I was in Atlanta when this happened and could see and smell it in the air. I breathed it for a day or two. I came home and my urine turned dark and it turned out my liver function was suddenly out of whack. Guess what the WHO says is a main side effect of short term dioxin exposure is? That’s right, liver function abnormalities.

“ Short-term exposure of humans to high levels of dioxins may result in skin lesions, such as chloracne and patchy darkening of the skin, and altered liver function. Long-term exposure is linked to impairment of the immune system, the developing nervous system, the endocrine system and reproductive functions.”


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Wow, you travel a lot!

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Hurricane and chemical explosion in a weekend during Flat Earth Festival. Lol

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Next: this Saturday, the Spanish Navy will invade again America and convert all the savages to the one true church.

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OMG, where are they landing?

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In the Bahamas!

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Chasicakes will be there.

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It's great that you can make a joke out of democide. There's a small handful of "people" trying to eliminate the rest of us and you can find something funny about it? That makes me think either you're one of them or the chemicals have already lobotomized your brain smh.

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You could always just go shoot yourself in the head.

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George Carlin RIP

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Get organic dandelion root tea to protect the liver.

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The attack is still evident while doing stuff like breathing…


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God Bless, Sarah.

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Everyone has been really tired… Including us.

Like, every single client has mentioned it.

Of course none of them have correlated it until we mention it…but nobody argues once we point it out.

Because it’s obvious. Once you recognize it. It’s not being run with the fervor the hurricane are getting, so people just think they are fucking tired.

But the chemical explosion that happened almost two weeks ago is still A MAJOR UNRESOLVED PROBLEM.

I feel like my throat and lungs have a light film…making it just a little harder to breathe.


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I woke up on Monday morning after in Atlanta with same feeling.

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My thoughts are with you, Chasi & Sarah. And just think....the USA's busiest airport is targeted, too.

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Oct 11Liked by Sage Hana

Sarah, not medical advice, etc, but steadily build up levels of turmeric, black pepper and a touch of chilli in your daily diet - not any dubious pills but real turmeric.

A chicken dinner each week, perhaps curries, with a lot of turmeric and black pepper would also be good as....boosters.

Advice from a life-long vaxx-injured asthmatic. It's really helped my breathing to the point of dropping nasty steroids completely.

Oh, and red wine.

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Thank you…will do.

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I hope it helps Sarah - my asthma was made much worse by severe air pollution - and will serve as a small thank you for your Substack, esp the memes which have often cheered me up.

A turmeric and pepper-rich curry and high strength Vit C and Zinc pills can also stop growing throat infections dead, in my experience. Again with red wine!

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I’m kinda mad you didn’t hit me up Chasi, but I guess I’ll let it slide….

I mean, we could’ve been really tired together, but whatevs…

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I didn’t know you were in Atlanta and definitely would, have liked to meet up Sarah.

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Maybe you guys will have adjoining bunks at Wallyworld.

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I can only hope 🤞

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quote: "Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one's self-esteem.” -- said by Elmer Fudd, before the mRNA vaccine got to his brain.

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"Safe and effective."

Signed, Abe Lincoln

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Thanks for hanging out you unique Astrology Double Agent Philosopher.

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“The sense of national emergency engendered by war transforms the destruction of dissident opinion into patriotism.”

Signed: Adolf Sauerkraut, janitor of the Parliament of Uruguay in 1963

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😅 Kicking my ass and I love it.

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I was just reading about his death today. First thought was they killed him. And a news article explaining the meter readings of dangerous levels of chemicals, said that they "averaged" out the hourly readings to come to a mediate level of current poisonous effects. So if you happened to be traveling through the area, at the highest few minutes of exposure, don't worry, it really wasn't that bad!

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Oct 11Liked by Sage Hana

Just like they have told us for years that dental amalgams (mercury) were safe, chemically-produced fluoride treatment is great for your teeth (basically makes the teeth hard, but rots your brain), dental X-rays have only a “little” radiation (not enough to matter they say as they leave the room to take the x-ray), and roots canals are okay - all from the corrupted ADA.

Is there ANY govt agency or health agency that can be trusted?


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Oct 11·edited Oct 11Liked by Sage Hana

Could "Freedom Fusion" be the attempt to sell Bobby, Donald, and Elon hooking up? Wonder Triplet powers, fuse!

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(The Clintons handle the wet work.)

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Holy shit, the smoke in the third pic down looks like a Weffie backdrop for ze conference.

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Oh. My. Goodness.

Infinite Swirl.

At :30:



Also Michael, I thought I had this from an airport screen, too in the Vegas Reports, 2023. Can't find. Same Infinite Swirl "art"

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Those MF'rs are laughing at us again.

Seriously though (esp. after C. Sarah's comment) it's really, really fk'n painful to watch this shit day after day after ..........

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I am 20 miles from Conyers. On Monday (9/30) it looked a foggy morning. It was just a chemical haze that had blown up our way. And the air smelled distinctly of chlorine. Just the ambient morning air…smelled like a fucking swimming pool.

Schools in ATL closed because of it. TWENTY FUCKING MILES AWAY.

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I wish we could make these MF'rs pay dearly for the atrocities they've been causing and continue to do so.

I hope you and yours weather the storm(s) and come out the other side.

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Oct 11Liked by Sage Hana


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Oct 11Liked by Sage Hana

We lived downwind of the Pulp Mill here for 6 months.

Dioxin city.

5th grade son was covered with a red rash when the smoke stacks spewed. One of his class mates died of asthma (age 10)...

But the real tell, was the shit on our cars. Made the paint blister.

People called the area Cancer Alley and there was a ton of cancer before the mill shut down, just a year after we moved here.

Thank God.

I'm sorry Sarah.

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Oct 11Liked by Sage Hana

You posted once that you lived near the CDC. I looked at the map the day of the fire and figured you were far enough away and upwind. I’m sorry to hear that that smoke still reached you.

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We are 20 miles away! And that shit made it here.

I didn’t even know it had happened because I don’t watch the news…my Monday morning clients reported it. And sure enough, as the sun rose, there was a strange fog that was actually a chemical haze. And the air smelled distinctly of chlorine. The smell changed over the course of that week to a nondescript chemical odor. As the days passed, they advised that it was worse at certain times, in the evenings I think, and you should avoid being outside during that time. I took that advice as the rubbish it was, and just assumed that we are all breathing it all the time. 😒

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Is that stuff gone yet?

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No, unfortunately not. Writing it up right now…

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I was in Deluth and had same experience.

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Sage, Glad you're covering this!

Did you happen to catch this? https://substack.com/@atphan/note/c-71924816

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I don't do Notes so no. It's Twitter and it's breathless laser pointing.

I am very dubious of MSM infidels who set up shop on YT FWIW. The focus is very much like Bret Evergreen and Mockingbird Tucker to hand wave and conceal.

But then again I see phantoms everywhere.

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Sources always need checking...I just go for the meat. It's in the Tampa.gov.site. I have a friend who is a major property developer just south of Tampa....this morning he confirmed the collab between gates and vinik....been in the works for a few yrs. (thinking back to the head start that Australia has on all this...not in the news these days) Palestine Ohio anyone?

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I wonder if someone in power will take on this Bill Gates and stop this madness.

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Frankly, I have wondered that for years. And there are many more, living into ripe old age on borrowed body parts. It’s in the open who does all the strategic culling.

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They can just keep trickling this out.

Because they work for the same people and it's Hunger Games mockery.

They can give you a Hero who will talk tough on ONE issue and another who talks tough on ANOTHER issue and wait this out until they run the next Op.

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Oct 11Liked by Sage Hana

Debra - Yup

Amish communities have some of the best beef, chicken, real milk (raw) out there - and they are under attack

What’s a little chemical spill within 100 miles of their communities?

(They don’t take ANY jabs, either)

Uh-Oh…another no-no.

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Good point! You may already know, but for those who don't, Pennsylvania gov and FDA have put them through the wringer the past couple years...damnable overreach. Target on their backs...

As I recall, they have no cases of autism, either.

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11

Front page of DRUTHERS, Canadian alt Newspaper. https://druthers.ca/the-amish-north-americas-control-group/

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Great article!! Thanks!! An Amish healer in our area was severely harassed for 'practicing medicine w/o a license. He found a way to continue, but money could not change hands. On another note, an Amish man who refused to wear a mask at a local Walmart drew a crowd of upset employees. He breezed past them with the remark that he had CS (therefore exempt). Finally the mgr confronted him to find out what CS was.

"Common Sense" was his answer.

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Oct 14Liked by Sage Hana

Day 17 with no Internet. Only able to pull up text not videos/pics using my cell phone. b/c of this I didn’t know about the fire. Also, I don’t watch much TV so I don’t have cable just get my news and some shows on the TV through the Internet. Which I cannot access. I live in south-central Georgia as far as toxic fumes being spread locally, i mean the wind can take all that much farther just sayin. I am switching Internet companies because Windstream sucks. It doesn’t take a hurricane for it to go down all one need do is sneeze and poof access to the Internet is gone. Same goes for electricity and water in this Podunk town. As soon as I can get the Internet, I will look at everything you’ve posted. Thanks so much for your work.

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I have a nagging feeling that channel is Five Eyes/Mossad

They also ran David Martin shouting about Terrorism and Murder in 2022.

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The Canadian Independent? Five Eyes?

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Another one is "The People's Voice" who just spins outlandish headlines with no receipts.

They ply on the motivated reasoning of the semi-awake and herd them right back into TEAM ISRAEL AND VOTE HARDER

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It's a rah-rah site. Promoting Kennedy and Shanahan and the fake assassination of Trump.

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🤔 yea, possibly. However - the reporting does not change the actual and factual testimony given by the fire chief as seen in the video ? Govt obstruction of rescue efforts have become the norm.

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What they won't report, I suspect, **I don't follow the site closely** is that as in Hawaii the Hero, (RFK, Dowd) attribute the fuckery to "bad land management" and so forth.

See, they never track it back up the chain to the Hero who is supposed to solve the case.

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11

Yep. Clearly Tier 2 shitfuckery. I don’t follow them either. But it’s (become) impossible to m a k e people think for themselves. The 2 key items standing out in his testimony - for those willing and able - is that his crew was licensed for structural protection (we are not discussiong land management fire in a park). 1. The Feds MADE the TOWN burn. 2. He spoke out. This 👉 https://rumble.com/v5i48l1-332761717.html? to the broader context, 5 yrs of Tier 2 pot-banging. And I am on the fence with her, but see some stuff checking out.

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Ah. I read them more for Canadian stories.

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Sage - is David Martin “controlled opposition”?

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Where did you learn this term, "controlled opposition"?

Define it for me and explain what the opposition is in regard to SPECIFICALLY.

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Sage - I have read the term on several alternative sites. Too many to list at this time on my late lunch break.

Like you, I would like to know if this applies to someone like David Martin, & a good definition of the term.

Is it being used appropriately in regards to Brett W, Robert Malone, and many others on the apparent frontlines of discussion, podcasts, videos, conferences, etc., including the Health Freedom Movement?

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*alternative sites

Anyway, San, this is perhaps going to be challenging to do, but you will need to define what metrics YOU think are important and how WE got here as a world.

And check out the rhetoric over time of the people that entered your Brain Vector through these *Alternative sites.

And what they oppose.

And then decide for yourself if they share your "movement".


What does the Opposition oppose?

Do they leave loopholes and so forth? Do they seem to shirk and not mention specific people?

Further, you will find that you and others do not share the same metrics of concern, but rather a shared distrust of the "mainstream" and that is good enough to keep you in the fold.

I did all this two years ago. The Not a Movement.

I can't do this any more. "Who are the goodies?"

*Controlled opposition is a spy term and it was introduced by Bioweapon Lifer Bob Malone after a staged feud with Alex Berenson on Fox News.

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FWIW, I personally do not consider David Martin "controlled opp" but I would say the term is appropriately applied to B.W. and R.M.

You seem very bright, San. Trust your instincts.

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Just scrolled down. Yeah. yeah.

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I think the disposable black respirator is performative mind control even when particulate matter from a fire is in the air (and there probably wasn't p.m. where that lady was reporting from.)

It's either a true respirator with real activated carbon filters and a good anti-return valve, or nothing.

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Yes. The ones that make you look like Darth Vader actually work.

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Assassination are back with a vengeance . . . .

I tho i shall not poison was part of the hippocritic oath !? huh

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He likely took the jab (a failed oncologic 'treatment' that wasn't allowed with in a million miles of a healthy human arm, prior to '21).

Pregnant women? Kids? The Elderly?

Where do we draw the line??

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DEW ……. A blast indeed….

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