Did she fly from Chile to TN and hug Bob Malone at RFK's Freedom Conference in 2022?
Why did James Corbett go on CHD and waste time with that IHR red herring with Rockefeller pal, Meryl Nass?
Same with Catherine Austin Fitts.
I can only surmise that these folks who are all much sharper detectives than me were wooed either by threats or by "Bobby is going to shut this shit down, trust the plan" assurances.
Bobby Kennedy, Jr. and CHD...something very very duplicitous happened there.
Whitney warned Glen Greenwald about The Intercept and he lashed out at her quite vigorously. (Greenwald last seen joining the Rumble Deep State team when it was launched along with Tulsi Gabbard.)
Yes, I have followed him since 2020. He went there to teach English and married a Japanese woman. He’s sone some great work, but still beleives in the moon landing. The Wolf thing threw me for a loop. Sam Tripoli sets me off as well with his blind support for Carroll and Rogan.
This is testimony from Housatonic who was at the conference.
I left a query on TLAV's board the other day as he just did an interview with a CHD Talking Head and he often has CAF in studio in TN for interviews.
I really like and respect TLAV, in 2021, he was dominantly responsible for me seeing what was going on with this Operation.
Then he praises Bhattacharya, seemingly oblivious that Bhattacharya PUSHED THE SHOTS FOR THE OLDS and Ryan of all people knows the shots were decimating the olds, he showed the UK data show after show.
awkard truths. Webb. Interesting her last name, btw. Not an easy passage. To make it across the river you need to be willing to let go of ALL your hero luggage, religious icons, hopium salves- everything you hold on to is potentially going to drown you
So along this timeline, her child had health problems.
WW had been wrecking Covid Narratives up to that point including busting Bob Malone's old pal Michael Callahan and trotting out Bob Malone's CV in the process.
Next thing I know I hear Bob Malone on WEF Room with Steve Bannon mentioning that WW is going to help him understand the Great Reset and stuff.
I heard Alan Watt, 'Cutting through the matrix' say once that he was contacted by 'them' (tapeworm) with an offer, which he declined. He continued saying that everyone who successfully gets the message through, gets tapped on the shoulder sooner or later. You either cooperate or end up dead. Alan died in March 2021.
Ps. Sorry if you know or wrote about this already, but did you ever look into how EMF's enhance the transformation of SV40 (in Convid sh*ts) in cells and make them more susceptible to cancerous changes? Research goes back to at least 1968.
I have not, and also have a pet theory that allegedly finding SV40 in the shots was a late inning operation to ensure that IF ONLY WE COULD CLEAN UP THAT CONTAMINATION THIS MRNA TECH WILL STILL BE GRAND MOVING FORWARDS
Yes, if they can only perfect this miracle of modern science eh?
However judging by the number of articles trying to debunk or downplay the Health Canada findings of SV40 in the Convid sh*t and save the situation ("There is no evidence to indicate the presence of SV40.....) perhaps we're dealing with a genuine slip-up.
I live in Kanuckistan and I know first hand how deeply unprofessional and pathetic the bureaucracy is here. Now there is DEI, but before that Canada had decades (centuries) of shuffling cousins and buddies into well-paid government jobs based on the fact that, well they're cousins or best buddies.
After the polio sh*t (contaminated with SV40) there was a spike in cancer cases, but after the Convid sh*t people are getting TURBO cancer. Why?
"Radiation can enhance the transformation of SV40 in cells, making them more susceptible to cancerous changes."
Research in to link between SV40, EMF's and cancer goes back to at least 1968. Ironically in the seventies they also started banning lead paint because supposedly kids were eating paint chips......or is it because lead paint protects against radiation?
"However judging by the number of articles trying to debunk or downplay the Health Canada findings of SV40 in the Convid sh*t and save the situation ("There is no evidence to indicate the presence of SV40.....)"
I will posit that this "well if Tier One says it, the opposite is true" is a very very very flawed heuristic that can be switched out on you and almost certainly is.
It's not blown up like the Ivermectin sh*t but yeah....perhaps. I do find it peculiar that shortly after their research into the link SV40, radiation and cancer, they start banning lead paint.
Hugged the gnome" - suggested addition for the SH glossary of shorthand phrases; a compromised individual, sellout, shill, a blackmailed individual coerced into a position of subservient obedience, an operative
Why did she go on CHD?
Did she fly from Chile to TN and hug Bob Malone at RFK's Freedom Conference in 2022?
Why did James Corbett go on CHD and waste time with that IHR red herring with Rockefeller pal, Meryl Nass?
Same with Catherine Austin Fitts.
I can only surmise that these folks who are all much sharper detectives than me were wooed either by threats or by "Bobby is going to shut this shit down, trust the plan" assurances.
Bobby Kennedy, Jr. and CHD...something very very duplicitous happened there.
Whitney warned Glen Greenwald about The Intercept and he lashed out at her quite vigorously. (Greenwald last seen joining the Rumble Deep State team when it was launched along with Tulsi Gabbard.)
Naomi (Rhodes) Wolf on Corbett last week providing solutions?
Thank you for this, Chasi.
Did they get into Israel and Chosen People and Ethnic Cleansing of the Amalek?
Or stick with bullshit generalities of "black pill" blah blah blah....
Obviously, Naomi ignored (“Isreal, the land that I love”) ethnic cleansing completely,
Do you follow Corbett? Have you for a while?
Why does he live in Japan?
Yes, I have followed him since 2020. He went there to teach English and married a Japanese woman. He’s sone some great work, but still beleives in the moon landing. The Wolf thing threw me for a loop. Sam Tripoli sets me off as well with his blind support for Carroll and Rogan.
I didn't know Whitney hugged the gnome, jeez. It is human to be dupable, but the TLAV's mantra "Question everything" must never be ignored.
This is testimony from Housatonic who was at the conference.
I left a query on TLAV's board the other day as he just did an interview with a CHD Talking Head and he often has CAF in studio in TN for interviews.
I really like and respect TLAV, in 2021, he was dominantly responsible for me seeing what was going on with this Operation.
Then he praises Bhattacharya, seemingly oblivious that Bhattacharya PUSHED THE SHOTS FOR THE OLDS and Ryan of all people knows the shots were decimating the olds, he showed the UK data show after show.
awkard truths. Webb. Interesting her last name, btw. Not an easy passage. To make it across the river you need to be willing to let go of ALL your hero luggage, religious icons, hopium salves- everything you hold on to is potentially going to drown you
So along this timeline, her child had health problems.
WW had been wrecking Covid Narratives up to that point including busting Bob Malone's old pal Michael Callahan and trotting out Bob Malone's CV in the process.
Next thing I know I hear Bob Malone on WEF Room with Steve Bannon mentioning that WW is going to help him understand the Great Reset and stuff.
Uh oh...I thought.
I heard Alan Watt, 'Cutting through the matrix' say once that he was contacted by 'them' (tapeworm) with an offer, which he declined. He continued saying that everyone who successfully gets the message through, gets tapped on the shoulder sooner or later. You either cooperate or end up dead. Alan died in March 2021.
Ps. Sorry if you know or wrote about this already, but did you ever look into how EMF's enhance the transformation of SV40 (in Convid sh*ts) in cells and make them more susceptible to cancerous changes? Research goes back to at least 1968.
I have not, and also have a pet theory that allegedly finding SV40 in the shots was a late inning operation to ensure that IF ONLY WE COULD CLEAN UP THAT CONTAMINATION THIS MRNA TECH WILL STILL BE GRAND MOVING FORWARDS
Yes, if they can only perfect this miracle of modern science eh?
However judging by the number of articles trying to debunk or downplay the Health Canada findings of SV40 in the Convid sh*t and save the situation ("There is no evidence to indicate the presence of SV40.....) perhaps we're dealing with a genuine slip-up.
I live in Kanuckistan and I know first hand how deeply unprofessional and pathetic the bureaucracy is here. Now there is DEI, but before that Canada had decades (centuries) of shuffling cousins and buddies into well-paid government jobs based on the fact that, well they're cousins or best buddies.
After the polio sh*t (contaminated with SV40) there was a spike in cancer cases, but after the Convid sh*t people are getting TURBO cancer. Why?
"Radiation can enhance the transformation of SV40 in cells, making them more susceptible to cancerous changes."
Research in to link between SV40, EMF's and cancer goes back to at least 1968. Ironically in the seventies they also started banning lead paint because supposedly kids were eating paint chips......or is it because lead paint protects against radiation?
"However judging by the number of articles trying to debunk or downplay the Health Canada findings of SV40 in the Convid sh*t and save the situation ("There is no evidence to indicate the presence of SV40.....)"
I will posit that this "well if Tier One says it, the opposite is true" is a very very very flawed heuristic that can be switched out on you and almost certainly is.
It's not blown up like the Ivermectin sh*t but yeah....perhaps. I do find it peculiar that shortly after their research into the link SV40, radiation and cancer, they start banning lead paint.
Hugged the gnome" - suggested addition for the SH glossary of shorthand phrases; a compromised individual, sellout, shill, a blackmailed individual coerced into a position of subservient obedience, an operative