Talked to a nurse the other day….she lost her job in a cardiac specialty unit of our local hospital for refusing the jab. Then reported, it’s ok….hot a job at the VA hospital…..no mandate for COVID vaccination because it’s federally funded.

Seriously, you can’t make this sh!t up. Those telling us they are losing patience with our failure to be jabbed carved out an exemption for themselves.

The infuriating thing….people should be angry, like batshit angry….but instead, they just assume our minders must have had a good reason and they can’t contemplate that it wasn’t based in benevolence.

I honestly still don’t know exactly what TPTB were and are up to beyond the Great Reset and NWO, but I’m confident it is not for our benefit….it’s for theirs. And the fact that they fail to indulge in the “means” they force on us to reach their “ends” while exempting themselves is a tell. Not a good one…rather ominous if you ask me.

Good grief. Oh, and Francis Collins can bugger off.

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Look into nano technology, Laura. We can’t be 100% sure, but it sure looks like that is their game plan. Harari is disgusting, but when he said humans will be hacked I think he was spilling the beans on purpose.

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Yes, I am familiar with nano technology. I think that is definitely in the mix, but I don’t think it is the entirety of what they are up to and what we are up against.

In part, I suspect the nanotechnology is actually just a means to their nefarious ends.

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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

Take a look at Frances Arnold, the Nobel bio-chemist, etc: she's one of the 'we are changing the world' people.

In one presentation, she asserted that we, as a species, have always been involved in genetic modification - through breeding animals, etc - and that now is the time to 'take greater risks for greater rewards'.

Homo Sapiens 2.0 is one of their aims. But how much collateral damage along the way?

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Thank you for the tip. Her “resume” of life ticks a few boxes relative to some of the individuals/theories I have been tracking and learning about.

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Sep 18Liked by Sage Hana

You are welcome, Laura.

She looks unhinged in some videos, and is the very embodiment of scientific hubris.

Definitely one of the '100 years of progress in 25 years' mantra crowd. Over our bodies they will climb.......

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Tom….here is a comment I made on another substack. It is relevant to the question of what the heck are the tech overlords really up to..


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I understand up to a point where you are trying to go with that, Laura. There are so many different scenarios one can imagine, if one isn't part of the inside club that is actually producing and directing the theatrical we are being forced to live in. While it is true that humans, like all animals, are composed of chemicals and the various parts can be broken down into energy of various forms binding together matter and that the overgangsters may have in mind recomposing humans into something a little more docile and pliable, the fact is they only plan these changes for all the rest of us. Or at least I don't think they intend to play God on themselves. It's a matter of ruling and subjugation. I think they are genuinely concerned that technology in the hands of the peasants really could be the rulers' undoing. Hence, it is time for them to maximize control before it gets out of hand. If we the peasants want to have a future we will have to stop them and find a better way. We definitely don't need them to have a fully functioning world for ourselves. Excuse this ramble but I confess this is pretty murky for me.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

"Goodies can be drugs, too"

And concepts too.

For example, Democracy. Any of the two million versions of the concept of Democracy.

Or the concept of your life being part of a great work, like taking revenge for something. This is difficult to see and even more to accept, but there are people who inherit a mission tied to an emotion: rage, envy, fear, and suchlike. These individuals are "not there", so to speak. They must fulfill their duty. All their life is motivated by that. These are the worst slaves of all: the moral slaves.

I would say that being addicted to a hero is just the first tier of this phenomenon. It's the one that requires less effort. And it's a fleeting addiction. It's relatively easy to get off that. People get distracted easily. That's one of the effects of the lack of education most people seem to suffer from.

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I love this post! So you have robbed them of their core when they see the truth of this. So where/how would you suggest they re-center themselves. Nature abhorring a vacuum and all that. It can't be a substitutionary trance obviously...

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Perhaps becoming self-centered is better than keep worshiping a non-existing hero.

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seems the best answer! self-centered and self-responsible a la Emerson. What a foundational teaching that would be from the outset in a culture...

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

And also trying to "do good." Yes, I've been a do-gooder. And discovered that no good deed goes unpunished. Being self-centered is the way to go.

When you are centered on others, on heroes, on "do-gooding" which is just trying to be a hero yourself, or follow a role model. The education system is big on role models. Enter stage left: the trans story hour.

I have many friends and family who are do-gooders, too. Now that I see that more clearly, it seems that they are just useful idiots. Which I'd rather not be.

Being self-centered means a more stable core as you proceed with your life, projects, etc. It means not getting thrown off course by people who want you to do what is "socially acceptable" (like taking covid shots, or politely looking the other way when people are being murdered.)

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“Democracy” is cool and everything… until you don’t get your preferred outcome.

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Loaded guns they were and now they have full mags once again.

Twas' early in the battle in an oh so fk'd up world.

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So I have moved rapidly up the back stretch on some of the STEM stuff, (absolutely not my strong suit, but logic and basic principles are sound and they don't have 'em)....

But I'm trampled a long way on how these MOTHERFUCKING SCORPIONS simply know what the fuck they are doing with good old fashioned Psy Oppery.

Of Heroes. Of people that are just never going to connect uncomfortable thoughts and ideas.

And track past glittering generalities, etc.

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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

The MK-ULTRA has been a component for almost as long as the rest of the fuckery. The church has done so much of the groundwork. They are nailing it now, making your identity shrapnel into an entire fam of gollums, wipe and re-install your hard-drive, subliminal messaging, and, and. Not a day goes by without a massive jaw-drop regarding apathy and the number of ‘buzzards’ they attract feeding on the carcasses. I have to believe that some form of mind control is in place, or else….

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So true...more than we knew...Great observation!!

Church is an exercise in passivity- We were well-trained -If you're not passive, you're considered dangerous w/all the weight of the culture against you-Oddly stupefied folk. I came across an ad in a clergy magazine that guaranteed to quadruple your offerings if you bought their sound system. It utilized various sound tech techniques to manipulate and enhance the trance states that they're already in. First a cheery one to lift their spirits, another to deepen the trance, followed by others to guide their emotional states to incline them to suspend logic, one to enhance generous giving, etc and ending with one to make them want to return next Sunday. It was that blatant...

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That is the work of Satan. Please don't blame it on God.

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Church and God never were the same in my reckoning. Church has been a psyop from day one.

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I think that’s what we’re saying

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😱 😤 ❗️

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A lot of necessary brilliant work and global coordination to have the one world government! God save us all

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Leave it to AI….

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You're doing a helluva a job I must say. It seems even the strongest among us have some naivety in them.

I wasn't schooled by the Allo shit but with some of your help along with others and of course especially the Day cheat sheets

put shit in perspective that I never knew existed.

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I remember that night listening to the first tape and reading along.

And boy, did it all come together lighting fast. The scales fell from my eyes right quick.

All I ever want to know is what is real. And it just lined up...my whole life. My life!

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Oh My Gawd, same here. I haven't looked at anything in the public forum quite the same again. I never will.

I see the play moving along and the audience is in a trance.

It's all staged. Every fr'kn thing.

My fk'n word, it's it's it's.. no words.

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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

Me, too. It's like the Day Tapes echo in the background when I remember things from my past or see something in the present.

At some level, many things seemed surreal, but that was in the background and to stay sane, just needed to be overridden. But knowing that they ARE surreal stops the gaslighting. The gaslighting where you learn to gaslight yourself after being gaslit for years by the adults around you.

When nothing adds up, you can see the trick of the (gas)light. I'm still thinking about that guy, a few posts back who was in Ukraine recruiting and collecting money (maybe lots for himself, idk). It was surreal. Yet people take this as "normal". It was so fukin surreal. And this goes on all around us, all the time.

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remembering your tongue in cheek 'desire' to be a thought leader.....

You actually landed higher up the ladder...You are a 'Think Leader'....doesn't get any better! thx Sage

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Curious survivor.

Any haphazard "Leader" part will end with me running afoul of the tribe. It always does.


Over and over and over and over.


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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

It's like when you make an observation that seems blatantly obvious to a group of friends and acquaintances. Suddenly everyone is looking somewhere else and pretending you didn't say it. People then draw away from you. I used to not understand this, but have learned to recognized. Some kind of unintended truth bombing. Unlike the cult technique of love bombing.

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edited to capture the post-coffee thought... acckkk

remembering your tongue-in-cheek 'desire' to be a thought leader..

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I have to say, in the last few years, as I have read more and more about what is really going on, more surprising than that, is how stupid people really are, and refuse to believe that the government and Big pHARMa, DO NOT have our best interests at heart!!!

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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

Tavistock has a lot of experience to draw on. Any pipsqueak island that can rule the world as the rulers of England did (and still do to some extent) had to do it by stealth.

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It's innate to them...requires no effort. We bust our skulls trying to understand....

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Would quibble on innate on both levels.

Level One. I suspect that *They are indoctrinated as we all are into "tradeoffs" of the world. There may be an innate sociopathy, but history is replete with humans being sociopathic through social forces and bureaucracy. Going along.

Level Two. They have hundred years x ??? of Psych Experiments. Stanford and university and MKUltra and real life tests Jonestown. Much is learned.

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ah...acquiescing to your long observation and study... Was relating from my earliest experience of one of what I call "heavy hitters" Someone quite 'other'. Blue eyes suddenly flashing black and homicidal. one who read your mind, scrambled your energy field and could find you wherever you fled.

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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

And this "research" is ongoing. They study exchanges like these obviously. The purpose of substack, twitter, etc.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

Bureaucratic sociopathy 🎯 Group think conformity and the lowest denominator do get us there, every time.

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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

Yes it was long planned, but what i can't get over is the sophistication of the psy ops they are using..and have used. Most people I know are either under the Harry Potter oblivious spell..or really clinically mentally ill.

Unless humans are really a species with brains that eventually become our own destruction?

Are we all the baddies because we can't function without our illusions?

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

Let’s face it- our brains have been systematically compromised over a lifetime - with fluoride in our food and drinking water, toxic food, alcohol and sugar etc. and his knows what else.

To your point, I think the sophistication of the ops is precisely why more people can’t see it - they simply can’t wrap their head around both the intent and the level/sophistication of the psyops. It’s just too difficult to accept.

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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

The betrayal is too enormous. We are all like abused children. We're in the backseat, and our parents are driving drunk!

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Both the behavioral stuff and also the physical poisoning, in combination. Wiping our brains, sapping wills, etc. They want robot slaves.

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makes me think of that silent film, "Metropolis".. Predictive programming, in the 20s

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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

... and near the end of 'the plan' even the hired guns will be sacrificed... But... but... This is the way it always is with the evil dude(s), once he/they has/have gotten what he/they want(s)...

The reptilians will rule over a toxic world where they are all female [because of the poisons they used to remove man]. The repto's will die out very quickly.

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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

I love that sage fell for the same shit. I’m still here after a few new accounts. Fuck this shit. Explode the stack

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"This was a long long long planned Operation with lots of hired guns."

I just finished The Committee of 300. Can't remember who recommended it on the 'stack, mighta been you, dummy! 😘

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Still working on it. Worthwhile, for sure.

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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

Trust the plan and then trust yourself to pick a nice plot for your burial.

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Pretty much sums up the cult mindset.

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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

“ I’ll probably piss you off soon.” 👀


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In the past week there have been several serious car accidents in my area of rural Maine. Very unusual and disproportionate to the population.

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You need to add HCQ to that IVM OD. Double your fun.

Actually both my wife and I did take HCQ on a regular basis, years before the Scandemic, as we had our boat in various locations where Malaria was prevalent. 2015-2018. We didn’t suffer any ill effects (that we know of) and because we had a supply aboard we took it once a week for about 18 months during the scandemic. She got very sick anyway, I never did. HCQ been around for 60 years and people in areas of the world where Malaria is present have been using it for decades. Africa and India especially. Birth rates in those countries were not falling prior to the scandemic. So based on my own personal experience I’m not convinced that drug was part of the scam. At least at the start.

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I’m not sure why HCQ was chosen to be one of the miracle drugs against Covid. For that matter, I’m not sure why IVM was chosen as I have yet to be convinced about its effects on fertility (though they could be correct, just haven’t seen anything convincing yet). The part of the op where massively high doses of HCQ were given to critically ill patients in ICU’s, and then published in the Lancet and the NEJM was brilliant, though. Got to hand it to Tavistock, they have really good imaginations!

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You live and learn, right? Even though I thought I already knew most of the hoaxes, lies and disinformation, it took me some time to understand that viruses are not the cause of disease. I did what most people do when first confronted with a conspiracy; I asked myself the why question. Now, after reading many books about the subject, I am pretty sure viruses are not the cause of disease and contagion therefore is a lie.

I have also figured out the why; they want less of us and they want us to kill ourselves by making stupid decisions.

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The TDS shit is unforgivable. I was a slow learner and late to the show too— the entire unraveling was slow for me. I started off wearing masks and yelling at people who didn’t (cringe). The messaging around the vaccine woke me up- hit me like a ton of bricks. Which is precisely why I have so little tolerance for the idiots 4 years out. If you’re still TDS , you’ve really lost the plot.

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Oh Sage, you just keep on doing wonderful work for all, even those who don't realize what a hero you are. We love you.

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# 1: There is no one person or individual you can blame it all on or hang it all on as it has become very plain and clear Trump was surrounded with traitors and enemies from the get go, misinformed, misled & sabataged ; # 2: I remember Trump saying early on that they (the Administration) had been requested by many around the country to produce & provide a Vaccine to fight the Covid Virus with & they were working on it, # 3: along the same lines, the President is not there to serve only the people who put him in Office but to serve all the people, & that includes the fools who beleived in Vaccinations & that Vaccinations would save them from an alleged Pandemic sweeping this world, a stark example of which is Bobby Kennedy Jr. who was fully vaxed by his own admission, & his children were also fully vaxed according to the story, as hard as that may be to digest, from a man who has been suing the hell out of the Pharmacuetical Industry for decades ! # 4: All this and more taken into consideration, it is obvious things are never as they seem or appear to be on the surface, & "still waters run deep" "Judge not lest ye be Judged, for the measure that ye mete shall be meted unto you" ! #5: When they said Trump came down with the alleged Covid 19 Virus (some say no virus has ever been isolated just as some said about AIDS) Trump went to the hospital, & when he came out he said he had taken Regeneron, & it worked perfectly ! I also remember Trump saying early on that the Vacines that were being made available Were Not Mandatory, Only Voluntary & no one was required to take them, despite all the hocus pocus of the Fake Media telling everyone or giving everyone the false impression that the so called shots & lock downs were "Mandatory" when I checked on the State of California Government website it clearly stated that the vaccines Were Not Mandatory, Only Voluntary ! & the information provided on the website was only a "guideline" ! The thing that really makes me angry is the fact that Politicians have been protecting Pharmacuetical Corporations since at least Ronald Wilson Reagan, number of his name 666, who was the first to give total immunity to them alleging no one could sue them for damages, which was a Fraud then & is still a Fraud today ! Any body in America can sue Corporations, & no one in the Government has any power under the law to grant immunity from suit, those who purported to grant immunity were bought & paid for, paid off or had black mail hanging over their heads & merely Kow Towed like the weak little cowards they always were ! The big Pharma & other Corporations need to be dismantled taken down disolved & their assets need to be seized to pay for all the damages suffered by people around the world because they wanted to get filthy rich while killing off 90-95 percent of the population of this world, per "Lord Bertrand Russel's Impact of Science on Society" in the 1950's, Club Of Rome & their first 2 publications in early 1970's which were about population control, the Georgia Guide Stones proclaiming a Mandate for less than 500 million people in the world & Memorandum 200, 1973, via Rockefeller Funded, Kissinger & NSA Executed plan for World Genocide, Re: Malthusian Philosophers for Population Reduction ! You should have heard my Exposes on the Joe Baker Show years ago before they banned them within 48 hours of my blowing the lid off of the greatest political scandal in the history of the USA ! Oh well, "shit happens", as forrest Gump used to say ! LoL ! It is all a very bad joke, given in bad taste !

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I nearly spat out my tea laughing when I got to the "I am bamboozled" article and the first line "Okay, I just tried watching another Sabrina video"... god damn is she incoherent!

I can't tell if she's just a poor communicator with some type of *tism that corrupts the message she is trying to convey somewhere between her brain and her mouth, or if she suffers from the same affliction as one of those raving homeless guys you see in big cities ranting about the end is nigh and is just spewing nonsense, or if she's C.O. deliberately bamboozling people to lead us down long and winding pointless rabbit holes.

I have added that article to my reading list for the week and I look forward to find out what your thoughts were on Sabrina.

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I think she is def. on to something.

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She’s as real as it gets. ❤️ her.

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I have been leaning that way. And if that is the case I wish she would write a coherent script for her presentations and get other people to review it first so it can make sense to me.

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That pretty much goes for every STEM that I've been plowing through for three plus years now.

I just try super hard to get the basics and then you are basically done.

She laid out a point that Dick Cheney wanted his fake heart disconnected from the wireless networks to avoid it getting hacked.


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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

I remember when that info came out.

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Maybe it’s not monkeying with accessing our bodies, but rather is researching how our bodies access the information field/life energy.

Think of it this way….what if we are just antennae? That is our body/mind is a physical receptor of an energetic plane/dimension? So we literally “interface” with that energy field.

Consider how a radio or even a tv presents “reality” by way of a show or presentation of sound or images based on being a receiver of energy waves.

What if our body is simply like the radio or tv….receiving input and then putting out a story/consciousness/reality based on the feed of energy we engage in…..good, bad, indifferent.

Now consider if the tech overlords think they can “perfect” humanity by accessing us as terminals from which to gather data relative to outcomes based on our perceptions or how we translate the flow of energy.

I think they are trying to better understand “energy” and how it works….and that includes rethinking how we perceive time, space and ‘dimensions.’

Notice how they are fixating on concepts like misinformation and disinformation? Are they trying to control what we think or are they trying to eliminate from the energy feed/field certain components that they think stand in the way of advancing their agenda towards a singularity or perfecting humanity.

So ironically…..kind of like DEI is a research tool on how to eliminate the wide variety of life experiences that create many different realities (good and bad)….the first step in actually stripping us of our differences is to understand how and why those differences manifest. Of course, they would have you think it is about eliminating injustices, inequity and cultivating tolerance.

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There's also the old understanding that the bones and skull are crystalline...naturally designed to be receivers, transmitters, sensors of the subtle worlds, etc. It's all hinted at in remarks like the body being the temple. Like the African Dogon people who were aware of Sirius long before western man. Not new...just new to us. The self-described overlords are trying to hack the info for their own ends. They lack legitimate access to 'the mysteries' if that's how you like to describe the knowledge. Religion keeps getting in the way of direct knowledge... Science struggles with its ego involvement to claim supremacy. These are less mysteries than the equipment we are given....

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“Dick Cheney wanted his fake heart disconnected from the wireless networks to avoid it getting hacked”


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Sure, but most body-sensor biotech research articles reiterate that finding a non-corruptible interface is still one of the most critical hurdles. Another one is the microwave heating of implantables in the EMF/RF environment. They are still very much babbling about MAC addresses in 2022 here. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/364975149_Wireless_Body_Area_Sensor_Networks_Survey_of_MAC_and_Routing_Protocols_for_Patient_Monitoring_under_IEEE_802154_and_IEEE_802156

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nonvaxer420 channel on Rumble has almost everything Sabrina has put out. If her video presentations are distracting for whatever reason, look for something titled "biofield pdf"...it's 30 pages created by Sabrina & associates.

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The odyssey channel you linked to is wiped.

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nonvaxer420 channel on Rumble has almost everything Sabrina has put out. Subscribe/follow and you'll get email notification as new things drop. Most of the other nonvaxer420 posts are straight technical stuff regarding IEEE & ITU publications and proceedings. If her video presentations are distracting for whatever reason, look for something titled "biofield pdf"...it's 30 pages created by Sabrina & associates.

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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

I think if you go read her diary of her life it gives you the insight to realize she is a very very wounded person with issues and that she is also onto something. She has a tough row to hoe. I wouldn’t want to be in her shoes. I think the only place to see her stuff is her website. One of her last videos says what it is. I just discovered her a couple weeks back. I wanted to share her with a friend then said no I think she’s crazy, then I hear stuff that makes sense. There are all types in the world and all types that will see things for what they are. People want to latch onto people or something to believe in. I think that is why some people haven’t played along. Some people just don’t do that as much. We started out weirder than everyone else already! 😆 when I’ve “been myself” on dr yeadons telegram people there have made fun of me. The people in charge. It doesn’t seem like most of the world can handle anything outside of the little box they live in. If you can experience things outside their box they don’t want to hear about it. For a person that can travel between the boxes observing them, that’s my take. I think we are like shattered pieces of a whole. All these fragments and until we can come together on something it will continue to be this way. We are divided on just about every issue that exists. I once saw someone’s near death story that said none of get out until all of us get out. It comes to my mind a lot. Well for one thing “get out of what?” But also I think…well I could go on for a couple hours so I’ll just push send

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like Guanyin, the Chinese goddess of mercy...she had a choice to leave or stay until all make it.

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Me thinks she's highly intelligent, she preaches from the text books to edgumacate the peeps on the incredible new technology in all it's wonderfuk glory.

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Yea, intrigued, but can’t get around that she was flapping around hand-drawn scribbles and flowcharts when she’s a high-end computer genius. As you say, something is off. Now finally she’s progressed to screen shares etc, which is more believable.

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Sep 17Liked by Sage Hana

High IQ people be highly passionate about their work, or anything that they’re interested in. Unfiltered genius.

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Yes, but explosive passion occurs in other mental states as well.

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Edited to *can be*

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