*Parasites* and Kancer Moonshots going back 70-years



My goodness, stop visiting me Vision Fairy. No want to see all the time

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I had a series of visits from the Vision Fairy myself many years ago, that culminated in a sort of written correspondence where she patiently and explicitly said that I needed to stop thinking there's time to sort things out and nothing matters anyway. She told me to wake the fuck up, time is short, that we really are in a war of good and evil, and btw we goodies are losing, that everyone's choice mattered very much- including mine, and that I best step up and get to it. That was in 1998 or so.

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it's the end of the world as we know it and i feel fine.

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I want to say that I believe some people when they say they had symptoms they never had before, even a bad disease, before March 2020, and I wish they would understand that most people with Covid 19 had no symptoms at all and they had to be told they had an illness or that they were about to fall ill. This is key the the mass brainwashing: a small number of people had to be poisoned in some way (I don't know the method and that's an interesting question) in order to create the illusion that there was an epidemic with en exponential growth of infection rate and of death rate.

This illusion was essential for the power grab and for the extension over the years of this very evil psyop that has killed many innocent people, and has destroyed the lives of many.

I am also sure that many chaos agents simply invented they had a weird disease and in august of 2019 or in november 2019, or in january 2020, and they were following the script. Even today, they keep repeating the same story, to make sure certain people never look into the Big Lie of the viral disease.

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Multiple "weird" diseases with multiple and disparate symptoms and vectors. (Vaping disease?)






Strangely the Dangerous Rogue Infectious Virus did not start the Murder Campaign (NYC! Bergamo!) until it was given "permission" to pandemic in Spring, 2020.

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All the Faucis of the world were saying before March "Nah, don't worry, there is no problem, maybe there are just one or two cases, but the whole thing will not go too far because people have memory immunity from SARS1 from 2003"

Then, on March, they all flipped the script, except for the Swedish Fauci, Tegnell.

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There is a view that the Swedish exception was part of the psyop, and that they were allowed extra freedom because they're already so far advanced with the digital ID agenda, including, famously, a bunch of younger people who've been voluntarily chipped for Con-venience.

I have a daughter who works in Copenhagen. She already has Danish and Norwegian digital ID for her job and thinks nothing of it. She always says Danish people don't mind paying the huge taxes that they pay because the government 'does so much' for them. Cradle to grave, like the NHS. Didn't Astrid S. say something about countries being assessed for compliance, according to one of Sage's posts? Scandis are very well behaved and insanely conformist, especially Swedes, I think. When I worked in med. publishing I once had to meet a Swedish author in Paris, where he had a flat where he went to write. He said Sweden was completely stifling to live in. Globalist heaven, probably.

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Astrid absolutely rolled out that talking point on Jane Ruby, I ran the clip.

Sweden apparently trusts the State overall and so this narrative laid out (by ex-IDF lady?) may be accurate.

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Who's the ex-IDF lady?

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Efrait something.

She was on Evergreen within a day or two pointing out false flag or "allowed" attack on 10/7.

Meaning: We were supposed to know.

I think she may have been on a podcast discussing Sweden, but I mayhave my people mixed up. Lots of content blurring together.

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In Sweden there were no vaxx mandates, whatsoever. And yet, they accomplished a 76% vaxx rate among the ethnic Swedes. I don't know what the percentage was for the twenty percent of the population that are recent immigrants. One reason for the high degree of compliance is that Swedes believe the line they are given that their bureaucrats are somehow above politics and actually act on the data. I've always felt that a big reason for their naivety is that they have been at peace for over 200 years and have been relatively affluent post WW2. There haven't been a lot of reasons to question the State, other than the ultra-high taxes of the '60's and '70's.

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Yet sweden went back

after 7 years of experiments, in 2023, to printed textbooks and handwriting, calligraphy, in schools.

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Interesting, thanks!

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Between 1934 and 1976, Sweden was strong on "social hygiene"; they sterilized over 30,000 people.

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To read that close together the terms "young people" and "voluntarily" raises my eyebrows to the ceiling, because of the blatant unreality of that conjunction. Eighteen year olds have just been released from a 14 year prison sentence, but on probation. That's realistic. It doesn't matter what year you read this.

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I take your point, agent Roger, but I have no idea of the context of the chip uptake, in terms of soft coercion or whatever.

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The chip uptake in Sweden was highly publicized NLP, but the actual numbers were not that great. It was a probe to see how easy it would be to get tech in zee bodies.

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Tegnell's mentor was Johan Giesecke, former federal epidemiology chief in Sweden. He made a video in April 2020 in which he made a strong epidemiological assessment of whatever it was. He believed it was a relatively benign virus, on the order of a "bad flu." He saw zero benefit of masks or lockdowns and said that a vaxx would be counterproductive. The only "measure" being promoted that he thought may hold any value whatsoever, was possibly the two meter rule and that would ohly be of marginal benefit. After that very informative video he just dropped out of sight. I noted later that he came out of retirement to take a posh job with the WHO.

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I forgot his name. He appeared in a Chatham House podcast in 2020 or 2021. I now believe that the "just a bad flu season" was also scripted.

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onwards from Event 201, oct. 2019 - https://hub.jhu.edu/2019/11/06/event-201-health-security/

according to the WEF: "...The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will host Event 201: a high-level simulation exercise for pandemic preparedness and response [....] The exercise will bring together business, government, security and public health leaders to address a hypothetical global pandemic scenario...." - https://www.weforum.org/press/2019/10/live-simulation-exercise-to-prepare-public-and-private-leaders-for-pandemic-response/

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"Chaos agents simply invented..." There is a small town in the mountains in CA that I visit now and then. I noticed in the local newspaper that the first "C19" patient to be admitted to the ICU of the local hospital just happened to be "ex-SpecialOps". I thought it was odd at the time that this 40 year old healthy male who just happened to be "ex-SpecialOps", of all people, was the one to be admitted, and be featured (front page) in the local newspaper. I can easily imagine him playing the role and reading the script in order to scare the locals into getting the poison into their arms.

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Very sharp insights, TT

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And the home of monsatan and the creators of Agent Orange. The toxic chemical benzene is the cancer/diabetes/tumors/horrific birth defects and all manner of neurological issues from this one cheap solvent that mixes so well in the creation of other toxic chemical combinations like being intentionally placed into gay men's lubricants that produces the same exact symptoms as the Aids virus. Intentionally placed in ladies feminine products under the names of paraBENS! Also found in gasoline, diesel, kerosene, aviation fuels, dyes, glues, inks, paint's, explosives meds, vaccines, and many more places that are all done intentionally!

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“We gave them two blankets and a handkerchief out of the smallpox hospital,” Captain William Trent, a militia captain, wrote in his journal. “I hope it will have the desired effect.”

Though Ecuyer and Trent seemed to have acted independently, their superiors had the same idea. Ecuyer’s superior, Colonel Henry Bouquet, told his superior, Sir Jeffery Amherst, about Fort Pitt’s smallpox outbreak on June 23. And Amherst mused in his July 7 response about harnessing the disease to fight back against the Indigenous Americans. https://www.history.com/news/colonists-native-americans-smallpox-blankets

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Yeah, I ran this last Thanksgiving.

Hard to tell what is real about anything. The further back you go, the more perplexing it gets.

Scurvy was once thought to be infectious, *I think*, before it was deemed a vitamin C (absorbic acid) deficiency.

And then we get into VITAMINS! Which...agggghhhhh

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Follow money. Only also look at kinship too. Gates as an example. He hires hack science and comes from depopulators.

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At this point I believe the blanket story is a cover story for a much more crude and violent form of genocide.

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"I wish to be explicit.

I don’t know how people were made ill with Kovid.

I have long theorized that the multiple symptoms and Testdemic Nature of the whole Operation and the Very Motivated Reasoners up and down every chain, especially Medical Science, Virology, and Pharm, but also Engineering and Chemical Science makes this extremely difficult to sort out."

Here's how I see it.

1. We know they will try to shorten the lives (murder) of the majority of people on earth. They have done this in the past and most obviously starting in 2020.

2. We know they have multiple means to do this.

The have motive and means, many means. We know some of them. We may never know all. It might be good to know the details of how they have done and are further plan to do this. But it is not necessary to know all the ways to see what is happening.

We know enough of them to assume that they will continue, unless there is a way to stop them.

At the same time, seeing the mechanisms could save lives. That would be important.

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I’m not sure we can actually quantify all the intentional woo-fookery at this point due to full a spectrum assault. Those that can make you believe absurdities can also make you commit atrocities.

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Do you mean like God chose a bloodline as his people and instructed them to murder babies and women as revenge?

And use goyim slaves to help?

To do the murdering?

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No. I completely understand your sentiment & comment. I think it’s even bigger optics in that Masonic Zionism is clearly the nucleus (especially City of London/Basel Switzerland/Israhell/Pergamon in Germany/Vatican Square with the Obelisk & Union Jack symbolism et alia) But bigger & it’s diffused into other races. I worked in the community for years. High level nuff said. I think that the whole Demiurge/Matrix of the totality of the amount of crimes, lies, disjointed twistory, especially Roman Empire & Byzantine Empire are so vast that it’s beyond attributing it specifically to just Juwes. They are certainly central & the epicenter but there are Scots/Irish/Blacks/Welsh/Aus/Italian/Sicilian/Etruscan/Phrygian/Kharzarian et alia components as well. As you have said the whole Sky Fairy God dogma is bogus. Like the Jack the Ripper aptly said; the Juwes are the men that will never be blamed for nothing. I would hope that this time around humanity grows a set & calls the whole twisted narrative out for its woo-fookery. And it may not grow up & evolve to that next level. Future is not set. But it is being manipulated & controlled. “AI” creates the perfect scapeGOAT. Just random thoughts about how I see it through my optics & perception.

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Just pointing out how the Things Unseen are manipulated again and again by clever people and the instinct to trust, hardwired into us, perhaps...is exploited.

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Yep. I don’t believe they believe in the Sky Fairy God narrative either. But they do play various God’s roles in the Demiurge - Matrix. Zeus regarding weather, Thoth regarding Science’s, Hemes regarding commerce et alia. I actually can see it so it’s not unseen & have had intervention by them professionally. It’s very different & more personal at that level. The total & complete domination of the human spirit & soul is the goal with Full Spectrum Dominance literally.

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and now with starlink: total control from above by way of inescapable satellite tapestry.

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Yes that is the agenda & goal. TIA (Total Information Awareness) Space Farce & the American Zombies all cheered for their own enslavement on the animal farm.

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too bad they're dragging all of us into it. isn't there an escape clause? (rhetorical question).

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Something hit some people. I don’t believe it was across the board psychosomatic. My daughter lives in the most anti wef part of Australia and they were hit by something awful. She said it did not feel natural

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What a relief, thank god very small particles can be released and mimic behavior of gasses. I feel blessed by the very small particle, humbled if you will. Flashing back to taking a ride in the St. Louis Arch. That was around '75, is that thing still there. St. Louis probably glows green. Can you imagine what a ninja mutant turtle spawning ground it has become because only good can become of this.

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Just........Did Every President know this was going on?!!!!!!! Not One said anything about it. Still.

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Turns out we ain't living in the place we thought we were!

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Nothing to see here, move along.

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I have a question: what are the methods in which the so called radiation causes cancer?

I has a second question. What do insect larva and worms do with radiactive particles, do they die from it or do they eat it up, so to speak, and neturalize it? (If parasites were protecting people from radiation, then killing parasites (chemtrails, anyone?) would increase cancer incidence from radiation in all animals, and this could very well be covered up with supposed effects of pesticides, herbicides or vaccines, or other injectables and medicines)

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I'm sure if you just email the US Army they will open up the Nuclear Radiation testing tucked away for national security vault and patiently explain all of their cancer research.

As you know, Frank Sage, now works at the Atomic Museum in no longer 107-degree Hellscape LV and has exfiltrated some footage about the Nuke testing that went down in that area and this includes engineers saying that they "allowed" protests very much like Elon Musk saying "we'll coup whoever we want" (for lithium).

Those little tells of when you work for or ARE the Power Middle Manager or Bank Teller and have "immunity"

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In the spirit of getting sidetracked, now that you mention Lithium a new association of ideas comes to mind.

There is a concept named molten salt reactor. It's supposed to operate with the element Thorium (from the Norse deity Thor), not with Uranium rods. Thorium is supposed to be very abundant, much more than Uranium, and it's everywhere in the world. Kirk Sorensen, who promotes MSR and worked in researching how to build self-sufficient human colonies in other planets, and in permanent space stations, argued that fluid or liquid phase radioactive fuel like the thorium compounds is much safer than solid state uranium rods, because they can stop the self-sustaining nuclear reaction is actually self-extinguishing once the fluid fuels stops moving, but the uranium rods are all there, ready to for the melt down. So the work of the operators of the traditional nuclear reactors for power production is to control the reaction so that in never explodes, but the job of the operators of molten salts reactors is to keep adding fuel as needed.

Sounds too good to be true, to be honest.

But my association of ideas is this: gasoline and Diesel oil are fluid, and almost perfect for cars and road transportation, and many other applications, but the stupid electric cars require dangerous solid state fuel (lithium compounds) that can be far more insecure to handle and operate safely than fluid fuel, or even gas fuel (there are motors that operate on burning gases like propane.)

So... it seems we are moving in a backwards direction... as if it was planned.

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Lithium Botching Shit.

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I remember all those 50s monster movies where there's an atomic blast and Godzilla walks out of the blast zone and starts stomping Japanese cities. Giant tarantulas, moth lady, and my favorite the Blob. Always with the radio active catalyst. Hey, I had my prostate blasted with "good" radiation back in the day. The wife swears that I glow in the dark down there. 😱😱😱

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Oh, I forgot my favorite 70s track.



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Elvis Buddy Holly Costello. He's right up there with Warren Zevon. Werewolves of Substack. Ah oooh!!


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We’ve been well trained to go wobbly kneed and shakey at the utterance of “radiation”. This is why its a powerful word to frame an op or counter op around. Kinda like “virus”.

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Ehhh...people get sick.

How so?

That's the focus.

But every goddamned single fucking time you try to ask how, the framings of all of it get dragged in like Sky Fairy Concepts.

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All I know is it never seems to be from the thing they want you to think is making people get sick

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So quantity matters. And I’d say for the most part ionizing radiation causes cancer by knocking bits out of genetic material such that cells supposedly run wild. But that takes some time, and is generally a worry for some sort of long lived beasty like people. Either it becomes a par of the bug, so then you have a radioactive dead bug after it lives its natural short life, or the isotope passes through

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Did you know the ben in Fenben is the very dangerous toxic chemical benzene?

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Where is there more ionizing radiation: in the dry land or in the seas?

Quantity matters, diffusion matters, mammalians who live surrounded by air are different from mammalians who live in water. Do whales get radioactive parasites and get lung cancer from that?

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I’d guess there’s a fair bit offshore Fukushima these days.

Whales breathe the same air we do, but that over the oceans. Could get some sort of stomach cancer or skin cancer too I suppose

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From what I’ve read, mushrooms will detoxify the soil when there is radiation present. But then, of course, the mushrooms are radioactive waste. Kind of like the cat in the hat, but without a good ending.

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They’d act as a collectable filter yes

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WTF is 'an uncontrolled, subsurface fire' ?

Sounds more like a chemical reaction purposely initiated.

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Funny timing as this has been escalating and Newsom declared a state of emergency just before the fed DC goons determined fed spending. Wonder what auntie Nancy slipped in for CA budget deficit?

Don’t ask questions, just accept and move along, nothing ever to see.

How America Lost Control of the Bird Flu, Setting the Stage for Another Pandemic


Two Bird Flu Cases Confirmed in Cats in Santa Barbara County


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I think Joan Jett may be the reason no one talks about the ozone layer-- she used so much hair spray for that video, all the CFCs erased the ozone layer once and for all.

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Hey Sage,

Jack Kruse torches Calley Means (and RFK jr.) - basically calling them frauds.


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Danny Jones. Koncrete.

Danny Jones is the Founder, President. and Producer of Koncrete. He previously worked at duPont Publishing as a Video and Media Producer.


Hulk Hogan - MAN THONGIN' in Miley Cyrus spoof video

TMZ October 4, 2013

Hulk's a partner in a new web hosting company called Hostamania (which is trying to compete with Go Daddy) ... and he wanted to do something big to draw attention to the biz.

Naturally, with the help of Daniel Jones and Koncrete.com, they decided the only logical move was to strip down to a G string and wiggle around his evenly-tanned butt cheeks on video.



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After Skool.




Soft White Underbelly

Soft White Underbelly is the phenomenally successful YouTube channel of former Apple Top Photographer Mark Laita.



Peter Santanello



They got out in front of this shit.

I can just see the whiteboard.


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