Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

Millions of supposed viruses exiting a sick person's body yet they say that there are not enough to find one direct in a sputum sample. Virologists must be giggling to themselves thinking, how are we getting away with this.

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I say this with no snark and will get my liver eaten.

I do not think they are giggling any more than any hardcore fundamentalist religion THOUGHT LEADER giggles as they express their straight line into the mind of GOD.

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

That's true.

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With a nice Chianti?

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I'm sipping on some Clyde May Alabama style whiskey, which is actually Bourbon. But, they can't call it Bourbon because...... 🥃🥃🥃🥃

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Ole boys afraid some Quebecois will hassle them about which syllable to stress? Although I reckon they might get static from some Cajuns deux.

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No, liver with bacon and onions.

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

That was one of my first tip-offs: a large, deadly virus that cannot be detected in sputum but requires for discovery a giant q-tip into the brain

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Actually it requires bronchial lavage. We don’t really allow it in the US because it’s uncomfortable for someone with a raging respiratory infection. But you can do it in China, and send the “genetics” around the world overnight.

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Aug 5Liked by Sage Hana

No it doesn't. Sick people are supposed to be exhaling millions of virus particles therefore mouth swabs should contain plenty.

It's amazing that the same people who told you not to leave your house because of a supposed deadly infectious virus then claim you can only get a sample from bronchial lavage which only can be done in China 😆 the same place that produced the fake images of people dropping on the streets.

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Good point. The entirety of virology seems pretty silly at this point.

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My thinking was that because the symptoms were many, a sputum test should do it. No?

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My understanding of virology is that the “gold standard” for bench work is bronchial lavage. Swabs are fine for a fraud PCR or fraud lateral flow. Someone correct me.

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I have been hearing that virus concept might not be an accurate model. Rife supposedly had one of the most power ful microscopes and said something to the effect that virus are not what we think. Does any one have more info on that. Thanks.

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I'm not holding my breath that this Jenga tower of false belief masquerading as science will fall, but the writing is on the wall, isn't it?

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Best not to hold your breath.

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Or get under the Jenga tower.

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They have a tendency to fall into their own footprint.

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I'll just wear a mask...it will suspend my breath for me.

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Is that all ya got?

I'll see your 7,429 links and give you a boogie man under the bed.

Your move.

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Red Pill Expo STUDY HALL -- (18 June 2024) -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief


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Thanks, Sarah, listened to the first two. The first is excellent. I'll catch up with the rest later.

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

Your vision (and satisfaction with what you see) will vastly improve when you place faith in The Science. Your anti-Science demands betray you to be a poor Team Player. :)

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I have found that the sects and denominations of The Science do not agree and appear to be making stuff up.

Very much like religions.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

Bingo! Another gem from you Sage. I should start collecting these. This is pure gold.

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

"Medusa was beheaded by the Greek hero Perseus, who then used her head, which retained its ability to turn onlookers to stone, as a weapon until he gave it to the goddess Athena to place on her shield. In classical antiquity, the image of the head of Medusa appeared in the evil-averting device known as the Gorgoneion." The Science is Medusa and Saga is Perseus incarnate.

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I haz two more logician posts in zeeeeePerseusBrain and am merely checking the status of my liver before posting.

Liver reference here:

Logicians: Me. Follow the dots types. We will be the first to be murdered on JBI. Once the logicians provide the shipping materials and the map, and sort out who is murdering people in their huts and eating their livers (NAV), then we get whacked. We annoyed everybody.




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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

Mmmmmm. Liver.


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Liver and onions ain't all that bad. 😎

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Add bacon to that.

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deletedJul 1Liked by Sage Hana
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Make Claymation Great Again

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Stems have their creative aspects...somehow, so do celibate clergy.

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Happens when you turn science into one.

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Virology is such a hot mess and people will defend it until the day they die. People really don't want to challenge their worldview, even when it makes no sense whatsoever.

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

It's these little posts that pack the biggest punch IMO. Nicely presented.

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Like... It's almost as though the itsy-bitsy posts have a virus-nature.

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PS. Why would you need a culture medium and grow complexities when you can ask your obedient patient to leave you abundant samples of his/her excretions? Kind of native habitat of the viruses taken away from the host against their will…

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They have numerous failed experiments using patience samples and direct contact. That's why they need to resort to indirect cells cell cultures, genomics, modelling and anecdotal evidence.

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deletedJul 1Liked by Sage Hana
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Welp! Logician Monday Q #3 was basically thus.

If masks slow the spread than why are masks laden with biohazards casually tossed in the trash and straight into the storm drains and so forth.

Hardly good precautions.

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

And since this virulent rampaging virus we are at war with can survive on surfaces (all kinds) for days, especially shoes, surely one could pry one off for a selfie?

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The group of 12-13 yr olds I work with still haven’t ditched the masks yet, I sarcastically thank them though because I’m able to pass gas around them and they won’t ever smell it right? Just like their desks will protect them from the…

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And they'll nonchalantly wolf down pepperoni & mushroom pizza, oblivious to the symbolism.

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Jul 3Liked by Sage Hana

I guess you forgot what Garden Gnome sidekick Hatfull said: Just carefully drop your mask down and don’t flap it around and you’ll be fine!

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Nothing matters. Nothing matters.

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Jul 3Liked by Sage Hana

You are looking for logic in a world ruled by totalitarians? Alice had more luck in Wonderland!

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

We should have had crews in full biohazard gear picking up and containing any discarded masks and also take over for the regular trash collection people since not only masks but lots of other disposables would be teeming with dangerous jerms. But no, any day I go for a walk I still see litter of masks.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

I’m assuming you don’t believe in the transubstantiation either, do you? Sheesh. Godless heathens everywhere.

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another early tip-off...

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Dr Redpants has a super-sized microscope, definitely no graphene in the jibby jabs. Maybe he can help us out on this also.

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He probably won't show up with Dr. Astrid, but if he does, please peel him off. I like Dr. Astrid.

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Jul 1Liked by Sage Hana

As they say in Jamaica, it's Voodoo mon!! 😎

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

> You are taking over the world on this plank of knowledge.

REPLY: OR NOT! Because you and others are onto the nonsense of virology. Tough sledding ahead for virology.

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Jul 10Liked by Sage Hana

When I attended Uni (yes it was long time ago - in the 1980's), the most sophisticated magnification came from a scanning electron microscope (like the images you are showing). That is the 'education' most doctors and biologists and biochemists and virologists relied upon (and still do). But, in the late 1990's the geologists (who held the only SEM in the university I attended) started using something called an envirsoscan which enabled looking a crystals without macerating them - and guess what they saw. Phillipa Unwins (in 1998) 'discovered' what Beauchamp had been arguing with Pasteur about. 'Viruses' (or bacteriophages as others have referred to them) are a step in the chain of the breakdown or initiation of cell development. For her 'trouble' Phillipa - like umpteen others before her - was 'cancelled' or told to STFU and stick to rocks. Thanks Sage for letting me people post without being a paid subscriber. Having been 'cancelled' in my profession I simply cannot afford to become a paid subscriber. Those who insist upon only paid subscribers commenting are ensuring truth does not get out. What a difference a 'Day' makes.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

Another epic by Sage.

many livers are in danger.

Many brains will be broken (sorry not exact quote but I haven't fin8shed my coffee)

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😻 Thanks you Duchess. Hope you are well today.

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Yeah Sage, can't wait to get this viral load of the religion of ONE b.s. (belief system) behind us, it is truly appalling boring, and looks like a death cult from where I'm sitting, it's all thesis and theory against life but as always:

Qui bono? & Follow the money...research is truly easy peasy once you get the hang of it, thanks for the thought experiments you throw out there with a brush of humour which is always good for the soul and THAT is important as you don't take any body part with you nor the last shirt people have one on the last journey.

Grüß Gott!

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

just one (1) virus... of any of the claimed varieties of virus... and then show that it can infect another animal to cause the supposed symptoms... and extract the same supposed virus for the supposedly infected animal to show replication... etc

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana


It took me a while but this purportedly shows SARS-CoV-2 particles (scroll down to the black/white and blue/orange photos) direct from dental plaque in saliva samples in patients who tested positive for the "E gene" via RT-PCR. The black and white is electron nanoscope purporting to show nanoballs that they claim are the virions. Then they "confirm" the virus discovery by using immunofluorescence staining which from what I gather means they put (here) anti-spike antibody bound to an orange fluorescent dye and mix it in with the saliva and see if it attaches to anything and if it does you see the orangey glow.

The little viruses still just look like tiny circles in a mess of tiny circles and they don't (maybe there's no way?) to zoom the micrograph/nanoscope in on those orangey glow spots to see the virus bound to the fluorescing antibodies so does it really mean the same fluorescent stuff was bound to the nanoballs they found I dunno?, but at least this at least in theory purports to show the little viruses in a sample directly from purportedly infected people that didn't take a circuitous route through dead monkey cancer cells.

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"the presence of viral RNA in oral samples"


"particles of SARS-CoV-2 "


"SARS-like particles"


"morphogenetic features of SARS-CoV-2 infected cells"


"the potential infection and replication of SARS-CoV-2 in oral tissues."


::raises hand slowly::

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Jul 2Liked by Sage Hana

And there's no controls: would the immunofluorescent anti-spike antibodies bind to saliva in a non-infected sample (it could because cross-reactivity)? Would those people's saliva still light up a month after "infection"? Does normal spit have tiny little balls after being processed for EM? Why do I have to wade through dozens upon dozens of papers before finding ONE that even tries to "find it" in a saliva sample? Etc.

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Read the steps required for EM and then ask if what they are viewing is direct from a patient sample. It's sheer nonsense.

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Aug 20Liked by Sage Hana


A lead pencil drawing on a napkin won't suffice?

Look, this is waaay above your heads...

We gotta this thing isolated...

This is ALL above your simple minds anyhow...

This is being done for YOUR safety...

Now, roll up your sleeve..

-See ya...

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Jul 9Liked by Sage Hana

Unable to restack this .. that One Lonely Virus wants its privacy!

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So-called virus is not a living thing but a cell solution. How can you kill something that is not living?

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Indeed. Maybe it will emerge again!

And be extra mad at you like a hornet.

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