Donald Trump partnered with Moderna/NIH on January 13, 2020 to create the jabs, per Ivanka.

(made possible from EO 13887 which he signed in Sept. 2019)



A full two months before NYC spike which he promoted with the "freezer trucks" speech.

So already in January, immediately after China releases a computer sequence, it's on. Jabs on the way.

Bob has a book out in February. And has Covid. Which he treats with famotidine.

Finally, in March the dead bodies pile up. (or do they?)

245% increase but only in NYC.

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Ivanka was ... a hooker ... before she married Trump?

I suspect she prefers the term 'call girl' It's kinda almost respectable...

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well the shots got her in the end...

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Oh? Excellent!

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M Fast looks up from her nail polishing and corrects me 'It's Melania Dahling... Ivanka is the previous one'

I stand corrected. She surely was a call girl

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Aug 3, 2023
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She's dead???? I cancelled my subscriptions to the celeb mags so I missed that!!!

How sad

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Ivana. Ivanka is their daughter.

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Not true. Lies ! Try a top fashion model ! She had strict moral compass, standards even in the industry due to her upbringing ! That’s why he dated , respected & married her!

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A hero must face trials and tribulations in order to be a hero. And the deplorables won't follow anyone who is not their hero into hell.

But hell is surely where the Trump of Hamelin will lead them.

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Maybe it’s an op too. I don’t know why they would hate trump so much. The vax, the cares act wealth transfer, he backed Monsanto, tax breaks. He’s anti war.. they love war.

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Bullshit. He also reinvaded Syria for "our oil" and kept troops in Iraq when the people there said get out.

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Not a fan. This was a while ago. Crazy deep state hates trump psyop. It’s all part of the plan

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whom ar u telling about?

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💥 Very sharp insights, Potan R.

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Hilarioso that Potan R comment(s?) deleted

Fits the narrative .. ..!*÷*!. ..

You can like it, but you can't have it

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The "pandemic" was the psyop cover for a global financial bailout based on a paper Blackrock presented to the Federal Reserve in mid-2019 that said some sort of crisis would be needed to "go direct". Similar to how the neo-cons that wrote American Century said in order to morally justify invading 7 middle eastern countries there would need to be a new Pearl Harbour type event. https://www.thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-self-fulfilling-prophecy-systemic-collapse-and-pandemic-simulation/

Fabio Vighi at The Philosophical Salon is pure gold on exposing why the pandemic was actually rolled out and why it happened when it did.

The question is given this is the likely reason for the pandemic why is nobody even talking about it, is virtually all covid dissent manufactured controlled opposition? The other question is did all our leaders get notice that this was about to occur and that it was necessary to follow the script in "lock-step" to avoid mass rebellion and runaway hyperinflation from the money printing, (which would have occurred if the masses realised it was all about bailing out the global ponzi scheme of big western finance)?

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"The question is given this is the likely reason for the pandemic why is nobody even talking about it, is virtually all covid dissent manufactured controlled opposition? "



Indeed. Why is NOBODY talking about this?

Good Lord.

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I was watching the moves in interest rates out of pure curiosity in late 2019 because the economy looked like it was tanking and they had no where to go with interest rates. The rates were effectively already at zero so they would have to come up with something pretty creative to get out out of the mess, they were talking up the economy but it was plain to see (for me at least) they were bullshitting and I wanted to see what sort of rabbit they were going to pull out of their hat. Then along comes a conveniently timed pandemic and I thought “that was was a pretty good trick, didn’t see that one coming”. I have no proof, and don’t know enough about it to say anything concrete. It could just be a coincidence and like you say nobody is talking about it.

There are some that have talked about it, your favorite mk-ultra math boy has and a few others as well. He notes the melt down in the bond market (or something like that), I’m not a finance guy but I was watching interest rates closely at the time and it looked a little bit too convenient to dismiss as just a coincidence.

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I save stuff:

“The global economy was facing the worst collapse since the second world war as coronavirus began to strike in March, well before the height of the crisis, according to the latest Brookings-FT tracking index. “The index comes as the IMF prepares to hold virtual spring meetings this week, when it will release forecasts showing the deepest contraction for the global economy since the 1930s great depression. https://archive.ph/UUfl2

Collapse Imminent: https://thephilosophicalsalon.com/a-self-fulfilling-prophecy-systemic-collapse-and-pandemic-simulation/

The Illusion of Stability, the Inevitability of Collapse http://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/2021/09/the-illusion-of-stability-inevitability.html

Fed is sharply increasing the amount of help it is providing to the financial system https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/23/fed-repo-overnight-operations-level-to-increase-to-120-billion.html Banks did not trust each other - similar situation when Lehman collapsed

The Everything Crisis - THE ANATOMY OF A SUPER-BUST

Posted on March 13, 2023

Even the most cursory glance at economic and financial history will reveal a litany of bubbles and booms, crashes and crises. We’ve seen numerous instances of speculative manias, real estate bubbles, market collapses and banking crises. Even the dot-com bubble of 1995-2000 wasn’t really ‘a first’, since there’s at least one previous instance – the Railway Mania of the 1840s – of the public being blinded to reality by the glittering allure of the latest vogue in technology.

You’d be wrong, though, if you concluded that “there’s nothing new under the Sun” about what we’re experiencing now. The coming crunch – for which the best shorthand term might be ‘the everything crisis’ – sets new precedents in at least two ways.


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I haven’t looked too deeply into it. Thanks for the links. Even to my untrained eye it was pretty obvious that something was not right. I remember the dot com bubble, the company I worked for at the time lost a shit tonne of money when all the “start ups” went belly up and couldn’t pay their invoices for the gear we supplied and installed. 2019 looked like it was going to be worse in my opinion. We also made a shit tonne of money for nothing on the Y2K “scare”. Swings and round-a-bouts I guess.

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Just a heads-up: Christopher Clugston has his third and final book, "Industrialism, our commitment to impermanence" coming out. If it's half the book that either "Blip" or "Scarcity" is, it will be hugely important, largely unread, and ignored by even the most decent folk. Elephant, there's no elephant. NNR depletion is the cause of petro-industrial collapse. We're in it; it's ugly heading for uglier; and it ain't ever going to go away.

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It's out https://www.amazon.com/Industrialism-Commitment-Impermanence-Christopher-Clugston/dp/1958889652

But no on Audible (I like to watch -- but with books I like to listen... tough to read and drive at the same time)

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So, what is Fast Eddy’s personal survival plan?

Gold, bitcoin, sacks of potatoes?

Or simply a one way ticket to Ecuador?

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Initially I went the doomie prep route... wasted lots of $$$ on that ... before realizing ... it's futile... I was remote/rural -- but most of my neighbours were not aiming for self sufficiency. And they'd be paying me a visit looking to be fed....

Then I realized - neither was I. I irrigated (pump - electricity) I bought stuff at the hardware store -- I'd be f789ed if something as simple as a valve broke.

Then I read some books on pioneers in North America - they were often on the verge of starvation - and they KNEW how to live off the land....

Just staying alive would be brutally hard... it's not like being a gentleman farmer and selling produce to at the market on Sundays... no siree... not like that at all.

And there would be no coffee... a deal breaker... rather die.

And last but not least -- I learned about the ponds...

There are 4000 Spent Fuel Ponds Around the Globe…

If you don’t cool the spent fuel, the temperature will rise and there may be a swift chain reaction that leads to spontaneous combustion–an explosion and fire of the spent fuel assemblies. Such a scenario would emit radioactive particles into the atmosphere. Pick your poison. Fresh fuel is hotter and more radioactive, but is only one fuel assembly. A pool of spent fuel will have dozens of assemblies.

One report from Sankei News said that there are over 700 fuel assemblies stored in one pool at Fukushima. If they all caught fire, radioactive particles—including those lasting for as long as a decade—would be released into the air and eventually contaminate the land or, worse, be inhaled by people. “To me, the spent fuel is scarier. All those spent fuel assemblies are still extremely radioactive,” Dalnoki-Veress says.

It has been known for more than two decades that, in case of a loss of water in the pool, convective air cooling would be relatively ineffective in such a “dense-packed” pool. Spent fuel recently discharged from a reactor could heat up relatively rapidly to temperatures at which the zircaloy fuel cladding could catch fire and the fuel’s volatile fission product, including 30-year half-life Cs, would be released. The fire could well spread to older spent fuel. The long-term land-contamination consequences of such an event could be significantly worse than those from Chernobyl.


Japan’s chief cabinet secretary called it “the devil’s scenario.” Two weeks after the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami devastated the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, causing three nuclear reactors to melt down and release radioactive plumes, officials were bracing for even worse. They feared that spent fuel stored in pools in the reactor halls would catch fire and send radioactive smoke across a much wider swath of eastern Japan, including Tokyo.


The Chernobyl accident was relatively minor, involved no spent fuel ponds, and was controlled by pouring cement onto the reactor. This was breaking down so a few years back they re-entombed.

Estimates of the cancer burden in Europe from radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl accident


I came to my senses and abandoned all that nonsense years ago ... but I can see how this might keep someone sane ... every can of beans they add to the stockpile gets the endorphins moving ...

It's kinda like buying a Tesla and believing you are saving the world.

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Here is the best, accessible to non-specialists - that I have read:

".... lockdowns had to be imposed because financial markets were collapsing. ...."


Also: paging Allen, paging Allen!

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Read Prof Michel Chossudovski's free ebook on globalresearch.ca entitled Covid Global Coup D'Etat. He is economist.

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Nobody important, Sage. We're just little people on a boutique Substack. 😁

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"It was the DOD! You need to listen to Sasha Latypova!"


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Nobody talks about this either ... I guess they fixed it?

Shale binge has spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.

Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.

What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.

Some key points from this Financial Times article: https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/

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See the work of Professor Anthony R. Ingraffea Dwight C. Baum Professor of Engineering Cornell. If anything has changed he would know. Also his prep plan is the best I have seen so far.

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We are!🤗

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I've been talking about this for 3 plus years. There were four main reasons the virus was released when it was. ! They wanted TRUMP OUT. Who is "they". It's China. US Deep State. Neocons., 2) Financial, 3) they were losing control of the populations (remember the riots in HK in 2019? China couldn't stop it until the CHinese Army was sent in. and 4) The virus made lockdowns possible which made it much easier too cheat in the elections (I proved Trump won already. Watch this starting at 12 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7m1m1yL_qo&t=2572s

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They needed Trump to launch Warpspeed, lest the Magas think it was some kind of evil communist conspiracy to kill them.

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Yes exactly. Reported by Catherine Fitts. Going direct from Jackson Hole meeting.

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Thanks for linking that Fabio Vighi piece. Solid read.

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I started my red pill journey looking for all the bodies.. when they didn’t exist the pill kicked in... they knew it too, hence the Midizolam and Remdevismir cullings

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I'd like your point of view on this quote:

“I can’t believe any suggestion that health care providers systematically began to practice euthanasia or homicide in the early pandemic. Or that the policies were formed with a primary intent to cause excess death in care homes. I just can’t do it. And won’t, because if I do, then the world is lost to me.”

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That's precisely what they did.

But none of this comes from a standing start. They have been putting people on DNRs and 'the Liverpool care pathway' and prescribing people clearly dangerous and ineffective drugs for decades.

Also: see AIDS.

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Yep that’s what they did

Treatment protocols…

Medicine has died

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Pierre Kory.

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My mate is being treated by Kory ... he doesn't generally get into the diabolical part of this - I assume cuz most people he treats believe the Rat Juice is still a good idea (they just got unlucky)...

Anyway my mate mentioned something that gave away his hand and Kory responds with - oh - I see - you get it.

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speaking as a health care professional still working... one learns to speak in code and pick up whether or not one's patient has even half an eye open. Comes down to wanting to maintain your license so you can still help people (motivation for most of us) and earn a living. And sacrificing myself as a heretic isn't going to help those people whom I am able to help (and honestly, most are wide awake).

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My mate had to join as an honorary member of an Indian tribe to be treated by Kory... I assume he's registered as some sort of shaman with the tribe therefore able to treat members (has he lost his license?) The treatment is pricey.

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Dr Kory is a good mechanic.

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Sorry Dead People!

Sorry you got murdered and smothered in the hospitals! Just Dolts Botching Shit.

Mistakes were made.

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Also, people got murdered in hospitals.

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Are you saying Kory said?

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Medicine and science died a long time ago. Hospitals and nursing homes are killing fields. Medical malpractice and neglect is one of the leading causes of death in the nation. 99.80% of the deaths in NYC during the "covid me-too freakout" were from medical malpractice and neglect in hospitals and nursing homes. Thank you mass murderer Cuomo.

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Isn't iatrogenocide the third leading cause of US deaths?

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No - It’s #1 by a wide margin!

They just refuse to count it as such.

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Probably number one by now.

Patient heal thyself?

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I wish people would just adjust their world view....yes the world as you thought it was is lost forever, but put on your big boy pants for crissake and GROW.

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Yes, people can't live in that world so they refuse to believe what their eyes see and their brains (must) know. You watch the the twin towers (and bldg 7) fall into their footprint. Obvious controlled demolition. No no it was jet fuel! But bldg 7 wasn't hit by a plane... cricket s....and so much more. I have 2 brilliant relatives an architect and an engineer...want/need to believe the official story. THEIR government would never harm US citizens!!SAME with C19....are you trying to say my doctor/CDC/FDA/WHO/hospital ad/school/local government/federal government would recommend (or mandate) me to take something that might HARM me?? Well, yes I am

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I always liked that all videos save one crappy one was all we got to see at the Pentagon.

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Who said that?

Forgive me for butting into this exchange, but this article may interest you both; Wade Frazier's "The Medical Racket" https://ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm.. About 120 pages in hard copy, published long before the Fraudemic, none-the-less it is... illuminating..

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Pierre Kory.



This is known as Dolts Botching Shit in these parts.

"Mistakes were made."

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How/why did Dr Kory get to testify before Congress, very early on? That, to me, was kinda fishy.

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Thanks, SH. I could be wrong (often am) but I think Kory went before Congress before the jabs were even rolled out, like sometime in late 2020. Pre-Puerto Rico? If so, perhaps that was part of his initiation to the team, I guess. If not, I guess he got spun up in P.R.!

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You're going to have to believe it. In the 1920s the American Eugenics Society proposed sterilization of a million women. Hitler did 30,000 as I recall and the Society was distraught that he was outdoing us.

Read the trial paper at NEJM signed off by Fauci on the use of Remdesivir aka Velkury in the Ebola trials. Fauci knew that kidneys when they get debilitated then push fluids into lungs. Giliad Sciences at Foster City California made the product and to my understanding allowed others to make the drug for the Fauci protocol. He knew, he damn well knew and that's why the taxpayer money is used for his protective service, otherwise he'd be cancelled by now but he knows where all the proverbial bodies are buried. He also was well acquainted with the misuse of PCR as you can ascertain by looking at the study carefully. There was for example to my knowledge, no follow up on the trial group that were "tested" for Ebola.

I despise that evil gnome.

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That was Pierre Kory that said that. Quoting Kory.


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"I have sympathy for any STEM trying to parse garbage manipulated data."

The Australian birth record data is really, really, garbage and media runs interference. States report ALL births (including stillbirths). Federal reports LIVE births. The federal data has not been updated since 2021.

Media reports STATE DATA 'everything is fine, there is a baby boom.' (could be dead babies)

Meanwhile...I'm still waiting for them to update December 2021...Nov. 2021 is final and there is a very large drop. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/smoking-gun-data-for-covid-vaccine

Commenters swarm "look at this, look at this, look at this."

No. I am waiting for the government to update live births you fucking idiots. It's August 2023. Where is it?

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About 5 months ago the local hospital had a covid ward for new born and mother of said new born. Explains why they're holding back eh, it's going to wreck their false narrative.

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Next release is due 18/10/2023 (data for 2022). Which is about 1 year after the last one, which was about one year after the previous one and so on and so forth. You’d think maybe they would expedite the report, given that it’s a so called emergency but it’s just business as usual at the ABS. I agree it doesn’t look like it’s going to be good news based on NSW public hospital data.

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FOI request a breakdown of the data from the States and Territories if they don't generally publish it. They have the data for live and still births.

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I was in NYC at the time. Went to a hospital in the Bronx to see for myself. Lobby was empty, nothing happening. True that everyone was getting sick, my friend who lived in a building with thin walls said that she could hear her neighbors coughing, all sick, but it was like a cold or flu. I got it in Dec 2019 and it was like a bad cold.

The only person I knew with a more serious case was also an avid vaper. Prior to that when I’d talk with her in person, every few minutes she’d pull out a hose and inhale. She didn’t go to the hospital though so she’s still with us.

Maybe some of you saw the viral video of a doctor who was head of an NYC Covid ward who questioned whether ventilation was a valid treatment or too aggressive, and the whistleblower nurses crying about deadly hospital protocols. This was early on.

The pro-Trump Orthodox Jewish community was up in arms and protesting in the streets. Many nursing homes are owned by Orthodox Jews. Community activist Heshy Tislhler interviewed a nursing home owner who said no to Cuomo when he ordered them to take in Covid infected patients. (This was when there were medical tents in Central Park and a medically outfitted cruise ship in the harbor—all empty!)

The nursing home owner said that he went to his rabbi and said “I don’t want to kill my people” and the rabbi said No, no don’t kill your people, don’t do it. Refuse. He did and was the only nursing home in his area with no Covid deaths.

I can’t help but wonder if the residents really did succumb to the disease or if moving in the sick patients was to provide cover for a more sinister operation . There hasn’t been a whistleblower or a full investigation of the nursing home deaths in NYC, which, if I’m not mistaken, were the majority. Tishler vowed to investigate if he was elected but I don’t think he made it.

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They lied about the hospitals being over capacity, to necessitate sending the elderly back to the nursing homes.

It was all choreographed. All done in a way to avoid lawsuits, because that's when some of the truth might leak out [discovery].

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Cuomo is a mass murderer and was only taken out by a little hanky-panky. Such is earthly justice.

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Yes, he got too big for his britches. He even tried to push the mandates and protocols on the Orthodox Jewish Community. Big mistake.

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"Safe" means we refuse to COUNT the number of maimed and killed victims. Therefore, we're going to keep lying and saying it's "rare" which is nothing more than an entirely unsubstantiated marketing slogan that we refer to as "the science."

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LIterally writing a post on this right now and scrolled the comments.

Can I use this?

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These hyper links are intimidating!

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Try this one and take your pick of files to open;-)


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Yes. Very mild deaths. Just like that mostly-peaceful summer of love burning and looting cities.

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In the words of John D Rockerfeller - 'Playerz gonna play homey'

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I have watched that segment twice. The more I watch, the better I understand why it makes no sense. At first you just go "oh yeah epidemic" but after you listen and watch, you start going "this is NOT how epidemics should go".....

Thanks Sage for digging this up. I am gonna watch again....I would love to see her slides....becuase this makes no sense.

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She has a stack too, a lot of this is in this post: www.woodhouse76.com/p/the-covid-death-reckoning?r=r6d2x&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Thank you for the link...just read it.

Cements my growing feeling that Mike Yeadon is correct...there was never a novel


And although something was going around.....it wasn't like they said it was..huge wave of infectivity/death .just something going on under the radar......

.and no reason for lockdown, etc.....I wonder...so many people I know (including myself) were sick in Feb and March...with what I thought was flu and what my friend says was non a non b on her flu test....

Really makes you think, doesn't it?

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My running hypothesis now is there was a novel pathogen of some sort. It was not ‘natural’ and was not as widespread or fatal as many appear to have hoped. Many things were done to try to ‘fix’ the disappointing initial performance, including iatrogenetic, testing and accounting shitfuckery, and eventually adding in the shots.

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Why did the novel pathogen not cause 247% increase in mortality in all venues?


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Because it could have been a coronavirus & people have laready seen many throughout their lives? Because they needed to completely swap out flu to make it look scary? Because the all causes deaths don’t fit at all to the way disease spread should behave? Could be a novel pathogen dropped like a bomb somehow….

Though that said the delayed reporting idea needs to be chased…

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I can believe a non replicating nfectious clone release in Italy, and NYC...I saw the patent held by Baric. wasn't that deadly except if you were old or had comorbidities...selective releases....

I like your interesting take on the "fixes" to the initial disappointing performance....and the jabs had a hell of a lot of shitfuckery ...like not being vaccinated until 2 weeks after....

But I do believe something was going around...a new flu (influenza is pretty changeable year to year, its RNA based so ...) ? An infectious clone? a novel engineered pathogen? I can beleive any or all of them...and I am getting used to the fact we might never know...but all the same, I would like to know. Grateful for all the smart minds who have tussled with what really happened...but Italy, and NYC were definite anomolies....needed at the time to scare the shit out of people...

Do you know, I was terrified of the China virus back in December and even more so in January...knew it was gonna roil the world...but when I got sick in March 2020 IT DIDN"T EVEN OCCUR TO MY PEA BRAIN..that maybe it was the "dreaded virus"....Just went home and took Tamiflu (yeah I know its dangerous).....and it didn't occur to me for about a year afterward it might have been something "else"...

Sometimes I am so synaptically challenged I wonder how I cross streets safely some days...

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You're not the only one with a pea brain, LOL. I had it late '19 and still fell for the hype and worried about 'getting it' until probably mid summer when the dime finally dropped and I went, "Doh!". After that I became a lot less obedient when it came to shit like masking and going the wrong way down the supermarket aisle.

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Don't remind me about the supermarket lanes....they enraged me for some reason....people GLARING at you like you just killed a puppy....or turning around and GLARING at you in line because you were 5 ft 9 inches away....

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I cloned the spreadsheet I built for SARS 1, tracked it day by day, fitting exponentials… We were searching for masks right after New Years, and there exactly NONE anywhere. Welcome to dumbass island! 🫤🫏🏝️

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Watched half so far last night!

Right “Did they actually die at that time”. Hadn’t thought about the argument that the distribution is of reported date rather than death date. Which could explain this as a bookkeeping artifact, and then it could be made consistent with the rest of the world as a harder hit pathogen effect. Need to get a hold of death certs of those people and go full John Beaudoin on on it.

But have seen bookkeeping artifacts in VAERS, and they showed up as one day or repeating weekly spikes, not a smeared distribution like this. One thing I do know though, from an epidemic modeling standpoint, you can’t get a natural death curve like this unless you somehow simultaneously infect like half the population all at once.

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She does a good job of merging STEM and ART brain.

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I do hope she gets the death certificates (seems like we need a new law in NY) and then she will be able to figure out what happened....bookkeeping artifact or release of a toxin....?

And I'd love to know what the non covid deaths resulted from during that short time period...if not an artifact....

Bet 10 bucks it wasn't pneumonia or ILI.

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To answer Jessica Hocket's questions (which were rhetorical, of course... Jessica knows this)... The deaths didn't build up normally because COVID-19 didn't cause very many deaths; hardly any, actually (see my derivation that 60,000 deaths occurred in 2020, 2021, and 2022 COMBINED (three very mild flu seasons); NOT the 1.150 million deaths Johns Hopkins claimed (Everyone please get the 5 installments of "SANCTIONED: The COVID Murders" when it comes out. ALL of this is in there.

The Peaks on JJ Couey's screen behind him are due to the hospital death protocols with ventilators, primarily. Just listen to Dr. Kory: "My ICU was full of COVID patients and they were all on ventilators and they all died!" The TREATMENT killed almost all of the patients during Covid, not the virus. It was too mild.

To Sage lamenting not being a statistics jock and missing the "odds" calculations... You are plenty smart enough to understand it, Sage. That being said, I find the stats-trained also make mistakes with it and draw the wrong conclusions. Better to just go to the smartest people you can find to get the right answers.

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Hey thanks for weighing in, and I just want to wish you good health, Dr. Reid. 🙌

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Thank you Sage. Long Road ahead. I found out yesterday I will need at least one more operation before all the chemo and radiation. I will be able to continue my writing during this time, though, so all is not lost. But I'll probably have to put Operation Kids on ice at the end of this trip to Cambodia I'm leaving for in two days to get 8 promised surgeries done before the next surgery which I'll get done back in Florida. in July.

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I'm not the most spiritual critter, but I shall pray for you, Dr. Reid.

Thank you for being a bro and hanging out even when I've been a complete asshole to you.

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I forgive you, Sage. Don't give it another thought

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Why? Cuz they want to smash all your bases and KIL KIL CIL my landord

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It's true. The hospitals murdered people with Covid. I witnessed it myself. They tried to kill my 38 y/o daughter. If it weren't for my 37 years of experience as an RN they might have gotten away with it. But I was a step ahead of them . Anyone unvaccinated was a sitting duck. A nurse told her, "I bet you wish you had gotten the vaccine now, huh? Then your son wouldn't have to grow up without a mother". That's when we both knew they were going to kill her. They had been lying to her about her labs, her oxygen levels, telling her she was sicker than she really was. I found this out because she gave me her password to her MyChart account and I looked up her labs and charting. The doctor wrote a false diagnosis of sepsis with nothing to back it up and then didn't even order any treatment for it. It was just so he would have a secondary diagnosis for the death certificate. I got her out of there AMA and brought her home. She was fine. I know a lady who's only daughter was 7 months pregnant with her 1st grandchild and she wasn't so lucky. They murdered her and her baby. The poor lady can barely function and it's been 2 years. These people who participated in this have to be brought to justice.

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God, I wish oh wish true, that ingrate-killin' Granny, would drive to Vegas, or some other venue, in her fine fine golden Cadu, & run the tables thru.

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Like myself, it's good to keep hammering at what has gone on.

This, is not over. The con is not over. Thanks Sage

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Thanks for diving into this. It jives with why there weren't enough patients to use that $21M research grant to test famotidine. I've been wondering what the numbers were and where they all went. This definitely points to a chemical attack, not biological.

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Tereza dive into those Northwell Bob/Callahan trials. People were being carted out in body bags, per Webb.

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Someone on the frontline, at an ER in NYC, must have figured out that they were killing people with the protocols such as ventilators. Where is their substack? Why have we not seen a huge uptick in ER doc death? Did they just go along to get along? Are they just stupid? Is every ER doc a sociopath?

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I think they just go along.

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The ones I know all have quite a bit of their identity tied up in being " The Authority" with all the respect and other ego food that goes along with it. The pay is also a factor , maybe the callous disregard they gained from just NORMAL process in that setting contributed to the robotic response , the real panic I observed in them for their own personal safety was concerning to me.

I finally asked my retired nurse administrator friend if she herself had ever read ANYTHING past nursing school that wasn't required for CEUs . She paused for a few , then " no".

When I told her about the intravenous vitamin c being allowed to go forward for treating sepsis , she matter of fact my told me it would never come to market.

I asked " even if it saves people ? You mean they will kill people rather than allow it ?" Her answer " Do you have any idea how much we make on TREATING sepsis ?"

This was just before COVID.

Yes they do. And they MUST maintain the lie in their head that we are all whackos , because it couldn't possibly be THEM .

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All of them? Really makes me want to go to the doctor for this hang nail...

I wonder if there is an increase in suicide for medical personnel? some must have souls that are suffering since they participated in democide.

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"All" and "none" are usually false binaries.

Most of them.

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Yeah, that's why I think we'll see an uptick in suicide. Unless, they really are all dancing heartless bastards.

You have a great day sage, this old man has to go sit through 4 straight hours of meetings on why construction is behind schedule.

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Perhaps down the road . I don't see it in those around me at all. As I said above I don't know any in my family or friends that have even a single clue , they WILL NOT read anything that contradicts what they push. It's cultlike indeed.

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Aug 3, 2023
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Yes. Great memory. I wonder why the MSM didn't pick up on that?

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