Mobster Monday
Guest post by Frank Sage currently working undercover as a Security Guard. Shhhhhhh....
There is a fairly extensive section regarding “newsies”, which also was made into a film, which I have not seen, but looks insufferably *cheesy.
*Determination made after :38 of watching trailer.
There is even a whole blackboard with some kind of psychological profile of kids who became mobsters.
But enough about Moderna!
This is a weird damn museum.
On one hand, there is undeniable glamorization of the gangsters and Organized Crime.
On the other, there is this parallel glamorization of The State and the need for implicit trust in their goodness.
And not for nothing…(threw in a little Mob Talk there)…the need for The State to have carte blanche to SHUT DOWN ORGANIZED CRIME which make no mistake…will turn out to be ANYTHING THE STATE SAYS IS CRIME LIKE WRONGTHINK ABOUT VACCINES OR WHETHER YOU WANT TO BUY PRODUCTS FROM A CERTAIN STRIP OF LAND.
Alright Frank has to go roust some homeless people away from the entrance as part of his undercover duties.
Admit it.
You are enjoying Frank’s reporting.
In the next few daze, Agent Sage McGillicuddy will be digging into the Kennedies and Organized Crime and that TN Senator dude who was somehow involved with the FDA and Thalidomide and Les Weinstein was in the mix somehow and guess who Les Weinstein spawned and are in your Brain Vector right now along with….ANOTHER FREAKING KENNEDY AND THAT TRUMP CASINO GUY.
Buy Frank a Kofi.
Not too much!
We are not giving him the whole Kofi! Dude is a degenerate gambler.
I enjoy telling stories.
I wanna tawk shots, hear me? You gonna want that second and third boosta, okay?
You can't walk around with your dick swingin in the wind, huh, am I right? Do the right thing
for your country, kay? Don't be a selfish fucking pig, get the fucking shot like a grown up
and go to fucking ballgame and enjoy it, have a dog, cheer have a beer, go home and shut up.
It was a great read.
That black board is a summary of the term "sociopathic personality disorder" that appears in technocratic texts of classification of "diseases".
I think it takes a lot of imagination and misunderstanding of the human soul to say those people bear any hate about society or about people in general. It's a misnomer. Sociopathy is a word that should refer simply to people who avoid society, out of deep trauma. That could actually make sense, at least for the vast majority of people who believe that society exists. But mobsters are the type that could hardly bear being five minutes alone and in silence, with no one near to abuse. A prison cell is torture for those people.
The same talk of illegal immigrants of today was used when the Italians and the Poles reached the US. Immigration was also an act of war against Americans back then. Part of the creation of the empire, they were increasing population for big wars in 20-50 years. This bullshit didn't start with Reagan and Bush. And Carter invented the department of education: a total Marxist invention that no conservative dares to speak against. Depression, OCD, Addiction and Pandemics Plays would not be possible without Government-run Education. This is Day tapes terrain, once more.