May 24·edited May 24Liked by Sage Hana

"Henry Kissinger's Depopulation list of Nations is Suspiciously Similar to Merck and Gates's Ivermectin "Donation" program list of Nations"


Hanna red that one yet, but thatz some SERIOUS dot connection, if accurate.



The evil, poison toad.

No disrespect to the virtuous dead.

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Promo Code: Tim Truth

It's not identical, but it does have much overlap and the time frame is simply too coincidental. Robert McNamara just happens to take a great interest in River Blindness right as Kissinger is advising Nixon to murder the world.

(And just after the Day Tapes said...WE NEED TO MURDER THE WORLD.)

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May 25·edited May 25

I need to take up hunting.

The Ivermectin Trap looks more and more like a pit, full of sharpened bamboo stakes, slathered in water-buffalo dung.

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Just trying to figure out what it does. Over time and dosing.

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The Third World *donations*/low sperm count co-relation seems logical, from a

* WIFFEM/whats-in-it-for-me?* perspective.

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WHY do the "Brits" *hate* the Irish so venomously?

And *why* does the Tribe *hate* the Schwartzes without cessation?

Without carrying the Bible "under our arm" for 3500 years, would

"the Schwartzes" still be 2nd class citizens after all that time??

Because.I.said so.

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May 24Liked by Sage Hana

Saw somewhere today (can’t find it but it’s on Spookepedia) that the Brits in 1939 killed 400,000 pet dogs and cats (on recommendation of the govt) because of the threat of food shortages. Petmectin hadn’t been discovered yet I guess.

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May 24Liked by Sage Hana

I worked with a woman who put down her three cats back in late 2021, after she was vaxxed, because she was worried that her cats were going to kill her with covid. Kill or be killed, I guess.

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Maybe she was sufficiently frightened by Pierre Kory's testimony in Ron Johnson Sell the War #1 to act accordingly.

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May 24Liked by Sage Hana

Pretty much. She told me she whacked her kitties to protect herself after she read that cats could catch and transmit covid. I swear to God, she was wearing a mask on our Zoom call. Some people are now broken.

I heard she has a whole new pride of cats running around her house now. I'd be a more the a little scared if I were those little felines...

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There are degrees of brokenness and some broke wide open immediately.

The Op is still live and we have a World Ivermectin Day.

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Wait until they come out with cat flu. They'll kill the lions and tigers and make having pets illegal.

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They vaxxed a whole bunch of zoo animals.

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One of the gorillas at the zoo here died right after being jabbed for covid.

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Yes, now I remember. Horrible, horrible people.

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A vaxxed mind is a dangerous thing.

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Well, she was convinced, as well as being an idiot.

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May 25·edited May 25Liked by Sage Hana


This movie tells that tale - about the British edict mandating euthanizing pets for the greater good.

Glorious 39 had a huge impact on me, if only because my parents and siblings had some similar behavior to the terrifying family portrayed here.

There was some controversy about the WW2 secrets revealed in this film for the first time (2009) supposedly.

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May 25Liked by Sage Hana

PS I feel sad I still can't heart comments! That function never returned for me on this computer - and my other computer sucks.

So, blanket statement here: I LOVE YOU ALL



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I feel the heart. I feel it in the Cloud Brain. ❤️

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May 25Liked by Sage Hana

Cloud Heart!

Oh dear and by the way, I fear the Hair soundtrack may be the blueprint to the current phase of the op.

A LOT of Health Exspirts, Science Exspirts and Tech Exspirts have turned to teaching Quantum Meditation, Quantum Healing and plain ol' Quantum Quantum.

Not sure I'm going to survive the age of aquarius.

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May 25Liked by Sage Hana

Maybe Jesus Christ Superstar.....?

I don't know how to looooOve it,

What to do, how to move it.

My sperm has changed, yes really changed.

I don't know how to take this.

I don't see why it protects or cures or sterilizes me.

It's just a drug. It's just a drug.

And I've had so many drugs before,

In very many ways.........

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Not just you....the 'LIKE' button isn't working for me, either.

AND....ditto to what you've said!

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Sometimes I've had that, but refreshing the page caused the like to appear.

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May 25Liked by Sage Hana

I remembering seeing the torched piles of these poor, sacrificed animals on the news and being rocked to core:


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May 25Liked by Sage Hana

OMG. I forgot about that.....I was in the UK - 2001 - had to dip my feet in something everywhere we went.

Somehow it's a great relief to no longer fear the horror the murdering death men/machine has wrought against innocent life - animals and people. All the indigenous people blatantly mowed down through the ages, all the senseless murder and torture of animals and peoples......

Now I just feel the pure white rage of knowing the fuckers came after me, everyone and everything - open season started 2020.

I still don't get the distinction between democide, genocide and Mass Murder.

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Zach Bush in an interview once said how moving it was to dissect the hand of someone, the exquisite artistry of it.

So, here humans are - intelligently designed so we can then be dropped in a universe rife with torment and extinction. A little perverse to my liking.....

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Zach Bush and his wife make a lot of money.........

he had me mesmerized when I first heard him speak in a video.

Perhaps I shouldn't be such a money bigot! But it's held me in good stead so far - to not enjoy the company or information from most people who have a bunch of money.

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Sage posted his financials awhile ago.

I still enjoy Sage.

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This was a random interview I caught - haven't looked into ZB. He also mentioned that the glyphosate sprayed fields were not only poisoning the soil, but disrupting the CO2 exchange.

If the controllers were really interested in tackling this, they would rein in intensive industrial agriculture instead of drugging bovines to reduce cow farts.

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May 24Liked by Sage Hana


We killed kittens and pulled the wings off flies when we wuz kidz.

Whatchu got?

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Transfected mice?

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Beagles. Tony.

Bring me the beagles.

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May 24Liked by Sage Hana

All I can think of as I try to navigate my granny world and take care of the business of life and house maintenance and the like and becoming increasingly frustrated w/daily human-human interactions is that - according to the statistics I could dig up - approx 80 percent of Amercans have had at least one shot.

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May 24Liked by Sage Hana

Well, look at the bright side. even if that number was true (and since when has the monster told us the truth about ANYTHING), it means 20% percent of the US population have not taken ANY injection.

That's over 60 MILLION PEOPLE who were willing to stand and refuse to comply with the bullshit.

Which, by the way, is why we are all still here, culdesacked on substack still alive and talking about it 4 years later. We are not going to be so easy to kill off.

Just look at how hard they are trying to murder everyone in Gaza. Because, in reality, as SH sez, murdering people is hard. It's taken Israel 7 months to kill not quite 40,000 unarmed defenseless people inside an outdoor prison compound they completely control.

So think about that. You are the monster, and you just want to murder all these stupid Americans who refused to take the poison. You start murdering in earnest, maybe you can sneak around with night raids and local attacks and quickly cut down a million(?) maybe 2 million(?)haha

how long before the rest firm up their resolve? rush to blow up a few cities? blame it on someone else? fake terrorists, EMPs and mass poisonings? Not gonna be so easy, huh. We are wise to your bullshit now. And- at minimum there are 60+ million of us, AND a significant portion of us who refused the jabs are armed. Well armed. And after all that we have been through, we are resolved to stand, or die. Bring it on.

And dont even start with the ridiculous comments about the immigrant armies, or UN chinee nationals that will sweep in to take us all to Fema camps- go ahead, take your 5 million man foreign mercenary army and go up against 60+ million pissed off and armed Americans defending themselves on their own soil and lets take bets on who routs who. Like I said- bring it on.

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They see us in terms of mindless numbers of bodies taking up space. They are defeated when many people start thinking outside the box.

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*Safe and effective*

For the disparate "syndrome" of symptoms, wide ranging from the purported novel virus "isolated" in monkey kidney cells with antibiotics and fetal calf serum added from a computer sequence that China released and immediately plopped into Ivermectin study which kills the virus!

And the funders of said isolation and IVM kills it study are a breast cancer foundation.

And there are massive studies with IVM and Cancer going back back back back...


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May 24Liked by Sage Hana

Oh, yes, forget @ that messup w/the SV40 in the polio vax.

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Medium Octane speculation: The SV40 "discovery" is an Op.

To explain the cancer.


*see: McCullough's insane write up and Elon's tweet.

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Not sure @ the op. But that's the point of an op, isn't it ? "Dr Mary's Monkey (ies ?)" presents a good case for it. Also unsure if there's one simple explanation for cancer - EXCEPT as it may be attributed to mRNA reaction. There are also many other factors, incl heredity, environmental toxins, chemical warfare materials, viruses, psychological mindset - again,the list goes on . . . and on.

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Explain to me how the SV40 was discovered again.

By K-Mac.

The circumstances.

Does he per chance, have any interests or incentives in preserving an mRNA model?

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May 24·edited May 24Liked by Sage Hana

Point taken. More research needed on my end. Oh, Kevin McKeirnan (sp ?) = K-Mac. Was orig referring to the SV40 in the polio vax.

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Only 60% in the UK. Still massive excess death/severe injury.

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May 26·edited May 26

The 70% figure was from a US nat'l govt source (if memory serves). Not a numbers-cruncher, merely a granny & boomer w/disabled spouse. The percentage refers to members of the population of all ages who had rec'd at least 1 shot. Recently heard JJ Couey refer to that group as 60%. Still cannot get a good take on excess deaths/hospitalizations in my city a/o county - BUT I do hear sirens much more frequently than in 2023 . . .

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May 24Liked by Sage Hana

> Maybe DDT does in fact cure polio, too.

If DDT was a cure, and a certain cure to the extent that expensive aircraft flights were sacrificed…

Why not send on-the-ground crews to feed DDT directly to the mouth or nose or wherever needed? Full control, highly efficient dosage, excellent system performance.

Hiding from airborne spread of DDT is quite easy. Hiding from a crew knocking on the door, not so much.

What was really spread? Why?

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May 24Liked by Sage Hana

"Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson was a game-changing book for me in my late teens/early 20s. Earlier on, the polio vax was seen as a "savior" and our parents lined us up for the sugar cube version. The iron lung photos were horrific, and we were told to avoid public swimming pools, etc in order not to catch the dreaded disease. Then, it was the atom bomb, AIDs - well, the list goes on . . .

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May 25Liked by Sage Hana

They do the same thing over and over again. Maybe because we do not learn from this. We are stuck in our love of fears, and they only exploit this one vulnerability. In a weird sense, we feed them.

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May 25·edited May 25Liked by Sage Hana

Sometimes you fell like a nut, sometimes you feel like a horse. According to the wacko woketurds it depends on how you identify. I am beyond happy to not be taking any big pharma drugs and planning to never be taking any big pharma drugs. Who makes Ivermectin? Big pharma. Taking any drugs of any kind is depopulation in drag...meaning that drugs are propagandized to be a health substance with which you cannot survive without.

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May 24Liked by Sage Hana

"After about 12 hours, the first signs start to appear and include fatigue, pain in joints, mutism, and incontinence. Severe disorders of the consciousness start to develop after about a day."

WAIT A MINUTE....doesn't this sound like LONG CAW-VID????????

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Long Radiation.


Long Morgellons

Long Anthrax

Who knows?

Maybe some squalene and some HCQ and some Pepcid AC and some Celebrex and some statins will help.

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May 24Liked by Sage Hana

Hang on...let me contact the THE WELLNESS COMPANY...they know about all things COVID... The Wellness Company is deeply unethical and rips off its customers

In pitching its products, the company engages in viral fearmongering. It does no favors to anyone aligned with a mission that seeks a more rational discourse. https://www.dossier.today/p/the-wellness-company-is-deeply-unethical

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I almost feel like TWC is going to be served up now that their cover is blown.

Like we are all "allowed" to see the false flag of 10/7...with video footage and ex-IDF intelligence on the circuit literally the next day saying....false flag.

Fascinating case study and I watch now looking around the corner.

Schachtel is also the dude who claims to have found Tiffany Dover alive, btw.

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May 25Liked by Sage Hana


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May 25Liked by Sage Hana

Seems he's been very busy then..... 🤔

WTF...why do you always have to ruin my one bit of hope....lol! 😂


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The framing of that post is "Grifters Grifting Shit".

Not "Security State Security Stating Shit"

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😅 Time for my bi-weekly apology, I guess!

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May 25Liked by Sage Hana

No apology needed for me.... 😘

Thank you for opening my eyes....I now can read these articles, as I save them for only receipts, and just laugh out loud!!!

🤡 International Senior Fellow list for FLCCC

Who's that down there on the bottom right? https://jessicar.substack.com/p/international-senior-fellow-list

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Rips off customers and destroys opponents!

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Proper assessment.

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May 25Liked by Sage Hana

Wow - action-packed stack! When reading of the loa loa reax after ivermectin I was reminded of a vid from Dr. Lee Merritt, where she notes that care must be taken when killing parasites because a lot of them have offspring that won't hatch until the parent is killed, whence they all spring to life and can overwhelm the host. And if you kill them all at once you can make yourself sick. Start at 22 https://rumble.com/v1owcgh-parasites-a-new-paradigm.html

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If those worms can live so long in a body, maybe they don't do much? Maybe they are not causing too much harm?

The term "onchocerciasis" should mean only "carrying the onchocerca worms." Why are they so sure those parasites will or may cause blindness?

What if they use the worms as a cover story for the real cause of that type of blindness?

What if they invented that story about IVM causing an upheaval in the worms ecosystem such that they rebel and begin attacking, when they have not attacked in years? What if it is IVM itself what causes the harm that is attributed to the worms?

What security do we have that people do not overdose on IVM? Plenty of reasons to overdose, like the desire to get rid of the parasites as fast as possible. Perhaps due to social stigma. Perhaps other reasons. The fact that people are poor does not mean they are not stupid too.

In wealthy countries, people with depression sometimes overdose on very toxic things that harm their health or even kill them, simply because they don't want to be depressed anymore. That's a stupid behavior. And rich and poor are known to do it.

It's natural that people want to rapidly improve their living conditions. That's a vector for attack. Leading people to self-intoxication is a remarkable form of murder.


On the other hand, consider the people in poor countries who do not overdose and follow the instructions well. Maybe they don't get any harm from IVM. Or maybe the harm they get begins to be noticeable after many years. So time has erased the link between the the weapon and the crime.

I remember four years ago, when experts began defending IVM, they said many times that it was safe in the right dose for the right amount of time. Dose and time. Important variables for pharmacology and racist political programs.

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May 25Liked by Sage Hana

My thought processes are quickly diverging away from all my homies.

I think parasites are the ultimate model. The holy grail of control. Whether in their natural state, tweaked or completely tech based, it is the goal.

I think IVM was demonized for this reason. Now we are taking it across the goal line.

Parasites are fucking creepy.

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If I were a Scorpion, I would probably save some people for real, like letting the mark win in pool sharking.

Then I would tweak the parameters ever so slightly.


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Consider that the Scorpions know how to creep out the marks.

With Radical Muslim Terrorists and Radical Novel Viruses and Radical Bear Meat.

Humbly, you may be right.

Cuomo is on the mectin and Joe Rogan did an emergency podcast to get us on it.

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I agree, they are creepy.

Whatever the reason they are there, it's preferable to not have them.

I think the best in this case is to take a step back and look at the battlefield of this mindwar.

Power needs that people develop a dependent relationship. There can be no cure for anything real, or, if there is, its access has to be controlled. At the same time, it's necessary to make people believe that they are in danger. Both principles can be used to argue against self-medication.

But if there are too many people who are disabled emotionally because of the mass fear campaigns, then Power has overcooked the people. The broken toys are now a liability. Either they are killed or they are allowed to overcome their trauma. But the latter requires the devolution of power. It's not even a choice.

All the microbiome who constantly save us can also be seen as parasitical. It's not us, but they are there. They dare not call it parasites, because they benefit us. I think they are going to restrict all the things that damage the microbiome. That includes antibiotics. They cannot be straightforward and admit a mistake: "we now know most of the chronic diseases that are crippling the economy are caused by toxins, that affect the gut microbiome, we are very sorry about our despicable failure to protect the health of the public, we are now taking steps to neutralize and minimize the toxicity everywhere, and the public needs to adjust to this reality that it's better to not take antibiotics, antiparasitics or anti-anything, and focus on mental health and hygiene."

Instead of telling the truth, they have to continue terrorizing people. OMG, now there are no antibiotics, so many people are gonna die, what are we going to do!, what a catastrophe!

It can be that fear, shame and anxiety cause more damage than bacteria or worms ever did. And they know it. The best prophylaxis would then be to disconnect from politics.

But most published science is wrong. It has to be wrong. There is more money in being wrong. The harmed and disabled people have to be killed to free the State of many economic burdens. Since they are already sentenced to death, the best course of action is to make a huge business out of it.

Then, the collapse.

Or a military invasion.

Or both.

It's necessary that most people are more or less mentally apt before a war starts. If not, there is a risk of total destruction. So, the wartime will not start until most cripples are dead and the psychopaths have lined their pockets really good.

So people may recover health by ignoring the terrorism everywhere, and in recovering health they cause the ruin of the psychopaths and they may make war come sooner. Which in turn may cause the utter destruction of the satanic ruling class.


Yes, parasites are fucking creepy.

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I know there's no point arguing with you - your mind is made up, clearly... But the "adverse events" are unspecified. Now one of the drawbacks of Ivermectin, in treatment of parasites - is that it works - too well. Now you have a dead parasite inside your body, at risk of becoming dislodged. Perhaps that's why Loa Loa are a contraindication for use.

I KNOW that I had whatever was later identified as "Covid-19" in December of 2019. Probably the worst flu-like illness of my life - complete with respiratory distress symptoms, consistent with pneumonia.

I'm in good shape. I survived, but only after about a week of wishing I was dead.

Then in February of 2022 I caught what was likely to have been the Delta version. As soon as I felt the onset of respiratory symptoms - I began taking the recommended amounts of Ivermectin -.3mg/kg of body weight 1× daily, with a fatty meal. Sure enough - within a couple hours I began noticing significant improvement. Now it's true, I had already begun taking Zinc and Vitamin C and D, at the outset, when my symptoms were only a sore throat and runny nose etc. - but that wasn't enough to stop the progression of the symptoms. Adding the IVM had a dramatic and noticable effect. The next morning I was surfing big hollow shorebreak at Seal Beach. In December of 2019, that wouldn't have even been an option. I was a complete wreck, at that time.

I don't see any noticable effect on fertility in Africa, in the IVM dosed countries. Bill Gates abd the WHO had to sneak-sterilize women with "Tetanus" shots. If IVM were so effective at population reduction, why would thar have been needed, at all? "Neurological" symptoms could have many causes.

If you don't want to take IVM - great, it'll keep the prices low. But the stuff flat-out works. When I got what looked to have been Omi-Kraken, ir whatever - I was functional throughout the duration, and better within a week. Why all the hate? There's no requirement that people use it as prophylaxis, or on the regular.... But when you need it - it's good to have on hand. I can attest to positive results, when used as directed, and no adverse effects.

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I'd like to know what is real.

If you like IVM that's fine.

And think what you got in 2019 was a novel coronavirus that waited until April to go off like a bomb of infectiousness and death, that's fine too.

If you want to have a barbecue with Jimmy Dore on World Ivermectin Day and order meds from TWC that's fine too.

I'm gonna keep trying to figure it out. Thanks for reading as always.

Bobby stands with Israel. 👍

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JD's not "perfect" on every issue... Luckily I don't require perfection. When people get things right, I endorse and support their work. And Jimmy is a successful comedian for a reason - he's funny AF...same with Kurp Metzger - who's doing his joke writing, now that Graham and Ron Placone have decided to deep-six their careers, by jumping ship over Covid and the Jabs.

I don't carry any brief for TWC - except to say that offering people medications that may be helpful, seems like a pretty minor sin.

Bobby really managed to alienate a bunch of potential supporters, with his Zionist insanity, myself included. JD tried to get him to discuss or debate with Max Blumenthal. He feigned willingness - but didn't follow through. It's a shame. He was never going to be perfect - but certainly better than Biden and Trump... Now - he's hard to tell apart from the other two.

As for what I had in 2019... Yeah. That had been with us all Summer and Fall that year - it just went misreported and under-reported. "Mysterious Vaping Illness" - still an 'unsolved mystery'. https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2019/07/17/third-person-has-died-after-respiratory-illness-outbreak-greenspring-village-fairfax-officials-say/ it was given a Nursing home test in June or July - and proved effective enough that Sonny Cuomo and Newscum implemented the Operation, less than a year later.

The Chinese don't buy the US BioWeaponized Spook State's story/timeline, either... https://web.archive.org/web/20200713161459/https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/china-state-tv-host-covid-19-came-lab-leak-united-states

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Appreciate you, Pacifica.

"Perfect" is not the framing. You know I used to watch him too. I spent good money to go see him perform in a Red State.

He ain't gonna get you there, but not many people actually want to get there. Period.

It's too ugly back there. Behind that curtain.


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He shows CONSISTENT GROWTH. You'd only know, if you'd been watching consistently.

Every once in a while I send them a "Tip" on where to look, or a slight correction, or whatever, in the Rumble chat - where I'm not banned. I don't have any money to put on it. But I'm often pleasantly surprised to hear my chat posts getting read out as if I'd put some cash behind them.

Does he get things wrong? Sure. All the time... But he's willing to listen - and thar goes a long way with me. I'm pretty sure he's updated his 'takes' since 2023.

And it seems to me that you kinda DO demand perfection. Any little repetition, of the shit that's constantly being thrown around in mainstream - or even alternative media - and you're all over it - as if that's a deliberate effort to propagandize. Not everyone gets everything right, on the first bite at the apple. But you tell the honest actors, because they're willing to learn, and maybe even do better...

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Awesome, thanks for the update on Jimmy Dore.

I can't watch him any more, but good to know. 👍

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I wish I could "like" things on substack right now... It won't let me. Don't think that I wouldn't, if it was possible.

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Drugs are not Sentient Friends.

Drugs have effects on the organisms.

They are not "good" or "bad" as branded as pro wrestling characters.

They may be useful in some doses and combinations against various maladies.

Explain to me how this is any different than the Blue Pill Covidian Mass Formation #1?

A Laser Pointer of hype dangled...and the marks are mesmerized.

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"Good" - to me - means that it WORKS, without any side effects. I've done extensive field testing on two occasions. This one held at 💯.

James Roguski had it up on his now deplatformed website "The Ultimate Guide to Health" - months before I heard anyone else even mention it. Is he 'a plant'? He's been doing solid and thankless organizing work on Covid and Remdesivir and the WHO for an awful long time ... Less of the naval gazing and speculation.

Go ahead. Tell me what's wrong with Jim Roguski. I guess having his ISP destroy years of work spent building his website must have been part of an elaborate plan to establish laser-pointer bona fides, or something.

"You can tell the people who are 'DOING THE WORK', by the scars on their backs."

Michael C. Ruppert (RIP)

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Hey Unibomber...

sometimes my psoas gets super tight. It's annoying.

Think the Merck Sauce will work?

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Psoas? What's the Merck sauce? I'm sorry I haven't followed closely enough, it appears.

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Psoas = hip flexor.

Merck Sauce=Mectizan, aka Ivermectin a Big Pharm drug.

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Merck's patent is expired. ANYONE can make it. India. Mexico. Your local compounding pharmacy.

It was discovered in the 1970's. Billions of people served - no obvious danger signals.

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You should try the fluvoxamine, too.

It also works.

Just ask Kirsch.

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Better than Remdesivir, or the lethal injections - sure. It's HARD TO FOOL a Double Blind RCT. All Fluvoxamine showed was some benefit. I won't be lining up to get a prescription - or slipping across the border to buy it OTC... But I wouldn't waste my time trying to attack it, or Steve Kirsch - simply for looking for repurposed drugs that might have some benefit.

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I once saw Ivermectin helping a homeless person across the street.

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What are the chances you have been "conversing" with a chatbot? Whenever the output contains a rehearsal of their supposed Covid illneses - on to this variant and then this one... there is a tell-tale sameness to the content. But this guy says "... likely to have been the Delta version" why not "variant" ? - that may not be a mistake a bot would make. Let's see if he can respond to the clever turn of phrase here -"helping a homeless person..." [insert laughing emoji] - remember JJ Couey saying the way to defeat a GO-playing bot was to play real dumb?

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That guy sounds like a real asshole.

Wait... You mean that Steve didn't respond to one of HUNDREDS of comments, on one of dozens of posts a month? HOW DARE HE! Way to make a malignant narcissist feel unimportant.

Of course - that wasn't what Kirsch was talking about when offering bets on his data.

Kirsch funded his own trial. I can forgive him, for passing it along, when another study appears to agree with it.

Would I recommend that people take Fluvoxamine? No. No I wouldn't. Where does Steve Kirsch do that? Nowhere that I've seen.

Rather - at a time when the CDC and FDA were claiming that there's NOTHING AVAILABLE, to treat COVID-19 with - he funded several studies that proved they were lying. I guess that no good deed goes unpunished.

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Man you like this Virtue Signaling shit so hard.

You, sir, are going to be easily herded into a tribe at every turn. Fine. Go earn your stripes in the Tribe of your Choice.

I'm going to keep asking the next indicated question and remain apart from the various factions of the Not a Movement.

Hope you have a lovely holiday. 😻

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That's the thing. I'm NOT easily herded into anything. But I don't set so high a bar, that getting anything done is impossible, either.

I FOUNDED 911TruthLA.net - and then walked away from it, just as soon as the CIA hijacked it. I jusr kept doing the work that seemed like needed to be done.

I organized with Occupy, in Venice. I saw a bunch of things that raised concern... But I still organized a MayDay (Four Winds) March on Downtown LA - that successfully shut it down for an afternoon - and wasn't stoppable, by the cops. And yeah - I saw some known spooks from my days at Pacifica, trying to glomb-on... Oh well... They couldn't stop it - so they just had to get in line.

I hope to. Surf is forecast to be meager. But there's a couple of things happening that might be of interest. My friend Carl Boggs is going be presenting about his new book, so there's that.

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If it works, (for ??? a Syndrome of symptoms, a branded "thing") then take it. Excellent.

It may have other effects down the road for other people taking it for OTHER THINGS other than whatever you were taking it for.

Make sense?

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It works for any "corona virus" or flu like illness, clearly. It appears to prevent viral replication, along with preventing inflammation. According to John Campbell - it has 26 different methods of action. Molnupravir and the other one have one, each. And neither shows any benefits that exceed their draw backs - aside from being highly profitable, and perhaps causing strain evolution.

IVM is outside of patents. ANYONE can make it. It costs the WHO just ¢6 a pill.

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Is Jimmy also a new multi-level marketing Pharma Sales Rep with The Wellness Company?

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Not at all. He's paying his mortgage by selling other chachkis, like coffee and air purifiers, and who knows what else. But not the TWC kits, that I've seen.

He's had on Dr. Kory within the last year, I think. Dr. Drew was a guest, too... But he also has on people like Jose Vega - that the system wants blacked-out. He just plugs along. They're not all going to be winners.

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Michael Ruppert had his finger on the pulse ... suicide? Doubt it

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I knew him. It's hard to say. I heard about it, long after the fact.

They had fucked him and his life over in so many ways - I couldn't blame him, if he did...

He was friends with Gary Webb. When Gary died, he went to the scene and investigated...talked to the witnesses... His conclusion was that Gary shot himself, twice, because the first shot was 'a yip'.

He still blamed the Government and LA Times and Sac Bee for killing his friend... Either way, that's how I feel about Mike.

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Ooh are those the Kennedy Brain Worms?

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If only would someone would research and write this up.

So much to get to.

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Oh yeah you mean someone with a substack maybe?

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Someone with a Substack should definitely write up the worms in the brain thing.


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Interestingly kid #2 is making this tonight.


So there may be a deeper connection

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Just don't let anyone put mectinsauce on that sundae. It will kill it all.

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“A person sometimes believes she's seen all the way to the bottom of the well of human stupidity, and a reminder that that well apparently has no bottom is sometimes useful.” from  The Tommyknockers 

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We penetrate ze membranes, you see.

Ze blut brain barrier membranes. Ze epithelial membrane. Ze cells membrane. Ze nucleus membranes.

Scorpions know how to get ze poisons where they want them.

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"This P-glycoprotein angle is what the Scorpions like about IVM, me thinks."


take down the blood brain barrier and sterilize the kids = win-win!

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Still barely scratching the surface on the Merck Sauce.

I keep seeing it studied in reference to another compound.

Synergistic effects.

Bob wanted to study PEPCID AC and CELEBREX for....*Covid, for example.

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synergy is 5g

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Just the opposite side of a coin with pretend value, save this this heads or tails you die.

This is why ring around the psyop cullmaster Rosie with pockets full of poseurs.

Methodology , methodology.

ViroLIEgy isn’t sound!

That’s a jingle everyone know.

Ring around the racket,

Pockets full of fake shit.

Liars, liars strip them of credentials now!

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The worm thing makes total sense if you know that the sniffles solution thing can, allegedly, cause CFJ or Prions so they've got to be ahead of the game to keep 'em nice and distracted and ofcourse slurping the tang or coolaid whatever is the preference of the day to 'save' another day, La Sagesse Sage, you got it, I wish you a lovely day, cheers!

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Thomas Seyfried, PhD. discusses the use of Mebendazole to cure cancer. (video link below) Mebendazole is also a treatment for parasites, like IVM.

This is only in the context of metabolic (not chemo or radiation) therapy for cancer that aims at making mitochondria healthy, and doing the diet and exercise is are key factors. He has done metabolic therapy and biochemical research in these areas for a long time, with other cancers and epilepsy, etc.

Two key features of this metabolic therapy are the inhibition of glucose and glutamine. The ketogenic diet cuts off the glucose in favor of burning fats (ketosis). Diet can also address glutamine in some cases, but not always. Mebendazole is a glutamine inhibitor, (also a glucose inhibitor.) Cancer cells cannot use fats, only glutamine and glucose, so die or go dormant.

The segment of the video where he talks about Mebendazole starts at about 54 minutes. Within that segment he mentions Mebendazole at 1:02. The whole segment is worthwhile IMO, but to just find out about a drug that's used for parasites being used in conjunction with ketogenicis (my word) cancer, you can go to that portion.


One thing to note is that he says nothing about Mebendazole being "the cure" for cancer. It's only within the context he has studied, and the diet and exercise are primary. He basically says you have to know what you are doing, and even when to use it, so timing is important for all of it. Not passing it out like candy or writing books about it. This is a non-chemo treatment.

Another feature of the vid is how many times Seyfried says that the gene cancer model is way off and they should know this by now. Like he can't figure out why they stay stuck on this. (If you listen to the Day tapes, you can figure it out).

I originally posted this in Ivermectin 1, but am moving it to here. And will add some other thoughts later.

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Isn't it strange how the advent of a cancer causing gene technology is rapidly followed by the SOLUTION and that SOLUTION shows up to dangle in front of us!

Like cats with laser pointers.

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He's not advocating for mebendazole, and doesn't always use it. More for keto/exercise, which I've been using for another health problem (not cancer) and it appears to be helping something rather serious, that nothing else did. Only time will tell how well it works. This Keto stuff has been around for a long time, so not sure I'd say it's rapidly showing up.

Otoh, he has been heavily promoted recently on youtube. As has keto. So, something that was already there is showing up rapidly.

I posted the link and review because it's a possible mechanism for IVM: blocking glutamine/glucose. I wouldn't use it by myself even if I had cancer.

Some of what you posted very new and complicated. I'm still trying to understand it. But perhaps glutamine/glucose figures in, I thought.

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Cancer cannot live in an alkaline environment. Up your PH levels to 7.5 is key.

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