
The "Spike Protein Geiger Counter" really made my day.

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Got it the first seven times, please no spamming.

One warning.

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Jul 5Liked by Sage Hana

Wow on the photo of the 3 doctors. None of them look very healthy, do they.

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Jul 5Liked by Sage Hana

I looooooove you, SH. I wish we all could give you your well-deserved award for being the heroic person that you are. We do live in an Idiocracy and it's getting harder to stomach. I despise these evil-doers.

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Me no hero! But thanks for the kind words.

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Aren't fear and comfort the two major forces that drive people? This fills both....fear for a (fictional) disease-causing germ and the convenient solution: chemicals!

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Jul 5Liked by Sage Hana


Northwell is also where 70% of their patients administered a test, tested positive. Look how fast it spread to NYC and Long Island! Super fast-spreading ultra-infectious virus (that took a break for the Summer of Floyd)!

I don't know how people don't just roll their eyes at this stuff.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Sage Hana

"The same fucking people will show up again and again and again and again and again."

Sage, I am just glad we're prepared for the new dangerous Bird Flew.

With its fatality rate of 50%, and its precision targeting of poultry, marine mammals^, cattle, and somehow also humans*.

We must destroy the global food systems to save ourselves. Or something. The inversionism is so chronic it is hard to keep track.

They are swinging at us again because they didn't swing for it the first time.

That is the lesson (for me). Cullers gunna cull, for as long as you let them.


*-With that list it is like they 'designed' [the Talking Points] for perfect alignment with the Agenda2030/WEF/WHO/UN psychopaths.

^-Except for Flipper, that is plain weird bringing dolphins into the equation.

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that was one weirdly manipulated news story, wasn't it?! died with bird flu...died with covid...skip over the gunshot wound. immaterial...

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That picture of Kirsch gives me the creeps. He’s dead behind the eyes and with the head tilt and lines around his mouth he looks like a ventriloquist dummy.

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Same with the Kirsch photo....looks like a deranged replacement for Mr. Rogers!

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You nailed it. That picture always bothered me, the eyes esp., but the dummy, that's it.

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I was also on hand when vioxx and celebrex were 1st banned. Suddenly. It left millions of people in pain w/ no alternatives. I dug in and found that cox 2 inhibitors were what made them effective. Then I looked for cox 2 inhibitors in nature. Turmeric had the most!. Then I linked that up to a severe bout of arthritis in my 20s....During those pain-filled years, I CRAVED mustard and curry around the clock.... (like people gave me mustard for Christmas, birthdays Valentine's day, etc. lol.)

Principal ingredient: turmeric!! Bodies are a funny and wonderful kind of smart!!! They always know....

( Eventually, I figured out how to correct things and made a full recovery)

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Sounds like Indian food would be especially helpful to lots of us!

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I remember when heartburn was just handled w/ a bit baking soda in warm water....you know-back before it became MONSTROUS ACID REFLUX DISEASE. I continue to watch other minor fluctuations/issues get turned into big scary diseases. They have commandeered our thinking to the point where natural common sense is crowded out. I also remember growing up w/o health insurance. We went to the doctor as needed-not-often. We might get around to getting insurance in our 40s-50s...or we might not. Slowly, they brought us to the point that people are terrified if they don't have cradle-to-grave insurance. They obfuscate, keep people ignorant of basic info about how their bodies function and heal....all for capture.

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It's true about the insurance. People think doctors will fix the problem, but often make it much worse. Older generations had a better sense of it with home remedies.

The problem is that if someone has a genuine need for healthcare (auto accident, i.e) they will quickly become bankrupt, lose everything to medical bills.

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Good re: Baking Soda. 1 0z. Vinegar also works.

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depends....if you're already acidic, vinegar can put you in a world of hurt. But some can benefit.

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Issue dependent. most are low in acid. https://www.drberg.com/blog/the-fastest-way-to-rid-heartburn-gerd-and-acid-reflux

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Yep, a lil’ teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar turns off your stomach’s acid production very quickly. And alleviates the heartburn/reflux symptoms. Great old fashioned remedy my grandmother taught us.

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When I was actively arthritic and trying everything, apple cider vinegar and honey was the worst thing I EVER put in my body. Joints on fire for days... I urge people to try things on themselves before recommending. (my grandma recommended it, too...and had terrible arthritis)

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'most' is interesting. Older folks maybe? Typical American diet and stress leave quite a few in high acid conditions (tested lots of my patients-ages 30-60 typically. I was glad when Dr Berg finally popularized magnesium! Will check this out...thanks!

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My understanding is food PH vs blood PH vs tissue PH are not so linear. Yet I’ve not so read up on the issue

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right you are! A saliva PH test will usually get you where you need to go, complexities aside.

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Jul 5Liked by Sage Hana

I love this summary statement Sage: “Don’t let the Dangerous Germs win.”

Captures the big picture for 80? % of humanity’s unconscious drive right now? It’s a good reminder for us as we navigate the op (live exercise) for now and forever

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Like the "Global War on Terror" which Aaron Russo said Nick Rockefeller said was planned, the "War on Germs" is un-winnable and endless.

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befriend them germs... humans have been doing it forever...adapt.

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Probably why they have segued into potentially illusory "Gain of Function" scare tactics.

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Indeed! What a web they weave...Thanks for pointing our minds in better directions...

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Jul 6Liked by Sage Hana

"You have to understand, it's not like this because people are idiots. It’s like this because someone wants it this way.”

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Jul 6Liked by Sage Hana

I suspect that fear of contamination is a POWERFUL FORCE, much more that we think. Built into us at a basic level. If you've ever said "eeewwww" and pulled away from the gross thing it's that impulse.

They are playing that like a violin.

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Interestingly a related product cimetidine (brand name Tagamet HB) has not been banned.

Cimetidine (Tagamet) is mentioned fairly often in anti-cancer protocols, both mainstream and also some non-mainstream alternative health protocols.

According to Google: "[C]imetidine (Tagamet HB) hasn't been banned. In fact, this medication is available over the counter and by prescription. The FDA decided to remove ranitidine (Zantac), a similar heartburn medication, from the market because they found that some ranitidine products had impurities that could potentially cause cancer."

Two drugs related to the dewormer/anti-cancer drug fenbendazole, "Albendazole and MBZ [mebendazole] interact with cimetidine, which inhibits metabolism and has been documented to increase MBZ plasma levels ... This may be an important interaction with clinical relevance in that it suggests a strategy to increase bioavailability should that be required to increase the anti-cancer effect. Given that cimetidine may also have some anti-cancer activity [13], it also suggests that an investigation into possible synergies with MBZ over and above the effect on bioavailability would be an interesting avenue to explore. "


"Due to its non-selective inhibition of cytochrome P450 enzymes, cimetidine has numerous drug interactions. Examples of specific interactions include the following: Cimetidine affects the metabolism of methadone, sometimes resulting in higher blood levels and a higher incidence of side effects, and may interact with the antimalarial medication hydroxychloroquine.[21]"


^Not for medical advice, just for general informational purposes. That's all.^

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The list of "anti-cancer" drugs is only limited by the limit of your tolerance, patience, and search engine.


"Cancer. He said. "We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it's ever decided that it should be released. But consider - if people stop dying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well die of cancer as something else."

Efforts at cancer treatment would be geared more toward comfort than toward cure. There was some statement that ultimately the cancer cures which were being hidden in the Rockefeller Institute would come to light because independent researchers might bring them out, despite these efforts to suppress them. But at least for the time being, letting people die of cancer was a good thing to do because it would slow down the problem of overpopulation."


This has been going on a long, long, long time.

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Yes, yes, yes.

Heinz Kissinger, lived to age 100

David Rockefeller, lived to age 101

George Soros, still creating chaos at 93

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When I hear about how they did this, pretty creepy, if true. And I suspect it is.

Not against elderly folks. I had beloved relatives who lived to those ages, but they did it naturally.

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"... how they did this ..."

Maybe by using A-D-R-E-N-O ... you know?

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I once came across a posting which claimed this susbstance has its synthetic equivalence and there's no need to harvest it.

Except in the rituals.

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That's one rumor. But whatever they did it's likely creepy. Who does things to kill off others while trying to live longer and longer themselves?

I'll tell you who:


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"The list of "anti-cancer" drugs is only limited by the limit of your tolerance, patience, and search engine."

Indeed this is true. One might even add "only limited by one's imagination."

I do agree with the statement, "We can cure almost every cancer right now." To suggest this is now commonplace, especially here on this stack, whereas years ago it would only be whispered.

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A British study on mineral deficiencies (hair, blood and tissue samples) revealed that 92% of the people were clinically deficient in what they called 'the Master Mineral'... magnesium. They were alarmed to find that 100% of the people w/the lowest scores had active cancers. They immediately set up a companion study to see which forms of magnesium might be more useful and to determine the best way to restore levels (oral, IV, intramuscular or transdermal). They knew that magnesium slowed down cancer (how come we don't?) They enrolled 140 late-stage prostate cancer patients who had been sent home to 'get their affairs in order (impending death-no more treatment available) They had between 6 wks -7 mths life expectancy. The best protocol was transdermal magnesium chloride applied everywhere they could reach twice daily. 4 months later, tumors were shrinking and disappearing w/ no other intervention. 4 YEARS later ALL of the men were alive and cancer-free. The researchers said 2 things in their summaries: 1) Magnesium has been stripped from the soils and not replaced, hence the epidemic levels of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, anxiety and depression. 2) We can see that once the levels are restored, the body can do what it is designed to do-which is to beat back cancer 8-10 times over the course of a lifetime. (This study can no longer be found...paywalled, scrubbed?) I do also agree from a slightly different vantage point that some cancer is parasite-related-think candida, etc. (as did many of the much older generation of doctors). Following their lead, they doctored w/ 3 minerals that belong in the body and taught their patients how to treat their families. #1 Magnesium in the form of Epsom Salt soaks, #2 iodine, #3 baking soda...all 3 potent anti-cancer agents. Baking soda was an interesting study...such a humble, unlikely med. Chemo is heavily buffered w/ baking soda and infused slowly (hoping to kill the cancer w/o killing the patient. In Europe, they now often skip the chemo and infuse a tumor or the bloodstream w/ baking soda in solution. It destroys the tumor and causes no harm to the patient.

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Curious, how long does an individual RockeScorpion live?

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Apparently there is a liver risk to cimetidine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK548130/

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"liver risk to cimetidine"

Yes. This is because cimetidine affects/blocks your liver enzyme CYP450, i.e.. cytochrome P450, and related CYP liver enzymes. Taking a CYP450-blocking drug with other drugs makes the other drugs last longer in the body.

I'm no cheerleader for taking unnecessary or pHarmful products.

As people who took the jabs are finding out, removal of experimental mRNA, which has been injected into the human body, may be an impossible task.

But at least with most pills (not Sloan Kettering chemo pills), one can quit taking the pill if side effects appear, and that usually is the end of the problem.

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“I'm no cheerleader for taking unnecessary or pHarmful products.”

What are the necessary ones, in your view? Honest question!

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And a GOOD question. I don't claim to have the Answer with a capital letter "A." However one very good example comes to mind: If I have an abscessed tooth -- which is usually so PAINFUL that it's diffcult to think! -- the antibiotic penicillin VK 500mg twice a day for a week or so -- is truly worth its weight in gold IMHO.

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Insulin for people with type 1 diabetes.

Thyroid hormone for people who are missing a thyroid or have one that is not functioning.

These are the most common.

However, there may be better alternatives for people with Type 2 diabetes. In some cases with the thyroid there may be other options, but not if it's missing.

But most pharma products are not like those two things.

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Those are good ones. Sadly tho it seems it’s likely vaccines themselves that have caused Type 1 diabetes and thyroid issues… so seems to me that, besides antibiotics in certain cases, there is nearly nothing else that Pharma has on offer that it didn’t cause in the first place.

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Do you think the vaccines cause Type 1? Usually shows up in childhood.

Never thought of it before.

Hashimoto's thyroiditis is an autoimmune condition, so definitely can see that. It shows up in later adulthood. Or thyroid cancer so removing the thyroid.

I can see it causing Type 2, especially along with following the food pyramid, which by itself may cause it. (7-10 servings of grains per day????!!!!WTF). (Fruit Loops healthier than butter or beef?????!!!!WTF2)

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Jul 5Liked by Sage Hana

When I first noticed Robert Malone on Twitter (before he got suspended way back when...I guess he's back now) I didn't trust him because of two things: 1. His grammar and spelling were horrible and not at all professional 2. He was posting stupid political memes and I can't take anyone seriously who is mixing politics with "science" and "medicine."

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Jul 6Liked by Sage Hana

In the your first photo ☝🏼, Dr. Urso & Malone have on Spike Protein neck ties. They’re pretty proud of this new, novel thing. Let’s celebrate it by wearing it as part of a new fashion trend. Kinda like face masks. Bet they sell em on their websites.

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Thank you, Sage. This is valuable information!

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Anecdote: Ranitidine was already over prescribed in the 1990s. I heard (and believe) that 95% of acid reflux is misdiagnosed hypochorohidria (low energy cellular states result in inadequate production of HCl. Paradoxically the lower duodenal sphincter opens only upon sufficient ph trigger. So if stomach is not sufficiently acidic, valve does not open and contents slosh around and splash up.). Many people are taking the opposite of what they need because of acid reflux gross conceptual error.

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Just heard about a child who started urinating blood after Ranitidine Rx.

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They call it a "Proton pump inhibitor". Im glad I got off of it. I take Betaine HCl when needed, stomach acid supplement, the exact opposite of what they are trying to do.

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Jul 6Liked by Sage Hana

Have you seen Tulsi lately? She found her inner Cruella:


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