So, let me get this straight. He's on record saying that no vaccines have been properly tested. He knew this and still had his children vaccinated?
He's not in the same class as all the lowly citizens, with no insider information or science backgrounds, who (once) trusted their doctors and believed the vaccines would help their children.
All of this plays along with the ostensible paradigm as laid out.
The real paradigm? And I can't exactly PROVE THIS:
He was anointed into a sophisticated Operation to provide a limited hangout Jabs Bad Operation (and we will get better ones.)
He is Rockefeller adjacent as is Meryl Nass who was another Jabs Bad, the Anthrax era years public figure/whistleblower, and the upshot was that better Anthrax vaccines would need to be made.
Same actors, new roles. People just don't notice. They are kept in a constant state of confusion and looking at the shiny objects presented regularly. These actors are the scum of the earth.
How COULD they? Why WOULD they? What in the world is in it for them to make this decision for their unknowing, unsuspecting innocent? What in the world must they be thinking?
I am referring to the parents who do this to their own. That is the part that astonishes me. Is there a fee transaction for their sacrificial offering?
Is it the belief in the “vaccine good” branding or is it the naive deluded belief in “Daddy Govt Good”…wouldn’t hurt me, just wants to spank me real hard. You know…cause I’ll like it, it’s for me. I just understand. Shut up and take it. Trust the science….we own the science and the government. You already don’t have a choice. Maybe easier to just play along in the world of pretend…but, unfortunately to do so just might get you killed. What to do? What to do? It’s not quite time yet….but it’s nearing closing time. Better know your breaking point before it gets really started. Hang onto it with everything you got. Jabs bad, government suspect and caveat emptor as one negotiates one’s future.
Most people are ignorant of this stuff. Think of young parents in their early 20s. Unless someone taught them differently. Until recently, most people trusted their physicians. They had no idea of the horror that is the medical system. Until recently, this was pretty well hidden.
The poor people were lucky not to have medical insurance. Kept them out of the clutches of the system, though they did give it to kids through Medicaid (get em vaxxed). Most people were no match for the white coat effect. Then Obamacare changed all that with insurance. They want every one in it. Sure, people get harmed, but figure it was just their "broken bodies".
Am in a region where people are wearing masks, still. Where they boast of making certain any employee is jabbed, still. Where any mention of going against the grain, questioning the 'established science narrative' is frowned upon, still. Their unwillingness to consider things differently -- after all this chaos and destruction, amazes me -- still.
Wow. I feel for you. That’s just…..just wow! Where I am people have stopped getting the jab, not all but it definitely something people have recognized is either not necessary or is a bad game of Russian roulette. But they cling to the remains of the narrative from the covid era….unwilling to admit they were duped or weaponized. Sometimes I think it is because their egos will not let them accept the reality which with time has become more apparent. It’s ugliness….a stain upon the human soul.
It’s interesting….when I reflect back to my childhood, I don’t recall yearly wellness visits. Medical care was something that was reserved for when there was a problem. Vaccination, if I am remembering correctly, was few and far between done at school. It’s like an entire industry has grown up around “health” and the sooner they can get you scripted into it….the better for those chasing the $$$$.
I've thought my whole life about what is Evil and how it gets done.
Evil is not like a cartoon or comic book the best that I can tell.
Pure Evil as in murdering tiny beeebies in some kind of Hashem Revenge Fantasy forever because Chosen and stuff?
Must be spun through a web. I do believe that Evil requires layers of deception as if you just see some dude breaking a nine year old's arm at the drugstore, you try to stop it.
If it goes on in Gaza, you have Nikki Haleys writing finish them on bombs and Bobby Kennedy's saying that Palestinians are "pampered>'
must be watered down through layers of bureaucracy and diversion.
A separation from one side of the brain to the other side of the brain. (Day Tapes)
Umm. The same ones who encourage military service. Soldiers are injected with everything. Anything. Think of Gulf War syndrome from injections.
Military service is encased in powerful myth.
Hated to see enlistment was way up since Trump elected. Need to get those alpha males in war coming to wipe out the last of them.
So, let me get this straight. He's on record saying that no vaccines have been properly tested. He knew this and still had his children vaccinated?
He's not in the same class as all the lowly citizens, with no insider information or science backgrounds, who (once) trusted their doctors and believed the vaccines would help their children.
All of this plays along with the ostensible paradigm as laid out.
The real paradigm? And I can't exactly PROVE THIS:
He was anointed into a sophisticated Operation to provide a limited hangout Jabs Bad Operation (and we will get better ones.)
He is Rockefeller adjacent as is Meryl Nass who was another Jabs Bad, the Anthrax era years public figure/whistleblower, and the upshot was that better Anthrax vaccines would need to be made.
Yes, they of course wanted better vaccines. Better for whom? All the better to murder you with, my dear. (Little Red Riding Hood tale).
Bobby certainly fooled me with the Anthony Fauci book.
*Better* Vaccines is just a way to keep access to the bodies.
Bobby forgot all about that book and now just wants to avoid toxic quagmires of rage and retribution.
Just like MCM apparently tired of smearing the marks' faces in Died Suddenly and became concerned with...restoring the Democratic Party or ...😴
Same actors, new roles. People just don't notice. They are kept in a constant state of confusion and looking at the shiny objects presented regularly. These actors are the scum of the earth.
Not particularly about vaccines
Mailnly money. US Economy = Pharma/Medical/Health Confidence Game
Vaccines are like human (esp. child) traffic and organ harvest.. and health insurance
Just another profitable sideline. Each has its' own built-in benefits.. same as war
What is really missing me off is that rfk jr has complete and sole authority to cancel the Prep
And our dept of Ag is pushing mnra for birds and cows.
I'm livid.
I'm gonna have a stroke if I'm not careful
I just put the below as my comment to Mike Adams Substack interview of Del Bigtree
I am pro feces.
In certain forms in my garden.
Please explain your Peggy Hall references… I’m a bit slow😂
How COULD they? Why WOULD they? What in the world is in it for them to make this decision for their unknowing, unsuspecting innocent? What in the world must they be thinking?
Less Useless Eaters and belief that we have to save the Planet?
Barring that, avoidance of their Sex Tapes being made public?
I am referring to the parents who do this to their own. That is the part that astonishes me. Is there a fee transaction for their sacrificial offering?
They trust the Science.
I was naive and thought that when they came for the kids that the parents would not give their children the kovid shots.
You know for the "extraordinary achievement" that was Operation Warp Speed.
They trust the BRANDING of VACCINE.
Same deal.
It is a HOLY WORD. Like Jesus.
Is it the belief in the “vaccine good” branding or is it the naive deluded belief in “Daddy Govt Good”…wouldn’t hurt me, just wants to spank me real hard. You know…cause I’ll like it, it’s for me. I just understand. Shut up and take it. Trust the science….we own the science and the government. You already don’t have a choice. Maybe easier to just play along in the world of pretend…but, unfortunately to do so just might get you killed. What to do? What to do? It’s not quite time yet….but it’s nearing closing time. Better know your breaking point before it gets really started. Hang onto it with everything you got. Jabs bad, government suspect and caveat emptor as one negotiates one’s future.
Most people are ignorant of this stuff. Think of young parents in their early 20s. Unless someone taught them differently. Until recently, most people trusted their physicians. They had no idea of the horror that is the medical system. Until recently, this was pretty well hidden.
The poor people were lucky not to have medical insurance. Kept them out of the clutches of the system, though they did give it to kids through Medicaid (get em vaxxed). Most people were no match for the white coat effect. Then Obamacare changed all that with insurance. They want every one in it. Sure, people get harmed, but figure it was just their "broken bodies".
Am in a region where people are wearing masks, still. Where they boast of making certain any employee is jabbed, still. Where any mention of going against the grain, questioning the 'established science narrative' is frowned upon, still. Their unwillingness to consider things differently -- after all this chaos and destruction, amazes me -- still.
🙄🙄🙄 Mass psychosis
Wow. I feel for you. That’s just…..just wow! Where I am people have stopped getting the jab, not all but it definitely something people have recognized is either not necessary or is a bad game of Russian roulette. But they cling to the remains of the narrative from the covid era….unwilling to admit they were duped or weaponized. Sometimes I think it is because their egos will not let them accept the reality which with time has become more apparent. It’s ugliness….a stain upon the human soul.
It’s interesting….when I reflect back to my childhood, I don’t recall yearly wellness visits. Medical care was something that was reserved for when there was a problem. Vaccination, if I am remembering correctly, was few and far between done at school. It’s like an entire industry has grown up around “health” and the sooner they can get you scripted into it….the better for those chasing the $$$$.
Pure evil. imo
I've thought my whole life about what is Evil and how it gets done.
Evil is not like a cartoon or comic book the best that I can tell.
Pure Evil as in murdering tiny beeebies in some kind of Hashem Revenge Fantasy forever because Chosen and stuff?
Must be spun through a web. I do believe that Evil requires layers of deception as if you just see some dude breaking a nine year old's arm at the drugstore, you try to stop it.
If it goes on in Gaza, you have Nikki Haleys writing finish them on bombs and Bobby Kennedy's saying that Palestinians are "pampered>'
must be watered down through layers of bureaucracy and diversion.
A separation from one side of the brain to the other side of the brain. (Day Tapes)