Joe Biden Preemptively Pardoning The Real Anthony Fauci is the Ritual Humiliation Treat for those who were swallowing the Hopium Flavor Ade
You got played, Hammers in the Warehouse. Have some Doritos and watch some footbawwwwwwwwwww now
I knew right here about Bobby.
Almost two years ago.
My how time flies in Mass Murder World.
It is dawning on mainstream figures like Anthony Fauci that their Covid policies were a public health disaster. Lots of us are angry about the mandates, the lockdowns, the censorship, the insanity. But we need to avoid the toxic quagmire of retribution and blame and focus on ensuring this never happens again. Clean up the regulatory agencies, get corporate money out of public health, and guarantee free, open, uncensored public and scientific discourse
At the time, I wrote.
Covid policies were a disaster. Dolts Botching Shit. A disaster, I tell you! Disasters are giant accidents. Mishaps. Not intentional. Also it’s Covid policies, not Covid itself, see we can’t talk about that because that came out of the DOD/DARPA live exercises and that’s off limits. Basically we had a crazy rogue virus mishap and then some bad policies. Sorry. We’ll do better.
Lots of us are angry and stuff. About the lockdowns and censorship and “insanity”. Here comes the Kumbaya, Calm the Marks.
Let’s avoid the toxic quagmire of retribution for the DOD and WEF choosing to murder you and your kids and your family with bioweapons and REMDESIVIR AND VENTILATOR DEATH PROTOCOLS. Now Kumbaya it out, bitches. Hug it out.
Clean up the regulatory agencies. Oh. Right. Clean up on Genocide Aisle Four. Can I get a mop?
Guarantee free and open discourse, and if you don’t like it, my boy Malone will sue you for $25m.
"Corporate money", conspicuously absent DOD MONSTER CONTRACTS for herd culling injections. Did Pfizer do those lockdowns? Did Pfizer do the censorship?
I’m not even mad. Frankly I’m amazed at how much utter bullshit a politician can pack into one tweet.
Now I know where this bullshit talking point came from:
Calm down, victims.
I am not on Military Psy Op but I believe that if you are and if you go to that tweet and follow the thread that Bobby goes on to backtrack and say IF SOMEONE COMMITTED A CRIME, I’LL DIRECT MY AG TO PROSECUTE AND BLAH BLAH BLAH CALM THE MARKS BLAH BLAH BLAH.
Crimes are determined by legalese and the Prep Act makes the crimes not a crime.
Anthony Fauci is not exactly wrong here.
Fauci did not commit a crime any more than Pfizer did or Donald J. Trump did or the United States Pentagon did or the hospitalist and doctors and drugstore workers who shoved the Cancer Shots in zeeee bodies did.
The Whole of Government. And this means the Whole of the World.
A few people tried to tell you.
Rah-freaking-rah, the hammers shouted.
Right up until the trail led to their Fee-Feee Space avatars for FWEEEEEDDDDOOOOMMMM.
Liability shields are a helluva drug.
Crimes are determined by the laws that are written and the whims and urges of those who fund and write them.
For example, back in the quaint old daze of Gitmo and Black Sites of Torture, Nancy Pelosi, Gang of Eight, made it abundantly clear that George W. Bush would not be impeached for anything to do with Iraq or Torture. Off the table.
The International Criminal Court wants to enforce war crime laws on the supposed international books?
Pound sand, says The United States of America.
We likey Israel. Suck it, haters.
Mass Depopulation Murder is legal in the United States of America.
It just has to be done properly with the appropriate Dolts Botching Shit factory of pre-written excuses.
Them’s the rules.
See it was a matter of national security.
The Rogue Virus was coming, see? It was on the soles of your shoes. Alive. Lurking.
Why be Big Mad at Anthony Fauci?
Anthony Fauci was just trying to save the world from the Rogue Virus!
Same as the Donald J. Trump.
It was a war! (On you.)
Sure, some mistakes were made.
Let’s move forwards and focus on the new variants of the fake science.
Plus we got a new guy who was on board in the wings. Selling that Threat Matrix like a boss with the solutions on board to protect the elderly and by protect them I mean murder them the old fashioned way with shots in arms and then with drugs and vents in hospitals separated from their families to die alone.
As a Good Bean Counter must.
It was the Military, NO it was the public health agencies!
No, it was Pfizer!
It was that baddy Fauci! Bad FAUCI!
Good Trumpie.
How else are you going to murder tens of millions with impunity?
When the STATE is the MURDERER, nobody is going down for doing their job and saving the planet from the useless eaters clogging up the Medicare rolls and Social Security recipients and doing their part to ensure “global sustainability.”
The Prep Act and the pardon system ensure that you understand that YOU are expendable and worse, that YOU are a clown to be mocked as you are murdered as you grab your bag of Doritos and plop down and watch that Fox News and watch Rand Paul yell at Anthony Fauci and watch the CPAC dipshits cheer the Pfizer whistleblower 2.0 and cheer Bobby Kennedy for writing the most Pacification and Control book to make sure you know who the baddy is and do not track this up the chain.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is 100% balls deep in this Cull as is Donald J. Trump.
And as long as they can keep the populace divided along pretend lines and not see what stays the same and how it stays the same, the culling will continue until morale improves.
Bobby told you right away the play.
You just didn’t want to hear him, maybe?
The Real Anthony Fauci was perhaps the most preemptive audacious Pacification and Control Operation run on the public since We Can Fight Them Over There So We Don’t Have To Fight Them Over Here.
The Real Anthony Fauci joins Ron Johnson Bullshit Nothing Burger Hearings 1-??? to make YOU feel like something was hebbening.
Narrator: Nothing was fucking hebbening.
What was hebbening is the Owners of the World used their Mall Cop United States to cull the herd of the world’s useless eaters under false and long planned pretenses of a staged pandemic.
Every step of the way I pointed out the duality of the messaging niche marketed to your Brain Vector.
The ending to the movie was written before the curtain went up.
The Theater Troupe did their jobs.
Played their roles.
Does it hurt inside?
Did you think they were done?
They ain’t done.
Watch out for those Froot Loops, y’all.
I don't think we should be mandating Froot Loops unless we positively know for certain that Red Dye #3 has been 100% eliminated.
SashaL wrote yd
"Breaking: Biden just pardoned Anthony Fauci and Mark Milley! Why did they need a pardon under Trump admin? Trump loves pandemics and Operation Warp Speed, and awarded Fauci and Milley (and Jared Kushner, of course) medals, remember? "
President Trump Awards Presidential Commendations to Operation Warp Speed Team , Issued on: January 19, 2021 :