So I wrote this post back of brain, but it occurs to me that what hebbbens is the Scorpions know how to make you see ONE and only ONE image (analogy) when they coordinate and run Operations.
They give each ice cubed media denizen a clean cut narrative that confirms their world views and suspicions.
And the other image embedded hides in plain sight.
💯 we cannot see what's happening, because seeing is dangerous. Seeing puts you out of sync with the collective. Subconsciously, the collective believes we will be persecuted if we see. There's safety in staying with the collective. Or so we've been endlessly conditioned to believe. Like the starlings' murmurations, only not pretty. These things will keep happening until enough people SEE.
yeah, I assumed it was from Cali, but it doesn't say. Oh listened again and he does say in the beginning it's Griffith Park.
I'm unsure of his working theory. He made up the term "plasma fire" a few years ago to try and make sense of it. He talks about DEW in several of his videos. But I haven't watched enough to figure out where he's really going other than "apocalypse," which is not my view.
Meanwhile ... breaking: another fire -- Ventura Laguna Fire ... maybe we can spot fire starting out of the ground?:
So weird that dead grass and shrubs that haven’t had rain in 8 months that are right next to a fire would just spontaneously combust. I’m so glad this narrator is so knowledgable and can know with absolute certainty that there is no way embers started this fire and it came out of the ground. The sheep among us would think that embers floated up with the smoke and dropped down still hot on the awaiting flammable material below BUT WE KNOW BETTER! Thanks for sharing!
IIRC, it is that each eye can transmit information to both hemispheres. The right hemisphere is wired to the left visual field of the eye. The left hemisphere is wired to the right visual field. So the whole visual field of each eye involves both hemispheres.
They studied this in people with the corpus callosum severed, which separates the two hemispheres, but which doesn't have as dramatic effect as a person would expect.
The pop psychology simplifiers then proceeded to apply this to people, saying they were "right brained" or "left brained." This was a vast oversimplification that kind of drove me nuts at the time, as I don't like reducing people to cartoon characters.
I thought the book "Drawing on the right side of the brain" was great, and many people learned to draw accurately with it. So some good came out of it, but the right/left brained person is just pop psy.
I now wonder if the PopPsy was a psyop of some kind. (What I just did there would likely be labeled "right brained." ).
Science will first be falsified, then it will be simplified.
I understand this as my MS is in Psych. If one’s optic nerve is severed in any way, this can cause R/L dominance of the brain OR it can cause mono vision.
Yes! and the eye of the father is the ear of the son, who's face is turned away from us! That one keeps popping back to just the father for me. I really have to focus to get the son.
The old man looks like Abraham Lincoln to me, because of the beard. If there was a top hat.....and the other image looks like young cowboy looking away. To me.
The fact that the old lady doesn't have gray hair, throws me.
Thanks for this info on different fires too. So in case of electrical fire, the first thing I'd do is shut off all the breakers, then use water, if I didn't have the right type fire extinguisher.
Tip: If you cover the Father/Son illusion at the bottom , right where there is a line across the throat, it is much easier to see the young man with his face turned away.
The part you are covering draws your attention away from the top part so it is hard to see the young man. This is kind of like all the distractions being used by the scorpions, shiny objects, like "look over here" instead. Once you learn to ignore some of them, it's (somewhat) easier to see the main plot.
Plus, that image is confusing, so trying to make out what it is, is somewhat taxing. Kind of like giving the public many conflicting images so they can't sort it out. I call it "confusion technique."
Oddly, I cannot read my own comment, the one about visual fields, it just disappeared. However, there appear to be responses and at least one reply, since I got the bell notification and can see there were responses, but not what the reply was, just a blank. When I click on that, it just gives me a blank. If I look in the comments section, it does not show it there, either. I tried a different browser and it showed up there. How odd. However I'm not subbed on that browser nor do I want to be, since I don't like the browser. It seems that this "bug" would discourage dialogue.
Talk amongst yourselves. (or not)
I wonder if this is happening to others. It may have happened before and I just didn't notice it.
So I wrote this post back of brain, but it occurs to me that what hebbbens is the Scorpions know how to make you see ONE and only ONE image (analogy) when they coordinate and run Operations.
They give each ice cubed media denizen a clean cut narrative that confirms their world views and suspicions.
And the other image embedded hides in plain sight.
The End.
💯 we cannot see what's happening, because seeing is dangerous. Seeing puts you out of sync with the collective. Subconsciously, the collective believes we will be persecuted if we see. There's safety in staying with the collective. Or so we've been endlessly conditioned to believe. Like the starlings' murmurations, only not pretty. These things will keep happening until enough people SEE.
Yes commenting on what you see is not welcome.
no fires. then 6 fires. coming UP OUT OF THE GROUND. Spontaneous combustion. No wind. We must SEE.
This is fascinating. Would love to see the source video that he is using.
yeah, I assumed it was from Cali, but it doesn't say. Oh listened again and he does say in the beginning it's Griffith Park.
I'm unsure of his working theory. He made up the term "plasma fire" a few years ago to try and make sense of it. He talks about DEW in several of his videos. But I haven't watched enough to figure out where he's really going other than "apocalypse," which is not my view.
Meanwhile ... breaking: another fire -- Ventura Laguna Fire ... maybe we can spot fire starting out of the ground?:
I found it and did a quick post, thanks!
So weird that dead grass and shrubs that haven’t had rain in 8 months that are right next to a fire would just spontaneously combust. I’m so glad this narrator is so knowledgable and can know with absolute certainty that there is no way embers started this fire and it came out of the ground. The sheep among us would think that embers floated up with the smoke and dropped down still hot on the awaiting flammable material below BUT WE KNOW BETTER! Thanks for sharing!
Well said and on the target (us - ha!)!!
Test your right hemisphere vs. your left hemisphere (cover one eye at a time) and you should see the images instantly 😊
IIRC, it is that each eye can transmit information to both hemispheres. The right hemisphere is wired to the left visual field of the eye. The left hemisphere is wired to the right visual field. So the whole visual field of each eye involves both hemispheres.
They studied this in people with the corpus callosum severed, which separates the two hemispheres, but which doesn't have as dramatic effect as a person would expect.
The pop psychology simplifiers then proceeded to apply this to people, saying they were "right brained" or "left brained." This was a vast oversimplification that kind of drove me nuts at the time, as I don't like reducing people to cartoon characters.
I thought the book "Drawing on the right side of the brain" was great, and many people learned to draw accurately with it. So some good came out of it, but the right/left brained person is just pop psy.
I now wonder if the PopPsy was a psyop of some kind. (What I just did there would likely be labeled "right brained." ).
Science will first be falsified, then it will be simplified.
I understand this as my MS is in Psych. If one’s optic nerve is severed in any way, this can cause R/L dominance of the brain OR it can cause mono vision.
The chin of son is the nose of father.
Got it.
I kept thinking son was father and was looking for a baby, young son.
Same. I assumed the son was the father, much like people assume forest fires melt engine blocks out of cars resting on cement.
Exactly this, Mr. Rants.
or in the middle of the street with nothing on fire around them.
Yes! and the eye of the father is the ear of the son, who's face is turned away from us! That one keeps popping back to just the father for me. I really have to focus to get the son.
Thx - now I see it!
"Ambiguous images, also known as reversible figures, are optical illusions that can be perceived in more than one way."
You degenerate transphobe... I'm leaving this Stack...
Last one - skol!! (Skull)
I do not see father and son in the one image above though I do see two images of a different looking man...
The old man looks like Abraham Lincoln to me, because of the beard. If there was a top hat.....and the other image looks like young cowboy looking away. To me.
The fact that the old lady doesn't have gray hair, throws me.
Focus, focus, focus - and then,
A new potus.
A new fire.
New Ire.
L vs. R hemispheres of the brain 🧠😊
Thanks for this info on different fires too. So in case of electrical fire, the first thing I'd do is shut off all the breakers, then use water, if I didn't have the right type fire extinguisher.
Pink roofing insulation deserves it's own fire classification.
Sage, I love this post! Learned so much.
Tip: If you cover the Father/Son illusion at the bottom , right where there is a line across the throat, it is much easier to see the young man with his face turned away.
The part you are covering draws your attention away from the top part so it is hard to see the young man. This is kind of like all the distractions being used by the scorpions, shiny objects, like "look over here" instead. Once you learn to ignore some of them, it's (somewhat) easier to see the main plot.
Plus, that image is confusing, so trying to make out what it is, is somewhat taxing. Kind of like giving the public many conflicting images so they can't sort it out. I call it "confusion technique."
Oddly, I cannot read my own comment, the one about visual fields, it just disappeared. However, there appear to be responses and at least one reply, since I got the bell notification and can see there were responses, but not what the reply was, just a blank. When I click on that, it just gives me a blank. If I look in the comments section, it does not show it there, either. I tried a different browser and it showed up there. How odd. However I'm not subbed on that browser nor do I want to be, since I don't like the browser. It seems that this "bug" would discourage dialogue.
Talk amongst yourselves. (or not)
I wonder if this is happening to others. It may have happened before and I just didn't notice it.
Shadow bans are real. Even on substack.
What I have also discovered is that if someone blocks you, if someone blocks ME, even on my own post....
I can no longer see any of the conversation with blocker person. None of it.
I can't see my comments on my own post. Or any of the responders to person who BLOCKED ME.
it's a terrible system and it is Substack's brain trust tech team who implements this shit.