Sage, Jeff's house is brick veneer. It's not a brick house. They stopped making brick buildings due to cost eons ago. Take a look at some pics of old brick buildings. Every 5 or so "courses" of brick you'll see a row that doesn't look like the other. That's called a Soldier Course. Generally structural brick is two layers deep for stability. That soldier course ties the two walls together so it doesn't fall down. If Jeff's house was truly brick some of the walls would still be standing (in a normal fire). In his house the structural members are either lightweight metal or wood. They'll burn and the brick will collapse in as the plywood its stacked against burns away. There's also aluminum ties they put at various locations in the mortar to hold the facade against the wood so the front of the house doesn't fall off. See if you can find some old time pictures of fires in Boston. St Louis, NYC, Jersey, Philly that show truly brick structures still standing after being gutted by fire. The City I worked for was the location of the battle of the Monitor and Merrimack so there are some very old buildings in that city including residences. This was the premise of my very first comment to you that Peggy is just a little off base on the fire behavior and building construction pertaining to fire. I hesitate to say that because some crazy person is gonna start yelling at me again about some nonsensical stuff I never said or meant. Anyway she's rite but not exactly depending on the context. Hope this helps your search. Again The Essentials of Modern Firefighting is a great book as well as Building Construction for The Fire Service. Probably out there as a bootleg PDF somewhere. Goes into detail about the electrical fire stuff that I'm still happy to help you flesh out if needed. I doubt you need my help but if so, just holla.
I will say that moving on the fly, (much like germs and viruses) it is very difficult to sort out anomalies of specific aspects of medical science or fire science or engineering.
We run into this again and again (self-assembling nanoparticles, Wide Body Area Networks, etc.)
Will pin for other in the loop fire people can add more intel.
Sounds good. Happy to help within the confines of what I actually know and not my emotional reaction or conjecture. I'm human just like everyone else. It's a game of not getting sucked in for me. My history is I retired as a Captain from a medium sized urban fire department in an old city. I only know structural fire but have a best friend who was a smoke jumper in Cali and Washington. I spent 30 years as a paramedic and happen to have spent the majority of my career as an arborist for my second job. I worked a couple different inner city type EMS systems so it was fairly busy on that side. If there's something I can chime in on I will. If it's out of my lane I tend to just watch the show unfold. I'm easily vetted with an internet search. Thats probably not good but too late now. LOL
Oh and my friend is still working on uploading his melting aluminum vids. He scrubbing everything with his voice in it so it's taking him a little while and he has to upload it also. Haven't forgotten
1. How can fire burn so hot as to melt cars, just destroy them, and have trees and leaves either nearby, feet away, OR even more bizarre, be nowhere present, as in a parking lot? If this is a common result of fire than why are not fire personnel concerned about parking a van outside a burning structure?
2. How can a house burn down and the immediate surroundings be replete with trees and shrubbery?
I cannot think of a logical answer to that question. I can give you examples of why I don't think it's possible. One of our engines years ago, when it was new, parked rite infront of a house that was very on fire. It was the first pumper on the scene so all the hoses came off that truck. That pretty much tied it into its position. No way to move it. The fire got a little out of control for a while and the radiant heat from the fire building melted every light cover off the emergency lights and blistered all the reflective decals on the side of the truck. Chief's were pissed and changed where we were allowed to park at a fire. Second: Lets say there is a house on fire and another 30' to the right of it not on fire YET. The house on fire is "fully involved" like burning its ass off hot flames everywhere. What the first in pumper should do is protect the exposure-the building on the right. The way you do that is spray the walls of the exposure with water to keep them cool so it doesn't catch on fire. One of the big issues is the curtains inside the exposure can get hot enough to ignite so the house will "burn from the inside out" due to the main fire next door. This is all from radiant heat. Remember heat transfers through conduction, convection, radiation, and direct flame impingement. So the houses can catch on fire from radiant heat. This would tell us that anything like a tree or bush that was affected by radiation or convection would show signs of heat damage. The heat coming off a car fire that burned hot enough to cause some of the damage we see----you couldn't walk 30' from it in a t-shirt without being really uncomfortable or blistering. It's hot in firefighting gear. What I'm trying to say is a green tree next to a melted car or a plastic can intact defies all logic. I guess my question would be explain why there wasn't any damage. Nobody can explain that at this point. It defies physics. If here is a plausible reason I'd love to hear it, maybe I'll learn something but I've been to enough things on fire to know that radiant heat is a constant unless something causes it to not be. I think Peggy is lumping EVERYTHING into the same assumption where radiant heat can most defiantly explain some of the stuff. When I say that you have to remember this JUST BECAUSE I SAY THAT X WAS POSSIBLY CAUSED BY RADIANT HEAT OR CONVECTION DOES NOT MEAN I SAY THAT EVERYTHING IS EXPLAINED BY THAT BECAUSE IM NOT SAYING THAT NOR WOULD I BECAUSE I DON'T SEE HOW IT CAN BE. ITS NOT A PEPSI COKE TAKING SIDES SITUATION. SOME STUFF WASS PROBABLY NATURAL FIRE SPREAD. LOTS OF STUFF DEFIES MY EXPLANATION AND I HAVE QUESTIONS. Does this make any sense?
see below for the same answer. I can;t think of a good reason unless something ignited it like the unlikely falling ember the building construction is designed to keep from happening or a natural gas surge in the system and the pilot lite lit off the vapors and it burned down, or the electrical short ignited a combustible, or spontaneous combustion from a greasy rag that has a substance on it that could cause it (generally not found anywhere anymore aka linseed oil)
Thank you for your experience, and sharing what you've experienced......I had no idea that a linseed soaked rag could spontaneously combust!
Whoa. I love raw linseed oil.....and that's what we've used on our cedar logs.
I may have a few linseed oil rag bombs laying around.
But around here, everything generally molds before disintegrating with 12' - 13' (yes, feet) of rain a year.
Also thank you for explaining old solid brick construction vs new "brick" construction, because I'd seen a lot of solid brick chimneys standing in burn areas when nothing else was left, and saw the photos of Jeff Bridge's house and was beyond amazed.
Steve, could you provide insight on the working relationship and hierarchy between your smoke jumper friend and interagency fire crews, interagency woodland fire module, federal fire agency, the fire use subcommittee, the federal fire administrator, and or the department of forestry management? Who does he answer to? What is their mission? Is it to "use fire"?
"And then two ten person crews, one of those are smoke jumpers that have been formed into a crew and one of them is wildland fire module. — Eric the Hot Shot"
Travis. Out of my wheelhouse. I can talk all day long about he organization of municipal structural firefighting and organizations thereof. My buddy was a Sawyer. He jumped out of airplanes into the woods. Hoped not to get snagged in a tree on the way down and then felled trees to create fire lines and clear snags. I know his food was awful and he never had half the stuff he needed. I know he got paid scraps compared to the 711 clerk. I'm pretty sure they did their thing and didn't interact with the regular crews or the interagency groups. He was a crew leader. Thats about all I can tell you. What the sub committees or the feds who oversee it do. I have no clue. Sorry. I'm the wrong guy
I am under the impression that many rural voluntary fire stations have been shut down due to lack of funding and in California have been replaced by the state fire agency called Cal Fire. Any insight you have on this trend might be helpful.
Travis. I read your article, Can you help me with what you were looking for from me? Maybe I have something useful if you could please be a little more direct. The wild land stuff is not my world.
I guess it's pretty new stuff. That article was covering a news blurb broadcast during the mililani mauka fire on Oahu. Since Lahaina the fire crews have been doing arson events and broadcasting speeches on the news which are essentially disclosure. I don't expect to find any sort of veteran whistle blower who can speak to this since it seems very recent. The interagency fire module has a mission to use fire and the subcommittee and federal fire administrator are just like the real world expression of Bradbury's book “fahrenheit 451”. I guess I'm asking you to look into these things and provide comment or not even necessarily comment but just begin to track this if you can. The arson events seem to be managed as controlled burns and the reporting is deceptive yet suggestive of “natural/wildfires”. The use of foam formed nano thermite by agencies and the use of NEXRAD radar installations are part of what I'm tracking. I need help because as you can see by reading this reply, my information is often dismissed as far fetched but I have evidence for what I say and it is rapidly becoming time for more people to take up the investigation into the controlled use of fire combined with deceptive reporting for purposes of lands management/land development. Said land development will be in accordance with the future land use map. People need to begin to be aware of these things.
NOW has anyone observed a public statement from the director of the department of forestry that the urban fire storms are NOT a component of the planned “treatment”?
And when I say disclosure, I'm referring to things like this, fire Chief Hao:
"12:24 It is highly likely that, because of the remote location, it was caused by a human intervention. —Fire Cheif Hao"
So he can say this with a straight face because the arsonists have chosen a remote location where there are no structures and no roads in this case. It is they who are the humans that performed the human intervention which caused the fire in this case.
Free Downloads for those two books...mostly,, if not all PDF format...various file sizes and publication dates...if you get hung up with the not-so-intuitive interface, leave a reply here and let me know how far you got in the process...happy to help... is a remarkable resource for a wide bandwidth of books/texts, many of them highly technical, some very esoteric and lots out of print.
From one Steve to another, I just sent a heads-up about your excellent comment to Traci and Shane of YouTube "Brush Junkie". Been following that channel since the torching of Lahaina because I suspected too many anomalies leading to a perfect storm in favor of bad actors.
Been in Japan for 42 years now, but back in the day, I was a bottom-of-the-totem pole Tanker Truck Operator (GS-4) in the mountains of Arizona for 3 summers, but worked a bit with the Blue Ridge Hotshots and Helitack. Still remember the nomex shirts and 'turkey tents' in case of fires jumping the line. Got the usual govt. certifications for truck hydraulics, chainsaw, etc. but never once was trained to keep the engine from turning to ash.
Much thanks for your informative and objectively modest comments.
Homes burning from the inside out could be helped along by:
Smart thermostats.
Huge push and widespread install of these things that the electric companies can and HAVE remotely controlled.
Lithium ion batteries plus wifi.
And let’s not forget soooo many folks now have some type of smartie tech in their homes that are there to “help”. (spy and record everything you do and say)
Doorbells, nests, lexaloos etc.
Smart wired everything.
Lithium batteries plus wifi again.
In all of it.
It’s now also in cars and has been longer than we’ve been told.
I’m not jumping and pointing at this stuff exactly but if some rando company can blow up pagers of government employees in many countries😬
I have no idea why I remember this, but that movie fire starter - a Stephen King (book)- the psychic kid lit a brick wall on fire. I think it was Drew Barrymore.
Jeff Bridges house.
C'mon! it's nuts!
Jeff Bridges also did a covid shot propaganda commercial urging cancer patients to get the covid vax.
notice how this conversation cannot seem to stay focused on the central punch of this stack topic. These fires were not accidents of nature. If true, that means they were attacks. Arson. Murder. Mass murder. Perpetrated by some group that has access to military grade tech and weaponry, and the vast resources to coordinate, and subsequently cover up the crime. Not a trivial matter. And it's happening NOW.
It's very interesting to note the first reactions to this topic are to make jokey asides and start commenting on possible random factors that may not be considered.
The more this keeps going and the more people have to reluctantly try to face disturbing events that keep going and going...the more difficult it gets to keep focusing on that rim.
There are a few common themes:
1. But 'blank' who showed you something is an OP. (Okay, meeebeeeee, but still there is that evidence, yeah?)
2. Why are you discussing (blank) and killing the movement?!!! 😹 Yeah, I ain't in your movement. Fuck off.
3. Laser pointer regurgitation over points that someone saw on their media of choice.
4. This is before you get to the straw men misrepresentation and proxy logics of how people construct reality.
I'm not saying it's easy.
But those who do want to know will keep attacking the logical rack, even as they get mauled.
As someone who spent years and ruined many relationships because I wouldn't let up about 9/11, I understand.
I had friends who focused on making jokes about how dumb W was rather than see that the country was under attack from elements within the government and MIC.
Logic doesn't work. An appeal to emotions may or may not.
Sometimes a little jokey aside is all we have left.
Yeah. Bush didn't botch shit. Everything went according to plan. I remember a great article when Obama took office about how the transition from W was the smoothest, most precise, seamless transition of the oval office that anyone could recall. The botching shit was just a ploy.
Here's the answer...“It's a living thing, Sage. It breathes, it eats, and it hates. The only way to beat it is to think like it. To know that this flame will spread this way across the street and up across the fence, not because of the physics of flammable liquids, but because it wants to.” From Backdraft.
Funny how it behaves itself when utilised on the end of a cigarette. But I do vaguely remember that quote. I wonder when acid rain is going to make a comeback?
Those pictures are truly something... and no I don't have a rational explanation as my only experience of fire is of the old fashioned free range kind usually generated by matches or a lighter.
But it got me thinking... maybe all those tales of spontaneous human combustion were actually some poor bastard getting hit by a DEW?
It's perplexing... but this song came on whilst I was reading the article and it seems kind of prescient.
Went through Pasadena today so did a mini Altadena detour. Found that Two Dragons martial Arts place. NOTHING left. Can’t post photos on subbie so can only give a description. The two blue street name signs and stop sign below them at the corner untouched as well as the blue maybe sheriff sign. Altadena is unincorporated and think they use maybe LA County sheriff. The yellow and blue fire hydrant had a little black at the top.
I looked for toilets did not see any.
Burned out cars had NO EV spray painted on them. I did not see any that looked like Teslas so maybe if any got hauled due to toxic batteries. Also did not see any Prius looking cars. .
One weird place where a couple houses survived one house that did not had three plumerias in front with larger light colored rock covering the dirt and it was un touch but almost nothing left of the building or buildings. Altadena is mostly older homes many from 1910-1030’s and detached garages. So not sure if there was a house with separate garage or just a house.
I really really don’t understand how the highway cars picture got that way. Especially without the car occupants being killed — were there casualties there? Or if not how did the cars end up in those positions?
Eyes sewn shut. Speech ball gagged. Censorship starts with our filters and these days a glint of truth forced through unknown apertures brought Mr. Fix It back to Washington. Popeye the Sailor Man is Trump. Can he stop the property Clearances?
I'm hoping someone can also confirm, because I looked this up and it seems to have been scrubbed from the internet. I was working in conjunction with Clay Clark's Thrivetime when the Reawaken Tours began. I could SWEAR Peggy Hall was a speaker at these events (she had some "live free patriot" community thing. I really liked her. When I looked further into her background, I found out she was a card carrying scientologist. Now she's calling out Grant Cardone for being a scientologist. I don't care if she is, but everything I've read about her several years ago is gone... it's a new and improved Peggy, unless I'm confusing her with someone else...
To be clear, I don't know Peggy or any of the various content providers from which I have tried to extract anomalies and basic questions.
I've run a few from YT accounts. I remember Peggy from covering Lahaina and the fire anomalies back then. I ran one with anomalies from "Charlie" something and immediately, that was also ad hominem. Regardless, I try to extract the most basic questions about phenomena and unpack it.
Please bring receipts if you have them and flesh this out otherwise this is just social media weaponization, i.e. Ops.
But this is also how the focus switches off FIRE to PEOPLE.
Because people are challenged to focus on what is real.
Not trying to change the focus or be a distractor, I too, am trying to find out what the truth. And, like I said, I’m open to feedback or to be wrong if I am.
I’ve been looking for “receipts” as I mentioned and I can’t find them. I just remember reading about her. She was an attorney from Orange County, Ca who was involved in the Flynn patriot tour and I looked up her connection to scientology. She was very active and contributed to them. Now I can’t find ANYTHING on it, other than an old live free patriot freedom site that’s dead.
It’s been in the back of my mind for the past few videos you’ve shown and how prominent she’s become…
An inquiring mind. Maybe there’s no “there” there, but I’m sure it’s the same woman and I can’t find ANYTHING on her anymore.
Those involved with Flynn are likely controlled opposition. However, I tend to look at what some of those asshats, like the Garden Gnome say, just to gather a glimmer of truth, because they have to reveal some truth to keep their credibility. I think you are thinking of Leigh Dundas of Ron Johnson hearing fame,among other episodes. She and Peggy look pretty similar but I don’t think they are the same person.
I posted before that I didn’t think that Peggy Hall and Leigh Dundas were the same person, but now I am not so sure. Does anyone else think that Leigh Dundas and Peggy Hall look like twins?
The broad ambiguity surrounding the word "fire" in modern parlance is also, similarly operative with regard to the word "wind". Apply lessons learned from one to better understand each.
Two heaping scoops of fine powdered aluminum…nano aluminum if you prefer…into the old flamethrower tank of 50 gas 50 diesel and you have some serious fire.
Water makes it worse if applied.
I think in the case of LA, they mixed it on the spot. Those fire tornadoes are a tell that some mix of metals had been applied. Chemtrails. Probably in that odd fog that immediately preceded the fires.
Oh, I see, you have misunderstood my statement. I am saying that there is ambiguity in the popular use of the word "fire" and there is ambiguity in the popular use of the word "wind". This ambiguity is created intentionally by those who write the script and create the language used and repeated by gagged weather reporters. This ambiguity is used to provide cover for the arsonists at the office of the federal fire administrator and the fire use subcommittee as well as all subordinate federal and state fire agencies. The same is true for the director of forestry at the federal level with regard to disguising what they refer to as "treatment" and what I refer to as arson. I am not the holder of the ambiguity, I am the exposer of it.
It's time for all Americans to place a large blue tarp (and some good tape) in their car's emergency kits for "escape emergencies." They'll fry you inside of your car while you're trying to escape.
Sage, Jeff's house is brick veneer. It's not a brick house. They stopped making brick buildings due to cost eons ago. Take a look at some pics of old brick buildings. Every 5 or so "courses" of brick you'll see a row that doesn't look like the other. That's called a Soldier Course. Generally structural brick is two layers deep for stability. That soldier course ties the two walls together so it doesn't fall down. If Jeff's house was truly brick some of the walls would still be standing (in a normal fire). In his house the structural members are either lightweight metal or wood. They'll burn and the brick will collapse in as the plywood its stacked against burns away. There's also aluminum ties they put at various locations in the mortar to hold the facade against the wood so the front of the house doesn't fall off. See if you can find some old time pictures of fires in Boston. St Louis, NYC, Jersey, Philly that show truly brick structures still standing after being gutted by fire. The City I worked for was the location of the battle of the Monitor and Merrimack so there are some very old buildings in that city including residences. This was the premise of my very first comment to you that Peggy is just a little off base on the fire behavior and building construction pertaining to fire. I hesitate to say that because some crazy person is gonna start yelling at me again about some nonsensical stuff I never said or meant. Anyway she's rite but not exactly depending on the context. Hope this helps your search. Again The Essentials of Modern Firefighting is a great book as well as Building Construction for The Fire Service. Probably out there as a bootleg PDF somewhere. Goes into detail about the electrical fire stuff that I'm still happy to help you flesh out if needed. I doubt you need my help but if so, just holla.
Thank you, Steve. I do need your help! 😅
I will say that moving on the fly, (much like germs and viruses) it is very difficult to sort out anomalies of specific aspects of medical science or fire science or engineering.
We run into this again and again (self-assembling nanoparticles, Wide Body Area Networks, etc.)
Will pin for other in the loop fire people can add more intel.
Sounds good. Happy to help within the confines of what I actually know and not my emotional reaction or conjecture. I'm human just like everyone else. It's a game of not getting sucked in for me. My history is I retired as a Captain from a medium sized urban fire department in an old city. I only know structural fire but have a best friend who was a smoke jumper in Cali and Washington. I spent 30 years as a paramedic and happen to have spent the majority of my career as an arborist for my second job. I worked a couple different inner city type EMS systems so it was fairly busy on that side. If there's something I can chime in on I will. If it's out of my lane I tend to just watch the show unfold. I'm easily vetted with an internet search. Thats probably not good but too late now. LOL
Oh and my friend is still working on uploading his melting aluminum vids. He scrubbing everything with his voice in it so it's taking him a little while and he has to upload it also. Haven't forgotten
From a clueless layperson, the top two anomalies:
1. How can fire burn so hot as to melt cars, just destroy them, and have trees and leaves either nearby, feet away, OR even more bizarre, be nowhere present, as in a parking lot? If this is a common result of fire than why are not fire personnel concerned about parking a van outside a burning structure?
2. How can a house burn down and the immediate surroundings be replete with trees and shrubbery?
I cannot think of a logical answer to that question. I can give you examples of why I don't think it's possible. One of our engines years ago, when it was new, parked rite infront of a house that was very on fire. It was the first pumper on the scene so all the hoses came off that truck. That pretty much tied it into its position. No way to move it. The fire got a little out of control for a while and the radiant heat from the fire building melted every light cover off the emergency lights and blistered all the reflective decals on the side of the truck. Chief's were pissed and changed where we were allowed to park at a fire. Second: Lets say there is a house on fire and another 30' to the right of it not on fire YET. The house on fire is "fully involved" like burning its ass off hot flames everywhere. What the first in pumper should do is protect the exposure-the building on the right. The way you do that is spray the walls of the exposure with water to keep them cool so it doesn't catch on fire. One of the big issues is the curtains inside the exposure can get hot enough to ignite so the house will "burn from the inside out" due to the main fire next door. This is all from radiant heat. Remember heat transfers through conduction, convection, radiation, and direct flame impingement. So the houses can catch on fire from radiant heat. This would tell us that anything like a tree or bush that was affected by radiation or convection would show signs of heat damage. The heat coming off a car fire that burned hot enough to cause some of the damage we see----you couldn't walk 30' from it in a t-shirt without being really uncomfortable or blistering. It's hot in firefighting gear. What I'm trying to say is a green tree next to a melted car or a plastic can intact defies all logic. I guess my question would be explain why there wasn't any damage. Nobody can explain that at this point. It defies physics. If here is a plausible reason I'd love to hear it, maybe I'll learn something but I've been to enough things on fire to know that radiant heat is a constant unless something causes it to not be. I think Peggy is lumping EVERYTHING into the same assumption where radiant heat can most defiantly explain some of the stuff. When I say that you have to remember this JUST BECAUSE I SAY THAT X WAS POSSIBLY CAUSED BY RADIANT HEAT OR CONVECTION DOES NOT MEAN I SAY THAT EVERYTHING IS EXPLAINED BY THAT BECAUSE IM NOT SAYING THAT NOR WOULD I BECAUSE I DON'T SEE HOW IT CAN BE. ITS NOT A PEPSI COKE TAKING SIDES SITUATION. SOME STUFF WASS PROBABLY NATURAL FIRE SPREAD. LOTS OF STUFF DEFIES MY EXPLANATION AND I HAVE QUESTIONS. Does this make any sense?
3. How can a big box retail outlet burn to the ground in the middle of parking lots with trees standing nearby AND A GAS STATION?
see below for the same answer. I can;t think of a good reason unless something ignited it like the unlikely falling ember the building construction is designed to keep from happening or a natural gas surge in the system and the pilot lite lit off the vapors and it burned down, or the electrical short ignited a combustible, or spontaneous combustion from a greasy rag that has a substance on it that could cause it (generally not found anywhere anymore aka linseed oil)
Thank you for your experience, and sharing what you've experienced......I had no idea that a linseed soaked rag could spontaneously combust!
Whoa. I love raw linseed oil.....and that's what we've used on our cedar logs.
I may have a few linseed oil rag bombs laying around.
But around here, everything generally molds before disintegrating with 12' - 13' (yes, feet) of rain a year.
Also thank you for explaining old solid brick construction vs new "brick" construction, because I'd seen a lot of solid brick chimneys standing in burn areas when nothing else was left, and saw the photos of Jeff Bridge's house and was beyond amazed.
Steve, could you provide insight on the working relationship and hierarchy between your smoke jumper friend and interagency fire crews, interagency woodland fire module, federal fire agency, the fire use subcommittee, the federal fire administrator, and or the department of forestry management? Who does he answer to? What is their mission? Is it to "use fire"?
"And then two ten person crews, one of those are smoke jumpers that have been formed into a crew and one of them is wildland fire module. — Eric the Hot Shot"
Travis. Out of my wheelhouse. I can talk all day long about he organization of municipal structural firefighting and organizations thereof. My buddy was a Sawyer. He jumped out of airplanes into the woods. Hoped not to get snagged in a tree on the way down and then felled trees to create fire lines and clear snags. I know his food was awful and he never had half the stuff he needed. I know he got paid scraps compared to the 711 clerk. I'm pretty sure they did their thing and didn't interact with the regular crews or the interagency groups. He was a crew leader. Thats about all I can tell you. What the sub committees or the feds who oversee it do. I have no clue. Sorry. I'm the wrong guy
I am under the impression that many rural voluntary fire stations have been shut down due to lack of funding and in California have been replaced by the state fire agency called Cal Fire. Any insight you have on this trend might be helpful.
Travis. I read your article, Can you help me with what you were looking for from me? Maybe I have something useful if you could please be a little more direct. The wild land stuff is not my world.
I guess it's pretty new stuff. That article was covering a news blurb broadcast during the mililani mauka fire on Oahu. Since Lahaina the fire crews have been doing arson events and broadcasting speeches on the news which are essentially disclosure. I don't expect to find any sort of veteran whistle blower who can speak to this since it seems very recent. The interagency fire module has a mission to use fire and the subcommittee and federal fire administrator are just like the real world expression of Bradbury's book “fahrenheit 451”. I guess I'm asking you to look into these things and provide comment or not even necessarily comment but just begin to track this if you can. The arson events seem to be managed as controlled burns and the reporting is deceptive yet suggestive of “natural/wildfires”. The use of foam formed nano thermite by agencies and the use of NEXRAD radar installations are part of what I'm tracking. I need help because as you can see by reading this reply, my information is often dismissed as far fetched but I have evidence for what I say and it is rapidly becoming time for more people to take up the investigation into the controlled use of fire combined with deceptive reporting for purposes of lands management/land development. Said land development will be in accordance with the future land use map. People need to begin to be aware of these things.
NOW has anyone observed a public statement from the director of the department of forestry that the urban fire storms are NOT a component of the planned “treatment”?
And when I say disclosure, I'm referring to things like this, fire Chief Hao:
"12:24 It is highly likely that, because of the remote location, it was caused by a human intervention. —Fire Cheif Hao"
So he can say this with a straight face because the arsonists have chosen a remote location where there are no structures and no roads in this case. It is they who are the humans that performed the human intervention which caused the fire in this case.
In CA not a lot of brick after the 1925 earthquake in Santa Barbara.
Altadena was a lot of craftsman's and stucco Tudor and Spanish style.
Free Downloads for those two books...mostly,, if not all PDF format...various file sizes and publication dates...if you get hung up with the not-so-intuitive interface, leave a reply here and let me know how far you got in the process...happy to help...
Great find. I have those almost memorized. lol. is a remarkable resource for a wide bandwidth of books/texts, many of them highly technical, some very esoteric and lots out of print.
From one Steve to another, I just sent a heads-up about your excellent comment to Traci and Shane of YouTube "Brush Junkie". Been following that channel since the torching of Lahaina because I suspected too many anomalies leading to a perfect storm in favor of bad actors.
Been in Japan for 42 years now, but back in the day, I was a bottom-of-the-totem pole Tanker Truck Operator (GS-4) in the mountains of Arizona for 3 summers, but worked a bit with the Blue Ridge Hotshots and Helitack. Still remember the nomex shirts and 'turkey tents' in case of fires jumping the line. Got the usual govt. certifications for truck hydraulics, chainsaw, etc. but never once was trained to keep the engine from turning to ash.
Much thanks for your informative and objectively modest comments.
Fire anomalies.
Homes burning from the inside out could be helped along by:
Smart thermostats.
Huge push and widespread install of these things that the electric companies can and HAVE remotely controlled.
Lithium ion batteries plus wifi.
And let’s not forget soooo many folks now have some type of smartie tech in their homes that are there to “help”. (spy and record everything you do and say)
Doorbells, nests, lexaloos etc.
Smart wired everything.
Lithium batteries plus wifi again.
In all of it.
It’s now also in cars and has been longer than we’ve been told.
I’m not jumping and pointing at this stuff exactly but if some rando company can blow up pagers of government employees in many countries😬
It’s all possible.
I have no idea why I remember this, but that movie fire starter - a Stephen King (book)- the psychic kid lit a brick wall on fire. I think it was Drew Barrymore.
Jeff Bridges house.
C'mon! it's nuts!
Jeff Bridges also did a covid shot propaganda commercial urging cancer patients to get the covid vax.
1984 is a good year for bricks on fire movie... drew / dew.
notice how this conversation cannot seem to stay focused on the central punch of this stack topic. These fires were not accidents of nature. If true, that means they were attacks. Arson. Murder. Mass murder. Perpetrated by some group that has access to military grade tech and weaponry, and the vast resources to coordinate, and subsequently cover up the crime. Not a trivial matter. And it's happening NOW.
It's very interesting to note the first reactions to this topic are to make jokey asides and start commenting on possible random factors that may not be considered.
The more this keeps going and the more people have to reluctantly try to face disturbing events that keep going and going...the more difficult it gets to keep focusing on that rim.
There are a few common themes:
1. But 'blank' who showed you something is an OP. (Okay, meeebeeeee, but still there is that evidence, yeah?)
2. Why are you discussing (blank) and killing the movement?!!! 😹 Yeah, I ain't in your movement. Fuck off.
3. Laser pointer regurgitation over points that someone saw on their media of choice.
4. This is before you get to the straw men misrepresentation and proxy logics of how people construct reality.
I'm not saying it's easy.
But those who do want to know will keep attacking the logical rack, even as they get mauled.
Yes! That is the strength of those "who do want to know."
You gotta walk through broken glass to get to the "know" part, it seems.
"But those who do want to know will keep attacking the logical rack, even as they get mauled." Ha! The story of my life :-)
As someone who spent years and ruined many relationships because I wouldn't let up about 9/11, I understand.
I had friends who focused on making jokes about how dumb W was rather than see that the country was under attack from elements within the government and MIC.
Logic doesn't work. An appeal to emotions may or may not.
Sometimes a little jokey aside is all we have left.
I suspect that many of the same crew who either:
1. Supported The Shrub and the "neo-cons", OR
2. Attributed it to Bush Botching Shit...
Learned very little and are falling for it all over again.
Yeah. Bush didn't botch shit. Everything went according to plan. I remember a great article when Obama took office about how the transition from W was the smoothest, most precise, seamless transition of the oval office that anyone could recall. The botching shit was just a ploy.
well said
Here's the answer...“It's a living thing, Sage. It breathes, it eats, and it hates. The only way to beat it is to think like it. To know that this flame will spread this way across the street and up across the fence, not because of the physics of flammable liquids, but because it wants to.” From Backdraft.
Funny how it behaves itself when utilised on the end of a cigarette. But I do vaguely remember that quote. I wonder when acid rain is going to make a comeback?
Even with all the destruction and craziness in this world your sarcasm make me laugh. That is a good thing!
You'll get sick of my shit eventually.
::stares out window::
Everybody does.
Actually I'm not quite sick of this place, yet!!
Monty Python voice. 😅😅
Embers my ass!!)))
Those pictures are truly something... and no I don't have a rational explanation as my only experience of fire is of the old fashioned free range kind usually generated by matches or a lighter.
But it got me thinking... maybe all those tales of spontaneous human combustion were actually some poor bastard getting hit by a DEW?
It's perplexing... but this song came on whilst I was reading the article and it seems kind of prescient.
Went through Pasadena today so did a mini Altadena detour. Found that Two Dragons martial Arts place. NOTHING left. Can’t post photos on subbie so can only give a description. The two blue street name signs and stop sign below them at the corner untouched as well as the blue maybe sheriff sign. Altadena is unincorporated and think they use maybe LA County sheriff. The yellow and blue fire hydrant had a little black at the top.
I looked for toilets did not see any.
Burned out cars had NO EV spray painted on them. I did not see any that looked like Teslas so maybe if any got hauled due to toxic batteries. Also did not see any Prius looking cars. .
One weird place where a couple houses survived one house that did not had three plumerias in front with larger light colored rock covering the dirt and it was un touch but almost nothing left of the building or buildings. Altadena is mostly older homes many from 1910-1030’s and detached garages. So not sure if there was a house with separate garage or just a house.
You can post photos to Notes!
And hit me with a link, and I can run your stuff, with credit of course!
I have no link. Will look into the notes thing later today though. Thank you.
Right, I didn't explain well and so to do better.
You go to Notes and post pix and even video if you can.
Others have done this and I've run.
Then you copy the note and give me the link.
No big deal. Just would be fascinating to see some evidence! Thanks, BH
I really really don’t understand how the highway cars picture got that way. Especially without the car occupants being killed — were there casualties there? Or if not how did the cars end up in those positions?
Eyes sewn shut. Speech ball gagged. Censorship starts with our filters and these days a glint of truth forced through unknown apertures brought Mr. Fix It back to Washington. Popeye the Sailor Man is Trump. Can he stop the property Clearances?
I'm hoping someone can also confirm, because I looked this up and it seems to have been scrubbed from the internet. I was working in conjunction with Clay Clark's Thrivetime when the Reawaken Tours began. I could SWEAR Peggy Hall was a speaker at these events (she had some "live free patriot" community thing. I really liked her. When I looked further into her background, I found out she was a card carrying scientologist. Now she's calling out Grant Cardone for being a scientologist. I don't care if she is, but everything I've read about her several years ago is gone... it's a new and improved Peggy, unless I'm confusing her with someone else...
To be clear, I don't know Peggy or any of the various content providers from which I have tried to extract anomalies and basic questions.
I've run a few from YT accounts. I remember Peggy from covering Lahaina and the fire anomalies back then. I ran one with anomalies from "Charlie" something and immediately, that was also ad hominem. Regardless, I try to extract the most basic questions about phenomena and unpack it.
Please bring receipts if you have them and flesh this out otherwise this is just social media weaponization, i.e. Ops.
But this is also how the focus switches off FIRE to PEOPLE.
Because people are challenged to focus on what is real.
Sounds like the ole switcharoo to me!! 😎😎
Not trying to change the focus or be a distractor, I too, am trying to find out what the truth. And, like I said, I’m open to feedback or to be wrong if I am.
I’ve been looking for “receipts” as I mentioned and I can’t find them. I just remember reading about her. She was an attorney from Orange County, Ca who was involved in the Flynn patriot tour and I looked up her connection to scientology. She was very active and contributed to them. Now I can’t find ANYTHING on it, other than an old live free patriot freedom site that’s dead.
It’s been in the back of my mind for the past few videos you’ve shown and how prominent she’s become…
An inquiring mind. Maybe there’s no “there” there, but I’m sure it’s the same woman and I can’t find ANYTHING on her anymore.
What about the fire anomalies?
Do you have any thoughts on those?
Of course I do. I agree with what she’s saying. In think they’re DEWs.
So, just because I bring up a comment about someone being scrubbed from the internet and then being everywhere all of a sudden, I’m a detractor?
Ridiculous. People can have an opinion and ask questions. Or, I guess they can’t, here, anymore?
I didn't say that either.
I tried to address the substance of your post and how I try to proceed in a world of imperfect narrators.
You just expressed your opinion and were given an audience.
So what the fuck are you on about now?
Those involved with Flynn are likely controlled opposition. However, I tend to look at what some of those asshats, like the Garden Gnome say, just to gather a glimmer of truth, because they have to reveal some truth to keep their credibility.
Certainly an esalen adjacent scent.
Please clarify. I think you are thinking of Leigh Dundas of Ron Johnson hearing fame,among other episodes. She and Peggy look pretty similar but I don’t think they are the same person.
I posted before that I didn’t think that Peggy Hall and Leigh Dundas were the same person, but now I am not so sure. Does anyone else think that Leigh Dundas and Peggy Hall look like twins?
The broad ambiguity surrounding the word "fire" in modern parlance is also, similarly operative with regard to the word "wind". Apply lessons learned from one to better understand each.
With a leaf blower and a blow torch I could remove all ambiguity you might have in seconds.
Can you set the engine block of your car or a Walmart on fire with your leaf blower and blow torch?
there is no honor in wasting energy on agents. Bring the fridge decoratin Ai bot rage into play trust your gut, pull the trigger and move on
I’m not a bot, you twat.
I’ve been around here much much longer than you.
ad hominem from the get, huh. Note I was not talking to you
Absolutely not.
Not with that attitude.
I play with fire a lot.
I know how to make fire more fiery.
Two heaping scoops of fine powdered aluminum…nano aluminum if you prefer…into the old flamethrower tank of 50 gas 50 diesel and you have some serious fire.
Water makes it worse if applied.
I think in the case of LA, they mixed it on the spot. Those fire tornadoes are a tell that some mix of metals had been applied. Chemtrails. Probably in that odd fog that immediately preceded the fires.
Me thinks you’re on to something. No matter what, it’s intentional.
That's the spirit! Can do attitude.
Oh, I see, you have misunderstood my statement. I am saying that there is ambiguity in the popular use of the word "fire" and there is ambiguity in the popular use of the word "wind". This ambiguity is created intentionally by those who write the script and create the language used and repeated by gagged weather reporters. This ambiguity is used to provide cover for the arsonists at the office of the federal fire administrator and the fire use subcommittee as well as all subordinate federal and state fire agencies. The same is true for the director of forestry at the federal level with regard to disguising what they refer to as "treatment" and what I refer to as arson. I am not the holder of the ambiguity, I am the exposer of it.
Explain yourself.
Just like in a microwave oven.
You really think climate change is responsible for this, dream on your busted, Arsonist
It's time for all Americans to place a large blue tarp (and some good tape) in their car's emergency kits for "escape emergencies." They'll fry you inside of your car while you're trying to escape.
Yet the metal on the fence post isn't even tarnished. How does that happen?