Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

"I’m the asshole right.

For reminding you of what happened as you really want to get back to that drum circle or that football game.

I’m the fucking asshole."

You took the words right out of my mouth....this is how I feel everyday with family, friends and co-workers..... this fight is not for the faint of heart, that's for sure..... 😘

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I get called an asshole sometimes. Even by family. They turn into blubbering emotional masses of goo when I laugh at them and “Yep, I am an asshole. Deal with it. What else you got?” They don’t push the confrontation though knowing my comeback will be a withering barrage of truth they don’t want to acknowledge.

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

Truth=asshole...nowadays.... :(

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Go to the POPULATION CONTROL STRUCTURE that is your doctor's office and tell them you don't want their shots and prescriptions.

Now you are the asshole for not going along.

"Or that world would be lost to me."

Signed Bad Actor

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

I got an new dr last year but she already ran to another province...anyhoo...the first thing she listed off was the shingles shot, mammogram and all the tests and vaxes that I needed to be updated on.... I told her no thanks and she went on to list how I will die a horrible death when I get shingles....

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"The job is to include things like executions by lethal injection."


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I always tell those kinds of docs that dying is something we'll all manage in the end so no worries and no fear, then they stare at you for a sec, cheers!

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana


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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

I FIRED all of my old docs. They don’t want to see my face. They haven’t even called ME in two years to see how I’m doing. I have a new female doc with her “new” private practice. She’s in Fight Club, too.

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I've not been near one for decades. Never get ill or symptoms. Yet, anyway (>60).

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Maybe point out, shingles is only a thing because they vaccinate for chickenpox, rather than allowing natural immunity to deal with it.

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

Thank you Karl. And stay away from those who get the shingles shots also,

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

My guess is that it has become worse and more prevalent due to chickenpox vax. Not necessarily the only cause. My grandma, born around 1900 had shingles and suffered greatly. There was no chickenpox vax then. They were spraying with DDT, however.

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Sounds like my new doc who was wearing a mask the first and only time I’ve seen him.., said no to the mammo, no to the bone density (I’m not taking any drugs so let’s just avoid the radiation shall we?) no to any and all shots. Then he asks me if I want to do my pap that day.., and I said no, next time. Do you really want a masked man stinking something up your vagina?? NO

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Sounds like she went to the Dr Fauci School of Good Manners and Histrionics. That's all he used to say in NYC "You're ALL going to DIE THE MOST HORRIBLE DEATHS if we don't get funding and a vaccine." Round the clock from his bullhorn....

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I’m lucky my doctor doesn’t give immunizations or ever mention them. Even with my youngest son—who still technically “needs”—his shots, I notice she hasn’t even asked (like she used to with my older kids) if they’re “up to date”. I think she’s maybe awake and keeping her head down.

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

Long ago when there were gas lines and the resulting national panic, someone saw through the BS, ran the stats and said that if we would pick1-2 days a wk and just not get in our cars-any day you like- in 3 WEEKS we would bring the industry to it's knees and put a stop to all that nonsense. Back then citizens felt like they had power. Talk to your grandfathers...they'll tell you.

Then the 'system' switched up the language, re-named us 'consumers', now convinced that it is our civic duty to spend, spend, spend...ie: prop up the economy.

At the same time, I'm watching people begin to believe that we are helpless, and now hopeless against the 'masters"!?? Come on people! Where is all this hand-wringing and despair getting you?

Based on that early example, I've been telling people for years to vote with their feet with the medical/industrial complex. If we stopped going to their offices, taking their tests etc etc, we would bring THEM to THEIR knees in short order...probably about a month. Do only what YOU deem necessary. Really not so hard. Instead we cower and quake and wait for them to collapse our way of life.

I really don't get it....

Vote with your feet... A place to begin....

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Sometime back in the earlyish 2000s, the former mayor of San Diego (and if memory serves, convicted felon), Roger Hedgecock, had an AM talk radio show during which he organized listeners to boycott one brand of gas...don't recall if the target boycottee got switched on a regular weekly or monthly basis (might have been ad hoc, depending on whatever). It was easy to do then...should be even easier to do now with the internet.

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Absolutely! We've been doing it with beer, motorcycles, chain stores...we see it working.... Intelligent targeting of the medical/pharma tyrants. I know of a CFO for Chicago hospitals (her brother, my doc-one of the good guys). They are so financially on edge already since covid plus the rumblings from within from staff that are disgusted and dispirited. Our illogical Standard of Care put in place ahead of Obamacare should be dismantled. It is designed to maximize profits and NOT to benefit patients. Another demand must be removal of liability protection for pharma lies and injuries. Just 2 clear goals. Boycott.

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My feet are too old...

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Fingers and mind still nimble... ;-))

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

I’m definitely on the #GrandFirebrandOrderOfTheAsshole list. I’ve been a charter member since I was four. I’m on the Board of GFOOTA and a Plank Owner. I have a super-cute a-pron (think Key and Peele) which I wear during the holidays. I have, next to my Spartan Race sticker (because I’m a badass like that) a spay-shul sticker that is like so jacked out that says #GFOOTA plus my license plate is just the best - GFOOTA69 - so snarky cute, don’t you think? I have customized YETI every-thang with the GFOOTA on all of it so everyone knows not to get in mah FACE, biatch. You come holler at me, imma track you down and make sure you get every jib-jab known to man. #WORK #CantTrussIt #PowerToThePeople #ChitownSouthside WORD

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

TAKE THEIR WORLDS FROM THEM!!! JU ST LIKE THEY TOOK THE WORLD FROM BILLIONS OF PEOPLE WHO TRUSTED THEM. Fucking assholes think they have the right to call you out for exposing their Murders in myriad abominable ways. Refusing transplants, damaging babies, destroying lives, wreaking havoc in so many Worlds!

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Aug 27Liked by Sage Hana

This is it. Right here. We start pushing back. Take our health and our lives back. I work in a related (but not medical) field and I see so many people with devastated immune systems. I tell them to advocate for themselves, and not expect anyone else to do it.

I DON'T trust any doctor and I have lost all respect for most of them. What opened by eyes was a meeting I had at a medical conference in 2020 during covid. I spoke with a cardiac and an ER doctor both of who told me they'd been were forced to use certain codes for patients who died (whether it was "covid" or not), in order to get the $38k for the hospital. They both left their positions.

I recently went to the dentist and got into a very uncomfortable but necessary convo telling them to stop pushing flouride and forcing yearly xrays. The dentist now gives me the side eye every time I go in now because I question everything they say.

If more of us started doing it, they'll have to answer to us. Very few of them have any real character, so if enough of us push back, they might get the point. If we bankrupt them, even better.

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Unless you've got limbs hanging off, who would be suicidal enough to go near a doctor's office?

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

You should have seen the ration of shit ive g9tten when you no longer cooperate..not at the doctors the dentists the eye Dr, the vet, hell, even with social security....

you are definitely the asshole

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

My last dentist visit they wanted me to get full mouth xrays. Why? Because it was a year since I had them. I said no, if there's an infected tooth, just xray that one.

Did I want the home fluoride product. No, don't need it. Oddly, my gums are better than they've been in decades. That doesn't deter them. These are the moneymakers. It's a setup incentivising them in violating bodily autonomy.

Refused the MRI from the doc, too. I took them for years but the "contrast medium" is terrible for you, I discovered too late.

I will get some tests recommended by my functional medicine doc. They make sense and he has helped me with supplements, etc. But now I'm decreasing the supplements to see what happens. If I'm not online in a month or so, just assume my body fell apart from lack of supplements, (joke).

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

And yeah I had to go to a dr for a hurt shoulder. Hadn't been to one in ages. While I was there i told him that I'd decided that if I ever did have to see a Dr, that I would get a prescription for some migraine pills that my sister had given me a few times when I needed it. So then the nurse comes in with her tray to extract my blood. I said I don't need my blood drawn, I just want something for my shoulder pain and script for migraine pills. The Dr was very upset and threatened not to write the script for migraine pills because I didn't want my blood drawn. I told him I wasn't leaving till he called it in. So I made sure he had, and went to pick up my scripts. The med he prescribed for my shoulder (not a pain pill, but a anti-inflamatory or something?) was criminal in my opinion. I only took half pill and got sick. I looked it up and it had a long list of Bad side effects and it said it could take up to 2 WEEKS to start working! So I didn't take them and got better with Advil and a heating pad. That was almost a year ago, and I thought recently that I'd better refill my migraine pills . So called the pharmacy, they said they needed to verify refill with the Dr first. Waited 2 weeks and called them back and they've never received word back from the Dr after callng him 3 times. I feel like suing him for the bad treatment I got there and those awful shoulder pills. And not refilling my prescription for the migraine pills. My daughter had to fill out the patient forms because I couldn't write with my right hand from the pain. I asked her if there was a question on there asking if I'd had the shots, and she said no. Thank God they didn't get to "Code" me. Hopefully she is remembering right lol. We have differing opinions in 'things'. But I felt so vulnerable, the whole ordeal, and in extreme pain the whole time. I think I'll sue. He was a Total Asshole.

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I can't even get a script for 600 MG ibuprofen now....the only thing I take when I do too much....

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

"POPULATION CONTROL STRUCTURE". excellent description.

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Aug 27Liked by Sage Hana

Being my family asshole is a badge of honor that I proudly wear now!

I make no apologies for it except for the words I may have misused, and my excessively loud voice. I should have spoken quieter and used better words, but my message is still the same. REALITY red pill is my message, and it is a hard pill to swallow no matter how it is dispensed. They need to get it, since I already did long ago.

They haven't cut me off yet, so they must realize what I am saying may be right!

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

"...to defeat the enemy, without unsheathing the sword."

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26

“If you wait by the river long enough...

...the bodies of your enemies will float by."

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

I an asshole because I went to the CDC website and dug deep to find the actual data showing how much each state was paid for a positive Covid case. Not treatment, just the diagnosis. The few remaining friends I had are now gone after this revelation and I am assuming it is because they all got tested and thought they were the good guys because they didn't get vaxxed.

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🥇 Love it.

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How much did they cost?

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

I will list a few: W Virginia $471,000 South Dakota $241,000 Oklahoma $291,000 Kansas $291,000 Tennessee $166,000 New York $12,000. Remember--this is per test--no treatment. So huge differences in money allotted for this, but I would imagine New York made up for that in a lot of other money received. When I was reading it all I could think of were the huge lines of cars where I live of people driving through the Covid test clinics all day long. And then we found out later how high they had the PCR tests ramped up so that basically everything was coming back "positive" Cha Ching!

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

Mind-numbing, thanks. I’ll never forget how my neighbour impressed on me that our ‘case fate’ was much worse than having the actual Covid. After I pointed out to her how they had uniformly switched the daily reporting from Deaths to Cases early May 2020. Hasn’t spoken to me since, and I am OK with that.

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

Right--there was and still is so much of this. I bring up statistics and data all the time to people and I will not let them forget. If everyone went to their local government and started uncovering the data they would be shocked. In my state they kept claiming the sites were down and they couldn't update the vital statistics sections from 2021-2023, but they have updated them now because they know most everybody has moved on to election fever 2024. FOIA requests reveal a lot of information, but be prepared to fight your way through that mess. Our city charges the citizenry by the hour for the employees that are paid for with our tax dollars to do the job of finding the information requested. Just that revelation alone is something most people can't believe. There are gatekeepers everywhere you turn now, guarding the information. So what I do is turn to more unconventional areas that I do have access to. Like hunting and fishing records for each state. Talk about an eye opener when you see the data showing how many fewer hunting and fishing licenses have been issued since 2022. Whew--why would that be...another avenue is to go onto federal job sites. Wow--why SO many openings in what were historically very sought-after positions? Also, ambulance reports for your area, look on Go Fund Me with a search for Vaccine injury or sudden death for your area. Each of these taken by themselves is not a huge deal, but adding them all up--WHERE ARE ALL THE PEOPLE-- I want to hear Trump's explanation.

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

They knew exactly what they were doing withholding the data. Everyone has moved on. No-one can stomach re-opening that unhappy box. All scrambling for happy news. Because wanting or not: nearly everyone is vibing that we are floating on borrowed time. Yes, FOIAs, LOL, finally, and then redacted pages anyways.

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

I agree. Which is why I visit the Wayback machine so often and just type in a subject that I am interested. My oh my there are a lot of websites, books, articles, posts that have never seen the light of day. Just imagine if those were reposted random places.

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Aug 27Liked by Sage Hana

I am in 0 h l 0 and the people I know are still being told regularly that they have k 0 > i d. Is the payoff still going on?

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

"See they incentivized hospitals to murder vulnerable people." Getting information on what went on in the hospitals is not easy. Recently I managed to reconnect with a couple of people I worked with for decades at a community hospital. Both worked critical care. Both figured out what was going on and successfully avoided vaxx. They related to me how patients would be admitted, get remdesivir by protocol, kidneys would shut down, 40% mortality. One of them retired after a year of watching the murder. Couldn't stand it anymore. I can only imagine how often this scenario was repeated.

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If only Tucker Carlson had gone to the hospital with a nasty case of the Syndrome.


Hey! RANDOM THOUGHT. How did Pierre Kory manage to avoid getting sickened by the Super-Antigen himself?

All his patients were dying of COVID COVID COVID.

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

About that hospital I worked at. One of the pulmonologists who worked there I knew quite well. Back in 2020-21 when I asked him how he was treating Covid patients the answer was steroids and remdesivir. I asked how patients were doing on that and he replied 40% mortality (sic!). And strongly suggested I get vaxxed if I wanted to avoid a similar fate. The Op was so well-executed! I knew and worked with this guy for decades and knew him socially besides. He was not some dishonest, nefarious character. Just brainwashed, fooled by the EPIC hospital software into thinking it was unvaxxed in his ICU's that he was killing (I mean, trying to save). Really unfucking-believable. Four and a half years of this and I'm still surprised. I guess I'm just a Sweet Summer Child, and always will be.

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"Somewhere in the presentation he made two statements that I want to insert at this time. I don't remember just where they were made, but they're valid in terms of the general overall view.

One statement: "People can carry in their minds and act upon two contradictory ideas at one time, provided that these two contradictory ideas are kept far enough apart."

And the other statement is, "You can know pretty well how rational people are going to respond to certain circumstances or to certain information that they encounter. So, to determine the response you want you need only control the kind of data or information that they're presented or the kinds of circumstance that they're in; and being rational people they'll do what you want them to do. They may not fully understand what they're doing or why."


Somewhere in this connection, then, was the statement admitting that some scientific research data could be - and indeed has been - falsified in order to bring about desired results. And here was said, "People don't ask the right questions. Some people are too trusting."

Now this was an interesting statement because the speaker and the audience all being doctors of medicine and supposedly very objectively, dispassionately scientific and science being the be all and end-all ... well to falsify scientific research data in that setting is like blasphemy in the church ... you just don't do that."

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>> "People can carry in their minds and act upon two contradictory ideas at one time, provided that these two contradictory ideas are kept far enough apart."<< I know this to be an understatement and much less traumatic on the sheeple, who threw their hands up at two, declared a news ban and went to the beach. Unjabbed still walking circles in their basements, digging, sorting, filing, cramming another multi-track on top of their 12+, acting on all simultaneously to protect their very existence. The essence of psy warfare. A snare that tightens the more you struggle.

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

Are you kidding? He had on his perfectly fitting N-95 mask and besides that he didn't actually go to the ICU. He voluntarily locked down in his Langley apartment! He's pretty much a cartoon character.

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He was there in NYC for about a week per his own timeline.

On May 6, 2020 (!) he is shouting like a war veteran doctor who has haunted eyes from all the carnage.

I guess Wisconsin was an utter blood bath of Syndrome and then after that "calmed down" he moseyed up to NYC as good humanitarian would.

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

ROFLMAO! He got to NYC just in time to miss the Pandemic! Then when he was done with all the Covid, Covid, Covid, there he rushed down to South Carolina to go windsurf. I mean make war on the virus. The guy really is a joke. But he is good for laughs. I thank him for that.

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He already had his war-themed "non-profit" registered.

"Frontline" 🤪

War Talk ☝️

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

Needs "doughboy" helmet...

...and Benny Hill music.

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Mooovin' on Up! to the East side!!

To that Deeeeluxe apartment...

...In the Sky!!!!

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“The Jeffersons”! Holy cow, how funny!! And to think they started on the Archie Bunker, er, “All In The Family” show!

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

He’s so hyper and obviously a mouth-breather! How did he not get “The Covid” as some of my relatives still call it. What a miracle!!!

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Sage -

3x times, SSStack denies my choice to "like"

Erin J. Morgart's posts in past 5 min.


Never hebbenz b4.

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I haz nothing to do with that.

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

Oops. I’m sorry! 🤓

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana


I've seen the recent effery wit da billing tings.

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Aug 27Liked by Sage Hana

I keep getting asked to sign in over and over on my phone and desktop

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

It’s because I’m a BAD PERSON 😂😂😂😂😂

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Having a good BAD time on ice in 1988: www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPgSKkePy8E

Only one who had a better time was on snow...15 years Pryor: www.youtube.com/watch?v=_igoQ1y3eLM

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MECTIN! Of course. 😜. Prophylactic horse paste.

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Kirsch is being saved right now, as we speak.... Starting a week-long water-only fast at TrueNorth (so I'll be posting a lot less for a week)

I'm starting a water only fast at TrueNorth today for a week. This is not going to be fun at all. What's your take? https://kirschsubstack.com/p/starting-a-week-long-water-only-fast

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My take is that I am not going to engage in Rodeo Clown Services.

You know the purpose of a rodeo clown, yes?

Their function in the rodeo?

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I do know.... and I think he is the CEO of the Rodeo Clown Services....he makes me laugh out loud..... 🤡

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So on March 11th 2020, any housewife with a computer could have figured out what the deal was, the rest is now crystal clear crime scene history, nuff said!

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana


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On distractions: we've all been distracted with many distractions. For example, silly things like obesity, ADHD or people pretending to be high-functioning autists, instead of just rare gems of humanity with a lot of sensibility and potential. We've lived in a world where a medical diagnosis was a badge of honor and a pass to let yourself go and abandon basic acts of civility and piety

What is it that we don't want to see? What's the point of so many distractions? What have we allowed to happen the last thirty years?

Here's an example. A quote from this case report PMID 27134891:

"Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) are the most Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions (SCARs) which mainly caused by exposure to drugs and having significant morbidity and mortality. TEN represents an immunologic reaction to a foreign antigen and is most often caused by drugs. Nevirapine (NVP), a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) is an important component of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART). It is sometimes associated with life-threatening adverse reactions"


Warning, it's pretty bad. Don't look pictures of this. Double and triple warning. I have avoided linking on purpose (maybe I shouldn't be so protective?)

People are being poisoned by medical treatments. Everyone receives some damage. A few people get terrible damage. Everyone pretends is genetic or a virus.

Not human error, not a plan, not illegal experimentation, not anything else. Just luck.

We are meant to act as if this was acceptable.

Politics is meant to cover up the crimes and guarantee the cash flow and profit margins for every player.

It's very bad.

We are not supposed to see reality. There are many escape hatches everywhere. Self-delusion is so sweet.

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Aug 27Liked by Sage Hana

If I could I'd kick myself everyday for having my knee replaced last Oct. I've had neuropathy since the day of the surgery. I'd rather have the painful knee. Neuropathy in both legs and feet so something must have been done to my spine. The sensations are maddening and there is nothing to be done. Stay away from the greedy evil doctors.

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Dem Check-ups are bad for your health, me thinks. I love your names btw:)

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Distracted???? Moi???? Jamais! 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

Hero's and villains, all illusionary to deliver a message.

Once your settled in your role watching the prepared theatre, you manifest in line with your interpretation of the illusion and interact with others in your reality.

Your energy is being used to power the outcomes that are desired.

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Well, it's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it! This news ain't gonna tell itself!

I'm writing this reply to your post that has some Old Testament stuff. This guy Paul Wallis teaches how to interpret the Bible, and he was laid up with a broken leg in traction for a few months, and started to do a Sage Hana on the Old Testament. Right away he decided the tyrant(s) described in the OT should not be seen as godly. Eventually he put the picture together of multiple colonizations of humans by Powerful Beings (PBs) not originally from here. The OT stories about the various Powerful Beings match up with traditional tales from cultures around the world, suggesting they actually happened.

Paul Wallis talks about how the PBs always run the same game on us - take our land, make us work for money to pay the taxes, devalue the currency until we own nothing and say we are happy, or else! Maybe humans got so used to this way of being that they kept doing it even when the PB's left - enterprising humans stepped up to fill their anti-gravity shoes.

There's the big picture. As good an explanation as any, IMHO. https://the5thkind.com/

PS thank you Sage for doing a Paul Wallis on current events. You have given me a gift that keeps on giving, that is, a bottomless cynicism that can only stop with a laugh.

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We are all living through this collective nightmare- the psychic process of searching for answers (waking up) only to discover the call is coming from inside the house. How we deal with this discovery is the key to breaking out/ fully awakening

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Alive and Kicking ~~Simple Minds

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Aug 26·edited Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

My husband is an asshole out loud.

He is real & uncensored.

I internalize it.

I think being an asshole may be key to survival at this point.

I dont know anyone thats not a mixed bag of good & bad.

I'm no daisy. 😆

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

Is that dog in front of O'Keefe the same one that was with Horsie and Chief Veterinarian GVB at the campfire?

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I think Flurm was the first to bring this up!

Very similar doggo!


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Really? I mostly remember wondering which of the 3 in the O’Keefe pic had the largest chest size. Still think its RFKjr but it could be the camera angle

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Flurm is fast!

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I dunno, but those don't even feel like real photos of real people to me. Fake photos of real people, or real photos of fake Homunculi, I don't know... But the photo feels gross to me.

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The photo is designed to make one say, "Look at her tits!" and not...

WTF is James O'Keefe doing with Bobby and what was the "victory"?

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

I was checking out those tits, too! Trying to figure out if they were actually real or implants. Pretty sure they were implants, maybe along with Bobby Jr.'s "muscle implants." All cartoons.

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Most tit's and wrinkles essentially faces are artificial..esp. in california

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Ah good point. We don’t see if she’s wearing tall boots or something, so maybe she could also be whistleblower woman.

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Riiiight????!!! Photo courtesy of Newbie Photographer Getty Images

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The photo is meant to elicit a subconscious visceral emotion. A message of the sex (tits) and violence (hunting dogs) available to the rich and powerful (male chests). “See how we roll plebs?”

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James has nice tits too!

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You would tho wouldn`y you

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Actually the combo of photos here mostly made me wonder if tits woman was the same as whistleblower woman. Think only can be the case with the height varying technology Biden has.

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

Reminds me of living and working in Santa Monica. “Hi IG friends! I’m out today with my GOOD FRIEND (as of an hour ago) Celeb #666 (with IG tag) and we’re just tossing some ideas around! Stay safe!!” 100 hashtags follow the IG post/ 40 Tags for IG super influencers

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Looks just like the same dog - same SIM dog.

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Catching up after a day off...

Noticed in the movie yesterday that from 1976-1978 (or 1979 per the narrating, I think) Bibi Netanyahu had a stint at an outfit named Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

But, wait a cotton pickin' minute...wasn't BCG where our old pal Jordan Walker of Project Veritas fame was before he showed up at Pfizer? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HvKjPOPAjQ

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Wow. Have you grown soft? I can't recall you ever being this nice to a normie. 😂 All of us still here are the assholes! I know I've been accused of that by family and friends. It's like a badge of honor.

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Unfortunately, and it actually pains me to write this, I think you've pretty much got it. Your observations about where individuals draw the line, people largely looking out for themselves, and society's overarching collective capture by a monetary system, provide a good explanation for how the owners of the world exert their control to enable their agenda of decreased population and servitude of the remainder.

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

Don’t trust. That is the correct response. I assume it’s an op. But shit…it’s a good one! It’s worth a few extra profile data points being accumulated to check in. They can see that pimple on your nose from space. They are circling in the airspace above you with dirtboxes every day. Your grocery receipt and atm camera and phone pings already have you mapped out. What are you gonna do? Just cease to exist so they don’t collect data on you? If they come, they come. You aren’t gonna stop the pew pews either way. Might as well enjoy the ride. Sage, you make it fun. The info is great, the comments are hilarious, and are we gonna get a fridge splatter suggestion today or not? I dunno! Tune in to find out.

Seriously though. Is the info legit? Can you verify it by three other sources? Does it fit the framework, or go against it? I mean, be a friggin adult and commit to sorting it out, or don’t. Whatever.

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Me haz made many mistakes from Summer, 2021 when I began asking the next indicated question.

Over time, the questions do not go away, and the wrong answers reveal themselves to be wrong.

Which is magical. This is NOT a bad thing, unless one has burrowed in.

Narrator: Do not burrow in.

Because now you can go back and retrospectively interpret behavior and information. "information"

And now the purveyors of said information were either wrong, (no problem) or lying.

Why were they lying?

And on it goes.

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As they say, the three most important things when it comes to success in artillery or conspiracy are: triangulation, triangulation, triangulation.

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

Obviously if you are right, and i think you are—then these people who have so much power—and are also smart enough to place so many people who many believe are on our side in the positions they have placed them, gives me the feeling that there is not much we can do to fight back.

It makes me just wanna drop off grid and forget about whats been done to us.

They have all the money. They have all the politicians. They have the media. They have the corporations. All we have is this small group of people who know whats going on—and most of the people we tell think we are nuts.

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Dropping off the grid is going to be monumentally difficult.

They did think of this. ("This time we're gonna get it right.")

This was discussed in the Day Tapes, btw. Esp. in #3 interview with Randy Engel.

Probs gonna have to go right through it as any Color Revolution nation does. We all Ukraine now. We all Crimea.

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

I hear back in the day people moved to Paradise to drop off the grid. Lahaina had a ‘drop off’ vibe, and Jasper too.

Turn on…tune in…drop out…::pew pew pew!! “Oh god, it burns! It BURNS!!!”::

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Yes. Hebbening.

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They let everyone prep and form off-grid communities. Now they are burning out rural spaces. Rewilding 30x30 (Canada) and 15x15 (US). Folk here just lost their gardens and harvest-ready winter survival in massive and enforced Emergency Evacuation orders. Some lost their homes, livestock and survival preparedness. Many rural res don’t carry home insurance and can’t be rate squeezed. Suddenly everything super flammable. And aircraft unable to fly in smokey skies or dawn/dusk. Despite Coulson Aviation (yes, THAT Foster) family roots in this very province and mavericked night vision aerial flight systems in other countries. Indeed: wellness, firefighting 👀 and DOD contracts. https://www.coulsonaviationusa.com/ and https://coulsongroup.com/about/. Scroll down to History. LOL. And we get one chopper monitoring, - if not smokey.

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Yep, I've often thought of how they profit from the fires everywhere.

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“The land policy of the United Nations was first officially articulated at the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat I), held in Vancouver, May 31 – June 11, 1976. Agenda Item 10 of the Conference Report sets forth the UN’s official policy on land. The Preamble says:

“Land…cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole. Public control of land use is therefore indispensable….”

The Preamble is followed by nine pages of specific policy recommendations endorsed by the participating nations”

This is where the UN stands on property rights:

Recommendation D.4

(a) Public ownership of land cannot be an end in itself; it is justified in so far as it is exercised in favour of the common good rather than to protect the interests of the already privileged.

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Aug 26Liked by Sage Hana

Bitter pills to swallow. We are all expendable. Just think back to that “Summer of Love” in 2020.

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? 🤔 Missed it. On my calendar as ‘Descend into bottomless stupidity’.

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