Hopefully Bobby will ban additives from vaccines, too...

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Maybe he can have the food colorings go into the shots instead, and then you’ll always know what booster people are on by the shade of their skin. And then they can bring back DEI.

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Brilliant 😂

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Very likely what they're going to do. Because doubleplusgood mRNA 'vaccines' don't need additives and can therefore be trusted for Grandma and little baby Tommy alike. We are approaching the sunlit uplands of the needle religion.

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"Sunlit uplands of the needle religion".

!!!!! So good.

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Could change the context links from the default thing with the big pictures to just text (or I think can change to a smaller format in settings I thought) with a link to still have them but not take up as much space. Or you could put them in footnotes. Which has the added benefit of looking more sciency and stuff. The references are helpful to people like me who have the memory of a um you know the thing

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Good suggestions, Flurm.

I wrestle with this on every post.

It is very difficult to not have sub-movies within sub-movies and I'm realizing after spending some time on "Notes" how doom-scrolling makes all of the receipts moot with information overload.

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OK I learned two things.

You can’t dork with the format if you’re editing on a tablet in a web browser. Which flummoxed me.

From an actual computer though, using chrome (maybe other browsers but tried chrome), when you copy a link from a post (i.e. “Copy link” in the share button, then paste into your post, there is a 3 lined “hamburger” thingy you can click on and pick 3 different sizes for the embedded link.

Substack’s KMart AI actually helped me find this.

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Well, here is yet another sub-movie with that familiar police chief from Maui and Diddy and another alleged rape victim of his.

Yes, it's from the suspicious 0Hedge, but still interesting enough to pursue?


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You know what's harder than talking with all injected family and friends these days?

Especially the Californians?

Talking with the people you've loved and hung out with your whole life while hearing Sage Hana in your head.

Most have no idea about ANY of the entities we've been analyzing for over 4 years and could care less.........

Except a few hardcore tds people actually like, and approve of bobby.

And there goes one more, possibly the last, Common Ground, up in flames, potentially eviscerated.

I now can count 14 family members getting EU citizenship to bail out of the trumpster's titanic.

Looks like a frying pan into the fire move to me......

But I don't judge because that's where I was back in 2001/2002.........

Coram Deo, Sage and xxxooxoxooxo

(CORAM “the pupil of the eye", “in person,” “face-to-face,” “in one’s presence,” “before one’s eyes,” “in the presence of,” “before.”

Deo, is the Latin word for God.

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Whitney Webb's term 'cognitive diminishment' fits like a PFAS-lined glove

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Why did she go on CHD?


Did she fly from Chile to TN and hug Bob Malone at RFK's Freedom Conference in 2022?

Why did James Corbett go on CHD and waste time with that IHR red herring with Rockefeller pal, Meryl Nass?

Same with Catherine Austin Fitts.

I can only surmise that these folks who are all much sharper detectives than me were wooed either by threats or by "Bobby is going to shut this shit down, trust the plan" assurances.

Bobby Kennedy, Jr. and CHD...something very very duplicitous happened there.

Whitney warned Glen Greenwald about The Intercept and he lashed out at her quite vigorously. (Greenwald last seen joining the Rumble Deep State team when it was launched along with Tulsi Gabbard.)

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Naomi (Rhodes) Wolf on Corbett last week providing solutions?

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Thank you for this, Chasi.

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Did they get into Israel and Chosen People and Ethnic Cleansing of the Amalek?

Or stick with bullshit generalities of "black pill" blah blah blah....

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Obviously, Naomi ignored (“Isreal, the land that I love”) ethnic cleansing completely,

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First James Hill summarizes.

"Famed author Naomi Wolf courageously reveals, through analysis of Pfizer Covid vaccine documents released by court order, what she says appears to be a “genocide of babies” by the injections.

But then she leads you — understandably reeling from this terrible revelation — to turn toward the God of “the Hebrew Bible,” after “all the times that we have tried his patience,” for the “solution” of Noahide laws, by which all non-[redacted] people must not “worship false idols” and, if found to violate the rules, are to be executed by decapitation, claim rabbis (see also here)."


Then Naomi does that Rhodes Scholar jewish troubadour routine.

Oh my...

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Do you follow Corbett? Have you for a while?

Why does he live in Japan?

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Yes, I have followed him since 2020. He went there to teach English and married a Japanese woman. He’s sone some great work, but still beleives in the moon landing. The Wolf thing threw me for a loop. Sam Tripoli sets me off as well with his blind support for Carroll and Rogan.

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So something happened to him.

Something happened.

CHD. goes on Dr. Drew. Hangs out with Nass on that red herring IHR crap.

His content has been fluffy ever since.

Now this business with a bonkers Zionist former Presidential staffer with MI hubby. Wellness Company adjacent.

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Someone pointed out that every single Epstein file influencer provided fake files was was a Wellness Comoany influencer. I think it might have been Polly.

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It was odd for sure. I’m not there yet, but you were way ahead me of on Malone. He is normally very outspoken about the genocide sans Wolf. As usual, it’s the question's they don’t ask that makes me suspicious. Same with Whitney Webb and RFK Jr.

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I didn't know Whitney hugged the gnome, jeez. It is human to be dupable, but the TLAV's mantra "Question everything" must never be ignored.

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This is testimony from Housatonic who was at the conference.

I left a query on TLAV's board the other day as he just did an interview with a CHD Talking Head and he often has CAF in studio in TN for interviews.

I really like and respect TLAV, in 2021, he was dominantly responsible for me seeing what was going on with this Operation.

Then he praises Bhattacharya, seemingly oblivious that Bhattacharya PUSHED THE SHOTS FOR THE OLDS and Ryan of all people knows the shots were decimating the olds, he showed the UK data show after show.

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awkard truths. Webb. Interesting her last name, btw. Not an easy passage. To make it across the river you need to be willing to let go of ALL your hero luggage, religious icons, hopium salves- everything you hold on to is potentially going to drown you

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So along this timeline, her child had health problems.

WW had been wrecking Covid Narratives up to that point including busting Bob Malone's old pal Michael Callahan and trotting out Bob Malone's CV in the process.

Next thing I know I hear Bob Malone on WEF Room with Steve Bannon mentioning that WW is going to help him understand the Great Reset and stuff.

Uh oh...I thought.

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I heard Alan Watt, 'Cutting through the matrix' say once that he was contacted by 'them' (tapeworm) with an offer, which he declined. He continued saying that everyone who successfully gets the message through, gets tapped on the shoulder sooner or later. You either cooperate or end up dead. Alan died in March 2021.

Ps. Sorry if you know or wrote about this already, but did you ever look into how EMF's enhance the transformation of SV40 (in Convid sh*ts) in cells and make them more susceptible to cancerous changes? Research goes back to at least 1968.

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I have not, and also have a pet theory that allegedly finding SV40 in the shots was a late inning operation to ensure that IF ONLY WE COULD CLEAN UP THAT CONTAMINATION THIS MRNA TECH WILL STILL BE GRAND MOVING FORWARDS

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Yes, if they can only perfect this miracle of modern science eh?

However judging by the number of articles trying to debunk or downplay the Health Canada findings of SV40 in the Convid sh*t and save the situation ("There is no evidence to indicate the presence of SV40.....) perhaps we're dealing with a genuine slip-up.

I live in Kanuckistan and I know first hand how deeply unprofessional and pathetic the bureaucracy is here. Now there is DEI, but before that Canada had decades (centuries) of shuffling cousins and buddies into well-paid government jobs based on the fact that, well they're cousins or best buddies.

After the polio sh*t (contaminated with SV40) there was a spike in cancer cases, but after the Convid sh*t people are getting TURBO cancer. Why?

"Radiation can enhance the transformation of SV40 in cells, making them more susceptible to cancerous changes."

Research in to link between SV40, EMF's and cancer goes back to at least 1968. Ironically in the seventies they also started banning lead paint because supposedly kids were eating paint chips......or is it because lead paint protects against radiation?






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"However judging by the number of articles trying to debunk or downplay the Health Canada findings of SV40 in the Convid sh*t and save the situation ("There is no evidence to indicate the presence of SV40.....)"


I will posit that this "well if Tier One says it, the opposite is true" is a very very very flawed heuristic that can be switched out on you and almost certainly is.

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It's not blown up like the Ivermectin sh*t but yeah....perhaps. I do find it peculiar that shortly after their research into the link SV40, radiation and cancer, they start banning lead paint.

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Hugged the gnome" - suggested addition for the SH glossary of shorthand phrases; a compromised individual, sellout, shill, a blackmailed individual coerced into a position of subservient obedience, an operative

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Wonderful news!

It's rumoured that Bobby intends to make all fruit loops organic and free range: but he's having to play a long game, and can't show his full hand just yet......

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Trust the Beef Tallow Plan!

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no self-respecting SH stacker would do such a thing, but lacking personal scruples at times, I watched the exquisitely-tailored bobby sit down at eagerly compliant Steak and Shake with 9p fox guy hannity for a serious beef tallow talk in which bobby longed for the taste of french fries in europe in his youth...his gift to amerika now.... really gonzo.

father forgive me slinking away (just kidding)

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I rely on these reports back from things that I cannot deal with!

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"Mistakes were Made" forever more

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Yeah, and cattle are now being injected with mnra

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Does that mrna stuff accumulate in tallow?

I was tempted to buy some tallow when I heard that it makes the best skin cream. So I looked at it in the store and even on sale in Costco.

Holy cow, that stuff costs a fortune!

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As Bobby's supporters say, "Let the man work, and give him time".

He and Pam and Kash and ELon are going to fix all of this broken stuff, just wait and see.

Meanwhile, it is disturbing to see what their left hand is doing while their right hand is distracting us.

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RFK makes my stomach turn because he is such a two-faced hypocrite who manages to convince the flock that he is noble with good intentions.

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You know what keeps haunting me a bit?

In his Senate hearings, he started doublespeaking about not being "anti-vax" or similar and pro-vax protestors erupted.


Thing is.

They are not wrong in their detection that a man was lying.

He lies uncontrollably. To everybody. He switches back and forth, just like in the clip that I linked above.

"I'm pro vaccine...I vaccinated all my kids....I believe that vaccines should. be tested."

Goes into a rant about not knowing the risk profile.


Why would you be PRO ANYTHING that is not tested?

Simple shit like that he parses and walks the tightrope. (*Del Bigtree: "The Highwire")

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What an apt name lol

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How about removing the shit being sprayed in our skies? Or the shit added to our drinking water? Or the shit being sprayed on our food?

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Loooooooove you

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I ran the volunteer RFK,Jr for president campaign here in SF, and most of my fellow volunteers still trust the guy will do right. They are also solidly tier 2 believing the devils of some protein and the reality of the pandemic. As for me, it's wait and see.

Wouldn't it be easy for him to end the pandemic emergency with a stroke of his pen, leaving Pfizer and the medical establishment again responsible for their outcomes (complications)? Wouldn't that fulfill the promise to us made on the steps of the Lincoln monument that he would fight to restore the constitutional freedoms that the PREP act robs from us?

Sasha Latypovas open letter to RFK Jr should be all over his Twitter account demanding action:


I'd be interested in seeing a poll of your readers as to the likelihood that he'll do this.

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Bobby, jr had the advantage of the Kennedy charisma early on. The two Kennedys who were murdered by scorpions. They had to have known something but perhaps weren't compliant enough.

I used to think Bobby, jr was simply a badly damaged human being, but it seems they found a way to take the soul out of anyone and they certainly had access to him his whole life.

Now it is hard to see him as a sympathetic figure as I once did. He is now a scorpion, plain and simple. Yes, we don't know all the details, but his actions reveal him to be a tool of the scorpions and one of them. He appears much less appealing now, and the Kennedy charisma is superceded by a Dorian Gray picture, charisma covering what is really there. Ugh. To feel this sympathy for him is just a tinge of Stockholm Syndrome.

The scorpions got their revenge on the Kennedy clan by making a mockery of him, making him perform a clown act.

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I am beginning to have ??? about the Kennedy Scorpion narrative.

Just a nagging vibe.

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??? about JFK/RFK or Bobby, jr?

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From watching "former jew" Matthew Tower's documentary which is great! About 9/11.

He is really tipping his hand with some Kamelot Goody Lore.

It's the little nudges that intrigue me.

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UpSurfing Q-Anon, my gut feeling, relates to the two major holding-patterns we are currently on. They will have to bring us in nose-to-tail on this one https://kimosboel.substack.com/p/call-pedophile-psyop-satanist-trump ,which they will choreograph very much like a Q liberation movement. Likely the projection sitting in waiting all along…. a glamouring idolizing cult, for this moment. Interesting it’s in your sphere, though not surprised. The old bloodlines, and land titles.

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There will be no end to the Bull Shit until the real culprits are exposed. We are being poisoned from all kinds of different vectors .... it's not only the food so these little tidbits of success don't remotely compare to the damage that is being done via the silent weapons outside daily. This is another "Slight of Hand" maneuver by the GLOBALISTS. Now, you ask what could be worse and more effective than food .... How about your air & water ? How about the 6G terra hertz milli meter waves ?

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I noticed the same trend with a personal doctor I had. My family had been, unbeknownst to us, using a very useful medication that helped fight covid. During covid I had to fight, I mean fight and call and call and call them for a refill of it. Silly. I was easily able to get this med before covid. Wonder what happened? Why did they fight me? Words were never spoken to their change of heart. Eventually they offered up another similar medication, but not one of the ones that had been known to help with covid. I hung up on them, and later when I regained my strength kept asking for what I wanted. With more calls and name calling, they eventually gave me a drop or two of it, never in the amount I got it before in.

I think the doctor would have got a black mark on their "I'm a good global doctor" record had they given me that med as usual. They knew that we usually used it though. I wouldn't stop as I can be stubborn. I called the insurance, and even got a health aid involved.

So Kennedy can't/won't stop the warp speed death shots, but can make your Fruit Loops not as poisonous. He is hoping you accept this consolation prize so we can all just go home now and die a peaceful one world government vaccinated death with a more healthier Fruit Loops for breakfast.

Okay so you end up dead, you can't be too mad. Come on man. At least they didn't poison you with a breakfast cereal before you died.

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May I ask three questions, please?

1. Can you explain the symptomology of the Covid that you wished to fight?

2. Who tipped you off that the very useful medication was very useful in this fight?

3. And the particulars about how this syndrome was diagnosed?

Not a trick question, I am always looking for anecdotal insights.

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Some members of my family have a connective tissue disorder diagnosed when my child was born with particular orthopedic issues such as club foot. A pulmonologist told me back around 2009 to use Budesonide for our particular disorder. Then when covid happened Richard Bartlette spoke about budesonide over and over again.

About the 8:00 mark https://rumble.com/vstzbs-doctor-richard-bartlett-how-to-successfully-and-affordably-treat-covid-19-p.html?playlist_id=watch-history

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So you were using it for something other than Kovid and they would not give it to you for your child (family). You weren't using it for Kovid. There were some other medications that were legit that they then denied. Maybe hydrocholorothiazide was one, I don't remember.

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By the end of this wild ride, crazy reactionary Democrats are going to love RFK Jr. for protecting the vaccine schedule and making subtle improvements on food additives. All in the plan...

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Largely agree although I think framing this in terms of Democrats elides that Republicans (this paradigm is a brutal op) ALSO wanted an OWS-2 and nobody will just stand there and present evidence for anything.



This is a Whole of USG Global Depopulation err...Vaccination Program

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Yeah, Republicans were conned into it but they were not nearly as obsessive and hostile. These cults operate in different ways.

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This binary, both controlled and minded by AIPAC Traitorous Treason PAC is how this gets done.

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Republicans still think RFK Jr. is in there to change the paradigm. It's...sad.

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The facts remains many Republicans were involved and profited it from it too ... no excuses!

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No one said they weren't.

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I apologize if I m off topic

My mom is forgetting plenty and I m very worried. Please pray for us

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