
Did you hear that hilarious, "Was that a plane?" piping in ostensibly from the newsroom floor?

Just some news professional in the morning show newsroom who lost their mind and started yelling on live TV.

😅😅😅 🎬

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“Was that a plane?”

Was that a missile?

Was that a brown person being flown in at terminal velocity?

Say it with me now: “Consent Of The Governed”

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The Stripe snafu might have been a test run...

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The newscasters were not good actors really didn’t sound particularly surprised. Thank you Sage for posting that video and your stack -packed with good content!

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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

Totally agree- newscasters weren't good actors. Seemed scripted.

9/11 truther documentary, September Clues, looked at the media fakery angle. Apparently, a number of the people who called into the main news stations were family members of employees. And when you looked on a map of NYC and where they were calling from it didn't seem possible that they could have seen anything.

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Thank you for sharing the documentary!

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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

you don't understand. newscasters are chosen because they are a thousand times less realistic than brad pitt. *BUT* they are a thousand times more realistic than what's happening at your local Hess Station. so... you see.... they could sound like anything. they could sound bored. it doesn't matter. you'll believe what they said during their broadcast regardless of anything else other than "i have to believe or i implicate my own government or GOD FORBID ISRAEL"

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These bots are insufferable. I miss the army shills, sitting around in the computer lab, with their combats boots and fatigues on, spewing racist propaganda for $300 a week and free dental. I don't think the army does that anymore. Maybe they all just stay on 4chan now. Or they could be part of the 5000% increase in military morbidity since the mandates, ...or who needs shills when you've got bots.

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The bots are highly effective at melting the brains of less internet sophisticated detectives.

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“Who needs shills when you’ve got bots”

And here we are 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯

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Sep 11·edited Sep 13Liked by Sage Hana

- LOL "Amazing Thought Leader"

-Creepy, Sounds so ...


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"While Jill and I were in Maui, we were approached by some amazing thought leaders on the island, by the names of Andrew Aken, Edward Dowd, Thomas Lewis and Barry O'Keefe. These men came to us with a document they had written entitled “The Malone Doctrine”. This doctrine, regarding integrity in organizations is fundamentally important."

Bob Malone



Naomi and Brock Pierce the Richie Rich who brought the TRUSTED THOUGHT LEADERS of Cole, Kory, and Malone out to Puerto Rico also touts his thought leadership. 😅

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☝️ see they have their own shibboleths that reveal their station in life.

The now-scrubbed CHD Brussels blurb had a similar phrase.

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When you say “Brussels”… I hear “muscles”.

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I hear EU US State Dep. NGO

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Barry O'keefe? And I just can't say this enough: Fuck you Malone!

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“On the island”


What are the actual odds??!???!?

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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

Yeah, like the nose cone of the plane is gonna be intact coming out the other side. And that Explosion at the same time! Such "planning". And bldg 7, Pull It!" like they already had explosives in place to bring it down. Uh.....next indicated question please.

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"pull it" was going to be another in my series but ran out of time...coming up meebbeeee...gotta move on and do some other stuff about right now.

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I told you that my debit card was hacked awhile back. When I got my new card, I tried to resub to your stack but I just noticed that the payment never came out of my account. I never even thought to check until this post, but I am indeed listed as unsubscribed. I'll try again tomorrow and report back.

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::bangs head on ground::

This is ridiculous. 🤬

Thank you.

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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

Sage, I got this response to a comment I posted on another substack in 2022….

- eI gato maIo replied to your comment on america has become a divided society.

Leave a text I’ve got something beneficial to share with you ㈩𝟏𝟕𝟖𝟔𝟔𝟑𝟐𝟑𝟓𝟐𝟕 -

It’s the same number as your bot on Crispy Miller comment! I dug mine up just now cuz it looked familiar. Just wild!

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Yeah that is a bot, data-mining or grifting bot.

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Sep 12Liked by Sage Hana

I call it Peter - after Peter Thiel.

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😅 That's the dude that sat on his fee-fees for a long time before using Hulk Hogan (seeing a pattern)'s sex tape to sue Gawker out of business for outing him as gay.

Unpack that sentence!

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WoW... I'm so sorry, SH...

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A plane-shaped hole in a steel exoskeleton high-rise. Right. I had to explain Newton's third law to someone suffering from severe cognitive dissonance so I thought I'd write it out for future reference;


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fwiw-great audio here on central banking cartel and what got us into the mess we're in now. Goes over history of economics/finance, central bankers, debt based monetary system, how they took over economics only talk about debt-based money, all the wars, etc. Apparently toward the end they are going to talk about solutions):


new writer for me, found this guy during covid, totally agree with him here:


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Hold up.... look closely at 0:08 and 0:09 frames. Looks like what could be the 2nd [object that hits] closing in through the smokey sky. ? (Not that that means it wasn't a drone or a plane flown remotely or any of the other theories about what hit the Twin Towers. Just that I think I see something there in the sky.)

Also, this is the FIRST (and what does that tell you...?) reconstructive video I've seen that ties the plane-hitting-the-Pentagon theory to actual photos on the ground. This is the only thing I've seen in 20+ years that makes me question my previous assumption that what hit the Pentagon was a missile. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVDdjLQkUV8&t=12s

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Sounds like the trained photographer in the top media market in the country from a picturesque wide shot looking through a lens didn't see a rapidly emerging plane and then abruptly zoomed in rather than slowly so as to see not the building on fire but the building not on fire three times zoom to the exact point where the plane flew through the building and then something went to black.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Author

Strangely the Naudet Bros. who just HAPPENED TO BE AT CHURCH ST. FILMING A FIREFIGHTER DOCUMENTARY managed to shoot the *edit first plane event (?) far more cleanly, rather than the Market #1 Top Shelf Chopper Photog who utterly failed to cover the second plane screaming in to strike Tower #2.

Find the plane. *(hear it coming)

Follow it directly into the building.


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1. I think I see a dark speck where you said. Here is the problem. Let's assume that is in fact a rapidly arriving plane. a.)They should have heard it. b.) The photographer should have PANNED TO THE PLANE AND FOLLOWED IT. Not ZOOMED THREE TIMES into the DIRECT SPOT WHERE THE EXPLOSION MAGICALLY HAPPENED.

2. Surely there was clearer video of this act from the pentagon's cameras...one of the most secured and monitored buildings in the world. But animations are great. Great for viruses and immune system stories as well.

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1. the photog was in a helicopter far from the site so i doubt he/she could've heard anything. i think an equally persuasive assumption for the reason the zooming happened was because they assumed all the "action" had happened and were trying to get the best shot of the burning building from the prescribed distance.

also, if that speck in the sky is indeed ANYTHING (it totally might not be) it appears to be approaching from about 1pm on the dial... so... almost opposite from the viewer's perspective. that would make it seem - especially in a cloud of smoke - to have rapidly appeared out of nowhere if it was approaching almost directly head on at ~500mph and almost nearly impossible to hear (given speed of sound).

2. I've seen elsewhere that there are something like 80 photos and other evidence being withheld from public view by the DOD/Feds on Pentagon incident and people keep - legitimately - asking WTF for??! I mean, maybe I could see withholding that in the months immediately after to try to honor victims or preserve confidentiality while investigating, but NOW?! There's no good reason to not just completely drop trow' from the govt's perspective unless you're hiding something. So...we agree.

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Thank you for these insights. I will consider them carefully.

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Just saw this. I don't believe anything in photos anymore, but I don't think I'd actually seen this one before now. Also... the testimony of James Woods at the time about the "dry run" a week prior on the same Boston to LA flight is pretty compelling of something... at the very least, that our govt. was in on it, but also, that maybe... these hired nutsos actually were practicing for something. I dunno.


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New details are emerging!

*24 years later as we come off another Giant Psy Op and we still need to make sure that nobody tracks this back to Israel! 🥳

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Strangely I have the very same problem with any sort of tax or utility payment at the moment.... 😁

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Wait up! I'm still trying to make the connection to ERIK DAMMIT. Is he related to DAMMIT JANET? https://debra152.substack.com/p/the-1st-church-of-bob

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Sometimes I just write in a character.

::looks away uncomfortably:::

Deb as normie as I try to make this joint it just ain't gonna be accessible as some forms of music say go to zeeee back of the brain. 🎹🎼

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just in jest... a dammit janet to go with your erik dammit

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