When you grow up and become a doctor, do you do so to become rich?


To have an awesome life, as someone recently said.

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Loved the pic of you and your cat.

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Five Eyes Alert! 🚒

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they like you to know you are special. They want you to know you are watched over and deeply cared for. Like when they hover over your house and let the rotor blast from the apache helicopter wash over you in endless waves. Or they warm you with a microwave beam weapon, delivered right to your occipitol lobe, or ship you a free computer, or a pager. Like that.

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Thx for the link-facts always helps reinforce your gut feelings- total smarm and then having John Leake speak on his behalf - not a science expert but a true crime writer how apt!

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Yikes. The world needs more charlatans with Wellness products!

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A kid was admitted into the hospital because he swallowed eight plastic horses. His condition is now stable.


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Have you heard the story about the runaway horse?

It’s a terrible tale of WHOA!

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Did you hear about the quarry that went out of business? They hit rock bottom.

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Where do horses go when they’re sick?

The horse-pital.

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How do you call a horse that can balance a corncob on its head?

A unique corn.

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What did the horse say after she fell over?

Help! I've fallen, and I can't giddy-up!

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What do you call a giraffe that is winning a horse race? A longshot.

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I hear cheerful cowboys make jolly ranchers...

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Meanwhile in the backblocks of Oztrayliar, we are about to get another GM product (that is ever so safe and effective), to be released wherever and however they choose. Stay away from doctors, stay away from hospitals and don't get sick. https://www.ogtr.gov.au/gmo-dealings/dealings-involving-intentional-release/dir-206

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The photo with Foster Coulson, Peter Mac and two other guy is interesting. Look at the body language. Who is calling the shots here? Is it the man being honored, Dr Mac? No, it's that fox-ster guy.

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Creeps, all of them.

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Sounds like, Mr. It was a bioterrism event to ' poorly thought out,( aka,' mistakes were made' bs) was richly, handsomely, bought out...

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The evolution of Peter McCullough-wow who knew a pandemic could create such a star-waiting in the wings to bring legitimacy to mRNA under various iterations, posing with philanthropic beauty queen for legitimacy with not an ounce of fat on her body but a bosom that clearly implies authority. The Wellness company was just the beginning- he probably doesn’t see patients anymore too busy posing as a “hero”.

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While I agree that Dr McCullough has changed his tune since the beginning and is definitely not to be trusted, it is not at all surprising to me, a former physician, that he was making that kind of money from CMS as a practicing cardiologist. Then, as the pandemic came and he had a new job as tier 2 spokesman, he practiced less and less, so he made less( from practice) made whole by TWC? Dark money?

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Dark-horse money

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DarkSatanicHorse Podcast

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I trust him. I guess its because I know not to follow anyone like a guru. Isnt it a good sign that he suddenly lost govt funding when covid began ??

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did the “Wellness Co.” revenues ramp up as the CMS revenues faded?

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I be gett'n me two broad brushes and duct taping together.

Somebodies needz to buy bot Smashburgers.

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Killin it Sage

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'...like a bat to pangolin rogue koronavirus and a book'. Brilliant. Great compilation of the Good Doctor's financial skullduggery.

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What they said then, what they're saying now. Showing there is a good chance they're gonna say something else in the future. But they always start out with extreme rah-rah to capture the dissidents. Martini saying "It was a terroristic attack on humanity!!!" On a World Stage! Crickets. Funny how it was never mentioned in main stream news. I wonder what HE'S saying now.

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"This is not a novel disease, this was an orchestrated Terror Event", David Martin in Global Covid Summit News, May 21, 2022 (Now Scrubbed)

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Yes, that's it. What is he saying now?

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Only seven black suburbans? Who are you, really?

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My name is QuadTorch and I live at 73745 Hana Ln.

Let's be best friends!

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I never fully trusted McCullough, although I did appreciate him early on when there were few voices for truth. I knew he had an oversized ego. I heard him in an interview say that anyone could pass at the bottom of their class and still be a doctor, but that he recognized the dangers in the shots because he was top of his class, especially brilliant. I’m at a complete loss. I can’t understand where the men and women of courage are. I could never be a sell out. I don’t love money enough. Does no one actually understand the gravity of what has been done to us and the nefarious agenda for all of humanity? How can someone trade the opportunity to influence the outcome of this war, which could affect generations of our posterity, for money and a lie? He had a leadership role in the freedom movement. He has a voice. People would listen. Think of the amazing things he could have done had he stayed in the fight. We are truly facing “give me liberty or give me death”? What good will his fortune be if he’s living as a slave under total surveillance and control?

To be fair, no one can expect him to stand firm if the people have lost their way. Nearly all the new friends I’ve made in the freedom movement have fallen for Trump, Musk and Gaza is valuable development property Zionist/jab the elderly and pregnant women appointees in his cabinet and in their relief and craving to be lulled into the fantasy presented to them, they have lost their fight. Where has the anger gone? One might reason nothing can be done without the people. This would be a reason to take the payout.

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In England, too, the best of the anti-vaxx people who really stuck to their guns have almost all fallen for the Trump/Bobby/ Vance,/Tulsi 'Restore Trust and Freedom (with AI) ' psy op.

So great is their desperate desire for hope that they are projecting like crazy.

This has all been one long masters in Psychology, although what one can do with this new found wisdom I don't really know. Laugh, cry?

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Not true really . Our best were Yeadon , david Icke, vernon coleman, graham hutchinson, all rejected Trumpism.. It's only Tess who seems to have become a bit trusting of trumpers .

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Oh, I dunno, heads on spikes ?

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Never liked this one too.

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