Radioactive Aerosol and How you might Make People Sick and Give them Cancer
More St. Louis United States Military Shitfuckery: “Very small particles can be released that can behave almost like gasses.”
Promo Code: I don’t remember, hit me up in the comments again and I will fill this in. Thank you, Detectives.
*edit: Allen
From the video clip library of Atomic Homefront, A Documentary Film
“These particles will then attach to smoldering vapor and become airborne, migrating off-site and contaminating communities miles away.”
“These particles will then attach to smoldering vapor and become airborne, migrating off-site and contaminating communities miles away.”
Sound familiar?
Do you feel that nagging feeling in your gut like I do?
A few daze ago, we covered more St. Louis Poison the Populace Shitfuckery.
ST. LOUIS Doris Spates was a baby when her father died inexplicably in 1955. She has watched four siblings die of cancer, and she survived cervical cancer.
After learning that the Army conducted secret chemical testing in her impoverished St. Louis neighborhood at the height of the Cold War, she wonders if her own government is to blame.
In the mid-1950s, and again a decade later, the Army used motorized blowers atop a low-income housing high-rise, at schools and from the backs of station wagons to send a potentially dangerous compound into the already-hazy air in predominantly black areas of St. Louis.
Local officials were told at the time that the government was testing a smoke screen that could shield St. Louis from aerial observation in case the Russians attacked.
But in 1994, the government said the tests were part of a biological weapons program and St. Louis was chosen because it bore some resemblance to Russian cities that the U.S. might attack. The material being sprayed was zinc cadmium sulfide, a fine fluorescent powder.
Okay, let’s go back to Atomic Homefront.
Here is a short clip that apparently did not make the film, but is on the video clips file on the site. I have not watched the film or vetted it in any way, but in a shocking twist, already have a theory about what is hebbbening.
The following clip is from a Dr. Michael K. Schultz discussing radiation.
I assume this is the gentleman and his CV, as the bonafides of expertise match up perfectly.
(1:19 video)
“Very small particles can be released that can behave almost like gasses.”
Module 1: 5G Expanded frequency 95 GHz is very close to a military weapon which can disperse crowds because it causes the sensation of burning in the skin.
I’d run the video of flocks of birds falling out of the sky but that YouTube channel has been terminated.
I wish to be explicit.
I don’t know how people were made ill with Kovid.
I have long theorized that the multiple symptoms and Testdemic Nature of the whole Operation and the Very Motivated Reasoners up and down every chain, especially Medical Science, Virology, and Pharm, but also Engineering and Chemical Science makes this extremely difficult to sort out.
Very few have a willing spirit to keep going as it ripples into their awesome lives.
Make America Healthy Again.
What a ridiculously cruel ironic framing.
*Parasites* and Kancer Moonshots going back 70-years
My goodness, stop visiting me Vision Fairy. No want to see all the time
I want to say that I believe some people when they say they had symptoms they never had before, even a bad disease, before March 2020, and I wish they would understand that most people with Covid 19 had no symptoms at all and they had to be told they had an illness or that they were about to fall ill. This is key the the mass brainwashing: a small number of people had to be poisoned in some way (I don't know the method and that's an interesting question) in order to create the illusion that there was an epidemic with en exponential growth of infection rate and of death rate.
This illusion was essential for the power grab and for the extension over the years of this very evil psyop that has killed many innocent people, and has destroyed the lives of many.
I am also sure that many chaos agents simply invented they had a weird disease and in august of 2019 or in november 2019, or in january 2020, and they were following the script. Even today, they keep repeating the same story, to make sure certain people never look into the Big Lie of the viral disease.