I noticed the same trend with a personal doctor I had. My family had been, unbeknownst to us, using a very useful medication that helped fight covid. During covid I had to fight, I mean fight and call and call and call them for a refill of it. Silly. I was easily able to get this med before covid. Wonder what happened? Why did they fight…
I noticed the same trend with a personal doctor I had. My family had been, unbeknownst to us, using a very useful medication that helped fight covid. During covid I had to fight, I mean fight and call and call and call them for a refill of it. Silly. I was easily able to get this med before covid. Wonder what happened? Why did they fight me? Words were never spoken to their change of heart. Eventually they offered up another similar medication, but not one of the ones that had been known to help with covid. I hung up on them, and later when I regained my strength kept asking for what I wanted. With more calls and name calling, they eventually gave me a drop or two of it, never in the amount I got it before in.
I think the doctor would have got a black mark on their "I'm a good global doctor" record had they given me that med as usual. They knew that we usually used it though. I wouldn't stop as I can be stubborn. I called the insurance, and even got a health aid involved.
So Kennedy can't/won't stop the warp speed death shots, but can make your Fruit Loops not as poisonous. He is hoping you accept this consolation prize so we can all just go home now and die a peaceful one world government vaccinated death with a more healthier Fruit Loops for breakfast.
Okay so you end up dead, you can't be too mad. Come on man. At least they didn't poison you with a breakfast cereal before you died.
Some members of my family have a connective tissue disorder diagnosed when my child was born with particular orthopedic issues such as club foot. A pulmonologist told me back around 2009 to use Budesonide for our particular disorder. Then when covid happened Richard Bartlette spoke about budesonide over and over again.
So you were using it for something other than Kovid and they would not give it to you for your child (family). You weren't using it for Kovid. There were some other medications that were legit that they then denied. Maybe hydrocholorothiazide was one, I don't remember.
I noticed the same trend with a personal doctor I had. My family had been, unbeknownst to us, using a very useful medication that helped fight covid. During covid I had to fight, I mean fight and call and call and call them for a refill of it. Silly. I was easily able to get this med before covid. Wonder what happened? Why did they fight me? Words were never spoken to their change of heart. Eventually they offered up another similar medication, but not one of the ones that had been known to help with covid. I hung up on them, and later when I regained my strength kept asking for what I wanted. With more calls and name calling, they eventually gave me a drop or two of it, never in the amount I got it before in.
I think the doctor would have got a black mark on their "I'm a good global doctor" record had they given me that med as usual. They knew that we usually used it though. I wouldn't stop as I can be stubborn. I called the insurance, and even got a health aid involved.
So Kennedy can't/won't stop the warp speed death shots, but can make your Fruit Loops not as poisonous. He is hoping you accept this consolation prize so we can all just go home now and die a peaceful one world government vaccinated death with a more healthier Fruit Loops for breakfast.
Okay so you end up dead, you can't be too mad. Come on man. At least they didn't poison you with a breakfast cereal before you died.
May I ask three questions, please?
1. Can you explain the symptomology of the Covid that you wished to fight?
2. Who tipped you off that the very useful medication was very useful in this fight?
3. And the particulars about how this syndrome was diagnosed?
Not a trick question, I am always looking for anecdotal insights.
Some members of my family have a connective tissue disorder diagnosed when my child was born with particular orthopedic issues such as club foot. A pulmonologist told me back around 2009 to use Budesonide for our particular disorder. Then when covid happened Richard Bartlette spoke about budesonide over and over again.
About the 8:00 mark https://rumble.com/vstzbs-doctor-richard-bartlett-how-to-successfully-and-affordably-treat-covid-19-p.html?playlist_id=watch-history
So you were using it for something other than Kovid and they would not give it to you for your child (family). You weren't using it for Kovid. There were some other medications that were legit that they then denied. Maybe hydrocholorothiazide was one, I don't remember.