🎶 🎶 doo do doo doo 🎶 🎶

Imagine if you will, over four generations of highly educated students attending the most powerful universities in the world with the backing of consensual science and the philanthropy of the Rockefeller Foundation to prove the efficacy of safe and effective medicines derived from the waste of petroleum production.

🎶 🎶 doo do doo doo 🎶 🎶

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Precisely why I quit Six Year Med at BU in '69 after two years. NO dead bodies to cut, no bloods to drain, and no pharms for me.

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The Rockefeller Medical Institute in NYC originally called Rockefeller Center for Population Control.

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dept of defense originally dept of war. Bernays suggested change....

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I remember going to Vienna in the naughts and they described the same change.

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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

While the pentagon is another story, the people in NYC were covered with aviation fuel. You never forget that smell. The metal beams of the facade bent inwards before the charges went off on the planned demolition of the towers and 7. See the Empire State Building plane strike in the 40s. f=ma and tornadoes can put straw through a barn door. Two things can be true at once. This is not my first rodeo.

Sigh. Ok, attack.

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Ha! I am most def. not going to attack, as I am fascinated with all perspectives.

I have consumed hours and hours of 9/11 content and hashed it out repeatedly, and the WTC planes are bewildering.

The footage of ABC's Peter Jennings voicing over a hit and saying "came out the other side" melted my brain more than jet fuel melted steel beams.

Or something. That was a bit. 😅

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I could say a lot but don't want to dox myself.

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Understood. 🤛

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to quote George Carlin: "TAke a fucking chance in life!!"

Just kidding...they sure got my number, but we're legion

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"melted my brain more than jet fuel melted steel beams"..funny

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“Came out the other side”

Can you elaborate on that please?

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For that one, we are talking about Plane #2.




Go to about 2:00 for the local TV coverage. Note that all of these local channel videos are scrubbed. If someone has footage from their VCR, please digitize and upload.

Does that seem odd in its own right? That all the local TV coverage would not be plastered over every documentary and Youtube?


More footage at the end of this one.



There is only one video of the first plane. Two filmmakers who just happened to be in perfect position while filming a firefighter documentary. 😼 Who now make Spook films.


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Excellent, thank you for that.

…aaaand there goes my Friday morning 🤯

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😅 I know. Down the rabbit hole it is!

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"Book Overview

NEW SECOND EDITION. What if the government decided to invent a great lie to justify a disastrous war? What would happen to the people who know the truth? EXTREME PREJUDICE delivers an explosive, high tension expose of the real facts surrounding the CIA's advance warning of 9/11 and an insider's look at Iraqi Pre-War Intelligence, told by one of the very few U.S. Assets covering Iraq before the War. It reveals the depths of deception by leaders in Washington and London to promote a successful image of their terrorism policy, and the shocking brutality to suppress the truth of their failures from Americans and the world community." https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/extreme-prejudice-the-terrifying-story-of-the-patriot-act-and-the-cover-ups-of-911-and-iraq_susan-lindauer/374958/item/6961089/?mkwid=%7cdc&pcrid=77447028765180&pkw=&pmt=be&slid=&product=6961089&plc=&pgrid=1239149900900141&ptaid=pla-4581046492312221&msclkid=555db5f9861c1fe8f9b3d1ba5af16466#idiq=6961089&edition=6166889

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I never heard this aviation fuel piece from anyone and I knew several in NYC, two near by. Not saying it's not true, just surprised. Also if true, there could be more than one explanation.

Anyway, years on 9/11 - I know what I know. That was a false flag that killed lots of people and has still gone without accountability. So many things would have been handled differently if getting at the truth was the goal rather than covering up a crime.

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The Jerm Warfare Jim Fetzer treatment may be the best breakdown that I've seen of the anomalies at least.

Barbara Honnegar also has a detailed breakdown. I've watched Judy Wood in two long ass videos. Another very compelling case for mini-nukes by a (Swedish) scientist and I cannot find that one.

That last one was compelling for the very end, when he breaks down the pure trolling and disdain that the USG uses in their Ops against the people.

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So many anomalies.

It was easier to get and share info on it back then. Yes, it was stigmatized, and not fit for debate, but we didn't see the censorship that we do now.

I lived in that world for a few years. As with Covid, I believed we'd see some breakthrough and even - so naive - accountability. Then I thought well, even if people aren't really allowing themselves to deal with the implications of a government willing to sacrifice its citizens, it will be a 'marker' of sorts for the next one.

Nope. Just like people can't connect this time with Hitler and Nazis - 9/11 did not reverberate as I would have expected. (In fact I know 9/11 truthers who got sucked right in to the Covid psyop.)

The spell got harder to dodge, I guess.

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Yup. 😐

This is the "pass the murder baton down to your kids" shibboleth.

It's just too hard. It's too hard for people so they punt.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

It's a stamina thing. Most people can't hang. Some try. Some try hard. Very few of us are ultra-distance marathoners.

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I just can't pretend that I didn't see things that I saw.

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when there's no choice, they'll run...like a marathon

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Pattern Recognition is a gift of the Spirit.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

For my money, if you want the cliff's notes of the cliff's notes, which still manages to nail just about every angle, in a 5 minute video, nobody beats Corbett:


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Oh yeah, I've run that one.

Corbett is the most cheerful mass murder analyst ever.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Can you imagine what's implied if that is a Wile E Coyote airplane hole?

It's hard enough to do the math and engineering analysis on bringing two of the most massive buildings on earth (+1) down into their footprint. But they may have also been able to blow out a few extra columns in the right place. (Tangentially, even if a plane really did cut in there, and I'm inclined to say one did, if you look at the exposed columns in that area, they are cut VERY cleanly across. Strange). Anyway, if it was a Coyote hole, you'd need some kind of person with artistic flair involved. This isn't just "blow the shit up, scare people, who cares if they fall sideways". This is "blow shit up, scare people, make it fall into it's footprint so we don't lose any of our wealth tied up in surrounding buildings...oh...and can you make it look like a plane hole?" Cherry on top. *Chef's kiss*

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So I downloaded about 20m of controlled demolitions.

They never fall that perfectly.

Go to the linked "postcards" post in the article.

Some of the coyote stuff is addressed in a picture, courtesy Fetzer.

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well, duh, he's canadian, living in Japan...doing fine, just fine

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Great summation.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Years ago, I followed a very comprehensive video series posted by a fellow corbett report member on mini-nukes used to bring down the towers. It's absolutely worth setting aside a few hours. Here's a brief intro by the guy who posted the videos (I hope the links still work! If not, try plugging them into Wayback Machine):

"9/11 was undoubtedly the biggest ‘shock and awe’, ‘catastrophic and catalyzing’ false flag event in the history of mankind. But the biggest shock of all is that despite being witnessed by millions of people, very few have understood what actually took place that day in New York.

"WMD in Iraq? Mad man Saddam? Kim Jong Un threatening the U.S. with nukes? Yada yada yada…How about nukes in New York on Sept. 11?

"9/11 was a nuclear event! How could that be?

"How many of us are taught in school what a detonated ‘micro-nuke’ looks like?

We are shown photos of mushroom cloud nukes from WWII and maybe a video or two. That’s about it.

"The evidence will be both simple and powerful allowing most to see and understand what happened.

"Part 1 – Signature pyroclastic dust clouds

"Pyroclastic dust clouds occur on our planet in only two instances:

1. A volcanic eruption

2. A nuclear explosion"


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Oh man...Thank you, pearl!

I gotta get some sleep but will check these out with fresh eyes 👍

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steve falconer wonders if the kennedy murders were psyops....

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Do you remember that Gorlick chaired inquiry where they covered up the fact that the CIA knew but couldn't tell the FBI crap? Or vice versa/

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Vaguely. I remember my impression of her as a pathological liar.

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And that is being kind!!

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This is the first I've ever heard anything about people doused in jet fuel - but that doesn't make the narrative (highjacked passenger planes) any more believable.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Do you have pics of straw through a barn door from a tornado? I actually am curious after searching and not finding. Thank you!

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probably filed with the "lemmings commit mass suicide"

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For those who like to abuse fruits and vegetables. No barn doors though. Go to the 6 min mark for F5+ speeds.


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Are you sure it was jet fuel and thermite?

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Infowars is blocked from Thailand so I can't watch the interview. I was musing over something my hitman roommate said to me not long after 9/11, come to think of it. He was of course military supposedly AWOL and stuff but he did statement hits. Think Clintoncide shooting somebody in the back of the head and authorities call it a suicide. Things that will scare the crap out of associates working in the space. But he made a point that most weren't like that they had all kinds of things to make it accidental or natural causes. But the ones who really tracked on the statement hits were homeopathic medical doctors and healers. Some happy husband and wife trying to heal autistic and vaccine injured children, say. You knew right then how evil they were

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Can you see this one?

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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Replying to you and Amy both, wasn't there a rash of homoeopathic doctors dying under mysterious circumstances? Did you cover any of that?

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yeah, not just homeopathic but other types of alternative practitioners. Basically, anyone saying that there are cures available for a wide variety of horrible conditions (cancer, autism, anything really) that are natural, inexpensive, and that a person would not need to spend a lifetime being bled of all financial resources for conventional treatments that just prolong misery and eventually kill. Truth-hinters if not truth-tellers.

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I can see this video thank you Sage! Mike Adams did the most coverage of it let me see if I can dig it up

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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Erin Elizabeth of Health Nut News has extensively covered the rash of deaths of holistic practitioners. I believe the first high profile one was Dr. Bradstreet who was successfully treating autistic children:


MSM covered this in 2015. Searches bring up articles from WaPo, TIME and Forbes, of course with their signature detrimental spin.

As the suspicious deaths were piling up, I thought....oh no, they're not going to off Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, the most celebrated holistic cancer specialist:


YES - also in 2015. My family knows someone in Indy who was cured with the good doctor's enzyme regime - stage 4 pancreatic cancer, which NEVER is wound back with conventional treatment.

I really grieved for Dr. Gonzalez when I became aware of this....tragic loss.

Recent suspicious deaths:


BTW - Erin Elizabeth is Joseph Mercola's wife.

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I was tracking Merck whistleblower Brandy Vaughn in practically real time in 2020 or so. The numbers are really alarming. They don't want you curing cancer or healing vaccine damage now do they?

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CHD claimed they were going to investigate her murder, not a word since.

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Mia do! Interesting and important information about this rash of murders. But you buried the lead about Aaron Elizabeth being Joseph mercola’s wife!

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OOh, I didn't know that, the wife thing..interesting...she's quite a bit younger?

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yeah, if you're a natural kind of doc, and want to be dead, a trip to Florida would do it. Health Nut News, Erin,has been much maligned by tech .

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hey, where are you in Thailand? Spent many years there, seven of fourteen. It is irritating how they block even songs.

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Yes I am in Thailand currently Phuket. I've spent 8 or 9 years here with a lot of back and forth to the USA since 2003 or so. I might be on the move to Nakhom Phanom soon but I'm trying to adopt out some puppies first! I've learned my way around things thankfully I don't get too involved in Thai politics...and substack still works for now. :-)

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it's dangerous for even Thai citizens to "get involved" in politics, as the monarchy, you know...all that...I spent all my time in Pai. Do miss it. Can;t handle visa deal tho. Have to leave too much.

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Visas are a total nightmare over here after a time. I have a Thai husband and it is at a bare minimum a confusing pain in the ass patchwork...

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yep, it's no easier that way. AFter seeing chemtrails for twenty years, and then seeing that couples weren't being allowed to live together anymore due to visa stuff, I began warning folks that "they want to shut people up in their own countries soon".

It's no easier if you're married there either. They put you through so much crap, money , time, and the visa cops are, so many of them, so corrupt. Drunkards some, too. Maehongson guy got to driving around Pai at night "dropping into" the local bars for his free drinks and fees.

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I've simultaneously been going through a 3+ year visa nightmare to get my husband to the United States. I think they all died in there or something and I need real legal help with it. My first husband who died in 2018 had a 10 year green card in America that still hasn't even expired. The USA makes it hell to get there legally but largely leave you alone once you do arrive. Thailand makes it super easy to get there legally but hell to stay legally. Both systems seem to be designed to facilitate family separation through easy travel that can then be yanked out from under your feet by the globalists, as they did in 2020 and 2021, leading to desperate situations where compliance with mask/jab/test/lockdown is nothing more than straight coercion...

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

"How is that the alleged Pentagon plane jet fuel fire is put out by two fire trucks and in NYC, two jet fuel fires collapse THREE BUILDINGS?"


Great Point Sir !

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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Nice shot of the plane/Pentagon from Livetray.

I'm pretty sure that the guy who created it was Jim Hoffman. He created a small, high color glossy heavy stock pamphlet about it - accurately diagnosing the failures of the 757 at the Pentagon narrative. Don Paul introduced him and it, to me - so I brought them both on the radio. It went well.

A few months later Hoffman did a complete 180° turn - and anyone denying a 757 plane at the Pentagon was a disrupter sent into the movement to discredit us all! It was bizarre and remarkable. One of my consultant producers came up with his backstory, and employer. He worked in a Computer Lab at Lawrence Berkeley - funded by DoE and the NSA... 🤯

Thanks Don...did you not think any of that was relevant?

Just a little backstory for you, on that graphic. I'm Team Stubblebine/Laibow, all the way.

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Yeah, these sudden flips are disheartening and I'm thinking that some people get a "Zero zip nada" tap on the shoulder.

You had a pretty good link on the Pentalawn, which I grabbed from the Fetzer video.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

I so remember seeing this.....can't remember how many years ago....and it is in hindsight, chilling.

I was so asleep then.

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Oh, me too! I most def. didn't start out here!

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

We were open minded enough to listen -that's the difference with those posting here and others.

You play that Ventura clip to normies and they'll say Laibow is batshit crazy and reject it out of hand. -

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Well there is a semi-big Stacker hard core data based anti-vax who kind of lost his shit on my 9/11 posts so...

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Posting here for posterity - this is a one on one interview with Albert Stubblebine from 2009. (9/11 content begins at about 4:30 into the clip.)


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Apr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023Author

Magnifique! 🤛

Gonna work something up on this.

*edit: erik, let me know if you want a promo code (credit), some people do not!

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Well duh, planes back then had wings welded with Fisher Price plastics. Folded up like a cheap suit.

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They didn't fold up at all though.

They alternately melted seamlessly into the building and then the damn nose comes out intact on the other side as they "explode" into fire. 😹

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Folded up into a decepticon to go fight this dumbass truck that went off making friends with some dude and his girlfriend.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Yeah, IMO seems like there was a lot of video fakery with 9/11. I know that September Clues goes over the media fakery, though I never finished watching because by the time I heard of that one I was already really burned out on 9/11 truther videos. I think that Fakeologist has also talked about the video fakery that day, and Tim Truth on bitchute has also put out a couple of videos on the video fakery.

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So here is what is remarkable about video fakery. Why?

If you have the goods, is it even remotely plausible that you would not have ONE VIDEO of the Pentagon hit?

or ONE video of the second plane that shows Airline logos?

It is unnecessary if you have the goods. What are the odds that if "Russia" or "China" flew a plane into the Pentagon that the only video that you would get is a flash of light like a missile?

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shock and awe, that's how they knew to get away with it; put everyone in a traumatic state. Fortunately, I was camping in the wild. Never bothered looking at the hoopla till years later when it made sense.

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OOOH!! That wasn't New YOrk City, that was Disneyland.

A reading of "Four Reasons For The Elimination of Television" will give you a good look at why GE and Disney were so core to the agendas.

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Monster Thug Life is real.

And we all know it. We all know it. We are all know it and then we keep bullshitting ourselves and making up excuses for our "elected" reps. And then point to the Monster and then "forget" and say "Vote harder!"

Damndest thing.

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Yes. Although, I mean, it's sort of like the topic of death. How does one come to grips with that? Similarly, how do you come to grips with the idea that we are all livestock, in the most fundamental way? Even if we are ANGRY livestock, these fools have the pens and fencing and squeeze chutes solved long, long ago. Millennia. Rage against it man. It don't matter. Does. Not. Matter. You got a revolution? They ride those waves like surfers. Hell, they probably staged it in the first place. If the water gets too dangerous, they'll pull their wealth and wait it out in another country for a century. You got a new religion preaching love and justice? They'll co-opt it. You have a solution? Maybe a back to the land movement or a new financial system? They have a counter-op prepped. There is no solution. There is only accepting and rolling with it.

Most can't roll with it. So, you lie to yourself. It's the only other way that doesn't lead to pure insanity. Accept it, lie to yourself, or go insane.

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I realize this comes off as defeatist. It's not meant that way. It's more like "don't tilt at windmills". There is better stuff to do with your life. You don't control solar flares or tsunamis either. If it's gonna end, it's gonna end. Does that mean you shouldn't enjoy the birds singing and the kids laughing and a really good meal and a campfire with friends?

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Don't vote. It only encourages them. Utah Phillips

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Carlin (RIP/PBUH): They say lead, follow or get out of the way...I obstruct.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

tx for posting

that hit hard for me at the time- omg murdering the kids, the family dog, gated community - the vindictive savagery, the horror - middle of the day. The guy was just trying to write out his thoughts in a book years after the incident even happenned.

I have an aviation background, I knew from personal experience Marshall was onto something. His murder was so blatant, and the coverup was so sloppy, it was one of the events where I was forced to consider the depth of complicity was beyond anything I had previously been considering.

Another that really woke me up was the blatant murder of Michael Hastings hit in the middle of LA 3am remote control carjacking - complicit coverup with LA coroners office, LAPD etc of this SO obvious high speed remote control hack/ hijack subsequent explosion huge fireball etc

The same bloody prints all over both of those murders

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& https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o4dgflNZDE

~ 41:00 his take on pentagon lack of debris

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Okay, here is my dilemma:

He is saying that the Boeing was traveling at 500mph ("it was a missile") at ground level which has some problems.

1. Can a plane fly that fast at ground level and not break apart?

2. Can it clip a light pole (which I *think* the plane was alleged to have done) and not have the wing shear off?

3. The plane is 44-ft to the top of the plane. How can the hole be so small? What happened to the wings as they hit, as the hole is too small for the wingspan?

4. If the plane had 50,000 pounds of jet fuel, how did two adorable fire trucks put out the fire? And yet in NYC, the same amount of fuel caused two enormous fires that melted down the Towers? AND WTC7? 😅 Why didn't they trot out the same Adorable DC fire trucks in NYC? (it's a bit!)

5. Why and how the hell can that Pentagon lawn be so pristine?


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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

#s 1,2,3,4 = not sure.

#5 = DARPA droids, part of a JV w/ Mitsui (proprietary Japanese gardener software)

Absolutely no disrespect intended...I was in Japan 1955-57 and the lawns and gardens were better than the werewolfs' hair at Trader Vics.



If you play these backwards, sometimes they turn into Ike's farewell speech and other times they open an inter-dimensional portal. Pay yer $$ & take yer chances.

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Japanese gardeners are the crème de la crème.

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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Jim Marrs - another one taken out just as he started to link the dots in the big picture moving from UFo distractions to tracking the monster

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So funny, Amy is asking me right now on this same thread: Why are more of us not dead?

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dang, thatnks for reminding me...DJ has an interview with Dr. Farrell up happening righ now...see ya...i'm an hour late, but he's alwaYS A HALF HOUR LATE ANYWAY..oops forgive the caps

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True the horror filled spectacle known as 9/11 will serve forever as a harbinger of the current totalitarianism. Kind of like the Kristallnacht event which helped mark the occasion of the take over by Hitler and the Nazis. Today we have this bloody horror show, marking the new Gates of Hell, symbolizing the new fall from grace.

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Same Op. Seamless. Anthrax letter were dated 9/11/2001.

Biden gave a predictive programming speech the day prior, btw.

Pivot to germs. Patriot Act written. Wall to wall surveillance. Unwinnable endless war on terrror.

Global Mass Formation. Either with us or against us.

SARS-1. Ebola. Zika. And here we are. Many of the same cast of characters all the way through on the Biodefense end.

It was always leading here.

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Agree 100%.

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023


Speaking of ‘predictive’ or maybe ‘programming’, have you seen this trailer?


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Apr 22, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Sage, I meant to note this earlier in an older post where we were discussing the planes.

This is many moons ago, so hopefully I remember correctly: I did some calculations and came to a reasonable conclusion that a softer metal could cut through a harder metal when backed by sufficient speed and mass. That said, I looked closer at the supposed impact areas on WTC1 and 2 and I think the real question is not so much whether or not aluminum can cut steel, but whether or not the impact of the plane with the floor diaphragms would look the way they do on the video footage.

Ping me here when you get a chance—I’ll try to explain and we can have a quick back and forth.

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Go on...

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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

Sorry for the delay. Try this.

So as a what-if thought experiment, I considered a max weight plane traveling at theoretical max speed and tried to get a ballpark on what the forces might be like. Reality is probably not so generous as I’ve been, but we don’t need to be completely accurate to test feasibility of a concept.

The KC-767 is a plane that has been hypothesized as a potential stand-in model. If one judges by the supposed cell phone calls from the planes, it’s fairly obvious that the original planes were not in the air when the calls were made, and quite likely, when the impacts occurred.

The KC-767 has a fully fueled weight of 395,000 lbs. The max speed of the aircraft is about 500 knots (likely impossible to achieve at the altitude we’re speaking of, but we could hypothetically suppose such a craft might be able to be reinforced in such a way as to make higher than normally achievable speeds possible—again, just for sake of a thought experiment). This mass traveling at this speed has incredible kinetic energy—on the order of 6.2 billion newtons! Even traveling at lower speed, the mass is an enormous factor, and velocity is squared, so even slower speeds adds a hefty multiplier.

For sake of comparison: impact force from this is immense, as you might imagine—if you run the numbers, it’s likely more than 3,200 times (!) the force of gravity acting on the plane.

To get to the impact pressure, you would consider the surface area under impact (the nose of the fuselage, and the leading edge of the wings). Because of the relatively small impact area presented by an aerodynamic form, the impact pressure is enormous.

It’s impossible to say with absolute certainty, of course, as there’s guess work involved. We don’t know the actual member sizes or steel grade used in the building without access to construction drawings and material submittals. But we can guess at sizes of members that might be able to perform in these roles.

Taking the above into account, I think it looks quite feasible that a fully loaded KC-767 could conceivably generate more than sufficient impact force to shear the smaller members at the building perimeter.

This *might* theoretically manifest as the planes plunging into the outer surface of the tower, if we only consider the steel framing.

But here’s the catch: even if the framing at the exterior of the building were to be impacted first, one would still have to account for the floor plates, sitting directly (about 10-12”) behind the outer steel web.

These floor plates were concrete-filled corrugated steel deck, probably about 5-6” thick, almost certainly with some kind of steel reinforcing. These floors acted like a diaphragm (engineering parlance), designed to be very rigid horizontally, enough to transfer wind and seismic loads from the building skin to the core. Plain english: they had to be very stiff in the horizontal direction.

The exterior web members appear to have been at most 10” deep, while the floor plates spanned from the web to the core. So when something strikes the steel members, once the force gets through, the impact is over; but when something strikes the floor plates, the impact continues over a much longer distance and time.

Looking at the south tower in elevation, the diagonal impact shadow overlaps as many as six different floor plates. This means that any plane impact would have encountered at least two different conditions: 1) the outer steel framing with airspace behind (relatively flexible, short deformation distance) and 2) the continuous floor plates (very rigid, longer deformation distance).

So while the plane might conceivably slice through the exterior steel members (relatively speaking, small, and not nearly as large and stout, as the inner core columns), striking the edges of the floor plates should have a different outcome, not the same outcome. The observed collision would not be expected to appear uniform.

And yet, the impact in video footage appears to produce a *uniform* pattern of deformation.

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Why did Massachusetts Senator Barnie Frank have an office in the NYC WTC and why did d he get a call telling him nit to go into the office that day? (According to his autobigraphy)

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If you have time or inclination, I would be interested in your thoughts on this gent.

I recall watching his interviews in the fairly immediate time frame post 9/11.


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Apr 22, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

“You could walk up to the gate at the very last minute. You did not have to have a boarding pass," Price says. "All you had to do was go through the security checkpoint — no questions asked, no ID needed."

That forever changed on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001.


It would be interesting to know where Drivers License was issued if they actually showed it

I travelled extensively for work in 2001 and was never ever asked for ID.

No fly lists and security levels were not started until after September 11th, 2001.


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I'm trying to sort out if maybe Mike got read in because his early interviews were focused on how much "hatred" he saw in the eyes of our Evildoers.

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I added another red flag above. His stories don’t add up.

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He googled his name and it came up thousands of times, but FBI kept his name secret for years.

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Man these 9/11 threads send me so far down the rabbit hole I will never get out.😅


I need to try and find an old big box newsmagazine interview (20/20?) featuring this guy. Which now that I'm not so much of a Sweet Summer Child, I would love to re-interpet.

Knowing the Op, it seems that whoever gets on the national stage discussing the "hatred" (they hate us for our freedoms! Which we are now removing!)...is at least worthy of another look.

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I’ve been thinking about that Ventura-Laibow interview since shortly after the scam-demic officially kicked off. And how she sounded so fake to me those years ago, which made it take me even longer to accept the “culling” hypothesis. But here I am, thinking it’s the simplest explanation that fits the data. Curiouser and curiouser.

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Well probably it doesn't help that whole segment played like bad reality TV. Totally staged.

(Similar to Bigtree and Cole doing their staging of the vaccine/graphene microscope show)

Each shot set up. Alex does his monologue.

Rima strides up from the plane. Jesse was the best, most natural.

I think Rima has a very expressive nature. But boy did she call it.

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How did she fly from Mexico to Minnesota and not go through Homeland Security? That part always bothered me.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

I really like and respect Dr. Rima and have followed her modestly for about 13 years now.

But when she says the answer is enough of us standing our ground and saying "don't you dare!", that's just not going to cut it.

What next, draw another line in the sand and say "don't you dare!", again? Repeat.

She is right about the energy and frequency weapons and they are going to use these no matter what to protect the cell towers on the ground.

When the onslaught begins, we won't be able to get close enough to these towers to take them down because if we do, the pulse will blow up our insides into spaghetti.

Those towers need to start coming down very soon.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

I saw your comment on Duke yesterday! Good catch on this.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Yeah I'm going to try to be on his zoom Saturday with George because I want to see if I leverage any of Peter's research techniques since I'm hitting upper boundaries of ability to balance personal and professional life with keeping up on all of the current events.

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Here's the dots I am tentatively connecting on this. Coincidence that Trevor is Steve's media guy and now Bobby has launched a presidential campaign officially 🤔

Remember the orange vaxxman bad pivot by Dems I've been warning about? ⚠️

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Apr 21, 2023Liked by Sage Hana

Oh and mind when the Pearl Harbour movie came out? Just in time to remind all the useless eaters what Pearl Harbour actually was for when the new one came.

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