Jul 9Liked by Sage Hana

The problem Sage is you’re trying to apply logic to the STEM domain. As my wife likes to point out, us STEMs can make whatever justification for whatever outcome we want sound like a good idea.

You WILL take the mectin and like it. For grandma. And just to be sure we got some siMNRA for her. Double plus good citizen. Oh and since you were so good here’s a free coupon for a McDonald’s cricket burger on a cricket meal bun. GMO tomatoes and lettuce included. Sorry no chicken nuggets cause we killed all of them because pcr. Damn. Too late. Going to have to lockdown and take this stuff we just happen to have on the shelf because we so smart and you guys will keep falling for it again. And again. Don’t worry. It’s not a vaccine. It’s a prophylactic. Se we knew you’re too stupid to make the connection. Oh and we forgot. Here’s a free cancer and heart screening. Don’t forget to ask your doctor for the pharma discount coupon when you leave for your favorite drug dispenser. Tell your friends.

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"It all makes sense if you just don't think about it."

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Jul 10Liked by Sage Hana

Frankly I get lost in all podcasts, conferences, studies, retractions, flip flops, good guy, bad guy, controlled op, laser pointers, etc. That’s probably by design. It’s just that pesky SH bot that keeps connecting the dots and knocking the laser pointers off target. Life is too short. It does make sense and saves a lot of time if you tell yourself psychopaths rule the world, politicians lie, they want you dead, and shitfuckery abounds. At least you can go through the day with a smile knowing you can react quickly and appropriately when they pull your number.

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Agreed. It's too hard to decide whether to eat the mushrooms in the field.

Just cram 'em down the old gullet!

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Jul 10Liked by Sage Hana

I’ll go with the shrooms. At least I got books. We can learn a lot from fungi. Oh wait. Are you saying there’s a fungus amung us? Treat us like mushrooms and feed us bullshit? Sorry, couldn’t help myself and got to cover all the horse paths nowadays. Shitfuckery and all that. (I like that word. A word for our time). Not that you would do that. I trust you’ll keep us out of the piles while I’m flipping through the pages.

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Jul 10Liked by Sage Hana

Sorry bout the repeats. SS glitched out on me here at the edge of the grid.

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I’ll go with the shrooms. At least I got books. We can learn a lot from fungi. Oh wait. Are you saying there’s a fungus amung us? Treat us like mushrooms and feed us bullshit? Sorry, couldn’t help myself and got to cover all the horse paths nowadays. Shitfuckery and all that. (I like that word. A word for our time). Not that you would do that. I trust you’ll keep us out of the piles while I’m flipping through the pages.

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I’ll go with the shrooms. At least I got books. We can learn a lot from fungi. Oh wait. Are you saying there’s a fungus amung us? Treat us like mushrooms and feed us bullshit? Sorry, couldn’t help myself and got to cover all the horse paths nowadays. Shitfuckery and all that. (I like that word. A word for our time). Not that you would do that. I trust you’ll keep us out of the piles while I’m flipping through the pages.

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I’ll go with the shrooms. At least I got books. We can learn a lot from fungi. Oh wait. Are you saying there’s a fungus amung us? Treat us like mushrooms and feed us bullshit? Sorry, couldn’t help myself and got to cover all the horse paths nowadays. Shitfuckery and all that. (I like that word. A word for our time). Not that you would do that. I trust you’ll keep us out of the piles while I’m flipping through the pages.

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I’ll go with the shrooms. At least I got books. We can learn a lot from fungi. Oh wait. Are you saying there’s a fungus amung us? Treat us like mushrooms and feed us bullshit? Sorry, couldn’t help myself and got to cover all the horse paths nowadays. Shitfuckery and all that. (I like that word. A word for our time). Not that you would do that. I trust you’ll keep us out of the piles while I’m flipping through the pages.

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Jul 10Liked by Sage Hana

And don't forget the ChewyMectin for your fur babies . 🐶🐱🐶🐱🐕🐈

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Personally, I didn't trust any of what we were told in 2020 or 2021. And when I ended up in the ER in 2021 they wouldn't treat me until I "took the test" which I knew was worthless. It turned out negative, which actually meant nothing, but they treated me and I survived. But ONLY because I refused to be HOSPITALIZED. That fucking ER doctor insisted I should be transferred to another city hospital. I knew if I allowed that I would never come home.

So I had to sign a waiver to get released. I made it home. Fuck them. It's ALL fucking bull shit.

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Jul 9Liked by Sage Hana

So what treatment did you get? Steroids?

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I had to sign a form that said I refused further hospitalization recommended by the ER doctor, before they let me walk out. In the ER I was given oxygen and Prednisone, and later I was able to get a referral to a pulmonologist.

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Jul 10Liked by Sage Hana


"Corticosteroids significantly reduced mortality in adults with severe pneumonia"


But, for CONvid, Hope-itals Protocols specifically said to NOT use steroids. Almost like they knew...

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That´s because they wanted to PUSH you out, in a wheelchair, all the way to the curb. If you just walk out they get mad. It´s considered rude, like not taking your shoes off in Japan.

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It's bizarre, Dave. My church handed out free boxes of the “short covid test” which i brought home to consider using on myself (this was in early days before i wised up), and right smack dab on the outside of the box it warned that the test results had a “high possibilty” of either false positive or false negative. I was left with wondering what the heck value could any such test possibly have?? 😜

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And I'm wondering what happens when we refuse to sign any damn waver? I doubt there is anything anyone can do if you just leave. Of course, they'd possibly block any future attempt of you using that hospital. Don't know.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

Why on earth would anyone ever want to walk through these doors again looking for HELP ?

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::looks up from counting the bubbles in the Guinness glass. Blinks::

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Flurm it's tricks with numbers and logic.

I remember Fauci pushing Remdesivir upon very similar logic.

And Famotidine studies based on Science Magazine that acknowledged: "Is it great science? No. But we were in an emergency." paraphrase.

Prescribed outcomes and end points with dubious diagnostics of dubious novel viruses that "could be anything" but is not anything in KovidTown but is a syndrome based on a kidney cell culture identified snohomish individual.

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It starts on shaky ground by defining a sample based on a test… given under what circumstances?

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Yeah so the setup of the thing seems OK as described. They have some group of people they select, then randomly (thats sometimes where shitfuckery can happen) divide that group in two. One half gets the thing, the other half gets a fake do nothing thing (this is one of the places where the covid shotfuckery happens, as the fake do nothing thing was everything but supposedly the spike mrna).

So OK then you watch what happens to your two groups. In some sense its sorta irrelevant whether its 85/15 or whatever, what you want though is enough of a sample in the hospitalization side for the measurement to be statistically meaningful.

Is there a results paper for this guy?

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We have been looking for the results paper and cannot find it.

If anyone can find it, please link.

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“ Conclusion: Ivermectin had no significant effect on preventing hospitalization of patients with COVID-19. Patients who received ivermectin required invasive MVS earlier in their treatment. No significant differences were observed in any of the other secondary outcomes.”

Well that kinda sucked

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Thanks! Will add to next post.

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Thats where the money is. If they’re holding up a perfect study with no documented results, then I can just tell you spinning in circles until you pass out is 100% effective too.

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So, what I’m reading is “whirling dervish and a juicy burger will keep the unicorns away”. Ok doc! Orders understood.

I can do this.

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So, what I’m reading is “whirling dervish and a juicy burger will keep the unicorns away”. Ok doc! Orders understood.

I can do this.

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You don’t need the dress or funny hat necessarily though. But nobody will stop you I’m sure

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I doubt that any of the other testing of medical countermeasures or pHarma ptoducts are any more reliable than this test.... Shitfuckery all the way down.

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The whole thing is based on a diagnosis of a computer sequence and various proxy logics from there.

With layers and layers of logical shitfuckery built upon the condition. The Syndrome and the Entity. The "Novel" Entity.

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Jul 10Liked by Sage Hana

“Shitfuckery”! If i was more of the swearing type, that’s one I'd surely wearout! 😄

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That's an old school Aussie Shibboleth from a very entertaining crew that I can't recall.

She's in this video briefly.


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I want to present y'all with a little musing.

Thing is.... generally speaking, most people agree that contagion is real. That a sick person can project material agents of disease to other people who are not sick and then fall sick. Where does this belief come from?

Experience? No, not experience. Contagion is a story that attempts to explain what everyone experiences. Why do we think the story is the same thing as the experience?

I think in our ancestors. How many generations of mankind have there been? thousands? tens of thousands? more? Assuming it takes about 5 generations In those 10,00to cover 100 years, and assuming 10,000 generations, that's 200,000 years of humans projecting shit to each other.

It stands to reason that 99.8% of those 10,000 generations never knew about bacteria or viruses or any other invisible but microscopic pathogenic life form. Yet, they had intuition; sick people naturally separate and isolate from the rest, and healthy people also keep away from the sick. Maybe all pack animals do these two differently motivated actions.

So, intuition is far greater than legislation.

However, and more importantly, if the story of "herd immunity" is true (which may be false, and it was another psyop to stroke the narcissism of conservatives and libertarians to keep them well under control, a spell that lasts to this day) if the story of "herd immunity" is true (and it's possible that smug progressives and totalitarians of left, right and center have always known that herd immunity is false and that germ theory of disease is false, but incredibly useful politically, to cover up many massive robberies, with the disturbing ignorance and collaboration of the public) if the story of "herd immunity" is true, then, then, then, it follows, necessarilly and sufficiently, that contagion is a natural phenomenon that exists to increase the odds of survival of the human species.

Why would humans fight with legislation their own survival?

In particular, the most recently lived 0.02% of all human generations. Why are we so incredibly arrogant to fight our own nature?

if the story of "herd immunity" is true, then we need to pass disease around. It can never be a crime. Passing disease keeps the equilibrium (which may not exists) between how many pathogens are there and how many of us are there.

By using antibiotics and vaccines, we are directing the evolution (gain of function) of pathogens and of humans. We disrupt the equilibrium, there are more of us, there are more pathogens (more possible targets to infect and get acquainted to), more weakness caused by poisoning and by a (theoretical) increased aggressiveness of germs, and other things, and all this results in a net increase of disease and death.

If the scorpions want to make people weaker and to die more and younger, they really do well in giving them antibiotics and vaccines.

To be as wealthy as the scorpions and to remain as wealthy as them, it is necessary to convince masses, using dark arts of language and imagery, that more death and disease from iatrogeny is better than the very illegal thing that Nature offers. Surveillance is necessary, transforming a simple sneeze in a potential case of mass murder.

Because it is the "medical" surveillance what creates and sustains the confusion.

No, the masses are not guilty of being poisoned. They are not even guilty of facilitating the poisoning by never thinking things through, because the masses cannot think anything.

If the story of "herd immunity" is true, probably not true, but anyways, if it is true, then people have to realize that scorpionic class has privatized and monopolized a part of Nature. We are being forced to buy our natural health from the monopolists in charge. Great business, indeed.

But shouldn't this be illegal?

Shouldn't all the things we call "public health" that support this humongous fraud be illegal?

Can't we have simple normalcy? It would like like humans trying to solve their life problems one by one, with humility. There is no need to assault and plunder anyone to become healthy. There is no need to sustain a ruling psychopath class of thieves and murderers for the purpose of "health."

Why do we think we are so different than the 99.5% of people who lived before us? Has legislation of any sort made humans better, happier, healthier?

Is it the case that legislation is always a means to sustain the ruling frauds?

If the story of "herd immunity" is true... then, we are the germs. And the crime is what we do to protect from one another.

But, if the story of "herd immunity" is false, and I think it's false and they know it's false and they will hit the unsuspecting public with this "new" development, then I can only laugh at the mass confusion: most people will never stop exerting violence against each other with "disease prevention" measures, because they are heavily traumatized and giving pain to others is a method to treat that pain. But, at the same time, they will adapt to new legislation based on reality, which will be very craftily written to enable more abuse. So the masses will enjoy the violence of the past they cannot give up, and the new present that will be also unjust and oppressive.

What will be the new lie? Quantum virology? Quantum Finances? Quantum Security? Quantum Sin? Quantum Government? Quantum Legislation?

In the end, if I live long enough, I may see young people laughing and ridiculing everyone who lived through the period 1980-2030. The greatest continuous theft and murder campaign on the record. Because they will be young, they will not understand what is going to happen to them. They will have to live with all the errors that will outlive us.

The future generations will have to pretend that irrationality is rational: there was a virus that changed everything, even though there was no virus and it was people who self-destroyed because of the crime of mind-control operations, which were necessary because the non-existent virus was going to kill everyone, unlike mass psychosis, which never killed anyone.

So the non-pathogen did nothing in legislation. It was humans who hate other humans being alive who wrote legislation. That's the only contagion there is: communism.

All totalitarian legislation must be ignored. Do not comply!

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Many tithings of Doritos & Cheetos to any AgntRog musings. There’s a rather “propositional calculus” approach you take to a priori strings of subsets in human isomorphism, like SH it’s absolute concupiscence to unravel your phenotypes.

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I don't believe in phenotypes, but I find stereotypes rather comicogenic.

And set theory is for pussies: real men kill and flay paradoxes instead of worshiping them.

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Wouldn't it be easier for scorpions to just print more money and not tell? Perhaps not as fun because they would not be using as much dark magic.

Pontification trophy awarded.💎

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I want to thank the academy for this award, and all the ontologically diverse objects that have always supported me and believed in me, like my goldfish and my 50,000 piece puzzle of "the garden of earthly delights" and my personal blender, without which I would be wearing down my teeth like a troglodyte, and also thanks to the Universe and the white holes that keep the electrons rotating in the correct sense and keep us alive, we all know those holes like to check the batteries of fire alarms and they never steal bikes, unlike black holes, I'm very let down by black holes, they should be renamed assholes, but anyway, thanks to Steve Jobs for dying at the right moment, before he ever attempted to change everything and ruin the company, which could, potentially, have caused many suicides, and also thanks to the rubber trees for the rubber on rubber pencils, and thanks to Pope Francis for saying that Buddhists can go to Heaven directly because they are so cool with animals, and also thanks to Doctor Fauci for saving everyone from he paranoia of global warming, and also thanks to Sage Hana for all he does for us, and also thanks to Tulsi Gabbard for destroying the political career of Kamala Harris forever.

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OK made it to the end — holy crap you should have made a Rebuke substack from this

I think you have convinced me here that Joseph Biden is brilliant by ignoring everything those younger than him is involved in or saying. We should all aspire to this!

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Exactly my goal today.

Thank you for your effort today!

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Someday I may gain the courage and reach such a state of enlightenment to crap myself, look some poor kid in the eye and say: “yeah kid now who’s gotta clean that shit up now”. Someday…

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Speaking of courage to be sincere with one's condition, I'm watching a vid from JJ Couey. I learned that he now disagrees with Dr. Joseph Lee string theory of clots (the spike protein infinite-loop high-way to Kanada.) JJ also reasons that lee was also fake and they sent him to him* to bring the astray sheep back in the herd.

*Engrish ambiguity: Lee was sent to Couey by the little green scorpionpigs from Deimos, the moon of Mars.

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JJ has decided this about Jessica Hockett and Jikky and I think everyone except Mark Kulac. I do wonder about Dr Lee — not in the Spy vs Spy cosplay sense that seems to be so popular, but he makes some rookie physics mistakes in other places (i.e. declaring he can prove quantum mechanics and relativity are fake, which… Go for it and grab that Nobel!). JJ said a while ago that he thinks Dr Lee is over simplifying, but did not go the spy/alien route. This seems to be a new affliction thats not serving him too well I think…

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Agree live long enough to see kids laughing at us in 2030 could be a good thing.

But this also is why we need shotguns with rock salt

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Quantum? You mean in the uncertainty principle sense or quantized sense? I think uncertainty principle sense since you are a Spaniard and as a result likely fairly fuzzy.

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OK maybe about halfway now

Scorpions are trying to usurp nature. Not elide but usurp. Different fancy word. OK reading again

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And you are very limited in your definition of ancestor here.

Reading again

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For crap’s sake this is long? You got some goood vitamins today. TWC?

As a people with kids, contagion is real.

OK now I read the rest

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Play by play color comment commentary at its finest.

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Sorry for the lengthyness.

Not vitamins: melatonin and magnesium somethin somethin. Sleepy things make me first hyperactive, then sleepy, then hyperactive again.

“As a people with kids, contagion is real.” Yes, it makes senses in many way. しかし, I would like to know if researchers have found a way to really separate the mental from the chemical. If a person is deeply unconscious in a hospital bed, can she get infected with paranoia?

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+1 for proper しかしing

Depends on the dream

Substack really needs a mectin of some kind

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+1 for proper しかしing

Depends on the dream

Substack really needs a mectin of some kind

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Herd immunity just means “survived the thing”.

Otherwise they wouldn’t be an ancestor.

For some loose definition of ancestor.

Substack is pretty broken now.

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It’s nice to remove mystical beliefs that spies plant on people.

That’s what substack was invented for, right?

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Forgot to say continuing to read.

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Lol, some really really good vitamins.

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So if I understand the flow of the thing they’re starting from the positive PCR test.

So yes though am dubious about the 85/15 number and how that came about

Of those selected by the test, they say 85% go on their merry way, and 15% get hospitalized

If nothing is done.

I believe if their favorite intervention perfectly works, they should then observe 100% of the PCR sample go on their merry way, and 0% get hospitalized

And that then speaks to the effect on hospitalization due to the PCR test.

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Jul 9Liked by Sage Hana

And if you got sick from the coerced shots and went to hospital , they wouldn’t treat you. Increased chance of dying from a disease you didn’t have. Shitfuckery indeed.

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Jul 10Liked by Sage Hana

From now on, any comment containing "shitfuckery" gets an automatic Like. 😎

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It looks like you don't care too much for IVM. Your call.

I had a personal experience with the med when exhibiting most of the symptoms. Low O2, difficulty breathing etc. I took the meck and some antibiotics and was back from the edge w/o a one way ticket to the hospital protocols. Was it the meck? Can't say for sure, but I saw enough to get my vote. I'm 78 and heard the horror stories about the new gas chambers. I was resigned to die in my own house should it come to that. Still am.

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Drugs are not Sentient Friends and I would like to know why it is being pushed aggressively for a variety of conditions either real or manufactured.

If you like it and it "works" for you, take the hell out of it.

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would lean toward antibiotics before assuming ivm

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If I suspected pneumonia, I'd go for antibiotics...when I was 95% sure it was parasites due to un-ignorable messages from my Sentient Gut Biome in Costa Rica in 2009, I went for the IVM. Fully cleared in 24-36 hours. I keep both on hand, along with a few others. Prophylactically, no. In the medicine cabinet, why not? Haven't cut myself in the past few years (electric razor), but I keep a few bandaids around. Rhymes with...


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You should try to get out and see some things first though

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shitfuckery abounds

I like Denis Rancourt's stance: There is no evidence of a spreading, particularly virulent pathogen.


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Jul 10Liked by Sage Hana

I had to pause to comment that it is so revealing that Kory, an ICU and lung Dr, had scores of covid patients dying, dying, dying. On ventilators. In the ICU. Now promoting IVM. BUT NOT THEN. Floors full of average age of 65 year old men, face down on ventilators, dying. Under his watch.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by Sage Hana

The weirder thing is that the "Argentina study" never happened. The hospital at which the study supposedly took place has no record of it. Hector Carvallo made the whole thing up.


(I could go into detail regarding the many cases of scientific fraud in the ivermectin literature on my Substack if anyone is interested.)

Coincidentally, at least THREE of the founding members of the FLCCC have a history of committing scientific or medical fraud. As you know, it is my view that the FLCCC is entirely a fabrication of some entity, and that only doctors who have shown a past history of criminal or ethical violations were selected. (One wonders what other secrets they hold.)

EDIT: I think we might be actually talking about two different "Argentina studies," I just clicked on your link. I don't have the time to work out what's going on here but I'll get back to you in a few hours.

EDIT 2: Two completely different studies. My apologies.

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There seem to be a number of Argentina Studies as well.

So now that you see CNN Cuomo jumping on board (as if an "emergency" Rogan with Bret and Pierre was not enough) the scope of the Operation is getting so big that this one is one that the monster is going to move to protect.

Tess. Bret Weinstein. Pierre Kory and FLCCC.

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I think Pierre Kory is just trying not to catch "window cancer." He's literally fighting to save his own life.

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This is the GCS I told you about. Look at his face. Even then. He has walked into Hell.


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Again...pulling back to the helicopter view...🚁

The dots are scurrying wildly.

But why?

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I see Ryan Cole in that picture. He diagnosed a woman with " a rare and aggressive form of endometrial cancer." She subsequently had surgery to "remove her uterus, remove both of her ovaries and fallopian tubes, and tissue and lymph nodes in her abdomen." The hitch?

She didn't have cancer. Ryan Cole made it up. He literally sterilised a patient for no reason. He belongs in prison. I have been screaming at the top of my lungs about these people for THREE YEARS.


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As I said on your board, Ryan Cole and Kory were both reported to me to be in HI as part of GLOBAL COVID SUMMIT duties a couple of weeks before the fire in August, 2023.

Ryan Cole was involved with a colorful spat with Astrid Stuckelberger over graphene oxide in the shots in a Sweden Conference.

These guys are always in fucking Europe. They are a Security State NGO, low octane speculation.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by Sage Hana

Always. In. Europe. Not suspicious for any reason whatsoever.

But to get back to your question of why the dots are scurrying: I think we are living through a moment like Berlin in 1945 or 1989. Teams are carving up territory, bridges are being built or burned, unfortunately, there isn't room for everyone. Some people are going to get thrown under the bus.

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Ok so the non-STEMs here at shih tzu central don't trust zee tests, not even serologic diagnosis detection of antibodies using immunofluorescent antibody testing, ELISA, or virus neutralization in early FCoV is something you would accept as proof of concept, but how about this pick of "Graige" keratic precipitates in corona's of the exotic cat breeds that scorpions collect right after Heather B's G20 dance and the transition of WorldWildlife Fund over to EcoHealth Alliance:


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🎵 Take that funky Mectin white boy. Take that funky Mectin now.

Take that funky Mectin white boy.

Lay down the Pepcid and take that funky Mectin. Till ya die, till ya die, till ya die. 🎵

Sorry, couldn't help myself. 😎

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At 1hr and 11 mins, Malone talks about suffering PTSD.... What in the actual f..... https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2190971682

....seeeeee, I told you, all...leave Robert "MA-LONE"!!!

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On another note, this story is strange. She apparently didn’t take the mectin…

“Due to the grief, Kate wrote that she spent six weeks in the hospital because the pain of losing her stepfather and her mother's cancer diagnosis "burned a hole" in her esophagus, causing her to "vomit copious amounts of blood."


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