Hear Ye. Geert has spoken again! You know what I really like about this guy, he always speaks in terms that everyone can understand.
….a declining number of acute reinfections….attributed to buffering effect exerted by migratory dendritic cells (DCs) patrolling the upper respiratory tract. … lectin receptors strongly interact with viral sugars on surface of highly infectious circulating variants …’parked’ on
DCs instead of internalized into susceptible epithelial cells which explains the decline in the rate of productive viral infection….you laypeople and scientists are under the mistaken impression that the pandemic is waning, but NO!! It will Never End, suckers! (OK, I paraphrased the ending-lol).
Thus spoketh Zarabosche: Y'all goin' to shit with the new Ahriman variant while I brew my Mountain Dew and build my empire of liquid CNS depressors for cuckolds!
(free translation from the original Avestan language)
Thank god for the ventilators which allowed all of the doctors & nurses to get in some dancing & keep fit. Healthcare system? Just look at how many of them are overweight.
Many years ago when working in a new city, I went to a doctor that I was recommended by one of the locals I worked with, to get a second opinion on something I was 90% sure I had.
Went to the doctors office, he was not in that day so it was suggested that I see the other doctor in the surgery.
I walked into the quacks office & was confronted by Jedda the Hutt who asked me how I was.
I replied "obviously better than you", I then turned on my heel & left as there is no way that someone who looked like that could give me health advice.
It turned out that what I thought I had was correct & after three days of herbs it was cured.
That is why I disagree when I read that these “dances” are done by hired professional dancers. As if they would be overweight like many in this lot. That is another psyop. As in “ they are still working away.” These “dance” routines take hours of practice. Yes that is how “busy”they were! And why these comments about how you don’t see actual nurses doctors etc dancing but professionals.
Just like alison mcdowell warned about kennedy and precision medicine
Now the disconnect I saw makes total sense---Kennedy on video saying this is the apocalypse at some point during covid (early on) warning about what was coming, yet during Zoom call w/G. Edward Griffing and CAFItts and others, he seemed totally disinterested, like he had better things to do, his kid in background seemed like living his life totally not concerned about the end of the world as we know it- maybe b/c they are privileged and not a part of this??/
I was really shocked by Melania's get up at the inauguration-seemed like stark contrast from the soft light blue look from the first time, and her strange hat hanging so low over her face was really bizarre and kind of gave off dark creepy vibes, thought the whole family looked like they were attending a funeral.
her whole look really gave me an ominous feeling as in, yup, I'm right, they're ushering in the NWO slave grid end of human freedom.
Of course MAGA/Q tards notice, but then say she's trying to avoid the evil gaze of the deep staters. Fell upon comment section of dailymail, and they were surprisingly raving about her classy look (so I guess I'm just crazy for getting dark vibes--but those comments kind of creeped me out even more b/c my general sense was that comment section of daily mail usually against Trump)
lots of weird shit in this, but bottom line, at minimum, I'm suspicious of Trumpstein being in 66th floor, and demon Jared buying 666 property
thought this was interesting "On the day Trump allowed the Nunes memo to be published—in a blatant attempt to smear the FBI and destroy public confidence in the bureau's integrity—the stock market dropped 666 points"---okay 1st, FBI totally corrupt/dirty as day is long, but interesting that stock market dropped 666 points--obviously the demons did that on purpose. wtf all to make it look like 3rd temple trump is against the "deep state"(Rothschild banking empire)
creepy-I'm not religious, so no clue why they are all in black, but it looks creepy
forgot to add, I'm not a movie buff, so barely remember the Omen/Damien movies.
Have had general sense of everything they are doing for symbolic purposes--maybe to make those bat shit insane rabbis think prophesy is coming true.
I've even wondered about Trump's hair color--he used to be a sort of light brownish color, then it switched to whatever color it is now. I even wonder if that's about something---things have just been so weird. Like the obvious fake assassination with right ear getting "pierced" fulfilling another Jew prophesy. Seems like symbolism all over the place, but over our heads. Eric Trump flashing masonic hand signs at RNC (ZOP convention), again at inauguration until wife nudged him about being too obvious, possible Masonic handshake between Trump and Jr.
And Jr out there playacting over "deep state" blocking Tulsi BS--I'm convinced that the idea of the ZOG US putting her on some sort of fly watch list was just more theater for the dumbed down masses- esp, maga tards and q tards. Everywhere nothing but theater to fool the sheep.
nice title. Machine Head. Eraserhead. wonder if Lynch ever regretted playing along. Heard he outed 911 before his sudden passing. Makes me think of Kubrick.
Been wondering about him. Saw a clip of him from a Free Mason lodge recently and then just threw him in with “the rest” disappointedly…I mean his ideas were so interesting and out there I’d hoped he wasn’t one of them. Are you saying he may have been on to things?
yeah he was a cipher. I had long ago concluded (perhaps unfairly) no one could create the profoundly informed occult narratives he has done unless they were “read in”. His narratives were seemingly very consistently Masonic (proxy Judaic occult driven) Kabbalah/ Gematria/Sigil ‘craft’/ Moloch/Baal worship ‘elemental’ summoning (demonology)/ sorcery etc but, he surprised me in the end he seemed to be going into a more honest open questioning of things- just before his somewhat sudden and unexpected end. It is possible of course that he was some sort of mystical contrarian- enlightened gnostic pagan like the obscure but extremely learned John Lash
Yes, I thought of eraser head too:) I feel very connected to Lynch thru my son, who had many 'experiences' with him. I think David saw something of himself in Damian's creativity and work ethic:) when he passed, it affected my son deeply. I told him that If Anyone could, David would be influencing our world for the goode from the etherworld:) but here's a post my son wrote:
Oh!!! Baccine Head:) machine head is one of my all time favorite songs:) looking back, it's all so surreallll. Dem nurses got all that extra time to dance. With patients dying in ventilator beds. And whole wings of reg and surgical units shut down. Wat else causes breathlessness? Radiation, poison? Someone messing with your metabolic oxygen uptake? And Koree. Repeatedly 'splainin' why he wasn't in ny during the 'surge'. Oh no, he just came in to' supervise'his 'old' ICU when the 56 yr old men were dying, dying, dying on the ventilator beds. No thought of, "Hey, I've heard ivm works. (Literally documented in a dod paper on cvd. ) or hearing of other Dr's success. Now he's promoting ivm like a mf. He was part of the whole planning of how it went down. Then, on to.World Tours. Such an actor.
And nurse Erin. Only nurses and military waking the streets, and filling up hotels. Dint even know where they're going. Quiet and drained. Some know what's going on, many are zombies, feeling fear, and the full force of military subservience. Some suspecting Op's.
And the cherry on the cake, pre-symtomatic super-spreaders. Viva the VVV!!! Lol. Modeling can prevent the carnage from the Front Lines!
Love your blasts on the keyboard:) must feel so goode.
All pandemics of any kind are fake. How many fake pandemics has there been over the last 200 years? Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands? All these deadly pandemics mind you have never been controlled or stopped by any big pharma vaccine or mRNA injection. Yet, humanity still flourishes as these fake pandemics have the power to kill virtually no one.
Wait, a bunch of nurses dancing clumsily in lockstep can't possibly be a metaphor of the Covid narrative and horrible hospital protocols during the last five years.
Hear Ye. Geert has spoken again! You know what I really like about this guy, he always speaks in terms that everyone can understand.
….a declining number of acute reinfections….attributed to buffering effect exerted by migratory dendritic cells (DCs) patrolling the upper respiratory tract. … lectin receptors strongly interact with viral sugars on surface of highly infectious circulating variants …’parked’ on
DCs instead of internalized into susceptible epithelial cells which explains the decline in the rate of productive viral infection….you laypeople and scientists are under the mistaken impression that the pandemic is waning, but NO!! It will Never End, suckers! (OK, I paraphrased the ending-lol).
Thus spoketh Zarabosche: Y'all goin' to shit with the new Ahriman variant while I brew my Mountain Dew and build my empire of liquid CNS depressors for cuckolds!
(free translation from the original Avestan language)
What part of that don’t you understand?
You might be sick but not know you're sick...yep the invisible pandemic!
You could be an invisible hypochondriac and not even know it.😷😫
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
"asimptomatic spread!!"
Thank god for the ventilators which allowed all of the doctors & nurses to get in some dancing & keep fit. Healthcare system? Just look at how many of them are overweight.
Many years ago when working in a new city, I went to a doctor that I was recommended by one of the locals I worked with, to get a second opinion on something I was 90% sure I had.
Went to the doctors office, he was not in that day so it was suggested that I see the other doctor in the surgery.
I walked into the quacks office & was confronted by Jedda the Hutt who asked me how I was.
I replied "obviously better than you", I then turned on my heel & left as there is no way that someone who looked like that could give me health advice.
It turned out that what I thought I had was correct & after three days of herbs it was cured.
Just can't have faith in that system.
That is why I disagree when I read that these “dances” are done by hired professional dancers. As if they would be overweight like many in this lot. That is another psyop. As in “ they are still working away.” These “dance” routines take hours of practice. Yes that is how “busy”they were! And why these comments about how you don’t see actual nurses doctors etc dancing but professionals.
" hope everyone can call this out, whichever part of the government is behind it (more likely all of it)"
"government docs from 2002 reveal plan to alter evolution with nanotechnology"
totally believe this--just did deep dive yesterday and today, this technology is very far along- in scientific journals, etc.
As I’ve been saying, Precision Medicine goes back to Obama, but is now going to be launched in full force under MAHA!
Here’s a document from the Obama White House archives discussing the bio-digital convergence under the guise of precision medicine. https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/bioecon-%28%23%20023SUPP%29%20NSF-NBIC.pdf
Just like alison mcdowell warned about kennedy and precision medicine
Now the disconnect I saw makes total sense---Kennedy on video saying this is the apocalypse at some point during covid (early on) warning about what was coming, yet during Zoom call w/G. Edward Griffing and CAFItts and others, he seemed totally disinterested, like he had better things to do, his kid in background seemed like living his life totally not concerned about the end of the world as we know it- maybe b/c they are privileged and not a part of this??/
just another fwiw comment-
I was really shocked by Melania's get up at the inauguration-seemed like stark contrast from the soft light blue look from the first time, and her strange hat hanging so low over her face was really bizarre and kind of gave off dark creepy vibes, thought the whole family looked like they were attending a funeral.
her whole look really gave me an ominous feeling as in, yup, I'm right, they're ushering in the NWO slave grid end of human freedom.
Of course MAGA/Q tards notice, but then say she's trying to avoid the evil gaze of the deep staters. Fell upon comment section of dailymail, and they were surprisingly raving about her classy look (so I guess I'm just crazy for getting dark vibes--but those comments kind of creeped me out even more b/c my general sense was that comment section of daily mail usually against Trump)
Also saw a commenter who compared her look to a character from The Omen--those damian movies. Mrs. Blaylock https://swisscows.com/en/images?query=the+omen+mrs+baylock
Then saw others saying there were lots of comparisons between Trump and Omen/Damian
Found this:
lots of weird shit in this, but bottom line, at minimum, I'm suspicious of Trumpstein being in 66th floor, and demon Jared buying 666 property
thought this was interesting "On the day Trump allowed the Nunes memo to be published—in a blatant attempt to smear the FBI and destroy public confidence in the bureau's integrity—the stock market dropped 666 points"---okay 1st, FBI totally corrupt/dirty as day is long, but interesting that stock market dropped 666 points--obviously the demons did that on purpose. wtf all to make it look like 3rd temple trump is against the "deep state"(Rothschild banking empire)
creepy-I'm not religious, so no clue why they are all in black, but it looks creepy
forgot to add, I'm not a movie buff, so barely remember the Omen/Damien movies.
Have had general sense of everything they are doing for symbolic purposes--maybe to make those bat shit insane rabbis think prophesy is coming true.
I've even wondered about Trump's hair color--he used to be a sort of light brownish color, then it switched to whatever color it is now. I even wonder if that's about something---things have just been so weird. Like the obvious fake assassination with right ear getting "pierced" fulfilling another Jew prophesy. Seems like symbolism all over the place, but over our heads. Eric Trump flashing masonic hand signs at RNC (ZOP convention), again at inauguration until wife nudged him about being too obvious, possible Masonic handshake between Trump and Jr.
And Jr out there playacting over "deep state" blocking Tulsi BS--I'm convinced that the idea of the ZOG US putting her on some sort of fly watch list was just more theater for the dumbed down masses- esp, maga tards and q tards. Everywhere nothing but theater to fool the sheep.
"Seeing a lot of renewed mask usage in 2025."
Hmmm. Maybe they all's just having a bad mouth day.
nice title. Machine Head. Eraserhead. wonder if Lynch ever regretted playing along. Heard he outed 911 before his sudden passing. Makes me think of Kubrick.
Been wondering about him. Saw a clip of him from a Free Mason lodge recently and then just threw him in with “the rest” disappointedly…I mean his ideas were so interesting and out there I’d hoped he wasn’t one of them. Are you saying he may have been on to things?
So, Twink Peaks was a documentary, like the Matrix and like Truman's show?
yeah he was a cipher. I had long ago concluded (perhaps unfairly) no one could create the profoundly informed occult narratives he has done unless they were “read in”. His narratives were seemingly very consistently Masonic (proxy Judaic occult driven) Kabbalah/ Gematria/Sigil ‘craft’/ Moloch/Baal worship ‘elemental’ summoning (demonology)/ sorcery etc but, he surprised me in the end he seemed to be going into a more honest open questioning of things- just before his somewhat sudden and unexpected end. It is possible of course that he was some sort of mystical contrarian- enlightened gnostic pagan like the obscure but extremely learned John Lash
Yeah, he practiced and taught about meditation too. I do think he was a rebel within the occult. Like let's jes see wat this is
all about lol. And then using that knowledge to change things. I bet he's up there doing what he can:)
Yes, I thought of eraser head too:) I feel very connected to Lynch thru my son, who had many 'experiences' with him. I think David saw something of himself in Damian's creativity and work ethic:) when he passed, it affected my son deeply. I told him that If Anyone could, David would be influencing our world for the goode from the etherworld:) but here's a post my son wrote:
Oh!!! Baccine Head:) machine head is one of my all time favorite songs:) looking back, it's all so surreallll. Dem nurses got all that extra time to dance. With patients dying in ventilator beds. And whole wings of reg and surgical units shut down. Wat else causes breathlessness? Radiation, poison? Someone messing with your metabolic oxygen uptake? And Koree. Repeatedly 'splainin' why he wasn't in ny during the 'surge'. Oh no, he just came in to' supervise'his 'old' ICU when the 56 yr old men were dying, dying, dying on the ventilator beds. No thought of, "Hey, I've heard ivm works. (Literally documented in a dod paper on cvd. ) or hearing of other Dr's success. Now he's promoting ivm like a mf. He was part of the whole planning of how it went down. Then, on to.World Tours. Such an actor.
And nurse Erin. Only nurses and military waking the streets, and filling up hotels. Dint even know where they're going. Quiet and drained. Some know what's going on, many are zombies, feeling fear, and the full force of military subservience. Some suspecting Op's.
And the cherry on the cake, pre-symtomatic super-spreaders. Viva the VVV!!! Lol. Modeling can prevent the carnage from the Front Lines!
Love your blasts on the keyboard:) must feel so goode.
All pandemics of any kind are fake. How many fake pandemics has there been over the last 200 years? Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands? All these deadly pandemics mind you have never been controlled or stopped by any big pharma vaccine or mRNA injection. Yet, humanity still flourishes as these fake pandemics have the power to kill virtually no one.
Wait, a bunch of nurses dancing clumsily in lockstep can't possibly be a metaphor of the Covid narrative and horrible hospital protocols during the last five years.
Or a repeat of the 2012 olympics?
Makes me shudder but that is exactly what comes into my mind too.
I'm asymptomatic. But I am extremely dangerous all the time.
I really don't know how these people keep a straight face sayimg some of these things. They're good, really good.
It is often best NOT to wear a uniform unless one is boarding a military plane or MAC flight.
Rockwell’s “Somebody’s Watching Me” ☝🏻
I plan to be thrown clear.
Norovirus vaccine coming to save us from the rare shits. The backcountry campers are being prepped for the global outbreak.
this ahole probly got the placebo
that way he can hop around extolling the virtues of getting the 'safe & effective' and saving grandma from certain death