awkard truths. Webb. Interesting her last name, btw. Not an easy passage. To make it across the river you need to be willing to let go of ALL your hero luggage, religious icons, hopium salves- everything you hold on to is potentially going to drown you
awkard truths. Webb. Interesting her last name, btw. Not an easy passage. To make it across the river you need to be willing to let go of ALL your hero luggage, religious icons, hopium salves- everything you hold on to is potentially going to drown you
So along this timeline, her child had health problems.
WW had been wrecking Covid Narratives up to that point including busting Bob Malone's old pal Michael Callahan and trotting out Bob Malone's CV in the process.
Next thing I know I hear Bob Malone on WEF Room with Steve Bannon mentioning that WW is going to help him understand the Great Reset and stuff.
awkard truths. Webb. Interesting her last name, btw. Not an easy passage. To make it across the river you need to be willing to let go of ALL your hero luggage, religious icons, hopium salves- everything you hold on to is potentially going to drown you
So along this timeline, her child had health problems.
WW had been wrecking Covid Narratives up to that point including busting Bob Malone's old pal Michael Callahan and trotting out Bob Malone's CV in the process.
Next thing I know I hear Bob Malone on WEF Room with Steve Bannon mentioning that WW is going to help him understand the Great Reset and stuff.
Uh oh...I thought.