Q: Why do they offer up their children to the state? A: Maybe because Bobby Kennedy, Jr., HHS Secretary, is fiercely pro-vaccine and just wants vaccines to be tested
They have to test them upon the little human critters. Tiny beeebbiieeessss, in NaomiSpeak.
Here is the link if you want to watch Sharyl Atkisson do Jabs Bad.
Now reconcile this.
“People call me an anti-vaxer, but I’m not. I’m pro-vaccine. I had all my children vaccinated. I believe that vaccines should be tested.”
(:45 video)
Why would you be “pro” anything that has not been tested?
How are you going to do the testing without children guinea pigs?
So that was easy.
To sort out that framing of the outrage!
And connect the dots to the specific scripted response of the Hero.
I am trying to explain to you that Jabs Bad and CHD and Bobby Kennedy, Jr. and his Oleg Cassini connected pal Del Bigtree are part of a Kolor Revolution for a Staged Global “Pandemic”.
Promo Code: Peggy Hall for sifting through the Overton Window Legalese.
The Operation is to give you BETTER VACCINES.
Bobby is one degree of separation from the Depopulation Rockefeller Save the Planet Family.
Umm. The same ones who encourage military service. Soldiers are injected with everything. Anything. Think of Gulf War syndrome from injections.
So, let me get this straight. He's on record saying that no vaccines have been properly tested. He knew this and still had his children vaccinated?
He's not in the same class as all the lowly citizens, with no insider information or science backgrounds, who (once) trusted their doctors and believed the vaccines would help their children.