Better yet, how about RFK JR trying to re start JFK's Presidental All American Physical Fitness Programs ! Bring back those wonderful days to our elementary & K-12 schools !

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and bring back real kitchens in schools too, maybe even a school garden. Plus music, art, home economics, wood & mechanic shops that were around when I was a kid. And debate club!

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In Jr. High, 6,7 and 8th grades I had Drafting Class which prepared me for the 7th level of College Drafting. Today I am a hardware developer.

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Hi, John ~

Sending for your information, in case you are unaware of the following:


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All needed & very helpful. Life skills are necessary for everyone at an early age.

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In his confirmation speech at the White House RFKJ mentioned that his uncle started the fitness program, and implied he was going to bring it back, or something.

And he also referred to Trump riding a white horse (like the antichrist)!

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That whole scenario with Kingston was SO bizarre!

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How did the movie end, happy ending?

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I didnt think so. It made sense at the time.

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Sage, is that a drone over your house?

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It's mine, thanks for noticing. Now go look outside...

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Too many eggs. One of the eggs, that if it wasn't a katalin karikó (waiting inside biontech since 2013) or a weissman nobels (no malone mrna technology, oooh, malone, sue them) , there may not have been a "covid vaccine"...well, giving a prize and introducing the discovery in the today's history is very good for bussines too.

All we can find on poor internet about these two is amazing, wonderful, copy paste, something like club of rome shit vandana's shiva brain washing stories.

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I don't believe Kariko and Weissman actually invented a thing: they are just actors. set up to be awarded the Prize and to trot out the 'Only 5nternet crazies think mRNA vaxxes are evil!' line.

Malone must chew the carpet over that, being selected to play a 'resister' ........

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I don't know, but what about about another egg. Where it was coined the term "molecular biology".


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Another term's origins I would like to understand better would be the 'Bio Convergence' and what it may have to do with this CT2WS 'Cognitive Technology Threat Warning System ?

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Jan 8Edited

Bioconvergence...gene therapy, regenerative medicines, bio robotics are based on synergies between biology, engineering, computational science, math, nanotechnology etc. This is know as bioconvergence, an ecosystem where the player colaborate. Government, industry, universitatea, investire, hospitals etc.

The leading player from what I see is israel.

If CT2WS is from

darpa, see the connection. But it has more connections. HRL lab are of GM and Boeing. So another MIC thing.

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Very interesting ...

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Wait, I'm confused. Vandana Shiva has always been anti globalist, anti injection, anti gene editing tech, I thought.

Like the protest of her on this putrid site - a quote from;

"Shiva fosters distorted ideas, often demonstrably false, about a variety of issues but most prominently the safety of vaccines and the use of sustainable agri-food technologies." (GMO)


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She can say everything, and she can mix everything, while she is paid with tens of thousands of dollars for her speeches, her job is to convince people to accept the globalists plans and agendas. Green Deal, climate change, climate justice, limit to growth, agenda UN etc. She is not poor and she doesn't care about the poor. How she can be an antiglobalist when she is sitting with them at the same table as a member of club of rome and now is so easy to see, more than in the past that she has the same narative with them. How is

she all the time a mainstream hero and a leftists darling. The pick of her bs was what happened in sri lanka, where she was the advisor of the government and so happy that the country also in big debt will be first in the world to adopt the green policies in agriculture.

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This is indeed news to me.

I will look into her further.

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I must mention that I do not intend to change or influence anybody's opinions. It may also take hours of research, lots of articles have been deleted, I will look again when I will have time what I saved about this character. Bill Gates was in the same club too. If some are not seen again on their site (or club of madrid or budapest), is because they make public just 100 members or so per year.






Rockefeller foundation funds to___RSF social financial to____navdanya (vs)


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Thank you for the links Eris.

So. I've taken a quick look and Shiva appears to be consistent in her work to stop patents of seeds and GMO tech.

In this piece she says she's been vaccinated, but she's not happy because more people in England appear to have died from the vaccine than covid.





It's possible, I've found for anyone to turn out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing these days, I just haven't found that yet about Vandana Shiva.,

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Vandana is a lovely lady. Ive met her a few times and she gives genuine hugs I can say that at least. She is an environmentalist and she stands up for poor farmers and organic foods.. There are problems with everything tho of course. When countries go organic rapidly they can have large crop failures or reductions in food and that results in literal starvation . She has good ideals but , like all ideals they may wind up causing harm. She defends the poor but I doubt she would want to actually be a poor subsistence farmer herself , I dont blame her for that, its just the natural hypocrisy of society. We cant all be rich global experts.

I think she's one of the good ones overall.

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In order to sell and impose their agenda, lots of people are used in smart ways, the predictive modelling clan is very big.

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Just sent you more :)

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I don’t understand the whole scope of the story, but with all the false propaganda from the CIA bluebird mockingbird MKL ultra programs all this propaganda over and over and over and over have so many people in America screwed up in thinking because we just don’t know who to trust They have not been what they were believed for so long

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You do understand the scope of the story, me thinks.

What does all of this look like upon sober reflection?

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Her claims are completely believable, especially considering that Dr. Robert Malone has taken trips to the Vatican in the past to sit down with JESUIT Pope Francis.

Openly bragging about it during his Joe Rogan Podcast interview.

This guy is a snake, and she has been exposing all of their dealings for several years now.

Jesuits have a long history of poisoning their enemies, and it wouldn’t surprise me at all, if they poisoned her, and then had the media attack her credibility. Her son’s actions aren’t that surprising either. He loves his mom, and is going to say anything possible to save her life. He’s probably been coached up on what to do, if he ever wants to see her again, and is merely playing along.

As far as the Austin group is concerned. They’re all controlled opposition…Alex Jones, and Mike Adams. Always talking about globalists, but will censor anyone who utters the word Jew, Jesuit, etc…

They can all fuck off.

The CIA is a Jesuit or rather Jewsuit organization. The Luciferians that control this world have a network of spy agencies, and they’re all interconnected. Malone has been linked to the CIA, and the Jesuit Pope, and oddly enough…so has the Mrna vaccine that this wicked bastard supposedly helped create. Afterall, it has Luciferase in it, coincidence? Think again!!!

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Karen and Robert Malone both like them some Trumpie.

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All roads again and again lead to the King of Israel.

And more dead Amalek Beeeeebbbbiiieeess

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Well, considering who the competition was, can you blame them?

Everybody’s going to realize eventually that this country is firmly in the grasp of Zionist Israel, and whatever they want is exactly what we will do regardless of who our president is.

They are clearly hell-bent on destroying this nation, but they don’t seem to realize that if we fall, they will quickly be surrounded by their enemies without us to protect their sorry asses.

Oh well, I’m sure they have a game plan and some of us will hopefully be alive long enough to see it play out

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The competition also stands with Israel.

That's the dilemma, Will.

We captured.

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I’ve known that for a long time sadly, I can’t seem to get that across to my fellow Americans

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They tried to sink the US liberty, they blew up the Murrah building in downtown Oklahoma City, and then they pulled off 911 all to manipulate us into going into war and fighting wars for them, and they are once again about to drag us into another world war, and their Zionist puppet Trump already injected half the population with a bio weapon has been installed back into office to further continue their agenda, and the American people love him.

I thought Obama was charismatic too, but I’ve always known that he was an evil piece of shit, and damn sure didn’t want him sitting as President. we’ve had nothing but CIA puppets installed in office ever since they blew off Kennedy’s head, and I’m a 50 year-old man who wasn’t even alive back when that happened.

We have chemtrails being rained on us daily and a federal reserve sucking the wealth out of our nation, and neither one of these issues are ever mentioned by any politicians much less a President.

It’s actually amazing how they have managed to hold the attention of everybody in this nation while completely ignoring the will of the people and doing whatever the hell they want.

This left right paradigm has been very successful at completely manipulating the entire country. And if a dumb ass like me can easily see all of these things, what is everybody else’s excuse?

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After listening to this guy for the past month, my perspective has shifted. Even though everything I said above is true, I have been struggling trying to make sense of a few things. Now I know what’s going on, and it all fits perfectly with the biblical narrative.

This guy explains things thoroughly, and anyone who has a short attention span won’t stick around long enough to learn anything, but for those who seek truth…here it is!!!


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Hey Will. I was alive when JFK was assassinated. I remember it well, always have. As a 7y.o. In Belfast Ireland I recall going into the street & some kids were crying. “What’s the matter with youse” I asked them.

I will never forget the little girl squealed, “THEY KILLED KENNEDY”

Of course we were told by the BBC about a @lone gunman”

But we’re Irish so we never believe the BBC, the lying pack of bastards that they are.

Out of the mouths of babes, “THEY “

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One needs to watch a movie written and produced by an SME citizen journalist Ryan Dawson. It's called NUMEC. It's the reason both Kennedy's were taken out ....


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I don't usually follow these internet dramas since I don't find out about them very often. But this did blip onto my radar. I remember thinking it seemed like an attention-getting scheme, possibly using Karen in that. Malone's part was to come off as a patient, concerned Doctor, good guy. Or maybe she was being reeducated/brainwashed and traumatized. I didn't know much about her then or now.

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I didn't realize until today that this one rippled into Tier One Media.

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Maybe putting Malone in people's brain vectors? People love these dramas, or at least pay attention to them.

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Karen has been a Trooper throughout the plandemuc warning US early on in 2020 until she was attacked physically. She knowingly put herself in harms way for humanity. Nobody should be bad rapping Karen. Between her and Michael Yeadon, there are no others I trust more through the last 5 years. I can't believe still that nefarious actors across the Crimes Against Humanity we have all suffered. Whether we took the jab or not, we got screwed. Karen and Michael started warning the world in late 2020 and in early 2021. Everyone alive today should be thanking the two of them. #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #FreedomIsNotFree

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Is Malone a hero too?

His troops come in and say the same thing.

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Malone has Narcissistic PD traits. Never saw him shed a tear. Grandiose. Charming. Too smooth. Plays Mr Innocence despite his connections. Yet he is not dumb and he has had more than enough time to figure the plot out including his role in it. Too much to lose, farm and horses. He will never sacrifice his beloved horses. I even suspect Malone's mRNA narrative is a cover story, a red herring for what is really in the shots.

Karen Kingston, Dr Michael Yeadon and Dr Reiner Fuellmich have all put their lives on the line. That's why you piss me off Sage, because you keep stirring the pot and having a crack at people that you clearly weren't around for as otherwise you would not be having a crack at them.

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Turbo Blessings, Broken Citizen of the Operation!

Does it hurt inside? To be so busted up and betrayed?

Bless your heart.


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After he got everyone on boarded with the shots and tech. Master decepticon.

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ABSOLUTELY NOT. Malone had a direct hand in bringing Bioweapons to the world. Karen and Michael? Not so much. Malone deserves what God has in store for him. Fauci was Malone's distraction for a long time. 3 or 4 years ago I thought Malone was good although the more I learned from credible sources, the more I realized that as the inventor of the delivery system that has killed and harmed untold numbers of people globally, he will likely be harshly judged by God. #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators

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Exactly. Those of us that have been here since the beginning KNOW because we watched the awakening of Karen Kingston, Michael Yeadon, Reiner Fuellmich and numerous other medico-legal specialists that are on this platform.

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I agree.

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ivermectin dreams...oh my.

Great to be reminded of that oddball drama. whoops...just slid over to her stack lol...

seems her christian crown is slipping a bit there...cross-questioned you like a true pharisee...😂😇😡🤢 Get him dr.paul!!!

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They need Christians all on board with their Amalek-baby killing wars for the Chosenites.

Hence the relentless virtue signaling.

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how much longer before they start to crack? anti vax but pro zionist can only get you so far...Has to be writ very large for most to see....

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And talk about Victim-hood!

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I remember Malone, during his podcast spree in 2021, say that both his father and father in law were "spooks."

One of them was a scientist in charge of the "spook shop" at a big defense contractor, like Northrup Grubman, or something.i can't remember all the specifics and haven't seen many people bring it up.

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Well, things are getting worse on most fronts. That's how it looks. I'm inclined to think Kingston is rational & seeing a very plausible risk, though she's understandably erratic given her condition.

I'm becoming very aware just how thoroughly depraved & massively corrupt the Washington swamp has become. We speak glibly of Mexican & Chinese cartels. Well, there are clearly multiple US cartels, namely: a blatant government cartel, several US bureaucratic cartels (DoD, NSA, etc), and a host of private mega-corporate cartels operating internationally (the BlackRock crowd). And seriously, how many of the 400+ individual federal US bureaus have surveillance & enforcement sectors that operate entirely outside the law? I'm surprised there aren't more such instances of intimidation & control occurring like that affecting Kingston.

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You really are bored aren't you Sage, stirring up now irrelevant news from the past, distracting from the main events and now ALSO targeting Karen Kingston and having a crack at her. Who will be next on your hit list Sage? As I said, you are Controlled Op. You Were Not There From The were trying to discredit Dr Reiner Fuellmich. This week, Karen Kingston. I don't see you actually contributing anything of value. Noting you have ever posted is on the same level of intelligence as they have freely given, only to put up with your kind. Sage Hanna You Are A Real Prick. Others might be fooled by you but I am not.

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I wish you Turbo Blessings. Aggressive Turbo Blessings this holiday down under.

I wish you nasal vaccinations, aka shot in the face with healing love.

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Why this reprint of an old story?

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It is a significant story that involves the NIH Pick Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

The allegations were that the USG wants her dead for blowing the whistle.

Now Kingston suggests that if you follow the dots to the USG that you are traitor AND suggests that RFK and Trump are afraid of being whacked by the CCP and are staying silent on the shots.

If so, that's treason.

The story is significant and should not have been buried. And her change of tune to CCP away from the USG is significant.





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Clearly some powerful people in the pHARMa 8ndustry are not happy with Karen Kingston. I pray Katen is kept safe and gets well. She is a hero in predicament.

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That is not at all clear.

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This happened so long ago

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How do you know Malone is clean? My brother is a CI$ asset and nobody knows it not even family members.

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I don’t think the Mossad liked this episode, Sage. Funny what captures their attention!

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