
Learn from my error - avoid.