Promo Code: The Grapes of Maui
In 2020, a Rogue Super-Antigen circled the Earth.
“Everyone is dying of breathlessness…the ICUs are filling. They’re all on ventilators and they die slowly. They’re on for weeks.”
(:51 video)
The Rogue Virus spread the world.
Murdering people.
Filling up freezer trucks full of dead bodies.
“I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Donald Trump.
Nor have we, Dad!
The ICU’s were exploding.
The Rogue Virus respected not age nor race nor gender.
Let’s check in with some of those hospitals now.
Looks dire.
I hope that we had the United States Military running point on the Operation.
“Essentially it’s a matter of national defense. Being able to handle an epidemic disease. People are taking this very seriously.”
Do your part for national defense and don’t wave your clothes around, please.
(:53 video)
You might be sick and not know you are sick.
(1:49 video)
Do me a favor, team.
Please mask up. Don’t be cavalier about this Super-Antigen.
Don’t get cocky.
"The fact that the maximal exhaled viral load of infected persons occurs before the development of actual symptoms should concern all who might come into close indoor proximity with maskless presymptomatic 'super spreaders'."
Pierre Kory, USA Today, July 1, 2020
Seeing a lot of renewed mask usage in 2025.
This is good. You just don’t know when the Rogue Virus is lurking.
Could be in your airline cabin right now.
Vicious Variants.
Virulent Vicious Variants.
Manufacture and logistics can prevent the carnage from the Front Lines!
The Rogue Virus understandably made Frontline (War-Talk) Doctors emotional.
Oh, the humanity.
(:47 video)
Some arrived on the frontlines after the surge but were able to warn Ron Johnson and Homeland Security all the same.
Jokes on you, Rogue Virus.
I had ten shots of mRNA.
AND I’m triple mega-dosing prophylactic IVM.
Why not both? Is my motto.
(:31 video)
Be gone, Dangerous Germs!
Look at this adorable mug.
My doctor said it was right for me!
The room is hugging me.
My chest hurts and brain fuzzy…
Did you know that Donald J. Trump was saved from a terrorist’s bullet?
God did that.
Do you really think that God would save Donald J. Trump if Donald J. Trump had steered you wrong with the *vaccines*?
Why would God do that?
Answer: He wouldn’t.
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Hear Ye. Geert has spoken again! You know what I really like about this guy, he always speaks in terms that everyone can understand.
….a declining number of acute reinfections….attributed to buffering effect exerted by migratory dendritic cells (DCs) patrolling the upper respiratory tract. … lectin receptors strongly interact with viral sugars on surface of highly infectious circulating variants …’parked’ on
DCs instead of internalized into susceptible epithelial cells which explains the decline in the rate of productive viral infection….you laypeople and scientists are under the mistaken impression that the pandemic is waning, but NO!! It will Never End, suckers! (OK, I paraphrased the ending-lol).
You might be sick but not know you're sick...yep the invisible pandemic!